View Full Version : Duncan's stats are misleading

01-11-2006, 01:34 PM
I saw most of the game (god d*mnit) and I have to say...Duncan's looking pretty weak out there.

His D is like at 75%, he's still in the right places, and his rebounding is mostly there...

But he is letting himself get owned for position and other teams are getting so many offensive rebounds on us this season it's ridiculous. Are they really getting more than in past seasons or is it just my imagination? It seems to me like every team is getting the best of us on the offensive boards.

Also, Correct me if I'm wrong, but Duncan had 6 points at the halftime mark didn't he?
And if we had not been at SBC center and had he not got generous calls, he probably would have ended up with 10 or 12 points TOPS....Props to duncan for knocking down his charity throws, but he is looking in bad shape...

Call me worried.

01-11-2006, 01:41 PM
the stats are not misleading, because in the end your play usually shows in your season averages. He's puttin up 20.7points and 11.6rebounds.

That tells you exactly where he's at right now, which is below himself. I think he has about 17 or 18 games where he doesn't even put 20 in a game. Right now, he's barely playing as a top 5 player.(lebron, nowitzki, kobe, iverson, and then Duncan).

All we can hope is that this is not the Duncan we see during the playoffs, or the rest of his career.

Kori Ellis
01-11-2006, 01:44 PM
But he is letting himself get owned for position and other teams are getting so many offensive rebounds on us this season it's ridiculous. Are they really getting more than in past seasons or is it just my imagination?

Opponents are actually getting less O boards this year (10.7) than last year (10.9) against the Spurs.

It's the Spurs own O boards that are lacking. The Spurs are only averaging 9.9 O boards a game. Last year they averaged 12.

But I don't think this is on Duncan - his boards are relatively the same. It's likely because Nazr/Rasho are on the floor a lot less this season.

But the overall difference is rebounding this year is small.

Last season ..

Spurs 42.4
Opponents 40.2

This season ..

Spurs 42.5
Opponents 40.7

01-11-2006, 01:59 PM
Well chalk it up to me watching games at stupid sports bars then.

Spurs O boards have sucked though, how can we rectify this?
I think we need to trade Barry for a rebounding SF asap. His days are numbered. He doesn't knock down shots or anything...he just takes up minutes.
I was never convinced that he's not doing shit until last night. He had a really poor showing.

Duncan is still a problem though, he seems like he wants to do his normal moves but he just can't do them at 100%

Kori Ellis
01-11-2006, 02:03 PM
Yeah Duncan still puts up numbers, but he has a hard time being that all-powerful Duncan we know and love.

I've advocated trading Barry for a while, but he'll be old at the end of his contract -- I'm not sure what the Spurs can get back.

01-11-2006, 02:08 PM
Our team FG% is higher this year.... thus less opportunities to get offensive rebounds.

That probably contributes to the team stats as well.

01-11-2006, 07:42 PM
trade duncan for a packet of tacos that never runs out?