View Full Version : I Officially Hate Rasheed Wallace

02-26-2006, 03:03 PM
What an F#$! jerk. Today's game against the Cavs, he threw a flagarant, unncessary floul on Zyroglas (sp?) in the opening minutes of the game, which left the poor guy bleeding from the top of his head like crazy and which needed about 6 stiches in two different places.

But the thing that pissed me off most wasn't that fact that Rasheed hit him so hard unncessarily. It was the fact that he actually thought he did nothing wrong, and then proceeded to argue with the refs for the next 3 minutes while the other guys is bleeding like crazy on the bench. Rasheed argued that "he was just trying to get the ball." When on the replay, any fucking idiot can see he did it on purpose.

Seriously, all those techs that he gets, all those times he gets angry during a game...I can deal with. But today, he really showed me what a class A-Hole he really is.


02-26-2006, 03:14 PM
He was making a play to stop a layup. Give me a break. :rolleyes

02-26-2006, 03:20 PM
Its not like he cut the guy intentionally. And he wasn't arguing the foul, he was arguing the flagarant call since he was going to the ball.

Stop overreacting. (especially when you have Bowen on your team)

02-26-2006, 03:31 PM
Shocker that Pistons fans would defend him. He was making a play to stop a layup? By elbowing a guy so hard that he was bleeding from his head? Like I mentioned, the thing that pissed me off more was the fact that he actually argued that call with the official for like 3 minutes......the guy was freakin bleeding and needed stiches! It was a totally unncessary foul, especially so early in the game.

02-26-2006, 03:40 PM
Rasheed was absolutely wrong on that play. He should not have hacked him so hard. In a post-game interview, Zydrunas Ilgauskas said that he had elbowed Rasheed inadvertently right before that, and that Rsaheed was retaliating from the elbow. It still doesn't justify what Rasheed did, as it was pretty excessive. But, Rasheed really was trying to stop a lay-up. He shouldn't have hit him so hard, but he really was trying to stop the shot.

Rasheed wasn't arguing that he didn't foul Zydrunas. He was arguing that it was not a flagrant. Rasheed did slap in the area where the basketball was, so he had somewhat of a point. But, I agree with the referee's call.

I am a big fan of Rasheed Wallace, and I think he's fun to watch both on and off the court. But, in this instance, I'm disappointed that Rasheed gave such a hard foul with no real reason but to retaliate.

I'll still take Rasheed on my team any time. He just had poor judgment in this instance.

02-26-2006, 03:45 PM
Whenever you're feeling angry at Rasheed, rewatch the end of game 5 last year and just let the anger fade away. If that doesn't work, watch game 7 and enjoy watching him cry all game as the refs actually have the nerve to call fouls on him! :lol

02-26-2006, 03:50 PM
Rasheed was absolutely wrong on that play. He should not have hacked him so hard. In a post-game interview, Zydrunas Ilgauskas said that he had elbowed Rasheed inadvertently right before that, and that Rsaheed was retaliating from the elbow. It still doesn't justify what Rasheed did, as it was pretty excessive. But, Rasheed really was trying to stop a lay-up. He shouldn't have hit him so hard, but he really was trying to stop the shot.

Rasheed wasn't arguing that he didn't foul Zydrunas. He was arguing that it was not a flagrant. Rasheed did slap in the area where the basketball was, so he had somewhat of a point. But, I agree with the referee's call.

I am a big fan of Rasheed Wallace, and I think he's fun to watch both on and off the court. But, in this instance, I'm disappointed that Rasheed gave such a hard foul with no real reason but to retaliate.

I'll still take Rasheed on my team any time. He just had poor judgment in this instance.

:tu :tu

02-26-2006, 03:52 PM
Whenever you'll feeling angry at Rasheed, rewatch the end of game 5 last year and just let the anger fade away. If that doesn't work, watch game 7 and enjoy watching him cry all game as the refs actually have the nerve to call fouls on him! :lol

:lol True. But the 2 ass-kickings the Pistons have given us this season, make it a little harder to remember the past...

02-26-2006, 03:54 PM
Sheed let loose a dirty play, for sure. Whether the intent was to cause injury (which from watching him play game in and game out, seems unlikely to me) or not, the end result was unpleasant. But you know what? If it doesn't break skin, it's not that big a deal. You wouldn't even have noticed it. And honestly, Bruce Bowen going in feet first to the face of Wally-World is alot dirtier than Sheed dropping an elbow, am I right? And to wrap it up, I think we'd all rather somebody drop an elbow than give up an easy bucket. Hate me if you like, but that's my take.

02-26-2006, 04:13 PM
cracks me up that people actually think the Bowen-Wally thing was intentional. If ignorance is bliss, those are some happy people.

I think Sheed got angry but I don't think (again..my opinion) it was done with intent to injure. Sheed has a rep with the refs for complaining but not for dirty play.

02-26-2006, 04:15 PM
Anyone have a clip of the play? I haven't seen it so I can't judge yet

02-26-2006, 04:22 PM
cracks me up that people actually think the Bowen-Wally thing was intentional. If ignorance is bliss, those are some happy people.

I think Sheed got angry but I don't think (again..my opinion) it was done with intent to injure. Sheed has a rep with the refs for complaining but not for dirty play.

My point wasn't that the play was dirty, my point is that it just looked bad, so people assume it's dirty. Like I said, if blood wasn't drawn, it'd just be another hard foul. We're in agreement on this.

02-26-2006, 04:22 PM
I know...I was agreeing with your point.

02-26-2006, 04:23 PM
I know...I was agreeing with your point.

Oops. Dumbass over here. Sorry. :oops

02-26-2006, 04:25 PM
Nahh..its all good.

I have never though of Wallace as dirty. He does have a temper and sometimes it gets the best of him, but when he shuts his mouth and plays ball (which to his credit he has done pretty much the whole time in Detroit) he is one of the best in the league.

02-26-2006, 04:28 PM
Yeah... if it was almost anybody else, I might have considered it. Sheed is intense to the extreme, but he's not dirty. And I don't think he was arguing about the foul, 1Parker1. We can't know just what he said, but it's more likely he was arguing about the flagrancy, or he might have been referring to the unintentional elbow that Ilgauskis threw just before. We can only guess.

02-26-2006, 04:43 PM

the fuckign pistons seriously think they can do NO WRONG and they deserve to be able to rake arms, push players, pull jerseys and are capable of not fouling in any situation

the pistons are such fucking whiners

biggest winners, whiners of the season
fucking babies

02-26-2006, 04:47 PM

the fuckign pistons seriously think they can do NO WRONG and they deserve to be able to rake arms, push players, pull jerseys and are capable of not fouling in any situation

the pistons are such fucking whiners

biggest winners, whiners of the season
fucking babies


02-26-2006, 04:48 PM
cracks me up that people actually think the Bowen-Wally thing was intentional. If ignorance is bliss, those are some happy people.

I think Sheed got angry but I don't think (again..my opinion) it was done with intent to injure. Sheed has a rep with the refs for complaining but not for dirty play.
Good take, Sheed was going for the ball harder than he had too because of the elbow (some players elbow intentionally and even though I don't view Z as dirty it's still can be upsetting to be elbowed) and ended up with a hard foul. I agree with the call by the Ref but Sheed didn't foul him with the intention of drawing blood.
And to add insult to injury Rip reached around after a Z rebound and unintentionally popped him in the nose.
I admit I felt bad about Z's injury.

02-26-2006, 04:49 PM
Yeah, I felt really bad after Rip smoked him too. Just wasn't his night.

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 04:58 PM
Vincent, you know Zydrunas Ilgauskas? Seven foot three Lituanian, usta call him Big Z.

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 04:59 PM
Vincent, you know Zydrunas Ilgauskas? Seven foot three Lituanian, usta call him Big Z.

Yeah maybe, fat right?

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:01 PM
Yeah maybe, fat right?

I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat. He's got a weight problem. But whaat's the nigga gonna do, he's a seven foot three Lituanian.

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:02 PM
I wouldn't go so far as to call the brother fat. He's got a weight problem. But whaat's the nigga gonna do, he's a seven foot three Lituanian.

I think I know who you mean, what about him?

02-26-2006, 05:02 PM
Sheed is a dirty fuck.

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:03 PM
I think I know who you mean, what about him?

Well, Rasheed Wallace fucked his ass up good.

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:04 PM
Well, Rasheed Wallace fucked his ass up good.

What did Marsellus do?

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:06 PM
What did Marsellus do?

Today's game against the Cavs, he threw a flagarant, unncessary floul on Big Z in the opening minutes of the game, which left the nigga bleeding from the top of his head like crazy and which needed about 6 stiches in two different places. Big Z said that he had elbowed Rasheed inadvertently right before that, and that Rasheed was retaliating from the elbow.

02-26-2006, 05:07 PM
Sheed is a bitch, he's spent his whole life complaining, he will never change, he can't accept himself as a cheep, dirty, ugly mother fucker who likes to bitch at refs. He will never stop, he will always be the same, dirty, grade-A bitch.

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:08 PM
Today's game against the Cavs, he threw a flagarant, unncessary floul on Big Z in the opening minutes of the game, which left the nigga bleeding from the top of his head like crazy and which needed about 6 stiches in two different places. Big Z said that he had elbowed Rasheed inadvertently right before that, and that Rasheed was retaliating from the elbow.

That's a damn shame.

Still I hafta say, play with matches, ya get burned.

02-26-2006, 05:09 PM

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:09 PM
That's a damn shame.

Still I hafta say, play with matches, ya get burned.

Whaddya mean?

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:10 PM
Whaddya mean?

You don't be givin' Rasheed Wallace inadvertent elbows like that.

02-26-2006, 05:10 PM

Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:11 PM
You don't be givin' Rasheed Wallace inadvertent elbows like that.

You don't think he overreacted?

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:12 PM
You don't think he overreacted?

Zydrunas probably didn't expect Rasheed to react like he did, but he had to expect a reaction.

02-26-2006, 05:12 PM
Sheed is a dirty fuck.
He earned his reputation over the years with an attitude problem but he's never been known in the league as a dirty player, not by coaches, refs, players or fans. He took an overly hard swat "at the ball" and unintentionally caught the top of Z's head with his elbow, nothing more, nothing less.

02-26-2006, 05:12 PM
Rasheed likes to sniff his ass crack?


Jules Winnfield
02-26-2006, 05:14 PM
Zydrunas probably didn't expect Rasheed to react like he did, but he had to expect a reaction.

It was an accidental elbow, a little elbow is nothing, I give my home boys elbows all the time.

02-26-2006, 05:14 PM

Vincent Vega
02-26-2006, 05:16 PM
It was an accidental elbow, a little elbow is nothing, I give my home boys elbows all the time.

It's laying hands on Rasheed Wallace. Is it as bad as kickin' him in the face? – no, but you're in the same fuckin' ballpark.

02-26-2006, 05:17 PM
:lmao @ this pic, Sheed and Ben dancing for their fans


02-26-2006, 05:19 PM
:lol :lol :lol

It's amazing what crack does to you...


emo serb
02-26-2006, 05:26 PM
Sheed is a bitch, he's spent his whole life complaining, he will never change, he can't accept himself as a cheep, dirty, ugly mother fucker who likes to bitch at refs. He will never stop, he will always be the same, dirty, grade-A bitch.
You must feel tough because you can swear...ON THE INTERNET!!!

02-26-2006, 05:29 PM
Here are the comments about the incident from Z and Rasheed after the game.

Ilgauskas: "I think he (Sheed) was frustrated because I caught him first with an elbow and then he hit me back," he said. "Mine wasn't intentional. His, I haven't seen the replay."

Wallace, who was called for a flagrant foul, hit Ilgauskas in the top of the head as the Lithuanian drove for a layup.

Wallace: "I'm not going to start the game by cracking a cat in the skull if I don't get elbowed first," he said.

02-26-2006, 05:33 PM
Yeah Sheed is a beast. We pistons are dirty like what you described. You Spurs have to pay attention otherwise you will lose in the finals because Parker or Ginobili will be sent to the hospital during the games.

02-26-2006, 05:35 PM
Yeah Sheed is a beast. We pistons are dirty like what you described. You Spurs have to pay attention otherwise you will lose in the finals because Parker or Ginobili will be sent to the hospital during the games.

Lol. Sometimes I do long for the days of the Bad Boys. The Pistons really don't play like that at all though. Nice to start a back to back home-and-away by giving the other team something to think about for the next game.

02-26-2006, 05:37 PM
You must feel tough because you can swear...ON THE INTERNET!!!

you got me.

At least I got to feel tough for a while...


02-26-2006, 06:53 PM
http://us.news2.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/ap/20060226/capt.dtp10102261822.cavaliers_pistons_basketball_d tp101.jpg

emo serb
02-26-2006, 07:00 PM

you got me.

At least I got to feel tough for a while...
Please don't take this to heart, I want to be the only emo here. :depressed

02-26-2006, 07:10 PM
Man, you cats are TOO harsh. I just got back from the Palace, and damn...walking out the lot, who do I find but Sheed himself, sitting at the wheel of his 'slade, eyes all puffy and red, banging his head on the wheel.

"Sheed, how goes it?" I says. He's almost too hoarse to answer, and his voice keeps cracking..."we got Wi-fi in the locker room, and I saw that sh!t Alvarez and 1parker are sayin' about me. I just f-f-feel..." (his voice cracks again) "...so damn BAD about it. Just BAD. Z got by me, and I was like "no three-point plays TODAY, Z", but he cut way inside my reach, and I.....I.....I....." (he just locks his jaw, lower lip trembling).

"S'awright, man, just say it."

Sheed takes a deep breath. "I got him with elbow. BAD. Did you see all that blood? Aw, I felt like Malone out there......." (tears welling in his eyes). "And now I gotta go to Ohio and look his family in the eye. God help me. What about his kids? WHAT DO I SAY TO HIS KIDS? Dear Jesus forgive me, WHAT DO I SAY TO HIS KIDS?"

"Sheed, settle down, man....." I start, but he cuts me off.

"And on top of that, down in Spurs land, they think it was intentional. Damn, if even numbskulls like those two cats think so, it musta looked just AWFUL. Ahhh...." and he just settles back, quiet, with tears running down his face.

I split; nothing else I could do. But Alvarez6, 1Parker, I think it would really mean something to him for you guys to take back your harsh words and let him know you know it wasn't intentional. The brother's HURTING, man, hurting BAD - you really gonna kick him when he's already down so low? C'mon, show some heart, OK?

02-26-2006, 07:22 PM
look at this dirty whore

Dirty whore? Man, a couple of y'all cats need to chill!

02-26-2006, 07:44 PM
Man, I love Rasheed Wallace, even if his foul on Ilgauskas was excessive.

I'm a Piston fan and I love the way Bruce Bowen plays.

I don't think either one is dirty by nature. But, I think both have had their moments which could be classified as dirty plays. It's the game of basketball. It's a contact sport. It can get aggressive and physical at times.

Shit like this happens all the time. Move on already.

02-26-2006, 07:44 PM
You know what, $20 bucks says that if Bruce Bowen or any other NBA player did that to a Pistons player during a game....Pistons fans would think it was a dirty play 9 times out of 10.

The point is, even if he didn't intend for the guy to bleed, it was still an unnessary hard foul...at the begining of the freakin game! And instead of Rasheed even going to check on the guy or say "My bad" he goes and bitches to the ref about the flagarant call. Then to add fuel to the fire, Rip intentially blows the guy in the nose later on in the game!

I know flagarants happen in the NBA, but in my opinion, that was one dirty play by Rasheed Wallace.

02-26-2006, 08:13 PM
i always thought he was gay
\/ \/ \/

Game 7, 2005 NBA Finals, end of the game, Billups pulls up for three...

emo serb
02-26-2006, 08:46 PM
Then to add fuel to the fire, Rip intentially blows the guy in the nose later on in the game!
Rip went for the ball, and happened to get his nose while doing so. That wasn't intentional at all.

02-26-2006, 08:49 PM
1parker1 are you blind on what? Seriously, you actually think Sheed did that on purpose? You act like sheed has personal feelings for illgauskas. You dont realize is that it was a hard foul(unintentional) and not a flagrant foul. Yes he did bleed from his head, but thats because hes freakin soft! i never seen no one get elbowed in the head and then start bleeding. He must have a weak scalp. thats probably why hes bald!!!!!
are you serious??? http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smilol.gif

02-26-2006, 09:02 PM
ok, so what have we learned in this thread??? Fresh Prince of Detroit is a fool.

All I gotta say is, you can't beat that Sheed pic...he looks possessed.

Marklar MM
02-26-2006, 09:09 PM
Some of you Spurs fans act as if Bowen has done nothing dirty.

02-26-2006, 09:12 PM
ok, so what have we learned in this thread??? Fresh Prince of Detroit is a fool.

All I gotta say is, you can't beat that Sheed pic...he looks possessed.

I must agree with you there. Fresh Prince of Detroit needs to tone it down or he's gonna give us Pistons fans a bad name. And I gotta say, that Sheed pic is sweet, lol.

02-26-2006, 10:23 PM

02-26-2006, 10:25 PM
It was dirty and it was intentional. But, I don`t think he wanted to cut Zydrunas` head. Rasheed just got more than he bargained for. :)

Pistons < Spurs
02-26-2006, 10:29 PM
It was dirty and it was intentional. But, I don`t think he wanted to cut Zydrunas` head. Rasheed just got more than he bargained for. :)

I agree.

He meant to give him a good shot. No doubt about it. However, that doesn't mean that he was trying to "hurt" Z. There is a difference.

Bonehead play.

I expect a one game suspension....possibly 2.

Pistons < Spurs
02-26-2006, 10:30 PM
ok, so what have we learned in this thread??? Fresh Prince of Detroit is a fool.


02-26-2006, 11:42 PM
Seriously, this new fresh prince of detroit guy is f-ing with my clean reputation. :cuss

Shawn Carter
02-26-2006, 11:43 PM
hahaha, zyroglas

try zydrunas

02-26-2006, 11:43 PM
that's not as bad as cato's elbow to the head of battier. i can't remember if it was this season or last, but it was nasty. a river of blood opened up out of his skill in a second.

02-27-2006, 08:28 AM
Sheed has always been a dirty whiney little bitch. That's nothing new.

But comparing the likes of Sheed with Bowen is just plain retard talk.

02-27-2006, 09:11 AM
Man, I love Rasheed Wallace, even if his foul on Ilgauskas was excessive.

I'm a Piston fan and I love the way Bruce Bowen plays.

I don't think either one is dirty by nature. But, I think both have had their moments which could be classified as dirty plays. It's the game of basketball. It's a contact sport. It can get aggressive and physical at times.

Shit like this happens all the time. Move on already.

Good take. I agree totally.

FreshPrince22=The real deal...DO NOT accept any substitutes. :tu

Marklar MM
02-27-2006, 10:04 AM
Sheed has always been a dirty whiney little bitch. That's nothing new.

But comparing the likes of Sheed with Bowen is just plain retard talk.


02-27-2006, 10:07 AM
Shocker that Pistons fans would defend him. He was making a play to stop a layup? By elbowing a guy so hard that he was bleeding from his head? Like I mentioned, the thing that pissed me off more was the fact that he actually argued that call with the official for like 3 minutes......the guy was freakin bleeding and needed stiches! It was a totally unncessary foul, especially so early in the game.

he was wrong on the play yes, but Ilgauskas elbowed him in the face earlier. i didn't think he wanted the guy to start bleeding like that. bowen does shit like that all the time.

02-27-2006, 10:43 AM
Sheed has always been a dirty whiney little bitch. That's nothing new.

But comparing the likes of Sheed with Bowen is just plain retard talk.

calling either of them dirty is retard talk.

02-27-2006, 01:34 PM
Sheed has always been a dirty whiney little bitch. That's nothing new.

But comparing the likes of Sheed with Bowen is just plain retard talk.

Pot...meet kettle.

Dont I know you?

02-27-2006, 01:38 PM
What an F#$! jerk.

But the thing that pissed me off most wasn't that fact that Rasheed hit him so hard unncessarily. It was the fact that he actually thought he did nothing wrong, and then proceeded to argue with the refs for the next 3 minutes while the other guys is bleeding like crazy on the bench. Rasheed argued that "he was just trying to get the ball." When on the replay, any fucking idiot can see he did it on purpose.

Seriously, all those techs that he gets, all those times he gets angry during a game...I can deal with. But today, he really showed me what a class A-Hole he really is.


How do you feel about Robert Parish? (hint: this is a loaded question)

02-27-2006, 03:33 PM
I'm not sure why people keep comparing Wallace and Bowen, it makes no sense to me. Wallace himself admited to retaliating intentionally. When has Bowen ever done that? People call him dirty while he is in the act of playing defense, not trying to even the score.

02-27-2006, 04:31 PM
You notice the people who say that about Bowen usually got someone on their team shut down by him. Just like the Piston smack. Detroit has pretty much owned everyone this year, those who are owned are usually the ones who bitch.

02-28-2006, 04:11 PM
Since when does a hard foul make a player dirty? It's not like he punched the guy in the balls while the ball switches courts (which has been done). He didn't take a swing at a guy. He didn't pull a jersey or shorts.

An excessively hard foul? Yes. But a dirty play? Come on. We've all seen worse.

Would anyone talk about this if Z didn't start to bleed?

02-28-2006, 06:36 PM
A hard foul is a dirty foul when the hit is an act of vengence

03-01-2006, 01:47 AM
Would anyone talk about this if Z didn't start to bleed?

The Million dollar question. Ilgauskas was hit hard, and it was done on purpose. But this wasn't Kenyon Martin throwing T-Mac to the ground. This wasn't Shaq's roundhouse on Brad Miller or Ron Artest's elbow to Rip's nose. He made a play for the ball, and did it with an extra amount of force because the Pistons didn't get the whistle on the other end. If he doesn't get Z just right, no one would've talked about this the next day.

03-01-2006, 07:27 AM
A hard foul is a dirty foul when the hit is an act of vengence
You reap what you sow, Z threw the first elbow, shouldn't have done that.

03-01-2006, 09:21 AM
Sheed has truly outdone himself this time. You can bet the target on his back just got a lot bigger for the referees. Not quite "Malone-ish" but he's pretty damn close. Just makes it easier for us in the finals, so here's to you Sheed. Cheers. :drunk

03-01-2006, 06:43 PM
You reap what you sow, Z threw the first elbow, shouldn't have done that.

1 elbow was intentional and 1 was not.

03-01-2006, 07:09 PM
1 elbow was intentional and 1 was not.
When you get elbowed by someone 7'3" I'm sure it hurts, I believe it was unintentional because Z said it was but he should have conveyed that to Rasheed.

03-01-2006, 07:11 PM
Sheed has truly outdone himself this time. You can bet the target on his back just got a lot bigger for the referees. Not quite "Malone-ish" but he's pretty damn close. Just makes it easier for us in the finals, so here's to you Sheed. Cheers. :drunk
Is that how you'd like to win, with biased refereeing?

03-01-2006, 08:09 PM
When you get elbowed by someone 7'3" I'm sure it hurts, I believe it was unintentional because Z said it was but he should have conveyed that to Rasheed.

Yep, it wouldn't have hurt to have told Rasheed Wallace that it was unintentional

03-01-2006, 09:03 PM
I don't root for the Pistons but I would NEVER insult Wallace so by referring to him or his actions as Malone-ish.

03-03-2006, 04:09 PM
Just thought it would be funny to bump this thread after Horry's bite. :lol

Also, if Sheed had bit Stack and then touched an official like Horry did he would have been thrown out. Honestly, after watching the refs T up Piston players for things like smiling, I was flat out amazed at how much Horry, Duncan, etc can get away with.

03-03-2006, 04:51 PM
Just thought it would be funny to bump this thread after Horry's bite. :lol

Also, if Sheed had bit Stack and then touched an official like Horry did he would have been thrown out. Honestly, after watching the refs T up Piston players for things like smiling, I was flat out amazed at how much Horry, Duncan, etc can get away with.
Since you are crossposting with the same lame shit, I'll respond to this one as well. How do you see any similarity between the following:

1. Robert Horry (a guy who never complains to the officials) pretends to bite someone and jokes with the officials afterward.

2. Rasheed Wallace (a guy who has a career long reputation for his temper, including waiting for, confronting and threatening a game official when he was with the Blazers) clubbing someone across the head with a clearly intentional forearm, opening him up in two places requiring a couple dozen stitches.

3. Anything Tim Duncan (who was ejected from a single game in his entire career, and had the ejection overturned by the league) has ever done. Ever.

03-03-2006, 05:21 PM
Just thought it would be funny to bump this thread after Horry's bite. :lol


That's funny, because I don't remember Horry actually biting Stackhouse. Get your facts straight. Not only that but he had the decency to address the incident in his post-game quotes and actually came out and said that the situation got out of hand and he stopped himself before he tried to bite Stackhouse. I don't recall Sheed showing any remorse. My hate for Sheed goes beyond the Cavs incident anyways. I just don't like his whininess to the refs and he really never shows respect or sportsmanship to players outside his teammates.

03-03-2006, 05:52 PM
That's funny, because I don't remember Horry actually biting Stackhouse. Get your facts straight. Not only that but he had the decency to address the incident in his post-game quotes and actually came out and said that the situation got out of hand and he stopped himself before he tried to bite Stackhouse. I don't recall Sheed showing any remorse. My hate for Sheed goes beyond the Cavs incident anyways. I just don't like his whininess to the refs and he really never shows respect or sportsmanship to players outside his teammates.
I wasn't going to comment on the Horry biting (no damage done but it either a love bite or he was sucking on Stack's arm, choose your poison :lol ) and I still won't other than this sentence.
However since you went pre elbow-Z Rasheed in your post I'll go back in history to one of the least classiest incidents I've seen from an NBA player, it occured when Danny Ainge pulled Horry from a game and he threw a towel in Ainge's face as he walked to his seat.

That being said, overall Horry's a good guy IMO.

03-03-2006, 05:55 PM
^You seriously cannot compare Sheed to Horry.

03-03-2006, 06:38 PM
^You seriously cannot compare Sheed to Horry.
I wasn't drawing a comparison, just noting past innapropiate behaviour...very few instances where a player has been physical with a coach and bitten/sucked on the arm of an opposing player.

Sheed>Horry :lol

03-03-2006, 07:00 PM

03-03-2006, 10:19 PM
However since you went pre elbow-Z Rasheed in your post I'll go back in history to one of the least classiest incidents I've seen from an NBA player, it occured when Danny Ainge pulled Horry from a game and he threw a towel in Ainge's face as he walked to his seat.
The way I remember it, Horry was upset about being traded to Phoenix since he had a seriously ill child back in Houston, and he has apologized profusely about that incident in the years since. I don't recall Rasheed ever apologizing for anything he's ever done, and he's done some stupid embarassing shit.

03-03-2006, 11:11 PM
The way I remember it, Horry was upset about being traded to Phoenix since he had a seriously ill child back in Houston, and he has apologized profusely about that incident in the years since. I don't recall Rasheed ever apologizing for anything he's ever done, and he's done some stupid embarassing shit.

1/6/97 Robert Horry was suspended for two games after an altercation in the 4th quarter. After being removed from the game he screamed obcenities and threw a towel in Ainge's face, Horry had to be restrained by teammates.

5/12/97 Robert Horry was ejected from a WC playoff game after taking a swing at Utah's Jeff Hornacek.

4/24/03 Robert Horry was fined $10,000 for shoving a TNT cameraman, the incident was witnessed by a National Television audience.

3/3/06 Robert Horry was suspended two game by the league for inappropiate contact with an NBA ref and for an altercation with Stackhouse where he put his mouth on Stackhouse's elbow and admitted that he thought about biting him.

My post wasn't about who apologized for something stupid it was about the stupid things they've done. As you can see Horry's has more than his share of incidents over the years so don't try to paint him as saint.
An apology is good and well but it does not wash away or excuse stupid behaviour it's an admittance of stupid behaviour and an act of contrition.


03-04-2006, 01:31 AM
Hahaha, some things are way dumber than others

03-04-2006, 01:53 AM
My post wasn't about who apologized for something stupid it was about the stupid things they've done. As you can see Horry's has more than his share of incidents over the years so don't try to paint him as saint.
An apology is good and well but it does not wash away or excuse stupid behaviour it's an admittance of stupid behaviour and an act of contrition.

Puh. Leeze. Your post is about no such thing. You are here posting about Horry being an assclown to minimize the embarassment of your own assclown, or to rage against the inherent unfairness of it all that Rasheed's well-earned reputation follows him, just because he clubs a guy's fucking scalp open in retaliation. I simply mentioned that Horry went through a personal problem that didn't involve handguns or weed, and that you completely mischaracterized it to try to make Rasheed look like less of a fuckup.

Fine with me. Setting aside the ring count, I'll just take the fact that my fuckup drained a three over your fuckup. If nothing else, I'll take the fact that one of my saints drained a three over your fuckup when he was still somebody else's fuckup.

You know damn well that Horry wouldn't even have been fined if he hadn't touched Baveta.

03-04-2006, 08:56 AM

:lol I don't think so.

10/19/95 :The NBA fined Chris Webber (Was) $7,500 and suspended him for the first game of the regular season and fined Luc Longley $7,500 and suspended him for the first game of the regular season for fighting in October 17's Was-Chi game. Rasheed Wallace was also fined $5,000 for throwing the ball at Longley during the fight.

1/15/00 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $7,500 for yelling at the refs and failing to leave the court in a timely manner following his ejection from Friday's Por-Pho game.

10/30/00 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $10,000 for failing to leave the court in a timely manner and verbally abusing the refs following Friday's Por-Sac game.

2/2/01 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $10,000 and suspended him for 2 games for hitting a ref with a towel following his ejection from Thursday's Por-Pho game.

4/3/01 : Portland suspended Rasheed Wallace for 1 game for inappropriate game conduct. [Portland was extremely upset with Wallace's latest ejection. Wallace has a league record 40 technicals.]

4/16/01 : Portland suspended Rasheed Wallace for 1 game for throwing a towel at teammate Arvydas Sabonis during a timeout during Sunday's Por-LAL game. Sabonis had accidentally hit Wallace in the face during the game.

12/21/02 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $15,000 for attempting to go into the stands after Friday's Por-GS game.

1/18/03 : The NBA suspended Rasheed Wallace (Por) for 7 games for confronting and threatening a ref after Wednesday's Por-Mem game.

03-04-2006, 09:10 AM
1/6/97 Robert Horry was suspended for two games after an altercation in the 4th quarter. After being removed from the game he screamed obcenities and threw a towel in Ainge's face, Horry had to be restrained by teammates.

5/12/97 Robert Horry was ejected from a WC playoff game after taking a swing at Utah's Jeff Hornacek.

4/24/03 Robert Horry was fined $10,000 for shoving a TNT cameraman, the incident was witnessed by a National Television audience.

3/3/06 Robert Horry was suspended two game by the league for inappropiate contact with an NBA ref and for an altercation with Stackhouse where he put his mouth on Stackhouse's elbow and admitted that he thought about biting him.

My post wasn't about who apologized for something stupid it was about the stupid things they've done. As you can see Horry's has more than his share of incidents over the years so don't try to paint him as saint.
An apology is good and well but it does not wash away or excuse stupid behaviour it's an admittance of stupid behaviour and an act of contrition.


Congrats. You are a stupid reject.

03-04-2006, 09:44 AM
:lol I don't think so.

10/19/95 :The NBA fined Chris Webber (Was) $7,500 and suspended him for the first game of the regular season and fined Luc Longley $7,500 and suspended him for the first game of the regular season for fighting in October 17's Was-Chi game. Rasheed Wallace was also fined $5,000 for throwing the ball at Longley during the fight.

1/15/00 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $7,500 for yelling at the refs and failing to leave the court in a timely manner following his ejection from Friday's Por-Pho game.

10/30/00 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $10,000 for failing to leave the court in a timely manner and verbally abusing the refs following Friday's Por-Sac game.

2/2/01 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $10,000 and suspended him for 2 games for hitting a ref with a towel following his ejection from Thursday's Por-Pho game.

4/3/01 : Portland suspended Rasheed Wallace for 1 game for inappropriate game conduct. [Portland was extremely upset with Wallace's latest ejection. Wallace has a league record 40 technicals.]

4/16/01 : Portland suspended Rasheed Wallace for 1 game for throwing a towel at teammate Arvydas Sabonis during a timeout during Sunday's Por-LAL game. Sabonis had accidentally hit Wallace in the face during the game.

12/21/02 :The NBA fined Rasheed Wallace (Por) $15,000 for attempting to go into the stands after Friday's Por-GS game.

1/18/03 : The NBA suspended Rasheed Wallace (Por) for 7 games for confronting and threatening a ref after Wednesday's Por-Mem game.

Yep, nice rap sheet there for Rasheed :lol

03-04-2006, 09:55 AM
4/16/01 : Portland suspended Rasheed Wallace for 1 game for throwing a towel at teammate Arvydas Sabonis during a timeout during Sunday's Por-LAL game. Sabonis had accidentally hit Wallace in the face during the game.

What a fucking idiot...

03-04-2006, 10:35 AM
Robert Horry is the Spurs' enforcer, biting arms whenever he feels like it!

infinite styles
03-04-2006, 01:34 PM
1/6/97 Robert Horry was suspended for two games after an altercation in the 4th quarter. After being removed from the game he screamed obcenities and threw a towel in Ainge's face, Horry had to be restrained by teammates.

Wouldn't you throw a towel at Danny Ainge if you had the chance? I know I would. :angel

Michael Jordan: "Man I hate it when I see you here."
Ainge: "Why?"
MJ: "Cause I know we're gonna have a bad announcer!" :smokin