View Full Version : The next few games!

11-17-2003, 03:00 AM
For the next few games I would like to see the Pacers close out a couple teams after taking the lead late. I think when we see this happening we will begain to get more and more excited about this years Pacers team. I think that was the one thing they lacked last year was the ability to close out teams. Sure Miller makes the dagger 3's but I want the whole team to just close out some games soon. If they start doing this then I like our chances a lot better in the playoffs.

11-17-2003, 07:35 AM
Yes I agree, we need to start putting teams away and holding onto that lead. That has been our achilies heel the past three years now.

But I think since we now have the defensive system worked in, we just need to concentrate on the offense right now, once that is done, I really like our chances, not just to get past the first round but the whole thing.