View Full Version : Official Lame Duck thread

03-12-2006, 04:56 PM
Time article (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1172179,00.html?cnn=yes)

Interesting tidbits from article above:

"The Bushies have proved that five people can run the country for four years and one day," a G.O.P. congressional aide complained. :lol

Touring New Orleans last week, he met a man who had survived for days on canned goods before being evacuated to Utah. "Were you the only black man in Salt Lake City?" Bush asked. :wow WTF? :lol

My thoughts? Lame Duck is on, ushered in by the Port fiasco. The numbers were SO agaisnt it, and any reasonable administration would have tried to work something out before a gun was put against their heads (the congressional votes). One of the biggest failings of this administration is that they are unable to build a concensus. They have both houses of Congress and a scared American populace, so they've been able to just bully things through. Well, the bully has been stood up to, and that normally means the bully is OVER.

03-12-2006, 07:12 PM

03-12-2006, 08:10 PM
No, no, this is the lame duck thread, singular. Go to the other one for the lame "ducks" thread. :lol

03-12-2006, 09:11 PM
My thoughts? Lame Duck is on, ushered in by the Port fiasco. The numbers were SO agaisnt it, and any reasonable administration would have tried to work something out before a gun was put against their heads (the congressional votes). One of the biggest failings of this administration is that they are unable to build a concensus. They have both houses of Congress and a scared American populace, so they've been able to just bully things through. Well, the bully has been stood up to, and that normally means the bully is OVER.

We'll I don't know about completely lame-duckness yet, after all, Dubya is a 'war' President even though war has never officially been declared by Congress, this is, but there are still Muslims in Syria and Iran that need liberating. Look around, John Bolton is already brow-beating the UN (they need an embargo of Iran in place by March 23), Condi Rice is strong-arming in Russians, hell, they've even dusted off old, 18% approval-rating Dick Cheney to test drive the new NeoCon talking point on Iran - 'meaningful consequences'. Anyone remember the 'severe consquences' justification they used to invade Iraq? It's all so predictable.

03-12-2006, 09:16 PM
I agree, ducks takes are lame :lol