View Full Version : True Science

01-09-2006, 06:01 PM
I love this kind of stuff, my kind of science.

Military Sensor Hears Through Walls

A new handheld radar scope from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) can provide troops with an ability that was formerly the province of science fictional superheroes alone—the ability to sense through up to 12 inches of concrete whether someone is in the next room.

The Radar Scope is expected to be in use in Iraq by spring of this year, according to DARPA's Edward Baranoski. Weighing just 1.5 pounds, the device is about the size of a telephone handset and will cost about $1,000. Waterproof and rugged, it runs on AA batteries. Held up to a wall, users will be able to sense movements as small as breathing up to fifty feet into the next room.
"It may not change how four-man stacks go into a room (during clearing operations)," Baranoski said. "But as they go into a building, it can help them prioritize what rooms they go into. It will give them an extra degree of knowledge so they know if someone is inside." (From DefenseLink)

Science fiction writers have been working on this idea for generations. Golden age writer E.E. "Doc" Smith wrote about a spy ray in his 1934 novel Triplanetary. DARPA has yet to actually come up with an actual sci-fi life detector like the one that Frank Herbert wrote about in 1958 in his story Cease Fire:
The antennae of the Life Detector atop the OP swept back and forth in a rythmic halfcircle like so many frozen sticks brittle with rime ice...

One operator - drugged to shivering wakefulness - stood watch in the OP. The space around him was barely six feet in diameter, crammed with equipment, gridded screens glowing a pale green with spots that indicated living flesh. (Read more about Frank Herbert's life detector)

Still, the handheld Radar Scope is a remarkable invention, and should make the task of searching buildings at least a bit less dangerous. Read more at DefenseLink.
(This Science Fiction in the News story used with permission from Technovelgy.com - where science meets fiction.)

01-09-2006, 06:05 PM
Pretty damn cool.

I certainly hope it saves lives and assists the soldiers immensely.

01-09-2006, 06:07 PM
this is cool pretty cool as well.. thank God for our allies the Israeli's...

New nanotech armor called
5 times stronger than steel

SPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COM Monday, January 9, 2006
TEL AVIV — An Israeli firm has developed armor based on nanotechnology.

ApNano has tested armor said to be five times stronger than steel and twice as strong as any impact-resistant material used in protective gear.

Last year, a sample of the ApNano material was subjected to tests in which a steel projectile traveling at a speed of up to 1.5 kilometers per second slammed into the material.

Executives said the impact was the equivalent to dropping four diesel locomotives onto an area the size of a human fingernail.
They said the nano-based armor, which stemmed from a new carbon form called Inorganic Fullerenes, withstood the impact.

The company's chief executive officer, Menachem Genut, said the company would launch initial production within the next six months. Genut said this would mean the production of between 100 and 200 kilograms of the nano-material per day.

By 2007, Genut said, ApNano, based in Nes Ziona, Israel, would begin full-scale production of the armor. This would mean the production of several tons per day.

The company began development of the nano-material in 2004.

Genut said the nano-material would require additional field testing before it was ready for the market. He said the first product could be ready by 2009.

Oh, Gee!!
01-09-2006, 06:07 PM
as opposed to being used to snoop on us

01-09-2006, 06:12 PM
only terrorist, murderers, rapist, child molestors, drug lords, crocked politicians, religous and business leaders... need to worry about being snooped on wouldn't you think..? besides when hasn't law enforcement been on the offensive of stopping crime before it happens... ever heard of sting operation......?

01-09-2006, 06:13 PM
That! is also very very cool.

I watched a History channel special on Weapons of the Future. they had tanks in Predator-type camoflage, etc.

Very cool stuff.

On the other hand, how swift and slick death can be.

2 sides of every coin.

Oh, Gee!!
01-09-2006, 06:16 PM
only terrorist, murderers, rapist, child molestors, drug lords, crocked politicians, religous and business leaders... need to worry about being snooped on wouldn't you think..? besides when hasn't law enforcement been on the offensive of stopping crime before it happens... ever heard of sting operation......?

you're right, the government never investigates innocent people. the gov't never oversteps its authority.

01-09-2006, 07:00 PM
"need to worry about being snooped on wouldn't you think."

Assume ALL power will be ABUSED on innocents,
and not only USED on miscreants or suspects.

Rove, Hastert, DeLay, etc would love to have dubya/dickhead snoop emails, telecons, purchases, bank accounts, of Dems running in 2006 elections and of anti-Repub orgs.

I love how you right-wing red-state dumbshits love the govt to have these power and tools when your boyz are in power. Would you be so trustful when the Dems are in poiwer and have these tools to use against your side?

One of you gun lovers/NRA nuts explain how ApNano protects against .45 or 50 cal bullets. How is the kinetic energy dissipated if not into the body of the armor wearer?

ApNano will be so expensive that the dubya/dickhead/Repugs will not pay for it, just like they aren't paying for the current tech armor to cover all the Iraqi forces and vehicules.

01-09-2006, 07:16 PM
as opposed to being used to snoop on us

Better that than blow to hell. Might want to thing of alternatives before
you are so quick to condemn those who want to protect you.

I will take my chances with our present government than those who want
to change it to a dimm-o-craptic type. Think Feinstein and Kennedy or
Robert Bird. Or better still....or never mind. You get my drift. Hand me
another beer, while it still legal.

01-10-2006, 10:27 AM
as opposed to being used to snoop on us

Just learn to whisper in your house OG while you plot your next move in
the forum. I sent Bush an email about you the other day. Watch for
those black helicopters. And if you hear some clicks on your phone, just
ignore them, I sometimes get a little clumsy with the probes. :angel