View Full Version : The Suns

03-03-2006, 01:24 PM
What are the chances that the Suns get revenge against the Spurs in the post season this year? Suns fans still think the Spurs got lucky in the playoffs last year citing the close scores. Comments?

zero signal
03-03-2006, 01:29 PM
4 out of 5 isn't luck.

03-03-2006, 01:33 PM
4-1 lucky???? gimme a break :rolleyes

Suns won't get anywhere. Even if Amare comes back. next season maybe if they're healthy

03-03-2006, 01:39 PM
Which Suns fans have you talked to? They must not be real fans because real fans would say the Spurs beat them at their own game and totally owned them. The Spurs only needed five games to advance.

03-03-2006, 01:50 PM
Found this site:


Ranks the teams by strength of schedule thus far in the season. Looking good for Spurs, a little rough for Detroit, not so good for Dallas, downright BAD for Phoenix (2 games each with Dallas, SA AND a trip to Detroit remaining).

Suns have beat up on the East, and opp. fg% and scoring has gradually been climbing; D'Antoni ball will not be denied. STILL not built for the playoffs - not a threat, IMO.

03-03-2006, 01:53 PM
Duncanfan, huh?

14 posts and a thread about the Suns?

are you the guy who started this, by any chance:


Extra Stout
03-03-2006, 01:57 PM
What are the chances that the Suns get revenge against the Spurs in the post season this year? Suns fans still think the Spurs got lucky in the playoffs last year citing the close scores. Comments?
There's a huge chasm between winning playoff games, and just playing close but losing.

Players on teams that win those games figure out that getting a loose ball in the middle of the first quarter might be the difference between winning and losing the series.

03-03-2006, 02:03 PM
What are the chances that the Suns get revenge against the Spurs in the post season this year? Suns fans still think the Spurs got lucky in the playoffs last year citing the close scores. Comments?

whoever made this comment is stupid.

if not for amares block aka goaltend to duncan on his last shot, this wont even be a series.

03-03-2006, 02:04 PM
What are the chances that the Suns get revenge against the Spurs in the post season this year? Suns fans still think the Spurs got lucky in the playoffs last year citing the close scores. Comments?

There's a reason some teams win close games and others lose them...

the spread doesn't matter unless you're in a 'book - ONLY w/l matter.

That being said, if the Suns can get Amare back AND he is able to spool up to the 40 ppg monster he was in last year's playoffs, and IF Duncan continues his struggles AND Manu's not the same Manu as last year...

hell, Phoenix might be able to push it to 5 games again, and not get swept.

03-03-2006, 02:11 PM
What are the chances that the Suns get revenge against the Spurs in the post season this year? Suns fans still think the Spurs got lucky in the playoffs last year citing the close scores. Comments?

What the hell? What kind of delusional piece of shit poster are you?

Making stuff up to be controversial is so pathetic it's not even funny.

I want posts. I want links.

Every Suns fan I know and have talked to think the Spurs were the better team. The series was very close and the SPurs experience won out.

It had nothing to do with luck. The Spurs simply beat Phoenix.

Quit making something out of nothing. It's unbecoming of a Spurs fan.

03-03-2006, 02:23 PM
Quit making something out of nothing. It's unbecoming of a Spurs fan.

He's not a Spurs fan.

03-03-2006, 02:27 PM
Well then, he should just shut up for good.

03-03-2006, 02:40 PM
last season the sons bragged about how JJ was there saviour or sumshit, and what happen? we still beat the shit out of them, now this season they make as if amare is there messiah or sumshit, like they will definitely win the championship when his back in the playoffs. They still braggin about amares 37ppg on duncan in the series, hello its not like as if duncan gaurd him all game, and hell whats more important? individual stats or ur team winning, those amare fans should learn sumthing from KG fans.

03-03-2006, 02:51 PM
Reminds me of when the Lakers owned the Spurs. The games were always close and exciting (except in 2001 when the Spurs got stomped), until the 4th quarter. The best team would start to make plays while the other team (the Spurs) couldn't get the right stops or score.

History repeats itself, except this time the Spurs are the champs.

03-03-2006, 02:55 PM
Its obvious he's posing as a spurs fan just trying to stir shit up..
Nice try buddy...
4-1 is not luck..
If anything.. The spurs got a lucky win in game 4.
Now shut up!

03-03-2006, 03:01 PM
last season the sons bragged about how JJ was there saviour or sumshit, and what happen? we still beat the shit out of them, now this season they make as if amare is there messiah or sumshit, like they will definitely win the championship when his back in the playoffs. They still braggin about amares 37ppg on duncan in the series, hello its not like as if duncan gaurd him all game, and hell whats more important? individual stats or ur team winning, those amare fans should learn sumthing from KG fans.

You're delusional. I have yet to see any Suns fan here brag about Amare's 37 ppg or talk up Amare or Johnson as messiah's.

In every statement made about the Suns, good or bad, you're there to introduce your biased opinion as fact and rub it in the face of anyone who disagrees. You're one of the worst, least sensical posters on this board.

Congrats. I can only hope it's what you were going for in the first place.

You're thoughts on Marion? "marion is fuckn shit"...

You're so biased that you have zero credability in anything unrelated to Spurs homerism.

03-03-2006, 03:05 PM
Spurs were the only team that were able to control the Suns last year.

It had nothing to do with luck.
Defense, discipline, and experience were why the Spurs won.

03-03-2006, 03:08 PM
You're delusional. I have yet to see any Suns fan here brag about Amare's 37 ppg or talk up Amare or Johnson as messiah's.

You're thoughts on Marion?

Sick Sick Sick stats.

How you can put up numbers like that, and NOT be you're teams MVP candidate, or EVEN in the top 2! is ridiculous.

IMO, a team with 4 all-stars, an MVP, a stat machine AND a cat who hung 40 on the Spurs with regularity, which DOESN'T win a championship, ought to have its coach SHOT - not labeled COY.

03-03-2006, 03:14 PM
Sick Sick Sick stats.

How you can put up numbers like that, and NOT be you're teams MVP candidate, or EVEN in the top 2! is ridiculous.

IMO, a team with 4 all-stars, an MVP, a stat machine AND a cat who hung 40 on the Spurs with regularity, which DOESN'T win a championship, ought to have its coach SHOT - not labeled COY.

Suns had three All-Stars, unless you're implying that Johnson was playing at an All-Star level vs. the Spurs, which would be absurd, considering he couldn't see clearly out of one eye.

I agree. I'm one of D'Antoni's biggest critics. That is, until this year. Last year he was given the award. This year, he's earning it.

Best I can say in the Suns defense was it was many of them's first time past the first round (or even to the playoffs). Remember when the Lakers were swept a few straight years before they won a series? Inexperience kills.

Some of it was D'Antoni, without a doubt, but when the final minute came around, I believe the Spurs experience was the ultimate deciding factor.

03-03-2006, 03:14 PM
What the hell? What kind of delusional piece of shit poster are you?

Making stuff up to be controversial is so pathetic it's not even funny.

I want posts. I want links.

Every Suns fan I know and have talked to think the Spurs were the better team. The series was very close and the SPurs experience won out.

It had nothing to do with luck. The Spurs simply beat Phoenix.

Quit making something out of nothing. It's unbecoming of a Spurs fan.

Go look them up yourself at basketballboards.net dumbass! I won't waste my time pasting links just to prove I'm not making this thing up.

[QUOTE]Duncanfan, huh?

14 posts and a thread about the Suns?

are you the guy who started this, by any chance:{/QUOTE]

14 posts because I don't have my own pc... I only get to use the internet when I have time to visit Net Cafes... which sucks.

03-03-2006, 03:25 PM
Suns fans who are smart (like the ones here) know better than that. The Suns will have a good chance. They are playing well and are only going to get better. I still think the Spurs are the better team and would win a series but it would be foolish to totally dismiss the Suns chances.

03-03-2006, 03:26 PM
I think most Spurs fans realize that if the suns learn how to close out big playoff games (with or without) Amare they are going to be one scary team

In my opinion the Suns with a 80% Amare are way more of a threat to the Spurs chances of repeating than dallas is.

03-03-2006, 03:45 PM
Go look them up yourself at basketballboards.net dumbass! I won't waste my time pasting links just to prove I'm not making this thing up.

[QUOTE]Duncanfan, huh?

14 posts and a thread about the Suns?

are you the guy who started this, by any chance:{/QUOTE]

14 posts because I don't have my own pc... I only get to use the internet when I have time to visit Net Cafes... which sucks.

Sorry, took the time to check your past posts - I apologize for assuming you were a Sun's fan in disguise.

03-03-2006, 03:46 PM
Suns had three All-Stars, unless you're implying that Johnson was playing at an All-Star level vs. the Spurs, which would be absurd, considering he couldn't see clearly out of one eye.

No, I was remembering the 3 pt. contest.

03-03-2006, 05:52 PM
Go look them up yourself at basketballboards.net dumbass! I won't waste my time pasting links just to prove I'm not making this thing up.

So go start an inflamatory thread there, for their Spurs fans, reguarding that board's idiot Suns fans.

Why come here and start your bogus melodrama?

Because you're a needy little bitch.

That's why.

03-03-2006, 05:59 PM
You're delusional. I have yet to see any Suns fan here brag about Amare's 37 ppg or talk up Amare or Johnson as messiah's.

In every statement made about the Suns, good or bad, you're there to introduce your biased opinion as fact and rub it in the face of anyone who disagrees. You're one of the worst, least sensical posters on this board.

Congrats. I can only hope it's what you were going for in the first place.

You're thoughts on Marion? "marion is fuckn shit"...

You're so biased that you have zero credability in anything unrelated to Spurs homerism.
ignore dude, he's an idiot. he clamors for tp to be traded every few days...

03-03-2006, 06:01 PM
Well as a suns fan I can say I can fear the Spurs much much more then I do the mav or pistons. At this point im not going to call who is gona end up coming out of of the west because so much depends on Amares health and level of play. Over all we are a much better team this year then last year , our defence is over all much better , Raja and Kurt are a big factor in this. Our offence is just as potent as ever Matrix is playing the best ball of his life and out bench is much much deeper. I just hope to see an entertain WCF betwee nthe two of us!