View Full Version : W Sneaks Social Security Privatization Into 07 Budget

02-08-2006, 05:35 PM
But anyone who thought that Bush would wait for bipartisanship to deal with Social Security was wrong. Instead, he stuck his own privatization proposals into his proposed budget.

"The Democrats were laughing all the way to the funeral of Social Security modernization," White House spokesman Trent Duffy told me in an interview Tuesday, but "the president still cares deeply about this. " Duffy asserted that Bush would have been remiss not to include in the budget the cost of something that he feels so strongly about, and he seemed surprised at my surprise that Social Security privatization had been written into the budget without any advance fanfare.


Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/07/AR2006020701865.html?referrer=emailarticle)

$700 BILLION over the first 7 years

His plan would let people set up private accounts starting in 2010 and would divert more than $700 billion of Social Security tax revenues to pay for them over the first seven years.

Nevertheless, it's here. Unlike Bush's generalized privatization talk of last year, we're now talking detailed numbers. On page 321 of the budget proposal, you see the privatization costs: $24.182 billion in fiscal 2010, $57.429 billion in fiscal 2011 and another $630.533 billion for the five years after that, for a seven-year total of $712.144 billion.

In the first year of private accounts, people would be allowed to divert up to 4 percent of their wages covered by Social Security into what Bush called "voluntary private accounts." The maximum contribution to such accounts would start at $1,100 annually and rise by $100 a year through 2016.

02-08-2006, 06:40 PM
Sneak as in don't read it?

This is what normally happens. The pres sends a budget..

Congress makes changes and passes it...

The last time it DIDN'T happen was under your buddy Clinton's office which was so inept it kept having to do continuting resolutions.

Bush does not have that problems.. he's not getting his dick sucked he's actually working.

George W Bush
02-08-2006, 06:49 PM
I'm going to spend a lot of time on Social Security. I enjoy it. I enjoy taking on the issue. I guess, it's the mother in me.

George W Bush
02-08-2006, 06:51 PM


good one vashner


Hey, vacation ain't so easy.


God Bless America :tu

George W Bush
02-08-2006, 07:06 PM
hey bush,

why does your dad talk like a yankee, you talk like a (fake) texan, and jeb talk with no accent?

My daddy taught me everything I know, unfortunately, I can't learn. As long as I wear my cowboy costume and chase armadilla, people will believe I'm a Texan.

As for my brother Jeb, most people don't know this, but he's the black sheep of the family. We disowned him fur not wantin' to talk like us. He is in what me and my daddy call "the accents of evil". However, that would make him the best option for the next President of the United States and this here is my endorsement for Jeb in 08'.

I'm George W Bush and I approve this message. :tu

02-09-2006, 01:38 AM
So we should continue to give the feds more and more of our $ to manage since they do such a great job? Good luck with that.

cecil collins
02-09-2006, 03:19 AM
My daddy taught me everything I know, unfortunately, I can't learn. As long as I wear my cowboy costume and chase armadilla, people will believe I'm a Texan.

As for my brother Jeb, most people don't know this, but he's the black sheep of the family. We disowned him fur not wantin' to talk like us. He is in what me and my daddy call "the accents of evil". However, that would make him the best option for the next President of the United States and this here is my endorsement for Jeb in 08'.

I'm George W Bush and I approve this message. :tu
Funny guy, I still can't believe someone thought it was Zac. :lol

George W Bush
02-09-2006, 09:23 AM
Funny guy, I still can't believe someone thought it was Zac. :lol

Who is this funny guy you speak of? We must seek him out, find him, and get him outa harms way, so we can execute him, then send him to fight the war on terra.

As for ProZac, this is something me and my administration is very concerned about. My friends at the big drug companies are dealing ProZak, and I'm very concerned about this, and by the way I it's something we are concerned about. When I learned that my friends were depressed on dealing these farmacudicals, I gave em advice, and told em, hey, let's go to my ranch and clear brushes to get your minds right.

My friends declined the offer, I dunno, maybe they don't like trees, so I got very upset about this and accepted their campaign contribution. I went to sleep, woke up in the mornin' and declared war on Iraq.

I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
God Bless America :tu

02-09-2006, 11:58 AM
How do you "sneak" something into the budget?

George W Bush
02-09-2006, 12:00 PM
How do you "sneak" something into the budget?

Well there, Yoni boy, we'd have to discuss that behind opened doors.
But I appreciate your support. Always nice to have the little ladies on your side.

heck of job Yoni :tu

George W. Bush
02-09-2006, 12:02 PM
this guy probably thinks a pennyback is change...

George W Bush
02-09-2006, 12:15 PM
this guy probably thinks a pennyback is change...

How'd you know that? That's agood trik.

Aggie Hoopsfan
02-09-2006, 10:13 PM
How can you sneak something in that's out there in the public record?

Damn Dan, are you and boutons trying to prove who is the biggest idiot on the forum, or what?

BTW, until the Demos come up with a better plan, I am pro privatization :tu I'd kinda like to have see some of that money I'm putting in at some point when I retire.

George W Bush
02-10-2006, 12:02 AM

you rang?

02-10-2006, 01:51 AM
The problem here is this bush prick is tryin to cut costs, and defer the cost to fund his war :(, which forces retirees who have no super of savings to work longer till they can successfully retire, but the problem is these politicians dont give a fuck cose they will be on welfare also when they retire, the amount they get is probaly more than the average persons gross income for the year.

Australia is slowly becomin like this also.