View Full Version : Is It Civil War in France

03-23-2006, 03:15 PM
Applying the standards of our media, is a civil war going on in France.
I mean with all the burning cars and rampages occuring on their streets.

Paris job law rally turns violent
Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:05 PM ET

By Matthew Bigg and Sophie Louet

PARIS (Reuters) - Rampaging French youths set fire to cars and looted shops in Paris on Thursday, marring protests against a youth jobs law that Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, in a conciliatory move, agreed to discuss with unions.

Aides said Villepin would meet senior trade union officials on Friday to try to defuse a crisis that has triggered a national strike threat and drawn hundreds of thousands of protesters on to French streets.

In Paris, riot police fired tear gas in clashes with youths, dubbed "casseurs" by the French, in the Invalides areas near the Foreign Ministry, Reuters witnesses said.

Youths threw stones at police and set fire to the door of an apartment building in running battles at the end of a largely peaceful rally by thousands of students and workers against the CPE First Job Contract.

"This time, there are lots of young criminals on the march who are there to steal and smash. This discredits the movement," said Charlie Herblin, a 22-year-old worker on the march.

Dozens of young people, many wearing masks or hoods, overturned cars, smashed shop windows and robbed student demonstrators of clothes and mobile phones, witnesses said. Police said they had arrested 42 people.

Clashes also erupted in the western city of Rennes, where about 300 to 400 youths battled with police.

Tens of thousands of students marched in cities throughout France, including Tours, Orleans and Marseille, as part of rolling protests designed to maintain pressure on Villepin to axe a contract they say will create "Kleenex workers" whom employers can throw away at will.

Unions have called a one-day national strike for Tuesday to demand the withdrawal of the CPE, which allows employers to fire people aged under 26 at any stage during a two-year trial period, without stating a reason.


In response to a written invitation for a meeting by Villepin, leaders of the five main labor confederations said they would meet the prime minister on Friday, but they reiterated their demand for the CPE to be withdrawn.

President Jacques Chirac has increased pressure on his prime minister to renew contact with unions, said the Le Parisien newspaper, suggesting Villepin's job was now at stake.

"If things don't change very quickly, the prime minister will be fired," it quoted one government source as saying.

Villepin's popularity has slumped and analysts say the protests are damaging the prime minister's thinly veiled ambitions to run in the 2007 presidential election.

Responding to prodding from Chirac, Villepin told union leaders in his letter he wanted a meeting "as quickly as possible" and would not restrict the agenda. Until now he has said he would only discuss how best to enforce the new law.

In the letter, Villepin said he wanted to discuss "without preconceptions" ways to tackle the fears raised by the CPE.

Villepin has championed the law as a key tool in the battle to cut youth unemployment of 23 percent. Ministers have offered to halve the trial period and require bosses to justify layoffs.

Protests over the measure have disrupted three-quarters of the country's 84 universities and Education Minister Gilles de Robien said looming exams could be postponed until the autumn.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, Villepin's rival to contest the presidency under the conservatives' colors, on Wednesday broke ranks over the CPE contract, calling for a six-month trial period in an effort to ease the crisis.

Sarkozy fears the protests that have spread across France could boost the Left and sink the conservatives' chances in both the presidential and parliamentary polls due next spring.


© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world

03-23-2006, 04:58 PM

As soon as the French Youth start planting improvised explosives, start fighting a dirty war, and the French have over 100 people die in one day alone, get back to us with this.

03-23-2006, 05:24 PM
ill bet you less than half of that crowd destroying the city is for the cause, everyone else are just criminals having a field day

03-23-2006, 05:55 PM
If it's a french, war won't both sides just surrender.

03-23-2006, 06:03 PM
i wonder if Tony would be amongst those protesters if it werent for basketball?

03-23-2006, 06:20 PM
Hum.. Villipen .. isn't he that anti Bush guy huh? Now they want to kill him.. hum..

What comes around goes around eh?

03-23-2006, 07:50 PM

As soon as the French Youth start planting improvised explosives, start fighting a dirty war, and the French have over 100 people die in one day alone, get back to us with this.
And, as soon as Iraqis do this, let us know.

03-23-2006, 09:50 PM
Definitely a civil war by our media's standards.

Paris job law rally turns violent
Thu Mar 23, 2006 1:05 PM ET

By Matthew Bigg and Sophie Louet

PARIS (Reuters) - Rampaging French youths set fire to cars and looted shops in Paris on Thursday, marring protests against a youth jobs law that Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, in a conciliatory move, agreed to discuss with unions.

Aides said Villepin would meet senior trade union officials on Friday to try to defuse a crisis that has triggered a national strike threat and drawn hundreds of thousands of protesters on to French streets.

In Paris, riot police fired tear gas in clashes with youths, dubbed "casseurs" by the French, in the Invalides areas near the Foreign Ministry, Reuters witnesses said.

Youths threw stones at police and set fire to the door of an apartment building in running battles at the end of a largely peaceful rally by thousands of students and workers against the CPE First Job Contract.

"This time, there are lots of young criminals on the march who are there to steal and smash. This discredits the movement," said Charlie Herblin, a 22-year-old worker on the march.

Dozens of young people, many wearing masks or hoods, overturned cars, smashed shop windows and robbed student demonstrators of clothes and mobile phones, witnesses said. Police said they had arrested 42 people.

Clashes also erupted in the western city of Rennes, where about 300 to 400 youths battled with police.

Tens of thousands of students marched in cities throughout France, including Tours, Orleans and Marseille, as part of rolling protests designed to maintain pressure on Villepin to axe a contract they say will create "Kleenex workers" whom employers can throw away at will.

Unions have called a one-day national strike for Tuesday to demand the withdrawal of the CPE, which allows employers to fire people aged under 26 at any stage during a two-year trial period, without stating a reason.


In response to a written invitation for a meeting by Villepin, leaders of the five main labor confederations said they would meet the prime minister on Friday, but they reiterated their demand for the CPE to be withdrawn.

President Jacques Chirac has increased pressure on his prime minister to renew contact with unions, said the Le Parisien newspaper, suggesting Villepin's job was now at stake.

"If things don't change very quickly, the prime minister will be fired," it quoted one government source as saying.

Villepin's popularity has slumped and analysts say the protests are damaging the prime minister's thinly veiled ambitions to run in the 2007 presidential election.

Responding to prodding from Chirac, Villepin told union leaders in his letter he wanted a meeting "as quickly as possible" and would not restrict the agenda. Until now he has said he would only discuss how best to enforce the new law.

In the letter, Villepin said he wanted to discuss "without preconceptions" ways to tackle the fears raised by the CPE.

Villepin has championed the law as a key tool in the battle to cut youth unemployment of 23 percent. Ministers have offered to halve the trial period and require bosses to justify layoffs.

Protests over the measure have disrupted three-quarters of the country's 84 universities and Education Minister Gilles de Robien said looming exams could be postponed until the autumn.

Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, Villepin's rival to contest the presidency under the conservatives' colors, on Wednesday broke ranks over the CPE contract, calling for a six-month trial period in an effort to ease the crisis.

Sarkozy fears the protests that have spread across France could boost the Left and sink the conservatives' chances in both the presidential and parliamentary polls due next spring.


© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.
================================================== =========

Of course by the dimm-0-craps, just another day in paradise.

03-23-2006, 10:37 PM
If it's a french, war won't both sides just surrender.

god , I shouldn;t laugh at that but I can't help myself!

03-24-2006, 09:14 AM

As soon as the French Youth start planting improvised explosives, start fighting a dirty war, and the French have over 100 people die in one day alone, get back to us with this.

Here you go Dan, just what you wanted:

Many hurt in French university blast

Email this Story

Mar 24, 8:07 AM (ET)

A huge explosion destroyed a research building at a French university in the eastern city of...

MULHOUSE, France (Reuters) - A huge explosion destroyed a research building at a French university in the eastern city of Mulhouse on Friday, injuring a large number of people, the emergency services said.

Rescue workers faced thick smoke when they arrived at the institute of chemistry on the university campus, a Reuters witness said.

The reason for the blast, which was heard across much of the city, was not immediately known.

"There are a large number of victims," one rescuer told Reuters.

French television said at least one person was seriously hurt and witness Cedric Ridepi told the LCI TV station that he had seen "the inside (of the building) devastated. There were several seats of fire.

"There were screams from inside. I saw one wounded person," he added.

A student in a nearby building, who gave her name only as Aude, said there "was a huge explosion and all the windows were shattered."

The UNEF student union said the complex was not occupied by students as part of protests against a youth jobs law that have hit universities around France.

================================================== =======Just fits your definition. Must be civil war in France, according to all
you libs definition of civil war.

Oh, Gee!!
03-24-2006, 10:23 AM
And, as soon as Iraqis do this, let us know.

you can't really be this obtuse

03-24-2006, 10:50 AM
Here you go Dan, just what you wanted:

Many hurt in French university blast

Email this Story

Mar 24, 8:07 AM (ET)

A huge explosion destroyed a research building at a French university in the eastern city of...

MULHOUSE, France (Reuters) - A huge explosion destroyed a research building at a French university in the eastern city of Mulhouse on Friday, injuring a large number of people, the emergency services said.

Rescue workers faced thick smoke when they arrived at the institute of chemistry on the university campus, a Reuters witness said.

The reason for the blast, which was heard across much of the city, was not immediately known.

"There are a large number of victims," one rescuer told Reuters.

French television said at least one person was seriously hurt and witness Cedric Ridepi told the LCI TV station that he had seen "the inside (of the building) devastated. There were several seats of fire.

"There were screams from inside. I saw one wounded person," he added.

A student in a nearby building, who gave her name only as Aude, said there "was a huge explosion and all the windows were shattered."

The UNEF student union said the complex was not occupied by students as part of protests against a youth jobs law that have hit universities around France.

================================================== =======Just fits your definition. Must be civil war in France, according to all
you libs definition of civil war.

He said planted explosives, this was a chemistry building. Who knows what was in there that hadn't been taken care of since this started.

Oh, Gee!!
03-24-2006, 11:01 AM
China is at civil war as well


Eight people dead in China coal mine blast

Eight miners were killed and five others injured when a blast ripped through a coal mine in North China's Hebei Province, the local government said on Friday.

Initial investigations show that owner of the private-run coal mine tried to cover up the accident that took place on Monday, according to the Hebei Provincial Workplace Safety Supervision and Management Administration.

The administration did not disclose other details such as how many workers were working underground when the accident took place at the No 2 Coal Mine of Huzhuang village, Zhulu county, Xinhua............................................ ...........................

Time to Liberate China.

03-24-2006, 01:05 PM
Time to Liberate China.