View Full Version : Any more changes on the forum?

01-20-2006, 09:59 AM
We can see the change on the club in this forum.
I wan't to ask if there will be a visual change in others?

01-20-2006, 12:41 PM

I've always wanted to take a picture like that with my buddies.

The sone
01-20-2006, 12:48 PM
i want to do it with my toes...

but i only have ten. :depressed

01-20-2006, 12:56 PM
Nearly all commercial websites have dropped, years ago, light text on dark background, which they originally found cheap to do (colored pixels are free compared to covering white paper with colored ink), arty, distinctive. oops!

Dark/black text on white background, high-contrast, like black ink on paper, is what people find most readable, since that's what they've been reading their entire lives.

01-20-2006, 01:04 PM

01-20-2006, 02:48 PM

Kori Ellis
01-20-2006, 02:50 PM
We can see the change on the club in this forum.
I wan't to ask if there will be a visual change in others?

Who knows.

When (if) you see them, then you'll know.

I have no idea if we'll change anything else.

01-20-2006, 03:19 PM
I have 1400 pixel wide laptop, using Firefox. the image get stretched by the browser by taking the right column of pixels and duplicating. Not pleasing:


here's the Image stretched in Paint Shop Pro:


01-20-2006, 03:20 PM
Is that Condoleezi Rice in the mauve jacket?

01-20-2006, 03:21 PM
Oy, vey!

Kori Ellis
01-20-2006, 03:21 PM
You barely post in The Club. So I don't see why you care so much. But from what I understand, you'll (eventually) be able to choose another skin.

Kori Ellis
01-20-2006, 03:22 PM
Is that Condoleezi Rice in the mauve jacket?

It's CrazyOne's wife.

The sone
01-20-2006, 03:35 PM
Oy, vey!

lemme tell you...

once while schlepping a gafilte to my home, i was gonna make a nice schmear for my matzos, some meshugeh goy gets all schmaltzy on me saying he knows me from the old country..what a kvetch. well needless to say i put the kibosh on that story and smacked him with my gafilte...


i mean i like a kid with chutzpah but cmon'...

01-20-2006, 04:13 PM

I'm loving the new skin :tu

01-20-2006, 04:22 PM
lemme tell you...

once while schlepping a gafilte to my home, i was gonna make a nice schmear for my matzos, some meshugeh goy gets all schmaltzy on me saying he knows me from the old country..what a kvetch. well needless to say i put the kibosh on that story and smacked him with my gafilte...


i mean i like a kid with chutzpah but cmon'...

I like it when they slice the muton nice and lean

01-20-2006, 04:28 PM
A new forum will be created and it will be dedicated to tlongII. A new skin featuring multiple tlongII photographs will be used with it.

01-20-2006, 04:30 PM
I have 1400 pixel wide laptop, using Firefox. the image get stretched by the browser by taking the right column of pixels and duplicating. Not pleasing:

here's the Image stretched in Paint Shop Pro:

Your missing the point Boutons.

The picture only appears once in the top left corner of the Club. Then the browser adds the last column of pixels of the picture a certain number of times to fill out the window. This is done on purpose in the CSS stylesheet that the forum software is using to generate the forum's pages.

It is the only way to guarantee the same result on any computer using a resolution of at least 800x600 pixels (pretty safe bet). If I would have done it like you propose people with smaller screen resolution would only see parts of the pictures and annoying horizontal scroll bars would appear (not so using the current trick). Another thing is that many people using higher resolution displays don't use the whole display for their browser but look at it as a window on their desktop, and if that window is at least 800 pixels wide - again things work out nicely.

I know a lot of people who use very high screen res. (my notebook runs at 1920x1200, my production PC at home runs at 3200x1200)
and the reason behind it is to be able to use many programs at the same time with none overlaping windows and not to have one huge window covering the whole screen.

Now you decided to use it in a different way - that's an advantage of being able to setup your computer anyway you like - but the point is that you still see the picture the same way as everybody else.

01-20-2006, 04:30 PM

I'm loving the new skin :tu

and Tpark seems to be enjoying your "skin" too! :lol

01-20-2006, 04:30 PM

I'm loving the new skin :tu

I was hoping you would :)

01-20-2006, 04:31 PM
Your missing the point Boutons.

The picture only appears once in the top left corner of the Club. Then the browser adds the last column of pixels of the picture a certain number of times to fill out the window. This is done on purpose in the CSS stylesheet that the forum software is using to generate the forum's pages.

It is the only way to guarantee the same result on any computer using a resolution of at least 800x600 pixels (pretty safe bet). If I would have done it like you propose people with smaller screen resolution would only see parts of the pictures and annoying horizontal scroll bars would appear (not so using the current trick). Another thing is that many people using higher resolution displays don't use the whole display for their browser but look at it as a window on their desktop, and if that window is at least 800 pixels wide - again things work out nicely.

I know a lot of people who use very high screen res. (my notebook runs at 1920x1200, my production PC at home runs at 3200x1200)
and the reason behind it is to be able to use many programs at the same time with none overlaping windows and not to have one huge window covering the whole screen.

Now you decided to use it in a different way - that's an advantage of being able to setup your computer anyway you like - but the point is that you still see the picture the same way as everybody else.

I just thought the bar had a loooooooooong counter, so maybe more people could be added at a later time. :wtf


01-20-2006, 04:36 PM
I just thought the bar had a loooooooooong counter, so maybe more people could be added at a later time. :wtf

:lolTry to stretch the window of your browser and the picture stretches with it.

Actually I was thinking about the long bar idea as a mean to create more space for people, but a picture of this size (800x390) is already big as a top graphic, maybe when everybody is on at least 3 GHz processsors and has T1 lines we can increase that :)

The sone
01-20-2006, 04:45 PM
new skins are sooooo nice...i love new skins.


01-20-2006, 04:48 PM

you're missing the point. :)

I don't remember my browswer/CSS stretching other images so badly like that.

Why not just let the image be centered? or left-justified?

The stretching is pretty ugly, but like the Spurs' playing, it's January, so WGAF? :)

01-20-2006, 04:57 PM
I'm loving the new skin

While everyone else is loving your skin?

Edit: damn, Danyo beat me to it.

01-20-2006, 05:17 PM
Mine cuts off right at Sequ

01-20-2006, 05:56 PM
Mine has a long bar.....I thought that was room to add more people, too. :oops :lol

01-20-2006, 06:40 PM
Interesting. I'm running Opera right now, and I also have the long bar.

Mine cuts off right at Sequ

Speaking of which, the photos clearly aren't scaled to actual height. Slomo should redo some, if you know what I mean.

01-21-2006, 05:12 AM
Interesting. I'm running Opera right now, and I also have the long bar.

Speaking of which, the photos clearly aren't scaled to actual height. Slomo should redo some, if you know what I mean.The long bar is by design. If the browser window is wider than 800 pixels (the width of the picture) then the browser automatically adds a predefined pattern of pixel to fill out the extra space. If it didn't it would be just black colour which I found to be much worse. So if you are looking at the forum on a computer running at 800x600 pixels, you're browser window is actually less than 800 pixels wide even if it's full screen (the borders and scroll bars of the browser take up some space) - so you don't get the "long bar". If you are running at any other higher resolution expanding your browser window horizontally will at a certain point start creating the "long bar". It's part of the forums code, so it's browser independent.

As for the scale issue: :lol

01-21-2006, 05:50 AM
yeah - mouse is the best

But he is all alone :(

Slo spurs fan
01-21-2006, 01:42 PM
:wow This is great!!!

Oscar DeLa
01-21-2006, 06:18 PM
I don't know what it is but something has changed, besides the color scheme, things are bigger, yet smaller...its computers...