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02-08-2006, 09:19 AM
Prince will withdraw from Olympic team consideration

Prince will withdraw from Olympic team consideration

Sunday, February 05, 2006
By A. Sherrod Blakely

INDIANAPOLIS -- Detroit Pistons forward Tayshaun Prince is expected to withdraw from consideration for the 2008 Olympic team within the next couple of weeks.

Phoenix Suns CEO Jerry Colangelo, who also is in charge of assembling the players for Team USA, is expected to release a list of about 20 players during the NBA All-Star weekend (Feb. 18-19) who will be invited to training camp this summer. The roster will then be reduced to 12 for the 2006 World Championships in Japan, another possible qualifying tournament in 2007 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Colangelo has spoken with Prince, as well as Pistons teammates Chauncey Billups and Richard Hamilton about the Olympics.

Prince spoke recently with Colangelo, and reiterated his reservations about the three-year commitment players would have to make to be part of Team USA. Prince is concerned that the long-term commitment might interfere with Detroit's quest for winning an NBA title or two.

"Who knows if we (the Pistons) go all the way (through the playoff) to June, and a couple of weeks after we finish, this starts up," Prince said. "If you think about playing for a gold medal, of course, you'll be like, `yeah, I'm for that.' You want to represent your country and USA basketball. But, we're trying to win a title every year."

Prince is the only Piston to appear in every game since the 2003-2004 season.

"The last couple of years, I've played 100-and-something games (a season) and hopefully, I'll do the same this year," Prince said. "If I commit to this, then my whole summer is going to be booked, and then I'll have to turn right back around and start playing another 100-and-something games. That's the most important thing for me to think about."

Hamilton and Billups have expressed similar concerns.

"We feel as though we have a team that can play into the (NBA) Finals every year," said Hamilton, who will also probably turn down Colangelo's invitation. "So that means right after the season, you're playing. And right after that, you're playing for another season. You don't want to tire yourself out and things like that. So it's definitely something me, and all the guys they're talking to on this team, have to think about."

Indiana forward Jermaine O'Neal has no plans to rush back from a groin injury that's expected to keep him out for most of the rest of the regular season.

"I have to be patient. That's the reason why I'm hurt now, because I wasn't patient," O'Neal said. "I came back from pneumonia too early and hurt my (left) ankle because my body was too weak. Then I came back from my ankle injury, and overcompensated with my left leg and my groin got tight. The next thing you know, I popped it."

02-08-2006, 09:21 AM
Prince isn't good enough to be on that squad anyways.

02-08-2006, 09:35 AM
yes he is
you do not have to have mvp candiates on all postions
they need role players to

Wallace ²
02-08-2006, 03:22 PM
He said in an article today, that he never said that. He is still considering taking the spot. Chauncey on the other hand has all but accepted the invite. There is a stipulation that he wont have to play in the tournament this summer though because his wife will be giving birth.

02-08-2006, 06:50 PM
yeah he is. he might be the most verstatile player in the nba. he plays great D, he can get his own and pass well. if you have pg foul out he can play that position very well