View Full Version : Jesus Used Cannibus!

01-09-2006, 01:40 AM
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday January 6, 2003
The Guardian

Jesus was almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.

The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims "There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion," Carl Ruck, professor of classical mythology at Boston University said.>>>snip

"If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient anointing oil _ and receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ," Mr Bennett conclude

Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,869273,00.html#article_continue)


Now we know why it took him till his early-30's to do something.

01-09-2006, 01:45 AM
Heh. Funny how lies sound believable.

01-09-2006, 01:53 AM
The book of genesis explicitely says that god gave man all the animals and plants and seeds of the earth for personal use.

Furthermore, to paraphrase Bill Hicks, isn't outlawing weed and saying that it is bad kinda admitting that God made a mistake?

01-09-2006, 02:11 AM
Isn't it obvious? Jesus used a pharmaceutical kaneh-bosem derivative, and not the natural stuff.

So all is good.

01-09-2006, 08:28 AM
Well, I know one thing. They sure didn't light it up before the Last Supper because they sure wouldn't have been dining on bread and wine.
And nowhere in any depictions of the Last Supper have I scene a bag of Doritos or Cheetos.

01-09-2006, 10:03 AM
Furthermore, to paraphrase Bill Hicks, isn't outlawing weed and saying that it is bad kinda admitting that God made a mistake?

i like that. it makes sense.

01-09-2006, 01:06 PM
And nowhere in any depictions of the Last Supper have I scene a bag of Doritos or Cheetos.

01-09-2006, 03:32 PM
Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Monday January 6, 2003
The Guardian

Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,869273,00.html#article_continue)


Now we know why it took him till his early-30's to do something.

Go smoke your joint. Relax think nice thoughts. Now, go take a leap of
a real high cliff. Boy you do reach.

01-09-2006, 03:35 PM
That would explain why he looks like such a hippie.

Or maybe he had glaucoma.