View Full Version : What is with the fascination?

T Park
03-15-2006, 10:24 PM
I apologize for the spelling first off.


When in society, did , in the middle of the news, did we have to hear if "Tom Cruise and Katy Holmes got married"

First off,

Who's business is it, of ours to be honest, if they got married?


WHy the fuck do you care?

They work in movies and TV, yeah, but, so fucking what?!?!?!

I just never got or understood the fascination with the tabloids, the entertainment tonights, the EXTRAS, Hollywood Reporter, and whatever else bullshit there is.

03-15-2006, 10:32 PM
Well you know, one person said he was a nutjob, then everyone else kind of followed. Then those same people are going to be the first to say "I don't care about Tom Cruise, but......."

That's just the way it works.

T Park
03-15-2006, 10:41 PM
Im not talking about just TOM CRUISE.

Im talking about, movie stars, tv stars in general.

When the hell did America get so goddamn stupid, as to give a shit, what the hell is going on in these people's personal lives.

03-15-2006, 10:44 PM
It's just human nature dude. People were gossiping about Shakespeare and Marlow centuries ago. I wouldn't say it an indication of America's stupidity.

T Park
03-15-2006, 10:48 PM
People were gossiping about Shakespeare and Marlow centuries ago


LINK!!?! :lmao

I highly doubt that.


if so

humans blow.

03-15-2006, 10:54 PM

LINK!!?! :lmao

I highly doubt that.


if so

humans blow.

Trust me, these aren't things you learn by Googling. Or maybe they are, I don't really know what's out there on the internets.

Yeah, I guess we blow. I'll admit, I watch these shows when I get bored. I'm not setting my DVR to record this shit or anything, but I'll catch an episode or two of ET on MTV when I'm getting ready for work on Saturday mornings. How else would I know Hillary Duff went and fucked up her teeth, dropping her out of my top 10 list of young hot ass.

03-15-2006, 11:15 PM
Well, I see all kinds of wedding announcements in the papers all the time and obituaries too and I don't know 99.9999% of them.

It is just entertainment news and like it or not...Tom and Katie are "stars" in the entertainment business.

But I get your point.

03-15-2006, 11:55 PM
T-Park, the fascination is due to the fact that many people in today's society fantasize and idolize celebrities. How else can you explain the fact that actors, actresses, singers, etc. get paid millions of dollars to act, yet teachers, doctors, etc. make less than 1/4 of that? I never understood it either. Although, I myself sometimes get interested in their drama (well, not Tom and Katie, they suck).

The facination probably comes from the fact that celebrities live much more exciting, glamourous lives than the rest of us ordinary people. Regular folks are just interested in the drama and glamour of people unlike themselves, I guess.

03-16-2006, 12:10 AM
It's just human nature dude. People were gossiping about Shakespeare and Marlow centuries ago. I wouldn't say it an indication of America's stupidity.

That's totally true. Same thing happened with Oscar Wilde (it was probably true, but gossip isn't always false, and it still hurt his family). That doesn't mean I don't think America is stupid - it's humans in general.

03-16-2006, 12:23 AM
Im not talking about just TOM CRUISE.

Im talking about, movie stars, tv stars in general.

When the hell did America get so goddamn stupid, as to give a shit, what the hell is going on in these people's personal lives.

This coming from someone who buys players jerseys. It's different but the same. Why do you have that pic of whats her face on you sig??

T Park
03-16-2006, 12:30 AM
buying jerseys supporting sports stars is a little different.

Im supporting them and the team, but dont give a crap whats going on in their real lives.

Halle Berry?

Cause she is hot, duh...

But im not sitting online stalking all of her news articles.

Come Jcrod, I know you dont like me, but stop trying to spin.

03-16-2006, 12:38 AM
it's not spinning, I said it's different but the same. You have facination for your team, some people would say why the heck do you care so much about a basketball team.

Its curiosity man, its something to do and talk about. Why do you sit on you computer and post 20,000+ about the spurs and shit.

03-16-2006, 12:00 PM
buying jerseys supporting sports stars is a little different.

Im supporting them and the team, but dont give a crap whats going on in their real lives.

Yet you spend time on here reading about other people's lives. You may not see it that way but it is what it is.

As said above, it's human nature.