View Full Version : David Dupree chat - he knows his shit too

03-21-2006, 01:16 PM
Not sure if this was posted before. Its from a february chat with David Dupree he knows his shit too:

Mountain View, CA: Hey David, Great chat. Do you think that the Pistons will rest their starters once they have clinched home court advantage?
David DuPree: Absolutely. They won't give them games off, but they will reduce their minutes as they try to get the bench ready for the playoffs. That's why I always felt 70- games was a reach. Going for a record like that can sidetrack them from what they are really in this for -- to win a championship.

Dayton OH: Love your Column Dave: Am I imaginaing this or not ? But it seems the SPURS seem to be flying under the radar lately , alot of the analysts like some of your counterparts say that Detroit has been the best team lately and I agree but the analysts concede that no other team has a chance against Detroit, I believe this is a very long season and I think people have to be reminded that San Antonio hasn't been healthy all year and yet that they play in the toughest division in basketball and still have a winning record. Do you agrere or disagree ?
David DuPree: I couldn't have said it any better than you did.

SAN ANTONIO, TX: Dave, now dont you think the pistons are in trouble, they lost two in a row, their bench consit of two players... do you still think that this is thier year.
David DuPree: They are still the best team right now, but I don't think I ever said they were going to win the championship. Every team goes through a couple of down periods and if their's mean two losses in a row, that's not too bad.

Micah - Perris, CA: What do you think it will take for Tim Duncan to be named MVP. I know that he doesn't care about these accolades, but his fans sure do. Will the people who vote take into account that he is playing hurt? Or is he out of the running for the year.?
David DuPree: He'll get a lot of votes, but I think he's a long shot. Nash, Kobe, Billups, Brand and Nowitzki I'd say are the frontrunners as we speak. Duncan is always a safe vote, too, though.

Los Angeles, CA: Hi David, Can you please tell me where the phrase "dime" came from in regards to NBA assists? I looked everywhere and can't find the answer. Thanks for the scoop each week!!
David DuPree: As I understand it, it comes from dropping a dime, like making a phone call in a pay phone. You can't make teh call without a dime and you couldn't score if I didn't drop a dime on you.

Chris Sacramento: Hi David just one quick question...Please answer. Who is the better overall defender : Ron Artest or Bruce Bowen? Thanks alot and keep up the great work.....
David DuPree: Bruce Bowen. I think he has a beter grasp of team defense and he is a real student of the game.

Bazzy (Knoxville, TN): What it is Double D? The Mavs have won 12 in a row, but are still only 1/2 game up on the Spurs (they're tied in the loss column). The Spurs have been struggling with injuries to Ginobili, Horry, Van Exel, and Timmy's foot is still not 100%, so what do you think will happen? If the Spurs remain moderately healthy will the Mavs be able to overtake them at the end of the year? Can the Spurs stay healthy? Aside: I saw Matchpoint on your recommendation and you were right; it's excellent. Good call, sir.
David DuPree: I am going to say it once more and everyone can hold me to it. I'm not convinced the Heat have what it takes. I think the Pistons win the East. I think the Mavericks won't get past the Suns and I think the Spurs repeat as NBA champions. :elephant

03-21-2006, 01:30 PM
He's crazy if he think the Mavs won't get past an Amare-less Suns team.

03-21-2006, 01:34 PM
I think the Mavericks won't get past the Suns and I think the Spurs repeat as NBA champions

I don't get it. How is the first statement relevant if you feel the second part is true?

03-21-2006, 01:36 PM
I don't get it. How is the first statement relevant if you feel the second part is true?

he predicts the mavs will drop to a #6 seed :lol

03-21-2006, 01:38 PM
He's crazy if he think the Mavs won't get past an Amare-less Suns team.

I don't either. But the point is moot, as they will not even play each other.

03-21-2006, 01:42 PM
i think he means that he doesn't think dallas could get past phoenix but SA could.

03-21-2006, 02:11 PM
:elephant SUCK DESPOT :elephant :elephant :elephant LOL

03-21-2006, 02:47 PM
Would the title of the thread still read "he knows his shit" if he hadn't picked the Spurs to win?

03-21-2006, 02:53 PM
Would the title of the thread still read "he knows his shit" if he hadn't picked the Spurs to win?

nope, it woulda been "David Dupree, prepare for the spurstalk onslaught!!"

03-21-2006, 03:26 PM
Dupree For President!

03-21-2006, 04:22 PM
Would the title of the thread still read "he knows his shit" if he hadn't picked the Spurs to win?

of course not duh! :)

but anyway I agree with most all his other statements. And it's possible that Mavs could get beat by Suns if they were to meet, which they probably won't