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03-09-2006, 01:08 PM
and guess who walks up behind me, U.S. Army recruiters. Of course they asked me if i was ever interested in joining the Army and told me their benefits and slamming the other branches and whatnot. I was thinkin to myself that the Army is really running short of soldiers if theyre approaching young men like me at a bus stop. just thought id share.

03-09-2006, 01:55 PM
yep, that's really the bottom of the barrel. :lol

Where are all the red-blooded, angry-red red-state people who voted muderous dubya/dickhead into office?

There are 10's of millions of Army-capable people in red-states who don't want anything to do with the fucking Repug war, who don't have the convictions/courage of their Repug votes.

03-09-2006, 03:41 PM
i must admit, the army does have some really good benefits

03-09-2006, 03:42 PM
yep, that's really the bottom of the barrel. :lol

Where are all the red-blooded, angry-red red-state people who voted muderous dubya/dickhead into office?

There are 10's of millions of Army-capable people in red-states who don't want anything to do with the fucking Repug war, who don't have the convictions/courage of their Repug votes.

Perhaps some of these mega-churches that have embraced politics lately, at least right wing politics, ought to invite recruiters into their church services and call on the youth of the flock to join. Just a thought...

03-10-2006, 12:09 AM
Perhaps some of these mega-churches that have embraced politics lately, at least right wing politics, ought to invite recruiters into their church services and call on the youth of the flock to join. Just a thought...

I hate to say this, but according to the WH way of thinking, the way out of Iraq goes through Iran. We already have troops in every country bordering Iran and the WH really wanted the Dubai Port deal because the U.S. is gonna be busy in the ports of the U.A.E. after the bombing starts. We already have the largest foreign Naval fleet in the Gulf stationed in the UAE.

As you can see on this map, the UAE is directly opposite Iran...


After the bombing starts, American ships and foreign oil tankers headed for loading stations in Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia will have to hug the coast of the UAE to attempt to avoid missiles launched by Iran in the mountainous region near the Strait of Hurmoz and the Gulf of Oman. The Iranians have methodically developed their missile technology and have short, medium and long-range missiles capable of striking Eastern Europe and Israel. These aren't Saddam's scud folks, made of chinese and russian technology, they'll hit their targets.


03-11-2006, 12:32 AM
i must admit, the army does have some really good benefits
yes benefits are good, esp is you have familys and kids who get sick often.
and also depending on what jobs youre lookin into there are bonuses of atleast 20 thou..... yes the army is at a low right now, they ever reaised the age limit form 35 to 40 and are now tryin to keep people in to do 40 yrs of service for a 100% retirement....
sounds good but realisticly do you think after deployments back to back to back to back that you can make it that long mentally, and then physically.....
but for a jump start its worth it man

Extra Stout
03-11-2006, 12:39 AM
After the bombing starts, American ships and foreign oil tankers headed for loading stations in Kuwait, Iraq and Saudi Arabia will have to hug the coast of the UAE to attempt to avoid missiles launched by Iran in the mountainous region near the Strait of Hurmoz and the Gulf of Oman. The Iranians have methodically developed their missile technology and have short, medium and long-range missiles capable of striking Eastern Europe and Israel. These aren't Saddam's scud folks, made of chinese and russian technology, they'll hit their targets.
Those missile stations wouldn't last long because Iran doesn't have a competitive air force.

Iran's not that difficult to beat as long as one is not trying to invade them and overthrow their government. The problem is their potential first strike capability against Israel, and their apparent reckless abandon towards using it.

If/when they nuke Tel Aviv, Israel will retaliate by nuking every Muslim population center their warheads can reach. That will end the world as we know it.

03-11-2006, 12:46 AM
i must admit, the army does have some really good benefits

If you live long enough to use them

03-11-2006, 01:00 AM
If you live long enough to use them

:lol :lol :lol :lol

03-11-2006, 06:23 AM
Those missile stations wouldn't last long because Iran doesn't have a competitive air force.

Iran's not that difficult to beat as long as one is not trying to invade them and overthrow their government. The problem is their potential first strike capability against Israel, and their apparent reckless abandon towards using it.

If/when they nuke Tel Aviv, Israel will retaliate by nuking every Muslim population center their warheads can reach. That will end the world as we know it.

Ummm...hello, Iran is 10 years away, minimum, by our own assessments, to having the capabilities to develop a nuclear weapon, much less the capabilities it takes to strap one on to a missile.

03-11-2006, 06:51 AM
On another note, did you know that Iran had subs?

TEHRAN: Iran on Tuesday officially launched the production of its first locally built submarine, a craft capable of operating stealthily, state-run television reported. Defence Ministry spokesman Mohammad Imani was quoted as saying "the enemy would not be able to detect the submarine." He did not elaborate.

One submarine has apparently already been built and was shown on television on Tuesday, cruising at sea level. The Defence Ministry has commissioned an unspecified number of the craft that’s been dubbed "Ghadir." Ghadir is a site in the Arabian Peninsula that’s holy to Shias, the overwhelming majority of Iran’s 69 million people.

The submarine, which is capable of operating in the Persian Gulf and Oman seawaters, can launch both missiles and torpedoes at the same time, the television reported, without specifying the range of the projectiles.

JANG (http://www.jang.com.pk/thenews/may2005-daily/11-05-2005/world/w10.htm)

03-11-2006, 11:00 AM
can you spell d-e-a-t-h-t-r-a-p

I knew that you could.

03-11-2006, 01:06 PM
Ummm...hello, Iran is 10 years away, minimum, by our own assessments, to having the capabilities to develop a nuclear weapon, much less the capabilities it takes to strap one on to a missile.
Ten years? Ummm, no!

Updated: 2005-03-01 23:51

VIENNA - U.N. inspectors believe Iran would need at least a year to make enough bomb-grade uranium for a single weapon and another year to turn it into a bomb, if it wanted a nuclear arsenal, Western diplomats said Tuesday.

Washington says Iran's nuclear program is a front to develop arms. Iran denies this, saying its atomic ambitions have always been limited to the peaceful generation of electricity.

A 2-year investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N.'s nuclear watchdog, has found no clear proof the U.S. accusations are true.

But diplomats familiar with confidential IAEA estimates of Iran's nuclear capabilities -- which the agency has never published -- said U.N. experts believe Iran could be as little as two years away from a bomb if that is what it wants.