View Full Version : Coffee Suggestions.

03-13-2006, 08:11 AM
I'm not a coffee drinker at all, I actually hate the stuff. But lately when I'm driving to and from Seguin for work so early in the morning I've been falling asleep at the wheel. So I decided I should pick up coffee drinking to help wake me up in the morning.

It just tastes so awful to me, even with cream and sugar...does anyone have any suggestions as to making it taste better, or maybe something else that would keep get me wired in the morning?

03-13-2006, 08:24 AM
I always start my day with a hot cup of java....preferably from Columbia.

You may try a frapuchino or a Mountain Dew.

03-13-2006, 08:35 AM
Not sure what you're drinking, but White Chocolate Mocha's from Starbuck's are more on the sweet side. If you're hitting up the corner gas station, see if they have some flavored creamers. That will usually do the trick as well. You could also try a soda, i.e. Coke, Diet Coke, etc.

03-13-2006, 09:42 AM
It's hard for me to imagine not liking coffee. I started drinking coffee when I was about 5; I had very sensitive teeth and my Mom would put a couple tablespoons of coffee in my milk to take the chill off so it wouldn't hurt my teeth. I LIKED it! By the time I was 12, I was drinking half coffee and half milk. By 16, I was a pretty hard-core coffee drinker. I'd have 2 cups in the morning with a little milk.

I love just about any coffee. I just love the way it tastes, and nothing smells better to me than fresh coffee brewing. My very favorite is Vinter (winter) by Gevalia. It was one of their seasonals a couple of years ago and I stockpiled it in my freezer. I am just about out now, though :depressed .

There's very little coffee I won't drink, though, it has to be pretty bad. I love Starbucks, but the "San Antonio Blend" at HEB is the best coffee I have ever tasted...it has a touch of cinammon and just a hint of chocolate - excellent! All the HEB "Texas Blends" are very good. The best vendor coffee I have had is Seattle's Best. I first drank it in Seattle (they have little carts on the street and shops like Starbucks), but they have it everywhere now.

03-13-2006, 10:41 AM
Just fyi, black teas also have high caffeine levels, and can be quite strong, especially Scottish breakfast tea, that shit will wake you up. . .

Otherwise, try cappucinos and lattes - they are diluted with milk, and you can frequently add flavors to them. Espresso being stronger is a myth - a regular blend has more caffeine in it. Flavored syrups (can also get in sugar free!) can add sweetness and relieve bitterness. Flavored creamers can really, really help.

My favorite drink is a hazelnut mocha with soymilk. I always get a cafe mocha (which is espresso or coffee, depending on where you get it) with steamed milk, a shot of chocolate, then add a shot of sugar free hazelnut syrup (no sense adding additional calories, imo). You can always get lowfat or skim milk as well as regular or soy.

But if you cover up the taste with actual flavor, instead of just diluting it with cream and sugar, it'll help. I also hated the taste of coffee when I started drinking it, so when I made it at home, (and I still do this with the nasty ass coffee at work), I would make a pot of coffee, get some regular hot chocolate mix, add some flavored creamer (powder, if you use liquid, it goes in last), mix it using hot coffee instead of water. It really cut down on the taste, but was still a cup of coffee.

Also, sodas have caffeine in them as well. So there are alternatives, if coffee drinking is not for you.

03-13-2006, 10:52 AM
GinoFan, I have the same exact problem!! I despise coffee, but some mornings I can barely keep my eyes open and I yawn every 30 seconds (Case in point, like today). What I find that helps is if you try eating something...like grab a little granola bar on the go or something. Also, try drinking orange juice in the mornings. Even though it doesn't have caffiene, it's weird but I find that it does wake me up a little, when I drink it every morning.

And if all else fails...Coke/Diet Coke is the way to go :tu

03-13-2006, 10:57 AM
GinoFan, I have the same exact problem!! I despise coffee, but some mornings I can barely keep my eyes open and I yawn every 30 seconds (Case in point, like today). What I find that helps is if you try eating something...like grab a little granola bar on the go or something. Also, try drinking orange juice in the mornings. Even though it doesn't have caffiene, it's weird but I find that it does wake me up a little, when I drink it every morning.

And if all else fails...Coke/Diet Coke is the way to go :tu

That's true about the granola bar; yogurt also works well, even the yogurt drinks. Not only that, it's very good for your digestion and boosts your immune system (make sure you get the kind that says "live cultures"). The low fat tastes and works as well as the regular but has less calories. The orange juice thing works for me, too, I think because of the natural sugars. Orange juice is just a good thing to have around; anytime during the day when it's been a long time since you ate, if you start to feel a little shaky, it could be a blood sugar thing and orange juice is magic.

03-13-2006, 11:07 AM
Well, I didn't say the granola bar for health reasons. When you have something filling like that to crunch on in the morning, it wakes you up. I can't stand eating yogurt or those smoothies in the morning.

03-13-2006, 11:09 AM
Well, I didn't say the granola bar for health reasons. When you have something filling like that to crunch on in the morning, it wakes you up. I can't stand eating yogurt or those smoothies in the morning.

I wasn't really suggesting it for health reasons, either. That's just a plus. But, for me, the yogurt goes down easy, doesn't taste bad, and is very filling. It was just a different suggestion.

03-13-2006, 12:39 PM
Just slap yourself in the face real hard. Or you could always call a certain someone if you ever feel like you are going to fall asleep. I don't believe that he would mind.

03-13-2006, 02:23 PM
Can't you just buy a coffeine soda or something?

03-13-2006, 02:24 PM
don't like cofee? do coke

03-13-2006, 02:34 PM
If you don't like coffee, all of the extra fat & sugar you'd have to put in it to make it taste acceptable isn't even worth it.

Go to bed a little earlier. :)

05-04-2023, 12:36 PM
Anyone have a suggestion for what beans to use for a good cup of cold brew? I bought one of those fancy cold brew makers that's easy, just need some good coffee beans now

05-04-2023, 12:40 PM
Anyone have a suggestion for what beans to use for a good cup of cold brew? I bought one of those fancy cold brew makers that's easy, just need some good coffee beans now

Bend over, I've got some suggestions.