View Full Version : The truth about the Mavs ...

03-03-2006, 02:03 AM
Some of you may wonder why everything bad happens to the Mavs in the last few years. How they are a perennial contender without ever really contending, how their superstar never gets any calls, how the teams who they play against always have a player who somehow gets all the calls, and that same team having a player that can foul whenever he wants and never gets called for it (all of this despite the fact that they are ranked #5 in the league in FTA/game behind NY, Was, Utah and Philly). Their owner even somehow managed to finance an unbiased, independent review of referee performance on the side, and PROVED that the Mavs get the short end of the stick every single time.
There are three possible explanations for this:
Explanation #1:
Ever wonder how Mark Cuban could be a billionaire? You think it's HDTV? Well, that is sort of true, but the reality is that he belongs to the Stonecutters, well, used to.

After amassing enormous wealth through benefits of being a Stonecutter (which btw, controls the world, caused both world wars, created the plague, and profit through controlling the finances of the Westerner world), Cuban decided to break off from the association and create his own secret society because he felt that he will never be able to reach the top spot of the Stonecutters as long as David Stern is around. He named the society "The No Sterns". The two feuding societies set out to destroy each other, with Cuban hiring independent auditors to undermine the legitimacy of the NBA, which happen to be the crown jewel of the Stonecutters, and the Stonecutters making sure that whichever team Cuban is associated with will never win an NBA championship.

Explanation #2:
Assuming correct fouls are called in an evenly distributed format, the Mavs are at the 0.000000000001%, which means that they are just extremely unlucky. The Mavs will see the law of averages at work in the next 15 years, as they get every single call for every game, go undefeated in each of those 15 years in the regular season as well as the playoffs.

Explanation #3:
They have a whinny owner who cannot accept the fact that calls go both ways, and if you take off those damned mavs-coloured glasses and actually look at it, they get away as much as the other team.
The same billionaire owner also cannot accept the fact that money cannot buy everything, such as an NBA championship, good looks or fashion sense.
There are ways to win championships, and even though I have no clue what those are, I can be sure that those do not include having an inferiority complex and having a sense of victimhood and refuse to improve what the team did wrong to lose the previous game.

03-03-2006, 02:23 AM
Ever wonder how Mark Cuban could be a billionaire?


Lenny: "It's a secret."
Karl: "Shuuut up..."