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01-18-2006, 12:16 PM
This isn't as bad as what I usually get: laughed at.



Jan. 17, 2006, 9:08PM
Rejection is a phone call away
Hot line burns those who can't take a hint

Copyright 2006 Houston Chronicle

She laughed at your jokes. She returned your smiles. And at the end of the night when you finally worked up the courage to ask for her number, she gave it to you.

You waited the requisite three days, visions of your future family (or fling) filling your head, then, with heart pounding, dialed her number.

Ring. Ring. Rejection.

"Hello, this is not the person you were trying to call," says a man's recorded voice. "The person who gave you this Rejection Hotline number did not want you to have their real number. We know this sucks, but don't be too devastated."

Ouch. And it continues ...

"Why were you given a Rejection Hotline number? Maybe you're just not this person's type. Note this could mean boring, dumb, annoying, arrogant or just a general weirdo. Maybe you suffer from bad breath, body odor or a nasty combination of the two."

Double ouch.

Founder, creative director and voice of rejection Jeff Goldblatt said the Rejection Hotline received more than 18 million calls last year, with Houston averaging nearly 80,000 calls a month. It's one of many phone and e-mail rejection services that have popped up in the past few years, and Goldblatt calls it a "public service" for rejectors, rejectees and the mechanics, pizzerias and little old ladies who would otherwise receive the late-night calls.

"If you're getting fake phone numbers, you should probably give some thought to why that is," the 28-year-old said. "It's designed as a last-resort kind of thing, when someone won't get the hint that you're not interested."

But nationally recognized dating agent David Wygant said the concept could cause lasting damage to those seeking mates.

"It's awful," Wygant said. "There's no reason for it. A lot of women have no idea how hard it is for a guy to approach a woman to ask her out. Maybe he's got no clue that you're not interested, but to give him a phone number so he gets ridiculed and rejected? It's mean. It's a waste of time. It's bad."

Goldblatt formed the first Rejection Hotline in Atlanta in 2001, and now there are more than 70 nationwide, including Houston's, which was created in 2003 and can be reached at 713-866-6249.

"I loved everything about it," said 21-year-old Justin Quimby of Crosby, who posts that number as his own on his My Space Web page. "It's good for a little laugh."

Like the majority of callers, Quimby heard about the number from a friend and called seeking not a date but rather an entertaining message.

In terms of actually using it to turn down girls, he admits, "I don't think I'd ever be that mean."

But 23-year-old college student Gail Ozumba said sometimes people need a reality check.

"I'd use it, if they're unattractive or not my type," she said. "Maybe if you don't feel like saying no right there."

Her friend, 24-year-old Cara-Lee Sanchez, said she used to keep the Houston Rejection Hotline number stored in her phone. She said the idea is hilarious — as long as she's not on the receiving end.

"If a guy gave it to me, he better hope I don't see him again," she said.

In addition to phone numbers, Rejection Hotline and many other groups now offer free rejection e-mail addresses.

For example, when a person e-mails any address ending in "@papernapkin.net," they automatically receive this rejection:

"Ha ha, just kidding. Actually, this is a rejection letter. The person who gave you this e-mail address does not want to have anything to do with you."

Then the e-mail walks you through reasons you may have been rejected. Particularly desperate-sounding e-mails are sometimes posted on the Paper Napkin Web site to be ridiculed.

"It's not a very nice thing to do, but it's interesting to be caught in the middle of a conversation that you wouldn't otherwise be privy to," said Josh Santangelo, founder of www.papernapkin.net. "It's mostly guys who meet some girl and are excited to get in touch with (her). It's a really easy target for ridicule."

Still, even Santangelo said people should use it with caution.

"It's fun to pick on people who deserve it, but it's not fun to hurt the feelings of some poor guy who was just trying to get a date," he said.

Goldblatt said because the Rejection Hotline is free, he has only recently begun to profit from it through partnerships and speaking engagements.

"For a while I was probably America's worst entrepreneur, because I was reaching millions and not getting any money," he said.

He said he adds hot-line numbers in cities based on size and demand.

"You can only get so many e-mails from people in Minnesota, because they don't have a number yet," he said. "It's something that everybody can relate to on one level or another. It's kind of a satire on the whole 'can I get your number?' dating scene."

For the record, to date no one has ever given Goldblatt the Rejection Hotline number, although he said his friends are working hard to make it happen.

"I definitely think twice about whether or not to ask somebody for their number."

But according to Wygant, people who use the number to fend off potential dates should be prepared for their karma.

"What goes around comes around," he said. "You always get it back, one way or another."

[email protected]

01-18-2006, 12:18 PM
Yeah I heard about that on GMA a year ago.

I think people should just grow balls and tell the person they don't wanna see you again or something. That's taking the Oklahoma way out.

01-18-2006, 12:23 PM

01-18-2006, 12:24 PM
I don't think I could ever be that mean .... :oops

and I doubt I've ever asked for anyone's number I didn't know, so I wouldn't get it back in kind. :lol

01-18-2006, 12:27 PM
Hey Batboy, you want my number? ;)

01-18-2006, 12:30 PM
come on now first of all its not that hard to build up courage to ask a girl for her number...and if she does something like that....who cares...move on and keep working at it....i hate losers who have shrivel up and become little pansies when it comes to talking to members of the opposite sex....its pathetic

01-18-2006, 12:50 PM
come on now first of all its not that hard to build up courage to ask a girl for her number...and if she does something like that....who cares...move on and keep working at it....i hate losers who have shrivel up and become little pansies when it comes to talking to members of the opposite sex....its patheticA fucking men.

01-18-2006, 01:47 PM
It's an asshole thing to do, regardless of how the recipient is supposed to react to it.

01-18-2006, 01:51 PM
She laughed at your jokes. She returned your smiles. And at the end of the night when you finally worked up the courage to ask for her number, she gave it to you.

You waited the requisite three days, visions of your future family (or fling) filling your head, then, with heart pounding, dialed her number.

Ring. Ring. Rejection.

I've never dated so what do I know, but if you had such a great time why wait three days to call?

01-18-2006, 02:07 PM
I've never dated so what do I know, but if you had such a great time why wait three days to call?

I guess so they don't look too desperate. Stupid rule in my opinion, since they were desperate enough to ask for their number in the first place! :lol

01-18-2006, 02:08 PM
Like the majority of callers, Quimby heard about the number from a friend and called seeking not a date but rather an entertaining message.
I think this is the key to the whole thing. I know last year when this was the big thing my daughter and all of her friends called it for fun/entertainment/curiousity. I heard somewhere that over 95% of the calls were out curiousity and not for real.

01-18-2006, 02:13 PM
come on now first of all its not that hard to build up courage to ask a girl for her number...and if she does something like that....who cares...move on and keep working at it....

Plus, there's always stalking . . .

01-18-2006, 02:27 PM
I guess so they don't look too desperate. Stupid rule in my opinion, since they were desperate enough to ask for their number in the first place! :lol

If I had a nice time with a guy I would hope he would ask for my number so we could go out again.
Although unless we were set up on a blind date, you'd think he already had it.

01-18-2006, 02:39 PM
If I had a nice time with a guy I would hope he would ask for my number so we could go out again.
Although unless we were set up on a blind date, you'd think he already had it.But if you dont have a nice time with him thats when you use the rejection number.:lol

01-18-2006, 02:46 PM
But if you dont have a nice time with him thats when you use the rejection number.:lol

I couldn't do that to someone.

01-18-2006, 02:48 PM
I couldn't do that to someone.
so you'd give him your number regardless?

ok, maybe you're TOO nice!

01-18-2006, 02:49 PM
If I had a nice time with a guy I would hope he would ask for my number so we could go out again.
Although unless we were set up on a blind date, you'd think he already had it.

No, not to desperate to ask, but to call within the 3 day rule. Supposedly that looks desperate on his part. :rolleyes

01-18-2006, 03:24 PM
A man who seems more apathetic and not all that interested in talking to me again (as waiting 3 days would suggest) would be much more of a turn off IMO than someone who seems too "desperate". And I never thought about someone being desperate....if anything, too pushy comes to mind.


01-18-2006, 03:49 PM
so you'd give him your number regardless?

ok, maybe you're TOO nice!

No, I would tell him the truth- that I didn't want to go out again.

I would never gets a person's hopes up so they could get crushed by a recording later.

Oh, Gee!!
01-18-2006, 03:55 PM
I usually give fat chicks the number to jenny craig

01-18-2006, 04:22 PM
If you got cash , women will do whatever whenever you want. The hotter the chick the easier they usually are cause they have lower self esteem.

01-18-2006, 04:25 PM
ha ha ha ha ha aha ha h fucking angel luv your great......the 3 day rule is stupid i usually make a girl wait about 2 weeks before she ever hears from me...and thats just cause i forget i even got their number....but I honestly don't see how guys can be so scurred to talk to a girl??? Ive seen it so many times.....they get all strong enough to do it and then just walk right by the person they want to talk to cause they get scared...women are people just like we are...(with the exception of them bleeding 7 days and not dying).........true they are the gate keepers, but we are the key holders...without us they are just as useless....most girls that hit the bars and clubs and stuff like that are there to get hit on.....especially if they are alone....so get up the nerve and offer a drink..its the easiest ice breaker in the world

01-18-2006, 05:18 PM
ha ha ha ha ha aha ha h fucking angel luv your great......the 3 day rule is stupid i usually make a girl wait about 2 weeks before she ever hears from me...and thats just cause i forget i even got their number....but I honestly don't see how guys can be so scurred to talk to a girl??? Ive seen it so many times.....they get all strong enough to do it and then just walk right by the person they want to talk to cause they get scared...women are people just like we are...(with the exception of them bleeding 7 days and not dying).........true they are the gate keepers, but we are the key holders...without us they are just as useless....most girls that hit the bars and clubs and stuff like that are there to get hit on.....especially if they are alone....so get up the nerve and offer a drink..its the easiest ice breaker in the world

You forget you got their number? :rolleyes I know you think you're "awesome" but get over yourself already. If the girl was just one of the "Club Rive River-rats" then I believe it. Its all about the quality of girl, not the quantity of girls I get numbers from.

No wonder quality girls don't like the club, my guess is you're the "type" of guy that frequents the club like this. Haven't had any luck yet huh? You ever think that girls go to the club just to have fun and dance? I don't think they're all there to get hit on, that might be a figment of your imagination. Maybe you should try talking to a girl first, before you offer a drink(try to get them drunk), then maybe you'd meet a girl and get a number worth remembering.

01-19-2006, 12:07 AM
I have the reject number actually. It has a 310 area code. I attained it from an Aggie, go figure.

I'd be happy to give it out...for a price...