View Full Version : fuck tony stewart....

02-19-2006, 06:58 PM
that is all
what a fucking hypocrite. that lame ass chode lost all respect i had for him and i would assume earned alot of enemies tonight. took alot of liberties with peoples lives tonight after bitching about atht shit all week. what a chode. he's lucky idont know where he lives or i wo ulld have to regulate his chode

02-19-2006, 07:09 PM
that is all
what a fucking hypocrite. that lame ass chode lost all respect i had for him and i would assume earned alot of enemies tonight. took alot of liberties with peoples lives tonight after bitching about atht shit all week. what a chode. he's lucky idont know where he lives or i wo ulld have to regulate his chode

Welcome to the new Nascar.

Tony Stewart is leading Nascar into the next revenue stream.

02-19-2006, 07:11 PM
NASCAR sucks ass.

02-19-2006, 07:11 PM
The paucity of blacks in Tony Stewart's crew make his team look like the GOP Convention

02-19-2006, 07:18 PM
NASCAR= :sleep :sleep :sleep

02-19-2006, 08:30 PM
tony is cool. he fucks with pretty boy gordon all the time.

02-20-2006, 04:14 PM
Turn Right Once! Please?

Messican Lover
02-20-2006, 04:17 PM
Whatever it takes to win and he was fucked with first what goes around comes around. If you can't take the shit then go race go carts.

02-20-2006, 09:14 PM
Whatever it takes to win and he was fucked with first what goes around comes around. If you can't take the shit then go race go carts.
you cant cry about peoples safety and say someone is going to die at daytona and then a week later intentionally send someone up across teh track sliding backwards at 175 mph
theres plenty of other ways to get revenge back. that move was lame and shows what a crybaby hypocrite he is

02-21-2006, 12:00 AM
Turn Right Once! Please?

They do a couple of races each year at actual road tracks, where they get to prove the cars can turn both ways.

02-21-2006, 12:47 AM
For those who take the sport seriously, Stewart looked like an ass. Plain and simple. I'm glad NASCAR penalized him a couple of times for all of his stupidity. Stewart is the new Dale Earnhardt. Someone who will slam anyone, wreck anyone, and practically kill anyone as long as it means getting to the front of the pack.

02-21-2006, 12:50 AM
For those who take the sport seriously, Stewart looked like an ass. Plain and simple. I'm glad NASCAR penalized him a couple of times for all of his stupidity. Stewart is the new Dale Earnhardt. Someone who will slam anyone, wreck anyone, and practically kill anyone as long as it means getting to the front of the pack.

Bro, this is extreme racing, especially at Daytona.

Hey, you could always take up basket weaving if you don't like it.....

Nascar is exciting because of crashes at high speeds......

Get with the times.

02-21-2006, 01:18 AM
Bro, this is extreme racing, especially at Daytona.

Hey, you could always take up basket weaving if you don't like it.....

Nascar is exciting because of crashes at high speeds......

Get with the times.

Seems as though NASCAR doesn't agree with your asinine sentiments. Otherwise, they wouldn't have penalized him. Earnhardt used to get away with that kind of nonsense because he was the cash cow of NASCAR back then. Thankfully, NASCAR now realizes that it's better off by keeping dumbasses like Stewart under control.

P.S. "Extreme racing" was back in the day before restrictor plates kept them under 200 MPH. The restrictions they have now make it much tamer.

02-21-2006, 10:22 AM
I dont think that Stewart is so much of a hypocrite, he admitted after the shootout that he too was being agressive with bump drafting and whatnot. All Tony said was that someone was going to get killed if this continued, he never said he was going to stop doing it. And frankly if he did stop doing it, he would have finished in the bottom 5 not the top 5. You have to bump draft there to be competitive.

It was Kenseth who started it by taking the air out of Stewart, therefore sending him to the wall and hitting Gordon.

And Tony knew what he was doing by sending Kenseth across the infield.

It was a BS move by both sides, but Kenseth was definatley the aggressor in this matter.

I think changing the bumpers will fix the problem at Tallegeda and the night race at Daytona.

02-21-2006, 12:50 PM
Tony Stewart is good and bad for the sport of NASCAR. He does things that at times can cause someone to get seriously hurt. However, at the same time those things he does on the track that can cause someone to get seriously hurt make NASCAR a bit more exciting and keeps fans watching.

02-21-2006, 01:48 PM
I dont think that Stewart is so much of a hypocrite, he admitted after the shootout that he too was being agressive with bump drafting and whatnot. All Tony said was that someone was going to get killed if this continued, he never said he was going to stop doing it. And frankly if he did stop doing it, he would have finished in the bottom 5 not the top 5. You have to bump draft there to be competitive.

It was Kenseth who started it by taking the air out of Stewart, therefore sending him to the wall and hitting Gordon.

And Tony knew what he was doing by sending Kenseth across the infield.

It was a BS move by both sides, but Kenseth was definatley the aggressor in this matter.

I think changing the bumpers will fix the problem at Tallegeda and the night race at Daytona.

:tu :tu :tu :tu

Tony Stewart is good and bad for the sport of NASCAR. He does things that at times can cause someone to get seriously hurt. However, at the same time those things he does on the track that can cause someone to get seriously hurt make NASCAR a bit more exciting and keeps fans watching.

:tu :tu

And, most of the time when Tony does something like that, it's because it's been done to him and NASCAR did nothing to the person who did it to him. Just because the tv cameras/NASCAR don't show you everything that happens on the track doesn't mean stuff is not going on. If you want to really know what is going on, watch the Speed Channel, or get TrackPass for the races. You hear and see stuff you won't believe.

Tony Stewart used to be a renegade...dangerous. Now, he's a pretty straight shooter. He was doing the same thing Sunday that Dale Jarrett, Michael Waltrip, and some other veteran drivers were forced to do last year...send NASCAR a big "HELLO?!?! IS ANYONE HOME???" when they get too starry-eyed with their hot new little stars (Jamie McMurray, Kyle Bush, etc.) and let them get away with their crap. Funny how NASCAR ALWAYS notices when it's one of the established drivers, huh? But, it makes them go back and review film and see what causes these fiascos.

No way Jenny Johnson should have won that race Sunday...he should not have been allowed to race; he should have been sent packing with his buddy Chad Knauss. THAT crap (illegal/unapproved stuff on the cars) is what is going to get someone killed in a race.

03-01-2006, 07:50 PM
oh the stupidity in this forum of those who know nothing of nascar.

seguspur-these exciting crashes you speak of are what get people killed. many people have died at daytona and not just in nascar.

keda-how can oyu "know what youre doing" and know whats going to happen when you slam your car into someone when youreboth doing 200 mph. if you saw it happen live and or saw the replay, you would have seen how many cars narrowly, and i say taht to its truest meaning, missed hitting kenseth. not only did stewart fuck wtih peoples lives, but also a bunch of money that wasnt his. not just kenseths sponsors but hte sponsors of a shitload of other cars. and alot of time and energy and moeny spent on getting those cars ready for that race. and also tonys move has nothing to do with "bump drafting" and stewart didnt hit gordon bc of kenseth. stewart hit gordon bc he came down to early and didnt give gordon the room to pass. neither one of htem would have gone in the wall if stewart would have relegated the position instead of being reckless. he slid up, gordon moved in, and stewart got mad.

and pache, i dont care what happened you dont risk others lives like that. and if anything i think nascar would cater to the current champin more so than any of their "hot new little stars" though theres not many of them that i like. and to prove you wrong if that was the case how come kyle busch got sent to the back for "aggressive driving"? also why should jimmie johnson have got sent home? nascar was founded by a bunch of people who used to be bootleggers and was built upon a cornerstone of cheating/bending rules. geting caught is a risk and johnsons car was race ready for the race and his crew chief got fined. if he hadnt won it wouldnt even be an issue anymore.

03-01-2006, 11:42 PM
keda-how can oyu "know what youre doing" and know whats going to happen when you slam your car into someone when youreboth doing 200 mph. if you saw it happen live and or saw the replay, you would have seen how many cars narrowly, and i say taht to its truest meaning, missed hitting kenseth. not only did stewart fuck wtih peoples lives, but also a bunch of money that wasnt his. not just kenseths sponsors but hte sponsors of a shitload of other cars. and alot of time and energy and moeny spent on getting those cars ready for that race. and also tonys move has nothing to do with "bump drafting" and stewart didnt hit gordon bc of kenseth. stewart hit gordon bc he came down to early and didnt give gordon the room to pass. neither one of htem would have gone in the wall if stewart would have relegated the position instead of being reckless. he slid up, gordon moved in, and stewart got mad.

which Daytona 500 were YOU watching???

get the tampon out of your ass and watch it again

Kenseth took the air out of the back of Stewart, the back of the 20 car got loose and slid up the straight causing Stewart to hit Gordon.
How can you say Tony came down early when they were 3 wide to begin with?

I still have the race on my DVR if youd like to see it again.

And for the drivers knowing what they are doing, that is exactly what I meant. Tony has been racing for more than a decade and has won championships at all levels, he knew where to hit the 17 and spin him across the infield.

Watch the race again, and pay attention this time and you might learn something.

03-02-2006, 09:38 AM
and pache, i dont care what happened you dont risk others lives like that. and if anything i think nascar would cater to the current champin more so than any of their "hot new little stars" though theres not many of them that i like. and to prove you wrong if that was the case how come kyle busch got sent to the back for "aggressive driving"? also why should jimmie johnson have got sent home? nascar was founded by a bunch of people who used to be bootleggers and was built upon a cornerstone of cheating/bending rules. geting caught is a risk and johnsons car was race ready for the race and his crew chief got fined. if he hadnt won it wouldnt even be an issue anymore.

Look, dude, I just stated an opinion. I didn't know you didn't really want comments, most people who post do want others' opinions or they wouldn't bother. I didn't realize you were just posting to hear yourself talk. If you don't like NASCAR and think it "was built upon a cornerstone of cheating/bending rules" WHY THE HELL DO YOU WATCH???? Vote with your remote or your on/off button. Period.

The title of your thread says it all. You hate Tony Stewart and don't want to be confused with the facts or anyone else's opinions. You should have just left it at that.

Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are stupid. I didn't call you stupid, and I don't appreciate being called stupid. I won't bother to respond to any more of your silly threads.

03-02-2006, 09:50 AM
They do a couple of races each year at actual road tracks, where they get to prove the cars can turn both ways.
shhh yer gunna give haters a heart attack

03-02-2006, 11:32 AM
tony stewart sounds like a no limit soldier

03-02-2006, 11:45 AM
Something does have to be done about Tony Stewart though. He gets away with a lot. If he does something similiar to what he did at Daytona again he needs to be penalized. He is putting lives in danger and taking lots of money away from sponsors. Not just thousands. Millions.

03-02-2006, 11:50 AM
It was probably because of a malfunction of his Nascar...maybe it wasn't his fault

03-02-2006, 11:59 AM
its a car, not a NASCAR

NASCAR is the name of the organazation, not the car.

03-02-2006, 12:12 PM
Something does have to be done about Tony Stewart though. He gets away with a lot. If he does something similiar to what he did at Daytona again he needs to be penalized. He is putting lives in danger and taking lots of money away from sponsors. Not just thousands. Millions.

Then you are going to have to "do something" about all the 10-15 other drivers on any given Sunday who "put lives in danger and take money away from sponsors" (not even sure you know what you are talking about there). The point I'm trying to make is there would be no need for retaliation on the race track if there were no initial acts of aggression on the race track...THOSE are the people who should be penalized - the initiators. Retaliation happens because NASCAR lets certain people (and it's usually the same certain people, but not always) get away with stuff and then they punish retaliation. That is wrong, plain and simple. Either the rules apply to everyone or there are no rules. The rookies (Kyle Busch) should be no exception; that's how you learn what the infractions are and what the penalties are...start from the back instead of the pole a few times and you'll get it.

ANY known act of illegally improving/altering a race car (ignorance of the rules/regulations is NOT an excuse) should be punished to the fullest extent of the regs every time it happens, no matter who is guilty (Jenny Johnson) of doing it or who it happens to. I think every race should be an impound race. You gotta fix something? Go to the back of the line, I don't care who you are or where you qualified to start the race.

If NASCAR doesn't stop showing favoritism to certain teams and punishing other teams, they are going to start losing fans by the droves. THAT is when you will see major loss of sponsor funding. As long as the fans are there, the money will be there.

03-02-2006, 12:16 PM
And, I'm not talking about assertive racing or bump-drafting. I'm talking about cutting people off on pit road, ramming people on the track, passing people on the apron or the infield, etc. That kind of aggression. I have no problem with "real racin'", and bump-drafting is a part of that. Tapping people into the wall or spinning them is not the same thing as bump-drafting.

BTW, I thought the mysterious glove on the track to get a caution was HILARIOUS. Didn't hurt anybody. They never did find out who it belonged to or who threw it out there. :lol
(Reminded me of Junior, when told by his pit chief a couple of years ago "We need a caution!", he said, "I'm workin' on it!" :lol )

03-02-2006, 12:48 PM
I am not going to waste my time trying to respond to your post Pache. You are watching something totally different obviously if you think there is not wrong with drivers like Tony Stewart. Is he good for NASCAR? Yes and No. Yes because of ratings and popularity. No because there have been a number of times where he has done something stupid on the track that puts lives in danger. The sport is dangerous enough as it is when you are going from 170-200mph with 43 drivers who all want to get to the front.

03-02-2006, 12:51 PM
its a car, not a NASCAR

NASCAR is the name of the organazation, not the car.

im confused

03-02-2006, 01:06 PM
I am not going to waste my time trying to respond to your post Pache.

And...yet...YOU DID! :lol

You are watching something totally different obviously if you think there is not wrong with drivers like Tony Stewart.

I haven't missed watching a race in 2 1/2 years (except this year's Daytona 500 http://i2.tinypic.com/oupnc4.gif and that was because NBC was not available on the cable in the hotel where I was staying). You aren't reading my posts, anyway, though, that is obvious.

Is he good for NASCAR? Yes and No. Yes because of ratings and popularity. No because there have been a number of times where he has done something stupid on the track that puts lives in danger.

Again, you are apparently not reading my posts. I never said he didn't do anything stupid on the track. What puts the lived in danger IS WHAT HAPPENS BEFORE THAT. Tony reacts; so do a bunch of other guys. You and I disagree. That's all. Your opinion is not fact. I'm not claiming mine is. You don't like Tony Stewart and that's fine. I can take him or leave him; I follow another driver.

The sport is dangerous enough as it is when you are going from 170-200mph with 43 drivers who all want to get to the front.

I thought that was the point of racing.

03-02-2006, 01:20 PM
And...yet...YOU DID! :lol

I haven't missed watching a race in 2 1/2 years (except this year's Daytona 500 http://i2.tinypic.com/oupnc4.gif and that was because NBC was not available on the cable in the hotel where I was staying). You aren't reading my posts, anyway, though, that is obvious.

Again, you are apparently not reading my posts. I never said he didn't do anything stupid on the track. What puts the lived in danger IS WHAT HAPPENS BEFORE THAT. Tony reacts; so do a bunch of other guys. You and I disagree. That's all. Your opinion is not fact. I'm not claiming mine is. You don't like Tony Stewart and that's fine. I can take him or leave him; I follow another driver.

I thought that was the point of racing.

I guess you don't get it. Its cool. Senior member? Figures!

03-02-2006, 01:25 PM
I guess you don't get it. Its cool. Senior member? Figures!

I'm not the one who doesn't get it. At least I wasn't rude to you. So, you don't like the forum, huh?

03-02-2006, 01:33 PM
I'm not the one who doesn't get it. At least I wasn't rude to you. So, you don't like the forum, huh?

I guess. You are putting words in my mouth. What you just stated never came from me. I'm not trying to get into discussion with you about this that will drag on and on.

Let me just tell you this though. I like NASCAR a lot. I don't have one favorite driver yet I find myself pulling more and more for Jeff Gordon because of all the hate he gets from just about at least 1/2 of NASCAR fans (kind of like Kobe in the NBA). He is probably one of the best all time yet he gets all kinds of hate. Anyway. I like Tony Stewart because of the drama he stirs up. I just think that the things he does at times on the track is out of this world and can't believe he gets away with it.

He isn't trying to get back at someone for what they may have done to him. Of course he says that, but if you go back and watch the race from the beginning you'll see no one does anything to him. Am I saying he is always at fault? Of course not.

As far as cheating goes? I can't say who does or doesn't because I don't know. Is there cheating going on? All the time. Who does it? Just about everybody.

03-02-2006, 01:41 PM
I guess. You are putting words in my mouth. What you just stated never came from me.

You said...and I quote..."Senior member? Figures!" That is both rude and indicative that you don't care for the "Senior members" of this forum.

I'm not trying to get into discussion with you about this that will drag on and on.


Let me just tell you this though. I like NASCAR a lot. I don't have one favorite driver yet I find myself pulling more and more for Jeff Gordon because of all the hate he gets from just about at least 1/2 of NASCAR fans (kind of like Kobe in the NBA). He is probably one of the best all time yet he gets all kinds of hate.

That tells me everything I need to know.

03-02-2006, 01:43 PM
You said...and I quote..."Senior member? Figures!" That is both rude and an inference that you don't care for the "Senior members" of this forum.


That tells me everything I need to know.

Exactly what I'm talking about. Hate the successful driver because he probably has a lot you don't have. When someone is on top there is always someone or some people trying to knock him/her off. Just like when people who have lots of money and get hated on by people who don't have a lot of money. Why?

03-02-2006, 01:51 PM
Hate the successful driver because he probably has a lot you don't have. When someone is on top there is always someone or some people trying to knock him/her off.

Do you actually READ what you type? Last time I looked, Tony Stewart is the reigning champion..."on top"...and I was not the one "hating on" him. I said I could take him or leave him. Jeff Gordon IS NOT ON TOP and has not been for a long time. Do you know how long it's been since he won a race? He's not even in the top 10 drivers over his career.

For the record, I don't hate anybody, not even Jeff Gordon (although I do think he's a little worm). I'm not trying to "knock anyone off". I don't care how much (or how little money) Jeff Gordon or anyone else has. Trivia: My driver has won $11,446.00 more than Jeff Gordon this season. It wouldn't matter to me if he hadn't won a penny.

How old are you?

03-02-2006, 02:03 PM
Do you actually READ what you type? Last time I looked, Tony Stewart is the reigning champion..."on top"...and I was not the one "hating on" him. I said I could take him or leave him. Jeff Gordon IS NOT ON TOP and has not been for a long time. Do you know how long it's been since he won a race? He's not even in the top 10 drivers over his career.

For the record, I don't hate anybody, not even Jeff Gordon (although I do think he's a little Hendricks worm). I'm not trying to "knock anyone off". I don't care how much (or how little money) Jeff Gordon or anyone else has.

How old are you?
Tony Stewart is reigning champ no doubt. What's your point? I never said I hated him. If anything I said I like what he does for NASCAR and don't like some of the things he does. Never did I say I don't like him. To say Jeff Gordon is not in the top 10 over his career is plain stupid. He won four races last year the last one coming some time late in October last season. We are barely two races into this season. Ha has 73 NASCAR wins in his career. There are going to be a lot of drivers who will not even get close to half of that in their careers. He is a four-time NASCAR champ. Dale Sr? Seven-time champ. Dale Sr has 76 total wins. Gordon trails him by three. However, according to you he isn't top 10. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggghhhhhttttt.

What does my age have to do with this?

03-02-2006, 02:09 PM
To say Jeff Gordon is not in the top 10 over his career is plain stupid.

May be. The statisticians at NASCAR.com are plain stupid, then. That's where I got the info. I don't care enough about Jeff Gordon to know that independently.

"fuck tony stewart...." (the title of the thread YOU started) does not sound like you like the guy. That's why I asked you if you read anything you type.

What does my age have to do with this?

Nothing. Except some of the things you say sound like they come from a 10-year old.

I'm done.

03-02-2006, 02:13 PM
Nothing. Except some of the things you say sound like they come from a 10-year old.

You wouldn't have an idea of what it is to be 10 years old since its been like what....75-85 years since you were 10?


03-02-2006, 02:16 PM
"fuck tony stewart...." (the title of the thread YOU started)


03-02-2006, 02:17 PM

Sorry. Got carried away. I'm over it now, though.

03-02-2006, 02:18 PM
Sorry. Got carried away. I'm over it now, though.

I just found it funny that you tell him to read what he types and you don't even read what's already been typed. :lol :angel

03-02-2006, 02:21 PM
I just found it funny that you tell him to read what he types and you don't even read what's already been typed. :lol :angel


03-02-2006, 06:54 PM
Turn Right Once! Please?

That chick in CALI that stole that LA County Sheriff SUV could NEVER be a NACSAR DRIVER...She took TONS of right turns on her course...but did a helluva job on three tires and a RIM

03-02-2006, 07:08 PM
If i were driving a nascar I'd never cause a wreck

03-02-2006, 07:10 PM
Nascar sucks ass i dont know how people can get into a bunch of fucking cars driving around in a circle for almost half a day...and by the way FUCK DALE EARNDHART im glad that bastard crashed his fault for trying to push other cars out the way so his son could take the lead fuck this stupid damn nascar shit it shouldnt even be considered a sport

03-02-2006, 07:20 PM
its a car, not a NASCAR

NASCAR is the name of the organazation, not the car.
come on thats like saying in Basketball they play with a basketball!

03-02-2006, 07:31 PM
Who cares about NASCAR?

03-02-2006, 07:45 PM
Nascar sucks ass i dont know how people can get into a bunch of fucking cars driving around in a circle for almost half a day...and by the way FUCK DALE EARNDHART im glad that bastard crashed his fault for trying to push other cars out the way so his son could take the lead fuck this stupid damn nascar shit it shouldnt even be considered a sport

Batty, you are my boy and all, but the Earnhardt comment was uncalled for.

Old School Chic
03-02-2006, 07:47 PM
Batty, you are my boy and all, but the Earnhardt comment was uncalled for.

yeah! :spin

03-02-2006, 07:53 PM
I love the respect of others in this forum, if someone was a curling fan, I would resepect the fact that they are a fan of a sport.

I might not understand it, but I dont go cussing at them and making fun of them because I dont have the same passion that they do.

You guys need to grow up, I like NASCAR, others here like it too. If you dont, just move onto another thread. We didnt bother you, dont bother us, that simple.

and just for thos NASCAR fans, my boy finished third this weekend, better watch out for the 99 hes gonna getcha!!!

Old School Chic
03-02-2006, 07:58 PM
I love the respect of others in this forum, if someone was a curling fan, I would resepect the fact that they are a fan of a sport.

I might not understand it, but I dont go cussing at them and making fun of them because I dont have the same passion that they do.

You guys need to grow up, I like NASCAR, others here like it too. If you dont, just move onto another thread. We didnt bother you, dont bother us, that simple.

and just for thos NASCAR fans, my boy finished third this weekend, better watch out for the 99 hes gonna getcha!!!

Well said, KEDA :spin

03-02-2006, 08:00 PM
I love the respect of others in this forum, if someone was a curling fan, I would resepect the fact that they are a fan of a sport.

I might not understand it, but I dont go cussing at them and making fun of them because I dont have the same passion that they do.

You guys need to grow up, I like NASCAR, others here like it too. If you dont, just move onto another thread. We didnt bother you, dont bother us, that simple.

and just for thos NASCAR fans, my boy finished third this weekend, better watch out for the 99 hes gonna getcha!!!


I agree KEDA. I think many CASUAL drivers tend to forget what in might be like to push a vehicle with ZERO SUSPENSION to its limit at 3-4Gs around turns for several HUNDRED corners and rely on the AWESOME crew coordination necessary to maintain said vehicle in the process. The Driver is basically an extension of the team and crew chief. Thaty is why it is AMAZING that Johnson is doing as well as he is without Knaus available.

I know my comment has spoken WELL above the craniums of most of these posters, but YOU know what I mean, KEDA!

03-02-2006, 08:03 PM

I agree KEDA. I think many CASUAL drivers tend to forget what in might be like to push a vehicle with ZERO SUSPENSION to its limit at 3-4Gs around turns for several HUNDRED corners and rely on the AWESOME crew coordination necessary to maintain said vehicle in the process. The Driver is basically an extension of the team and crew chief. Thaty is why it is AMAZING that Johnson is doing as well as he is without Knaus available.

I know my comment has spoken WELL above the craniums of most of these posters, but YOU know what I mean, KEDA!

I HATE Hendrick cars and their drivers, but I have to give Jimmie credit, hes a badass!!!

to do what he has done without the head coach is a true testament to that team, but I still shop at Home Depot, lol

03-02-2006, 08:15 PM
Nascar sucks ass i dont know how people can get into a bunch of fucking cars driving around in a circle for almost half a day...and by the way FUCK DALE EARNDHART im glad that bastard crashed his fault for trying to push other cars out the way so his son could take the lead fuck this stupid damn nascar shit it shouldnt even be considered a sport
he wasnt even doing anything. he was blocking for his two teammates in front of him, not jsut his son. he did nothing wrong
and to whoever said gordon isnt top 10 of all time, youre right. if you go by stats hes like top 5. some say the greatest of all time, yes thats right better than dale sr, better than the king, better than anyone else from the rich history of nascar. and my statement about nascar being founded on cheating wasnt negative, im saying that bc i agree with it. i like when they cheat. like last year when harvick ran only a litle bit of gas in his tank. that was ingenious. and as far as stewart hitting gordon, yes he did slide up the track but neither one of them hit the wall til stewart came back down on gordon and then they both went in the wall. and gordon did win several races last year, probably more than 80% of the other drivers. probably more last season than most drivers in their career that race in teh nextel cup right now.
as to the rest of the uninformed, or misinformed, posts. i dont really feel like correcting everyone. and to whoever said stewart knew what he was doing, yeah maybe kenseth went across the infield but he came right back up the track and could have been really hurt or worse and again alot of hardwork and money wasted. adn for the record johnson did start from the back. maybe not the very last spot bc others had to go to the back but he did get penalized for his crew chiefs actrions. again if he hadnt won this wouldnt be anissue right now
and cbf, lol.

03-02-2006, 11:32 PM
Nascar sucks ass thats my point all they do is just drive around in a big fucking circle so what the hell is so great about that???

03-03-2006, 01:21 AM
I used to hate NASCAR too, but I went to a Bush series race up at TMS

I was hooked from then on!!

there is nothing like 43 cars flying by you at 180+ to give you goose bumps!

03-03-2006, 09:35 AM
I love the respect of others in this forum, if someone was a curling fan, I would resepect the fact that they are a fan of a sport.

I might not understand it, but I dont go cussing at them and making fun of them because I dont have the same passion that they do.

You guys need to grow up, I like NASCAR, others here like it too. If you dont, just move onto another thread. We didnt bother you, dont bother us, that simple.


and just for thos NASCAR fans, my boy finished third this weekend, better watch out for the 99 hes gonna getcha!!!

My guy was right behind you!

03-03-2006, 09:37 AM
I used to hate NASCAR too, but I went to a Bush series race up at TMS

I was hooked from then on!!

there is nothing like 43 cars flying by you at 180+ to give you goose bumps!

My brother goes to the race there every spring. He has a friend in Dallas who has an RV and a whole group of them spend the weekend (from Friday evening until Monday morning) on the infield at TMS. They have a blast!

03-03-2006, 09:39 AM
and to whoever said gordon isnt top 10 of all time, youre right. if you go by stats hes like top 5.

According to NASCAR, he comes in at # 12. Like I said, I don't think enough of Jeff Gordon to go around making up stuff about him. The little whiner.