View Full Version : 3 Homeless Beatings, 1 Dead

01-13-2006, 06:45 PM
The hate in this world is ridiculous, as if it weren't bad enough that he was on the streets already. But people like Xray and gtown believe we shouldn't help these people.


01-13-2006, 07:40 PM
Fucking pussy ass fuckers. I hope they have a nice time burning in hell.

01-13-2006, 09:17 PM
It's really messed up.

01-13-2006, 09:59 PM
The GOP solution (final?) to the homeless issue.

01-13-2006, 10:10 PM
Maybe they should find jobs and get their lazy asses off the streets. Then they won't be subject to street crimes.

01-13-2006, 10:12 PM
Maybe they should find jobs and get their lazy asses off the streets. Then they won't be subject to street crimes.
Why would you fuck with a poor defenseless person in the first place with a baseball bat? It's pretty hard to find a job when you are homeless and get yourself back up. DUHHH :rolleyes

01-13-2006, 10:19 PM
Why would you fuck with a poor defenseless person in the first place with a baseball bat? It's pretty hard to find a job when you are homeless and get yourself back up. DUHHH :rolleyes

And why are they homeless jackass? Because they were too fucking lazy to get up and do something about their shitty situations. I have no sympathy.

Don't like being a victim of street crimes? Get off the fuckin street.

01-13-2006, 10:44 PM
And why are they homeless jackass? Because they were too fucking lazy to get up and do something about their shitty situations. I have no sympathy.

Don't like being a victim of street crimes? Get off the fuckin street.
Your logic is that of a retards. You eluded my question of what would someone gain with fucking with a guy who can't do defend himself? Have you been homeless, do you know the diffuculties, I don't think you do. I don't think they can go and get an application from a local store and get hired pronto. What about homeless shelters? If they asked people where they were at they wouldn't care or help them. If a homeless dude lives 30 miles away from the nearest shelter what would he do? There are too many people with your mentality why should I help a fellow human, they can do it themselves. Some people are born into poverty or got fucked over, you're not poor just because your lazy. And this brings up the question what has the goverment done to help the poor? It shouldn't be hard because Pres. Bush even said himself that unemployment rates were at 4%.

01-13-2006, 10:44 PM

01-13-2006, 11:36 PM
Maybe they should find jobs and get their lazy asses off the streets. Then they won't be subject to street crimes.
Is this Xray or Gtown? Which one?

01-13-2006, 11:38 PM
Drug users and Alcoholics. Substance abusers. That's what most of these people are. Half the time I see a homeless guy, he's puffing on a freakin cigarette. Oh the humanity. :rolleyes

01-13-2006, 11:40 PM
And why are they homeless jackass? Because they were too fucking lazy to get up and do something about their shitty situations. I have no sympathy.

Don't like being a victim of street crimes? Get off the fuckin street.

Read your words and look into your heart and soul. You are heartless, gutless and selfish with no backbone. Maybe one day you'll suffer something that you can't help and have a different opinion. It must really suck to be you.

01-13-2006, 11:40 PM
Is this Xray or Gtown? Which one?

Are you T-Park or GIG? :rolleyes

01-13-2006, 11:41 PM
Read your words and look into your heart and soul. You are heartless, gutless and selfish with no backbone. Maybe one day you'll suffer something that you can't help and have a different opinion. It must really suck to be you.

Bleeding hearts of the world unite. :jack

01-13-2006, 11:45 PM
Drug users and Alcoholics. Substance abusers. That's what most of these people are. Half the time I see a homeless guy, he's puffing on a freakin cigarette. Oh the humanity. :rolleyes
And there's the word MOST. You sound like Xray and gtownspur. You have NO facts to back up your selfish prejudiced hate claims. Even if it were most, that doesn't mean ALL of them. And what does that even have to do with beating them to death?

He's already got it bad living on the streets, now jus kill them? I see your logic. :rolleyes

You are hurting inside for whatever reason, you have issues with yourself, and you'll have to one day deal with that. I hope that when You do it won't be too late. What a waste.

01-14-2006, 12:06 AM
You are hurting inside for whatever reason, you have issues with yourself, and you'll have to one day deal with that. I hope that when You do it won't be too late. What a waste.


01-14-2006, 12:06 AM
Your logic is flawed. Anybody puffing on a cigarette is obviously drug/alcohol abusers. :wtf

01-14-2006, 12:14 AM
Your laughter Is your pain, you'll realize that.

01-14-2006, 12:14 AM
Your logic is flawed. Anybody puffing on a cigarette is obviously drug/alcohol abusers. :wtf

No anyone who's homeless and wasting his money on cigs, needs to stop buying smokes and buy a freakin roof over his head.

01-14-2006, 12:16 AM
No anyone who's homeless and wasting his money on cigs, needs to stop buying smokes and buy a freakin roof over his head.
Would you care to go with me tonight in the cold and tell these homeless people how you feel? Or would you prefer to lay in your warm bed not caring to understand what it's actually like to be homeless? Let me know.

01-14-2006, 12:18 AM
It's rather hard to pretend that most individuals who are homeless do not have serious psychological problems. Some are simply down on their luck, but a lot are not. Be it mental illness/addiction, a lot have serious issues.

01-14-2006, 12:19 AM
So let's all just beat them to death with bats.

01-14-2006, 12:23 AM
Your laughter Is your pain, you'll realize that.

You're right. It's all starting to make sense now. Everytime I laugh, It's really a cry for help.

Thank you Doctor Phil.

01-14-2006, 12:24 AM
No anyone who's homeless and wasting his money on cigs, needs to stop buying smokes and buy a freakin roof over his head.
You have to quit stereotyping.

Your fucking not getting the big picture. How can they buy a house without no job let alone getting a job? You don't see it.

01-14-2006, 12:24 AM
You're right. It's all starting to make sense now. Everytime I laugh, It's really a cry for help.

Thank you Doctor Phil.
Typical sarcasm from someone denying their problem.

01-14-2006, 12:25 AM

01-14-2006, 12:38 AM
Tonight's forecast is mostly idealistic.

Forget about your personal political psychobabble. Most of the long term homeless have severe mental issues.

If we are up for prescribing physical punishment on the street, I'd recommend taking care of the jokers who troll around asking strangers for cash at the gas station all day long.

01-14-2006, 12:40 AM
You can't get a decent job w/o an address, and you can't get a place to live w/o a job. It's a vicious cycle.

And anyone who thinks that this is justified or OK is a sick individual, imho.

01-14-2006, 12:41 AM
You can go to some shelter or whatever and get a job with whatever well meaning outfit that wants to help you out.

Try having a normal convo with a homeless dude sometime. Good luck.

Guru of Nothing
01-14-2006, 12:44 AM
Drug users and Alcoholics. Substance abusers. That's what most of these people are. Half the time I see a homeless guy, he's puffing on a freakin cigarette. Oh the humanity. :rolleyes

I suppose it would hit a little closer to home if they were stupid.

01-14-2006, 12:52 AM
You can go to some shelter or whatever and get a job with whatever well meaning outfit that wants to help you out.

Try having a normal convo with a homeless dude sometime. Good luck.
I do have normal conversations with them, why do they frighten you? It's funny how ignorant, selfish and hateful many people are. It's funny how when I invite these same people to go meet with these homeless people while they are trying to sleep under a bridge like tonight in the cold, that they ignore it.

Would you like to go downtown and see how many people are under a bridge in this cold weather because they got turned away from all the shelters because they are all FULL?

I bet the answer is NO.

01-14-2006, 12:56 AM
Left-wing nuts like to portray the homeless as peeps simply down on their luck, or better yet, diligent hard-working 'mericans (and union card holders) who were screwed out of their jobs by some major corp who sent their jobs to Mexico, China and other dirty filthy recessess of the world and who also were major donors to evil Republican-like causes.

Right-wing nuts like to portray the homeless as nothing more than lazy bums who could easily move into a McMansion if they would only get off their lazy ass and showered, shaved and asked their daddy to get them a job.

The truth, of course, is neither. This thread might actually lead to something if it was in another forum.

01-14-2006, 12:58 AM
You can't get a decent job w/o an address, and you can't get a place to live w/o a job. It's a vicious cycle.

And anyone who thinks that this is justified or OK is a sick individual, imho.
No your absolutely right. But there are ignorant evil jerks in this world who have these crazy hateful prejudice views,

so far on SpursTalk xrayzebra, gtownspur, icecoldbrewskey, and Peter are some of the scumbags that have this hate in their hearts for homeless people.

And they don't care to try and understand the issue, the hate is just there in their hearts. Ignorance with no care in the world to want to understand, because they made up their minds, the homeless get what they deserve.

The man died for Christ sakes.

01-14-2006, 12:59 AM
I do have normal conversations with them, why do they frighten you? It's funny how ignorant, selfish and hateful many people are. It's funny how when I invite these same people to go meet with these homeless people while they are trying to sleep under a bridge like tonight in the cold, that they ignore it.

Would you like to go downtown and see how many people are under a bridge in this cold weather because they got turned away from all the shelters because they are all FULL?

I bet the answer is NO.

Again, most of those peeps aren't right. Maybe it's the guy I saw pissing under an underpass in broad daylight. Maybe it was the guy who walked down the street buck naked. Maybe it was the woman constantly babbling to herself.

Look, I agree it's not as simple as telling the people to 'get off your ass and go to work'. But it's pure fantasy to believe that most homeless are sane.

01-14-2006, 01:00 AM
Would you care to go with me tonight in the cold and tell these homeless people how you feel? Or would you prefer to lay in your warm bed not caring to understand what it's actually like to be homeless? Let me know.

Oh please. Stop pretending to know so much about the damn homeless. I've lived a DAMN sight closer to the homeless level than you'll ever know. Living in one of the worst parts of town in Las Vegas, under a Landlord who robbed my apartment to pay for his cocaine habit. Half the tenants in that small complex were homeless at one time or another. And MOST of them were still wasting their time worrying about where they were going to score their next fix of heroin, meth, crack, etc. I myself was addicted to crystal meth for 2 1/2 years until I wised up and joined the Army to get away from it.

Go ahead and live in your "those poor homeless people" world. But trust me when I tell you that most of them are there because they came to a crossroads in their lives, and chose to take this route instead of taking the hard road and finding a way out.

01-14-2006, 01:00 AM
Left-wing nuts like to portray the homeless as peeps simply down on their luck, or better yet, diligent hard-working 'mericans (and union card holders) who were screwed out of their jobs by some major corp who sent their jobs to Mexico, China and other dirty filthy recessess of the world and who also were major donors to evil Republican-like causes.

Right-wing nuts like to portray the homeless as nothing more than lazy bums who could easily move into a McMansion if they would only get off their lazy ass and showered, shaved and asked their daddy to get them a job.

The truth, of course, is neither. This thread might actually lead to something if it was in another forum.
Well how can it get moved to the Club? Let's see how many more people have this hate and feel that these beatings and death are justified.

01-14-2006, 01:02 AM
Again, most of those peeps aren't right. Maybe it's the guy I saw pissing under an underpass in broad daylight. Maybe it was the guy who walked down the street buck naked. Maybe it was the woman constantly babbling to herself.

Look, I agree it's not as simple as telling the people to 'get off your ass and go to work'. But it's pure fantasy to believe that most homeless are sane.

What does their sanity have to do with anything? They don't deserve to get beaten to death. Sane or not.

And if many of them have mental issues which many DO, how can people try and act as if it were a simple for them to just buy a house or get a job and keep it? They need help, not beatings or death.

01-14-2006, 01:06 AM
Oh please. Stop pretending to know so much about the damn homeless. I've lived a DAMN sight closer to the homeless level than you'll ever know. Living in one of the worst parts of town in Las Vegas, under a Landlord who robbed my apartment to pay for his cocaine habit. Half the tenants in that small complex were homeless at one time or another. And MOST of them were still wasting their time worrying about where they were going to score their next fix of heroin, meth, crack, etc. I myself was addicted to crystal meth for 2 1/2 years until I wised up and joined the Army to get away from it.

Go ahead and live in your "those poor homeless people" world. But trust me when I tell you that most of them are there because they came to a crossroads in their lives, and chose to take this route instead of taking the hard road and finding a way out.
Your ignorant. I don't need to pretend to know much about the homeless. I'm actually criticized by xray and gtown for my works with the homeless because they have this same hate that you do for them. I know what I'm talking about. Just because You hurt, doesn't mean They should suffer for it.

01-14-2006, 01:08 AM
I'm not trying to argue that these beatings were right or justified. I'm just saying that they've had a choice at one time or another, and chose to subject themselves to a life on the streets.

No, the beatings weren't cool. But like I said before. Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets. Stop spending your money on drugs and smokes, and get a place to live.

01-14-2006, 01:08 AM
Of course they don't deserve to be murdered. I take issue with the notion that there isn't something seriously wrong with most of them, and, of course, the idea that most of them are just 'lazy'.

That's why this thread is a much better fit elsewhere. All it's going to result in are partisanbots parroting tired cliches for some 5 pages.

01-14-2006, 01:14 AM
I'm not trying to argue that these beatings were right or justified. I'm just saying that they've had a choice at one time or another, and chose to subject themselves to a life on the streets.

No, the beatings weren't cool. But like I said before. Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets. Stop spending your money on drugs and smokes, and get a place to live.
Oh really, because this thread was about the beatings of homeless men which lead to their hospitalization and one death and you respnded by saying

"I have no sympathy." and "Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets."

You condoned the hate acts. That's what You actually feel in your heart, that they deserved it. Don't back pedal now.

01-14-2006, 01:17 AM
Are you T-Park or GIG? :rolleyes
I'm definitely NOT a Republican and no, not GiG.

01-14-2006, 01:17 AM
Oh really, because this thread was about the beatings of homeless men which lead to their hospitalization and one death and you respnded by saying

"I have no sympathy." and "Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets."

You condoned the hate acts. That's what You actually feel in your heart, that they deserved it. Don't back pedal now.

Spin, spin, spin. Here we go. :rolleyes

01-14-2006, 01:22 AM
Spin, spin, spin. Here we go. :rolleyes
Whatever, that's not spinning. You however, Are.

Your reaction wasn't against these hate crimes, your intial response was "They need to get of their lazy asses and get a job"."Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets." and I have no sympathy". along with all your other hateful stereotypes,

That's a fact, not spin.

01-14-2006, 01:28 AM
Maybe they should find jobs and get their lazy asses off the streets. Then they won't be subject to street crimes.
Your first response, of course not addressing how the act itself was wrong. But more focusing on what the homelees had coming to them since they live on the streets.

01-14-2006, 01:30 AM
And why are they homeless jackass? Because they were too fucking lazy to get up and do something about their shitty situations. I have no sympathy.

Don't like being a victim of street crimes? Get off the fuckin street.

Your second response. Still not addressing the hate crime itself, but letting us know your feelings on what happened, just because they are homeless and lazy as you like to put it.

Your true feelings my friend. Sad.

01-14-2006, 01:33 AM
Whatever, that's not spinning. You however, Are.

Your reaction wasn't against these hate crimes, your intial response was "They need to get of their lazy asses and get a job"."Don't want to be subject to street crime? Get the hell off the streets." and I have no sympathy". along with all your other hateful stereotypes,

That's a fact, not spin.

Fine. You're right. I "hate" the homeless, and "condone" this sort of thing. :rolleyes

It's obvious now that you're desperate enough make shit up just to try to prove your point and get the last word in. That's fine. You can have the last word if it's that important to ya. Fire away.

01-14-2006, 01:34 AM
Drug users and Alcoholics. Substance abusers. That's what most of these people are. Half the time I see a homeless guy, he's puffing on a freakin cigarette. Oh the humanity. :rolleyes
Your 3rd post. A man is dead because of a hate crime. But You are STILL stuck on proving your hate for the homeless and how bad you think they are.

Spin? For the sake of having the last word or making things up?
I think not. I'm not like xray or gtown. Go back and read your posts. You proved it yourself.

01-14-2006, 09:51 AM
The right-wing propaganda has been working out really good all these 60+ years.
Militarization, Indifference, Selfishness... divide and conquer.

01-14-2006, 11:30 AM
The hate in this world is ridiculous, as if it weren't bad enough that he was on the streets already. But people like Xray and gtown believe we shouldn't help these people.


You know something lady, you put words into my mouth which I did not say.
I told you my feelings about most of these "homeless" people. Put them
into institutions where they could be helped. But people like you don't like
that idea. Another thing, don't group society. Crime is also committed on
people with "homes" of all means, each and everyday. Look at the trial now
going on about the murder, abduction and rape of a teacher who tried to
help a homeless person. Quit showing your bleeding heart, I sure don't feel
any compassion for you or people like you. You really want to help, then
vote conservative, get conservative judges on the bench and then get
them to rule that mental institutions can hold sick people and to quit
pushing them out onto the street to fall flat on the rear ends and suffer
the consequences of liberal judges and do gooders like you.

01-14-2006, 12:03 PM
You know something lady, you put words into my mouth which I did not say.
Oh stop it, you have shown what you feel about the homeless and people in poverty in general, whether it's federal help, or through taxes or anything, you have shown how you feel, don't give me that trash.

I told you my feelings about most of these "homeless" people. Put them into institutions where they could be helped. But people like you don't like that idea.
Talk about putting words in someones mouth, I never said not to get them help in such a way, my background in the matter would tell that there are many reasons why they are in their situation and that it's not a simple task in helping them, some ARE bums and free loaders, which are the ones that you are used to seeing asking for money for alcohol, these are the ones that you would like to believe as MOST of them, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Then there are those who try and stay out of Your way and hiding under bridges and other places, there are many with mental problems, and families with children. Many are Vets as well Xray, maybe Bush shouldn't have closed any VA hospitals, huh? Very patriotic :tu

Another thing, don't group society. Crime is also committed on people with "homes" of all means, each and everyday.

What a dumb thing to say, but then again it's Xray I'm talking to. Of course there are crimes against anyone in society. You want a cookie for that? This was a hate crime against defensless homeless people and people feelings about that. You continue to show Your feelings about them though. Your still focused on what the homeless do and not the terrible crime that was committed against them. You really show your heart, but then again, you've admitted to being selfish and greedy before.

I sure don't feel any compassion for you or people like you.
You couldn't show compassion for Anyone unless they had blind Bush love and believed all the lies from the Republican party.

You really want to help, then
vote conservative, get conservative judges on the bench.
:lmao Right, that's it. Vote Republican, that's the answer for poor people. They care. :lmao

01-14-2006, 01:40 PM
Oh stop it, you have shown what you feel about the homeless and people in poverty in general, whether it's federal help, or through taxes or anything, you have shown how you feel, don't give me that trash.
================================================== =======
Once again putting words into my mouth, which I haven't said. Typical
of people like you.
================================================== =======

Talk about putting words in someones mouth, I never said not to get them help in such a way, my background in the matter would tell that there are many reasons why they are in their situation and that it's not a simple task in helping them, some ARE bums and free loaders, which are the ones that you are used to seeing asking for money for alcohol, these are the ones that you would like to believe as MOST of them, which couldn't be further from the truth.

Then there are those who try and stay out of Your way and hiding under bridges and other places, there are many with mental problems, and families with children. Many are Vets as well Xray, maybe Bush shouldn't have closed any VA hospitals, huh? Very patriotic :tu

What a dumb thing to say, but then again it's Xray I'm talking to. Of course there are crimes against anyone in society. You want a cookie for that? This was a hate crime against defensless homeless people and people feelings about that. You continue to show Your feelings about them though. Your still focused on what the homeless do and not the terrible crime that was committed against them. You really show your heart, but then again, you've admitted to being selfish and greedy before.
================================================== =======
They also commit crimes against each other, do they not? My heart has
nothing to do with someone bashing the hell out of another person,
regardless of the social standing or means of the person doing the bashing
or being bashed. I was most gently trying to point out that bashing,
maining, killing, wounding anyone is a sad thing. But it happens in all
areas of society. Don't get upset when it just happens to one of "your"
people. Get upset when it happens to anyone.
================================================== =======

You couldn't show compassion for Anyone unless they had blind Bush love and believed all the lies from the Republican party.

================================================== =======

What a dumb statement!

================================================== =======

:lmao Right, that's it. Vote Republican, that's the answer for poor people. They care. :lmao

================================================== ======

Forty years of dimm-o-craptic dominance and eight years of Clinton
certainly didn't change much, did it? And BILLIONS of dollars put down
a rat hole hasn't solved the problem. You know maybe, just maybe,
if you and people like you really did try and help these people and quit
squalling and bellyaching about others helping, just worrying, like how
you could do more, you may really accomplish something.

================================================== =======

Now have a really nice day.

Ms. Kaleidescope
01-14-2006, 03:00 PM
Good try SA210! Your logic makes perfect sense, and I applaude you for not pretending to be a robot like Mr. Kool-Aid dude. Unfortunately, he, and others, are a bunch of dumbasses so they can't understand anything you say... but, again, good try! :spin

01-14-2006, 03:11 PM
OK, this is absolutely insane. I have never heard a more childish or ignorant argument than the one brew is presenting. Fine, hate the homeless all you want, that is your right, but to say that it is their fault for living on the streets is just foolish. That is like saying that it is the old womans fault that somebody broke into her house, robbed and shot her, because she did not have good locks on her door. If a crime is random and pointless than you can not place blame on an individual for being in the situation which enabled this to happen. Living on the streets and getting beaten with a baseball bat are not directly related, and there is not reason to expect that this would have happened to them. I won't get into this and get angry because I realize youre just posting to get a rise out of people because nobody is that stupid, but I felt it necessary just to throw a little post into the mix.

01-14-2006, 03:22 PM
================================================== ======

Forty years of dimm-o-craptic dominance and eight years of Clinton
certainly didn't change much, did it? And BILLIONS of dollars put down
a rat hole hasn't solved the problem. You know maybe, just maybe,
if you and people like you really did try and help these people and quit
squalling and bellyaching about others helping, just worrying, like how
you could do more, you may really accomplish something.

================================================== =======

Now have a really nice day.

Xray, can you please learn to discuss something or learn to refute what I'm saying with some kind of logic or facts, ever? Is it even possible from you? I thought that you and gtown were just childish and resort to namecalling because someone sees things another way, but it actually seems a big problem with both of you than just a maturity problem. Your moral values, indeed.

You didn't even refute what I said with anything of substance, like always. You only say more bad things about the homeless or attack Democrats and you say that crimes are committed on other people as well and you ingore the facts that there are a variety of the homeless and that Bush (the Conservative party that we should vote for :rolleyes) closed VA hospitals that would help homeless Vets. Nice try.

Yea, that shows your heart, again, Remember, You are the one that admitted to being a Greedy and Selfish man. Don't back pedal on your comments like the Kool-Aid guy.

01-14-2006, 03:22 PM
Ms. Kaleidescope, turambar85, good posts, thanks :tu

01-14-2006, 04:23 PM
Xray, can you please learn to discuss something or learn to refute what I'm saying with some kind of logic or facts, ever? Is it even possible from you? I thought that you and gtown were just childish and resort to namecalling because someone sees things another way, but it actually seems a big problem with both of you than just a maturity problem. Your moral values, indeed.

You didn't even refute what I said with anything of substance, like always. You only say more bad things about the homeless or attack Democrats and you say that crimes are committed on other people as well and you ingore the facts that there are a variety of the homeless and that Bush (the Conservative party that we should vote for :rolleyes) closed VA hospitals that would help homeless Vets. Nice try.

Yea, that shows your heart, again, Remember, You are the one that admitted to being a Greedy and Selfish man. Don't back pedal on your comments like the Kool-Aid guy.

Yeah, okay. Like forty years of liberal junk and eight years of Clinton
are nothing of substance. I guess your right. But they are facts and
they certainly addressed the "poor people" issues and spent billions
to solve them. Only one problem, they didn't solve anything. Only
create more problems. Those are facts. Just quit wearing you heart
on you sleeve, do what you will with the poor issues. I will do what I
want and damn well wont get on here and Bragg about what I do
for anyone. I do what I do and as usual you have no idea. So take
you cares and arguments to someone who really cares. I will handle
things my way and you hand them your way. That is the American
way. Just get your damn hands out of my pockets. I know how to
spend my money my way, if you don't mind. I don't need you or
the swimmer to give me lessons or lectures. Morality my foot, look
who you people hold up as your idols. You wouldn't know morality if
it hit you in the face. And vets are taken care of very well. Don't
believe me go to Audie Murphy hospital and learn a little about
programs available to vets. All these homeless that claim to be vets,
well, saying your a vet don't make you one. Nor does getting an old
fatigue shirt or pants make you one. You depress me :depressed

01-14-2006, 04:39 PM
Ms. Kaleidescope, turambar85, good posts, thanks :tu

Translation: AWw.. That's better, my ass is a lot cleaner now.

Ms. Kaleidescope
01-14-2006, 04:48 PM
Gtown, I know that since you like to see things in such ignorant, black & white terms that you naturally have a problem seeing anything outside of those outlines, but no...I do not believe that I was kissing ass, or that it was assumed by SA that we were doing so. I think a more logical answer, and therefore one that will be completely lost on you, is that we agreed with his view on the issue and made it clear.....and SA was surprised that somebody in this forum had some sense, and was tired of being the only person arguing a logical point of view, so he let his appreciation be known.

01-14-2006, 04:48 PM
Is the debate in here about how to solve the homeless problem or about the fact that there are homeless people being attacked and even killed and whether or not that is a problem?
I most sincerely hope that no one in here is indifferent to people being brutally attacked for being homeless. No matter how far gone someone is mentally or even physically due to addiction, people are not props to play out real life versions of Grand Theft Auto where you can run up, beat the crap out of someone and then take off with no consequence.
As far as curing homelessness, as long as our planet has an economy, we will have homeless people. In a perfect utopian world, we could live as one great socialist world with peace and prosperity for all. But since there are those who choose wrong over right (good vs evil) that won't happen and we will continue to have to improve our current system and just try to help as many as possible.

01-14-2006, 04:48 PM
You see this is why morons like SA210 will never hold a decent conversation with anyone he disagrees with.

He's an utter moron and nothing else. I am against welfare expansion, because it hurts poor people more than helps them. YEt, SOmehow this idiot managed to put words in my mouth of how I hate homeless people.

You see, if you're against welfare expansion, that makes you a serial killer who targets homeless people.

This is insane, and if anyone is supporting Sa210's logic then they don't have a fucking clue and are a lost cause.

This moron also has accused me of never helping the poor. Excuse me motherfucker, i have family members who are poor that i have supported, i've participated in charity for the poor at my church. I've donated money and gifts as well as canned goods to starving families. Where the fuck do you get the idea out of silence that i've never helped poor people and that i'm a hateful person?

I hope you get served by a homeless drunk during your charitous work, because even though you might help the cause, you severely hurt it as well.

01-14-2006, 04:51 PM
Gtown, I know that since you like to see things in such ignorant, black & white terms that you naturally have a problem seeing anything outside of those outlines, but no...I do not believe that I was kissing ass, or that it was assumed by SA that we were doing so. I think a more logical answer, and therefore one that will be completely lost on you, is that we agreed with his view on the issue and made it clear.....and SA was surprised that somebody in this forum had some sense, and was tired of being the only person arguing a logical point of view, so he let his appreciation be known.

I saw no grand use of logic and understanding of nuances in your appraisal. You're wrong. SA210 is the one who views if you're for reducing welfare, that you want to see homeless people get clubbed. Please remove the plank from your own eye before you call one else blind.

01-14-2006, 07:52 PM
I don't know of a single soul that supports, wishes or otherwise would support
anyone beating up on homeless people. Or others for that matter. SA210 always
comes across as someone who thinks she is the only authority on the homeless.
She says that those who panhandle are not homeless, although they are, only the
ones who hide under bridges need help. She has no idea of what she speaks. She
has no idea of who helps. Her definition of help is those who go to the homeless and
give them hands on support. She forgets those that give monetary support to those
that do the hands on support. She wears her "heart" on her sleeve for all to see.
I think it is great she wants to help those she wants. But she has no right to
demand that taxpayers or anyone else do anything for her "cause". Charity begins
at home. People who work and support families have needs too. Government
doesn't ask them if they can afford a tax increase. They just take the money give
it to those who produce nothing. That is not greed folks, that is everyday life.
It wasn't always that way and you know what? Folks pretty well took care of those
in need and themselves too. And I lost money on the Sea hawks/Redskins game
cause he missed the damn extra point. So bring SA210 on, I ready for her.

01-14-2006, 09:24 PM
So far so good. Lefties claim the homeless are merely folks who've been shafted by the man and righties claim that they're lazy bums. A couple more pages to go and this one can be filed away.

01-14-2006, 10:01 PM
So far so good. Lefties claim the homeless are merely folks who've been shafted by the man and righties claim that they're lazy bums. A couple more pages to go and this one can be filed away.

You really do need to take a reading comprehension course. :lol

01-15-2006, 01:20 AM
Yes Xray and gtown, your morals. Stop lying already. Don't back pedal on all your comments on poor people and the homeless. We know how you really feel. I tell you something fellas, You are beating me at one thing and that's the name calling. It's what you do best as an arguement, but just because you say something doesn't make it so.

Xray, I like how you lie and say there are no homeless vets. That's as dumb and stupid as gtowns claim that homeless people don't receive any kind of government assistance at all. :rolleyes Remember that one gtown? I like how you disregard the fact of Bush closing VA hospitals.

I hate though, how this thread is about the beatings of homeless people that resulted in a death and you and gtown continue to focus on other issues like namecalling, hating me for Not being like you, puting down a political party and homeless people. Yea, it shows what your made of, both of you.

But my prayers go out to the victims though, that's really what this thread is about, but we can see certain people's TRUE feelings. And thanks Ms. Kaleidescope.

01-15-2006, 09:29 AM
And why are they homeless jackass? Because they were too fucking lazy to get up and do something about their shitty situations. I have no sympathy.

Don't like being a victim of street crimes? Get off the fuckin street.

Central Arkansas closed all their homeless shelters due to lack of funds.

So tell me, what the fuck are the supposed to do. How do they even start to get back in the "right track" you claim they should do. Especially if they have no family, friends or even a fucking shelter to sleep in.

Please, explain.

01-15-2006, 11:29 AM
Police ID Two Suspects in Homeless Beating

01-15-2006, 11:38 AM
i don't think conservative assholes help the situation of the homeless either

:) Most homeless in America are that way by choice. How many do you fucking know? I know bums and have spent time taking donated stuff to Sam Shelter or having my family host homeless on Thanks giving.

You sound like a young person who really does not know jack shit about America.

01-15-2006, 11:47 AM
Yes Xray and gtown, your morals. Stop lying already. Don't back pedal on all your comments on poor people and the homeless. We know how you really feel. I tell you something fellas, You are beating me at one thing and that's the name calling. It's what you do best as an arguement, but just because you say something doesn't make it so.

================================================== =======
You always want to comment on my morals, say I call you names, and
say I backpedal on my comments.

Do you know if I am a moral person? Or one who just disagrees with your
method or thoughts on how the homeless should be treated? Obviously
you don't. So get off my back about morals. Worry about your own,
judge not or you will be judged. I have never called you a name.

================================================== =======

Xray, I like how you lie and say there are no homeless vets. That's as dumb and stupid as gtowns claim that homeless people don't receive any kind of government assistance at all. :rolleyes Remember that one gtown? I like how you disregard the fact of Bush closing VA hospitals.

================================================== =======

Where did I ever say they were no homeless vets? I didn't, I said that
a fatigue jacket and pants and saying you are a vet doesn't make you one.
I also pointed out that they is a quite large Vet hospital here in San Antonio,
it is called Audie Murphy and covers a very large area in the Medical
Center complex and they will treat any vet who goes there for help or is
taken there. They even have an omnibus person who will assist those
that think they have been screwed over. You think someone hasn't
received help who deserved it or needed it, contact him. He will help.
Just quit yelling Bush screwed the Vets (He didn't/hasn't).

The Department of Veterans Affairs funding for next year are increased
1.9 BILLION over last year.

Veterans Medical Services: 22.5 BILLION
(plus 1.14 BILLION from FY05 into FY06)

Mental Health Services: 2.2 BILLION

Construction Program: recommends the budget request levels of
607 Million for major construction and 199 million for minor construction

Now doesn't sound like he has quite forgotten veterans to me.

================================================== ======

I hate though, how this thread is about the beatings of homeless people that resulted in a death and you and gtown continue to focus on other issues like namecalling, hating me for Not being like you, puting down a political party and homeless people. Yea, it shows what your made of, both of you.

================================================== =======

I have never called you any names, nor will I. I don't hate you, nor have
I ever stated I have. It's not my bag to hate anyone. Dislike someone I
may. I do not condone beating anyone. Homeless, rich, poor or otherwise.
I so stated. You call it a hate crime. In MY books there is no such thing
as a hate crime. You cannot send anyone to prison for hating someone,
only for injury to another person. Hate crime is a buzz word of the left,
which like most of their junk has no real meaning. You have no idea
what I am made of, what I have done in my life, will do in my life, but
as a good liberal lady you will presume to know everything about me
because I profess to be a person of conservative views and voted for
George Bush. Therefore I am bad. But since you do not pay my bills,
care for me or in any manner associate with me on a personal basis,
really don't care what you think of me.

================================================== =======

But my prayers go out to the victims though, that's really what this thread is about, but we can see certain people's TRUE feelings. And thanks Ms. Kaleidescope.

================================================== =======

Yes, I am sure your prayers really do go out to them. And I am not
surprised that you profess this publicly. Which you have ever right to
do. You once again show your true liberal leanings by stating in no
uncertain terms that you know peoples true feelings. You don't, but
you will be presumtious enough to state that you do anyway.

01-15-2006, 01:35 PM
Yes Xray and gtown, your morals. Stop lying already. Don't back pedal on all your comments on poor people and the homeless. We know how you really feel. I tell you something fellas, You are beating me at one thing and that's the name calling. It's what you do best as an arguement, but just because you say something doesn't make it so.

Xray, I like how you lie and say there are no homeless vets. That's as dumb and stupid as gtowns claim that homeless people don't receive any kind of government assistance at all. :rolleyes Remember that one gtown? I like how you disregard the fact of Bush closing VA hospitals.

I hate though, how this thread is about the beatings of homeless people that resulted in a death and you and gtown continue to focus on other issues like namecalling, hating me for Not being like you, puting down a political party and homeless people. Yea, it shows what your made of, both of you.

But my prayers go out to the victims though, that's really what this thread is about, but we can see certain people's TRUE feelings. And thanks Ms. Kaleidescope.

You're still arguing, and haven't even found a credible source to back up you're bullshit.

Aren't you the same person that said that homeless recieve public housing? :lol

01-15-2006, 01:38 PM
The hate in this world is ridiculous, as if it weren't bad enough that he was on the streets already. But people like Xray and gtown believe we shouldn't help these people.


^YOu see this was the beggining of your thread. THis thread was not about the beatings of homeless people, but about you're wanting of having me and Xray painted as people who hate homeless people.

So fuck off.

01-15-2006, 05:24 PM
You're still arguing, and haven't even found a credible source to back up you're bullshit.
Aren't you the same person that said that homeless recieve public housing? :lol:lmao OMG!!! :lmao Gtown, You actually made something up out of your rear We all know that You gtown, are the one, who said, homeless people don't recieve ANY kind of government assistance or WELFARE AT ALL. :lmao Your words. That turned out to be COMPLETELY FALSE. :lol

OMG your too funny, nice try though to make something completely up to throw off anyone who knew you were the one who spewed that retarded nonsense. :lol

:lol You actually thought that was gonna work? To make that up? :lol Nice try. I could go and say that you said All rich people are broke. That doesn't make it so.

That doesn't even make sense, make up a lie that's at least somewhat believable, not stupid Bush-like ones. :lol I can't believe you actually just made up a statement out of thin air and hoped it would stick like that :lmao

How low can you go? That's just pathetic. If someone were to have half a brain they would know that many homeless people recieve welfare and some get into public housing and as the days go on it's harder for them to get into the public housing because Dubya is knocking those units down.

:lmao, but again gtown, nice pathetic try. And is Xray still trying to convince people that altough he admits to being a Greedy and Selfish man, that he is a man of moral values? gimme a break. why do I even respond to your childish no argumenet having nonsense? I actually commit sin responding to your hateful nonsense. Good day.

01-16-2006, 12:52 AM
^If you have to post a million smileys to convey that my ideas are weak, and again no sources, then you have the weak argument.

If saying homeless people don't recieve govt assistance is true, then that means in general that a majority of homeless dont. There are exceptions to the rule, but you have yet to post any Credible article or even a fake one at that that proves that a majority of homeless do recieve welfare or housing assistance.

ANd if by chance they do recieve housing, then what the fuck makes them homeless?

yOu see but you're going on of how i believe homeless dont get assistance, and you're trying your hardest to prove me wrong. But all i get is this :lmao,....

and that shows your baseless convictions.

Would you laugh at me if i said that fat people don't starve?

Would anyone laugh at someone else hystericaly if one said that homeless don't have homes? aka public housing?

But then again you are SA210, you do victimize yourself like the helpless battered bitch of NbaDan you are. And you are in denial of you're pathetic existence and idiotic beliefs that you are reduced to making stupid statements tagged with smileys and ripped off photoshop images.

Discussing? THere is no discussing with you. All you are is a pathetic attempt to label everyone a hater so that you could feel good about having a deformed dick under your blouse while at the same time questioning your orientation.

YOu say you love gays, but then you throw off gay putdowns at everyone that disagrees with you.

And then to top it off you tell us of how we are so insecure, about what, i don't know.
But everytime you telll someone they're insecure it comes off as if someone was trying to get in you're pants and as a typical female you try to put them down when they're cocky.

Dude, you're sad and i'm glad you help the homeless people cuz that's all you're worth on this earth.

01-16-2006, 01:37 AM
So far so good. Lefties claim the homeless are merely folks who've been shafted by the man and righties claim that they're lazy bums. A couple more pages to go and this one can be filed away.


Well, not quite. Progressive Democrats would like to see real wage increases for everyone, but especially for the working poor, something that hasn't happened in 4, maybe 5 years under Dubya (after adjusting for inflation). Would increasing the minimum wage to $6.00-$6.50 really be so bad?

We've also got to do something about rising interest rates, if we don't slow down government borrowing soon market forces will dictate FF rates to keep going up a quarter at a time throughout 06, with each increase forcing more and more poor Americans with ARMS and AR revolving-credit to live on less and less. Squeezing the purchasing power of prospective home-buyers in an already teetering real estate market, but especially in areas not affected by the Hurricanes.

This week, oddly, the FEDS stopped reporting the amount of M3 supply leading to a wide range of conspiracy theories on the subject. Some of these theories contend that the John Snow Treasury Dept, and the newly, Dubya-appointed mind-you, FED Chairman, Ben Bernanke, are printing dollars like fraudulant 04 and 08 Florida ballots and questionable WH memos like the humorous Padilla resume, in an effort to further devalue the dollar in world currency markets. Hummm...

01-16-2006, 01:50 AM
Its about time these bums got what was coming to them. I hate it when people want to throw the "victim" label on people. IceCold is right... don't live in the street if you don't want to be the "victim" of a street crime. Same thing with people who drive nice cars. Don't drive a nice car if you don't want to be carjacked. And don't carry around money if you don't want to be mugged. People get what they are askin' for!

01-16-2006, 01:52 AM
Its about time these bums got what was coming to them. I hate it when people want to throw the "victim" label on people. IceCold is right... don't live in the street if you don't want to be the "victim" of a street crime. Same thing with people who drive nice cars. Don't drive a nice car if you don't want to be carjacked. And don't carry around money if you don't want to be mugged. People get what they are askin' for!

I hope that was tongue-in-cheek.


01-16-2006, 02:09 AM
They caught the punks...



FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Two South Florida teens suspected in the beatings of three homeless men turned themselves in to police Sunday, authorities said.

Family attorneys negotiated the surrender of Brian Hooks, 18, and Thomas S. Daugherty, 17.

They will face murder charges in the death of Norris Gaynor and aggravated battery charges in the videotaped beating of Jacques Pierre, said Capt. Michael Gregory of the Fort Lauderdale police.

They also are suspects in the beating of a third man, Raymond Perez, 49, whose case remains under investigation, Gregory said.

Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/15/AR2006011500693.html)

01-16-2006, 09:50 AM

Well, not quite. Progressive Democrats would like to see real wage increases for everyone, but especially for the working poor, something that hasn't happened in 4, maybe 5 years under Dubya (after adjusting for inflation). Would increasing the minimum wage to $6.00-$6.50 really be so bad?

We've also got to do something about rising interest rates, if we don't slow down government borrowing soon market forces will dictate FF rates to keep going up a quarter at a time throughout 06, with each increase forcing more and more poor Americans with ARMS and AR revolving-credit to live on less and less. Squeezing the purchasing power of prospective home-buyers in an already teetering real estate market, but especially in areas not affected by the Hurricanes.

This week, oddly, the FEDS stopped reporting the amount of M3 supply leading to a wide range of conspiracy theories on the subject. Some of these theories contend that the John Snow Treasury Dept, and the newly, Dubya-appointed mind-you, FED Chairman, Ben Bernanke, are printing dollars like fraudulant 04 and 08 Florida ballots and questionable WH memos like the humorous Padilla resume, in an effort to further devalue the dollar in world currency markets. Hummm...

Gee Dan why don't we just raise the minium to say $20.00 per hour and
then they can all live the good life. What the hey............

Also like the fraudulant 04 and 08 Florida ballots....how quaint and cute
and also untrue. Like I told boutons, you just got to stop those blasted
Republicans from voting, it just isn't right. There ought to be a law. :lol

01-16-2006, 12:45 PM
So far so good. Lefties claim the homeless are merely folks who've been shafted by the man and righties claim that they're lazy bums. A couple more pages to go and this one can be filed away.

. . . . and ne'er the twain shall meet [to actually work productively towards solving significant societal problems].

01-16-2006, 03:03 PM
. . . . and ne'er the twain shall meet [to actually work productively towards solving significant societal problems].

You got it. There will always be those that have and those that do not
have. No system, political or otherwise, has been devised that will solve
that problem. Unfortunate but true.

01-16-2006, 03:43 PM
Most of the homeless need psyciatric or substance abuse assistance. Giving them a house and money doesn't help them. Is there anything that's been effective at fighting substanc abuse?

01-16-2006, 03:51 PM
You got it. There will always be those that have and those that do not have. No system, political or otherwise, has been devised that will solve that problem. Unfortunate but true.

I see. So the preferrable solution is to just ignore the existence of that problem and do nothing to really solve it, particularly if finding a solution might require either political party (or both) to compromise -- even if compromise might bring about some productive change. Heaven forbid.

After all, it's about ideology and not ideas.

p.s. -- By the way, poverty <> homelessness. I'm not trying to suggest a panacea for poverty; I'm merely saying that there are issues that relate to the homeless that receive little to no meaningful attention. Throwing money at the problem is useless because it fails to recognize the many issues that cause homelessness. Ignoring the problem is equally useless. Any solve lies in the middle of those ideological extremes. I'm not proposing any particular cure, just acknowledging that neither major party seems to be truly concerned with the problem itself -- likely because the homeless don't tend to vote.

01-16-2006, 08:13 PM
[QUOTE]I see. So the preferrable solution is to just ignore the existence of that problem and do nothing to really solve it, particularly if finding a solution might require either political party (or both) to compromise -- even if compromise might bring about some productive change. Heaven forbid.

After all, it's about ideology and not ideas.
Sort of like ignoring, or worse yet, actually being an opponent of the remedy to the problem of children not being taught moral values in the schools.
Legalism interfering with the desperately needed moral education of our Publicly educated children.

"To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."
(President Theodore Roosevelt).

Throwing money at the problem is useless because it fails to recognize the many issues that cause homelessness.
Some of the issues;

Lack of Affordable Housing/Lack of Housing Assistance Programs

-"A lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs are the primary causes of homelessness. The growing gap between the number of affordable housing units and the number of people needing them has created a housing crisis for poor people."

-The Low Income Housing Information Service estimates that there are twice as many low-income families searching for housing as there are units available.

-Only 30% of low-income individuals who are eligible for housing assistance ever actually receive it.

Insufficient Income/Poverty

-"Since 1975, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by 25%."

-"If you earn the prevailing minimum wage in the U.S., you can't afford rent for the average two-bedroom apartment anywhere; in many places the equivalent of two or three full-time salaries are not even enough."

-"Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, child care, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which absorbs a high proportion of income that must be given up. Being poor can mean that one is an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from homelessness.
(I would suggest that homelessness, poverty and being uneducated are inextricably linked)

Lack of Health and Supportive Services

-Approximately 38 percent of homeless people suffer from a substance abuse problem
In 1996, Congress eliminated SSI and SSDI benefits for people diagnosed with an addiction.
There are currently no federal programs that target funds for substance abuse programs for homeless people

-A national study indicated that 13 percent of homeless individuals became homeless due to health problems

-20-25 percent of homeless people suffer from serious mental illness

-Eight percent of homeless people suffer from AIDS or are HIV-positive

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is the second leading cause of homelessness among women. Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness. Nationally, approximately half of all women and children experiencing homelessness are fleeing domestic violence

01-16-2006, 09:02 PM
Sort of like ignoring, or worse yet, actually being an opponent of the remedy to the problem of children not being taught moral values in the schools.

If by my opposition to the teaching of religion in schools you broadly conclude that I'm against teaching of social morality, then that's your right. I've said before that the moral education that schools should provide should be basic social morality. Beyond that -- as to matters of religious morality -- it's on families and churches.

I'm not sure what that has to do with the issues of homelessness. I've never advocated ignoring the problem that you perceive; I've advocated funnelling that problem to the proper sources to provide a remedy. I think churches and families are the proper sources to provide religious education. If you're convinced that religious education is the key to a prosperous future, then get together with the folks at your church and offer outreach ministries to kids in economically and socially downtrodden areas. Of course, that's hard and time-consuming; it's much easier to leave that to government, but there's that nagging little Constitutional problem that creeps up to throw a monkey wrench into the whole government teaching religion thing.

I've not exactly proposed that only government can solve the homeless problem, either. I've just noted that the problem won't be solved either by ignoring it (i.e., doing nothing at all) or by throwing money at it, and that I think partisan ideologies tend to get in the way of true problem-solving.

Some of the issues;

Lack of Affordable Housing/Lack of Housing Assistance Programs

-"A lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs are the primary causes of homelessness. The growing gap between the number of affordable housing units and the number of people needing them has created a housing crisis for poor people."

-The Low Income Housing Information Service estimates that there are twice as many low-income families searching for housing as there are units available.

-Only 30% of low-income individuals who are eligible for housing assistance ever actually receive it.

Insufficient Income/Poverty

-"Since 1975, the real value of the minimum wage has fallen by 25%."

-"If you earn the prevailing minimum wage in the U.S., you can't afford rent for the average two-bedroom apartment anywhere; in many places the equivalent of two or three full-time salaries are not even enough."

-"Homelessness and poverty are inextricably linked. Poor people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, child care, health care, and education. Difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities. Often it is housing, which absorbs a high proportion of income that must be given up. Being poor can mean that one is an illness, an accident, or a paycheck away from homelessness.
(I would suggest that homelessness, poverty and being uneducated are inextricably linked)

Lack of Health and Supportive Services

-Approximately 38 percent of homeless people suffer from a substance abuse problem
In 1996, Congress eliminated SSI and SSDI benefits for people diagnosed with an addiction.
There are currently no federal programs that target funds for substance abuse programs for homeless people

-A national study indicated that 13 percent of homeless individuals became homeless due to health problems

-20-25 percent of homeless people suffer from serious mental illness

-Eight percent of homeless people suffer from AIDS or are HIV-positive

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is the second leading cause of homelessness among women. Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness. Nationally, approximately half of all women and children experiencing homelessness are fleeing domestic violence

I think that's a fair list of at least some of the problems that are part and parcel of homelessness; again, until both sides takes serious steps to back away from ideological strictures to work to find solutions to those issues, the problem will only propagate and will only become more difficult to solve.

Guru of Nothing
01-16-2006, 09:32 PM
I hope I am reincarnated with the combined minds of FWD and Extra Stout.

Hey! The game is back on.

01-16-2006, 09:52 PM
Maybe they should find jobs and get their lazy asses off the streets. Then they won't be subject to street crimes.

i'll pray for these guys, but this is fucking funny...


Guru of Nothing
01-16-2006, 09:57 PM
i'll pray for these guys, but this is fucking funny...


What's funny is you assume Jesus will return to Earth as a guy with a home and a job.

01-16-2006, 11:14 PM
What's funny is you assume Jesus will return to Earth as a guy with a home and a job.

^yeah...that is funny. :lol

Jesus will come back on a magic carpet ride bro.

2nd time around is gonna be Good.

Guru of Nothing
01-16-2006, 11:19 PM
2nd time around is gonna be Good.

Getting rid of those pesky Jews?

Go Iran ???

01-16-2006, 11:20 PM
Getting rid of those pesky Jews?

Go Iran ???

yeah...fuckin jews. they killed Jesus you know.

what's up your ass dude? did you see brokeback?

Guru of Nothing
01-16-2006, 11:25 PM
did you see brokeback?

No, but I am watching the Heat vs. Lakers.