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03-23-2006, 12:08 PM
Another Bad Slip for 'NY Times': Katrina Victim Unmasked

By E&P Staff

Published: March 23, 2006 10:10 AM ET

NEW YORK For the second time in less than a week, The New York Times today admitted to a serious error in a story. On Saturday it said it had misidentified a man featured in the iconic "hooded inmate" photograph from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Today it discloses that a woman it profiled on March 8 is not, in fact, a victim of Hurricane Katrina--and was arrested for fraud and grand larceny yesterday.

As it did in the Abu Ghraib mistake, the Times ran an editors' note on page 2 of its front section, along with a lengthy news article (this time on the front page of Section B). Again mirroring the Abu Ghraib episode, the newspaper revealed a surprising and inexplicable lapse in fact-checking on the part of a reporter and/or editor.

The original article, more than 1000 words in length, was written by Nicholas Confessore. He also wrote the news article about the error today. Without saying that he wrote the first story, he wrote today: "The Times did not verify many aspects of Ms. Fenton's claims, never interviewed her children, and did not confirm the identity of the man she described as her husband."

The editors' note states:

"An article in The Metro Section on March 8 profiled Donna Fenton, identifying her as a 37-year-old victim of Hurricane Katrina who had fled Biloxi, Miss., and who was frustrated in efforts to get federal aid as she and her children remained as emergency residents of a hotel in Queens.

"Yesterday, the New York police arrested Ms. Fenton, charging her with several counts of welfare fraud and grand larceny. Prosecutors in Brooklyn say she was not a Katrina victim, never lived in Biloxi and had improperly received thousands of dollars in government aid. Ms. Fenton has pleaded not guilty.

"For its profile, The Times did not conduct adequate interviews or public record checks to verify Ms. Fenton's account, including her claim that she had lived in Biloxi. Such checks would have uncovered a fraud conviction and raised serious questions about the truthfulness of her account." :oops

Last Saturday, the Times editors' note disclosed that Ali Shalal Qaissi, pictured on the front page "as the hooded man forced to stand on a box, attached to wires, in a photograph from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal of 2003 and 2004," was not that man. "The Times did not adequately research Mr. Qaissi's insistence that he was the man in the photograph," it related.

Okay, are they so hellbent on reporting anything that will reflect negatively on this administration that they are foregoing normal journalistic standards? Or are they just lazy and figure that the public is so stupid that we will believe it just because they print it?

03-23-2006, 12:28 PM
The Repugs asssume the public is lazy and stupid, will belive lies (WMD, Saddam did WTC, Saddam-Quaida link) if the lies are repeated eougn, and they won 2 prez elections.
Why shouldn't the NYT, Faux News, and all media assume the same? :)

This NYT fuckup proves that Rummy/military have not been and are not still systematically torturing prisoners?

Ms Fenton is a fraudster. How is that NYT's fault? Compare her puny $$ fraudulently obtained with the graft and corruption in the 100's of $M by contractors contracted by US Corps of Engineers, FEMA, etc. in LA, MS, etc.

03-23-2006, 01:25 PM
boutons source of info discredited again..... lol

03-23-2006, 03:16 PM
And then you have the unbiased ABC's producer saying what:




A top producer at ABC NEWS declared "Bush makes me sick" in an email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

John Green, currently executive producer of the weekend edition of GOOD MORNING AMERICA, unloaded on the president in an ABC company email obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT.

"If he uses the 'mixed messages' line one more time, I'm going to puke," Green complained.

The blunt comments by Green, along with other emails obtained by the DRUDGE REPORT, further reveal the inner workings of the nation's news outlets.

A friend of Green's at ABC says Green is mortified by the email. "John feels so badly about this email. He is a straight shooter and great producer who is always fair. That said, he deeply regrets the sentiment expressed in the email and the embarrassment it causes ABC News."


Filed By Matt Drudge
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