View Full Version : Report: Russia Had Sources in U.S. Command and Passed Info to Saddam

Mr. Peabody
03-24-2006, 04:23 PM
:wow :wow

Report: Russia Had Sources in U.S. Command
By ROBERT BURNS, AP Military Writer
7 minutes ago

Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/us_iraq_war&printer=1;_ylt=AuYMd80TAQrwV_u9T.6MzJiWwvIE;_ylu=X 3oDMTA3MXN1bHE0BHNlYwN0bWE-)

The Russian government had sources inside the American military command as the U.S. mounted the invasion of Iraq, and the Russians passed information to Saddam Hussein on troop movements and plans, according to Iraqi documents released as part of a Pentagon report.

The Russians relayed information to Saddam during the opening days of the 2003 war, including a crucial moment before the assault on Baghdad, according to the documents in the report Friday.

The unclassified report does not assess the value of the information or provide details beyond citing two captured Iraqi documents that say the Russians collected information from sources "inside the American Central Command" and that battlefield intelligence was provided to Saddam through the Russian ambassador in Baghdad.

A classified version of the Pentagon report, titled "Iraqi Perspectives Project," is not being made public.

In Moscow, a duty officer with Russia's Foreign Ministry declined to comment on the report late Friday evening. No one answered the phones at the Defense Ministry.

At Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla., officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment. State Department spokesman Adam Ereli declined to comment.

The Pentagon report cited two captured Iraqi documents on the matter of Russian intelligence, and the report also directly asserted that the intelligence link existed.

"Significantly, the regime was also receiving intelligence from the Russians that fed suspicions that the attack out of Kuwait was merely a diversion," the report's authors wrote. They cited as an example a document that was sent to Saddam on March 24, 2003, and captured by the U.S. military after Baghdad fell.

The document said: "The information that the Russians have collected from their sources inside the American Central Command in Doha is that the United States is convinced that occupying Iraqi cities are impossible," and that as a result the U.S. military would avoid urban combat.

Central Command's war-fighting headquarters is at an encampment in the desert just outside Doha, Qatar.

03-24-2006, 04:56 PM
I'm telling ya, three things are going to be learned from the Saddam document dump.

1) Saddam Hussein had WMD's until sometime shortly before the 2003 invasion.

2) Saddam Hussein had a significant relationship with al Qaeda and helped plan, support, and finance attacks against U.S. interests -- even if not the WTC attack on September 11th (but possibly even that).

3) Russia, France, and Germany (or high ranking government officials from those countries - up to and including their heads of state) were in collusion with Saddam Hussein because of a fear they'd lose the OFF kickbacks.

I keep waiting for the Bush-haters to start the mea culpas. I know no one in this forum will, but some of the top idiots from the Left will eventually have to face the truth and admit they've been -- and the President was right -- all along.

03-24-2006, 06:30 PM
I'm telling ya, three things are going to be learned from the Saddam document dump.

1) Saddam Hussein had WMD's until sometime shortly before the 2003 invasion.

2) Saddam Hussein had a significant relationship with al Qaeda and helped plan, support, and finance attacks against U.S. interests -- even if not the WTC attack on September 11th (but possibly even that).

3) Russia, France, and Germany (or high ranking government officials from those countries - up to and including their heads of state) were in collusion with Saddam Hussein because of a fear they'd lose the OFF kickbacks.

I keep waiting for the Bush-haters to start the mea culpas. I know no one in this forum will, but some of the top idiots from the Left will eventually have to face the truth and admit they've been -- and the President was right -- all along.

Hey, I hope you're right. Seriously. This country is a better place when half the population isn't questioning everything the President does in regards to Iraq.

03-24-2006, 06:31 PM
"mea culpas"

Iraq war dissenters keep waiting and waiting and waiting for hard verification on points 1 and 2.

The Repugs/conservatives were gonna invade Iraq before they even won the 2000 election. They didn't need evidence or justification.

Point 3 is nothing but $$business. Every country will screw every other country, including their allies, if they think its $$$advantageous. American business will screw the USA out every tax $$$ possible, and do it year in and year out.

Pulling wishful-thinking verification out of your ass or some obscure blogger's ass isn't going to justify 2000+ US dead and 10's of 1000s of Iraqi dead in the Repug war.

Jim Rome
03-24-2006, 06:35 PM
so since the russians have proven to be crooked, that means dubya's straight?

Even Kobe Bryant can figure this one out.

03-25-2006, 12:22 AM
I hope America can do a better job finding traitors. :tu to Russia for thier espionage :td for getting caught. They need to send some people back to spy school.

03-25-2006, 01:06 AM
That's one language I can't understand at all. I tried to learn some basic Russian and was like "this sucks". Farsi and Arabic would be easier to learn.

03-25-2006, 02:14 AM
That's one language I can't understand at all. I tried to learn some basic Russian and was like "this sucks". Farsi and Arabic would be easier to learn.

Apparently English is a little tricky for you as well.

03-25-2006, 11:39 AM
"mea culpas"

Iraq war dissenters keep waiting and waiting and waiting for hard verification on points 1 and 2.

The Repugs/conservatives were gonna invade Iraq before they even won the 2000 election. They didn't need evidence or justification.

Point 3 is nothing but $$business. Every country will screw every other country, including their allies, if they think its $$$advantageous. American business will screw the USA out every tax $$$ possible, and do it year in and year out.

Pulling wishful-thinking verification out of your ass or some obscure blogger's ass isn't going to justify 2000+ US dead and 10's of 1000s of Iraqi dead in the Repug war.

Well we got one "mea culpas": you admit that Bush did win the election
in 2000. But your point of invading before 2000 is kinda mute, since you
must have an army/or lots of people to invade a country.

butons, you wouldn't acknowledge anything Bush said even if Hillary herself
told you it was true.