View Full Version : Bad Bad Republicans

01-11-2006, 05:07 PM
I just want to know, according to many who post on this forum, how
some dimm-o-craps would do such a thing. I know, I know: these are
republicans play acting as dimm-o-craps. Good dimm-o-craps would
only do the right thing. Never try to change the results of an election.

Original URL: http://www.jsonline.com/news/metro/jan06/384299.asp

Outside operatives blamed in tire case
But prosecution says locals ran amok in damaging GOP vehicles
[email protected]
Posted: Jan. 10, 2006
The real culprits in the election day 2004 tire slashings of Republican Party vans were emotional Democratic operatives from out of state, lawyers for some of the local men charged in the crime said Tuesday at the start of their trial.

Election Day Vandalism

Photo/Benny Sieu

Sowande Omokunde (right) huddles with his mother, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.), during a recess in his property damage trial Tuesday.

These aren’t just card-carrying staffers...They believe the fight is for legitimate democracy, and they’re passionate.

- Defense attorney Robin Shellow, speaking of outside Democratic consultants

"The out-of-towners, the industry people," played key roles in the tire-slashing but figured out how to shift blame onto the local party workers after John Kerry carried Wisconsin and they left, Craig Mastantuono told jurors in his opening statement.

But Assistant District Attorney David Feiss said the low-level Milwaukee staffers just ran amok and turned "Operation Elephant Takeover," a plan to plaster Milwaukee Republican Party headquarters with Democratic signs, into felony destruction of property designed to immobilize the GOP's get-out-the-vote effort.

"They almost got away with it," Feiss said in his opening statement.

Those on trial include the sons of two prominent local Democrats, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore and former Acting Mayor Marvin Pratt. Both watched Tuesday's proceedings from the front row of the gallery. Michael Pratt, Sowande Omokunde, Moore's son, Lavelle Mohammad, Lewis G. Caldwell and Justin Howell face up to 3½ years in prison and fines of up to $10,000 if convicted.

Ever since the incident was reported, the case has been fraught with political implications. District Attorney E. Michael McCann was heavily criticized for taking nearly 12 weeks to bring a case against the five men. He said it took so long because many of the people involved were Democratic Party workers who had returned to their out-of-state homes after the election.

Feiss said he will tie the defendants to the crime with cell phone records and the testimony of Democratic staffers about the defendants' own braggadocio.

He quoted Mohammad as having boasted after the attacks: "We got 'em. We got 'em good."

Several of the five defense attorneys tried to undercut the Democratic Party witnesses expected to testify for the state. They blamed Democratic national consultants brought to political battleground Wisconsin from out of state with masterminding - and possibly carrying out - the tire slashings.

Robin Shellow, representing Omokunde, tied the vandalism to reputed bitterness over losing the 2000 presidential election and claimed aggressive protests in the 2004 campaign were linked by strategy to the tire-slashings.

"These aren't just card-carrying staffers," Shellow said of the outside consultants. " . . . They believe the fight is for legitimate democracy, and they're passionate."

"Until Opel Simmons and his team hit Wisconsin, nothing like this had ever happened," said Rodney Cubbie, Pratt's attorney.

Simmons, of Virginia, told investigators he and a fellow national Democratic staffer had gone to Madison the night before the election but returned to Milwaukee to see some of the defendants leave the local party headquarters, return and brag about the vandalism, according to the complaint and prior testimony.

The first and only witness to testify Tuesday was Cedric Peoples, the security guard on duty at GOP headquarters on W. Capitol Drive on Nov. 2, 2004. He said he doesn't have a full memory of what he saw.

He testified that he saw a white man in an alley and a black man pass through the area before being driven away. He heard air escaping from some tires but said he didn't see the tires get cut. In all, 40 tires were damaged on 25 vehicles.

"I don't recall exactly what I told the dispatcher," Peoples said.

His testimony will continue today.

The trial almost got delayed after jury selection. The defense asked Circuit Judge Michael B. Brennan to start the whole jury selection process over because prosecutors used six of their 10 challenges to remove minorities.

Feiss said his strikes were not racially motivated and gave Brennan some of the reasons the state struck four of the jurors: One grew up with defense attorney Cubbie's sister, one had worked with Mohammad in a Best Buy years ago, another said on his juror questionnaire that he hated police, and one was about to start a teaching job, a profession Feiss said is generally thought to contain people more inherently sympathetic to defendants.

Brennan denied the defense request and started trial with the original 14 jurors: ten whites - five men, five women - and four blacks - three women and one man.

From the Jan. 11, 2006, editions of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Have an opinion on this story? Write a letter to the editor or start an online forum.

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Cant wait for buotons remarks on this case.

Oh, Gee!!
01-11-2006, 05:40 PM
Operation Elephant Takeover

01-11-2006, 06:04 PM
Why would an adult repeatedly use the term "dimm-o-crap" and expect to be taken seriously in a discussion?

01-12-2006, 01:20 PM
Why would an adult repeatedly use the term "dimm-o-crap" and expect to be taken seriously in a discussion?

Guess some folks don't like to be called what they are.

I am sure no dimm-o-craps would like to join in this discussion since it shows the real democratic party. Who is populated with dimm-o-craps.
Yeah, real democratic thoughts, so long as they conform to the
dimm-o-craps view. Otherwise, eat dirt and die. Give me a break,
most of you wouldn't acknowledge the truth if it struck you in the face. Give me another box of them hanging chads.

01-12-2006, 01:32 PM
yeah, they slash tires you defraud the tax payers for millions, steal money from indian tribes, take bribes lie about getting the reason for war, and kill our bravest young men....sure we're the fucked up ones.

there's a reason your laughed at on these forums, because you act like a 12 year old

01-12-2006, 03:19 PM
yeah, they slash tires you defraud the tax payers for millions, steal money from indian tribes, take bribes lie about getting the reason for war, and kill our bravest young men....sure we're the fucked up ones.

there's a reason your laughed at on these forums, because you act like a 12 year old

Then you have your party who is crying about how the other is playing hardball tactics in the house and senate when you're party was in control the past half century and did the same, all while having a president who sold nucleur secrets to the chinese for campaign contributions, who sold out his constituents by signing welfare reform, and not sacking up when it came to the Iraq resolution, while in the mean time comparing our own soldiers on the floor of the senate to "POL pots", "NAzis". Or how about the known fact that your past president used the same tactics being proposed by the Patriot act to intimidate his opponents during his legal troubles and none of you ever cried about it, but now that we do the same to terrorist you all of a sudden give a damn.(Yeah i know this is a run on sentence.)

GMAFB, Crawl up a tree and rot of a flesh eating disorder if you're going to be so partisan.

01-12-2006, 03:22 PM
Then you have your party who is crying about how the other is playing hardball tactics in the house and senate when you're party was in control the past half century and did the same, all while having a president who sold nucleur secrets to the chinese for campaign contributions, who sold out his constituents by signing welfare reform, and not sacking up when it came to the Iraq resolution, while in the mean time comparing our own soldiers on the floor of the senate to "POL pots", "NAzis". Or how about the known fact that your past president used the same tactics being proposed by the Patriot act to intimidate his opponents during his legal troubles and none of you ever cried about it, but now that we do the same to terrorist you all of a sudden give a damn.(Yeah i know this is a run on sentence.)

GMAFB, Crawl up a tree and rot of a flesh eating disorder if you're going to be so partisan.

So your acknowledging that Republicans are using ethically and legally challenged methods to try and consolidate and control power in Washington and Texas?

Well, for G-Town, that's a start.


01-13-2006, 11:13 AM
So your acknowledging that Republicans are using ethically and legally challenged methods to try and consolidate and control power in Washington and Texas?

Well, for G-Town, that's a start.


Oh, no don't tell me that. A political party trying to control power in
Washington and Texas. Next thing you will tell me, our city council gets
involved in international politics. :lol

Oscar DeLa
01-13-2006, 01:22 PM
Why would an adult repeatedly use the term "dimm-o-crap" and expect to be taken seriously in a discussion?
I don't know what it is but ROFL