View Full Version : Immigration bill

03-24-2006, 06:15 PM
I suppose there might be a reason as to why no one has ventured to make this thread in a fourm dominated by Texans, however I think the events of today's protest make the subject one that ought to be broached.

I will say that I support the bill beign introduced by the republicans (or i think they are republicans) that make larger crackdowns and such on illegal immigration, I am not anti-hispanic however. I really don't understand that side of the deabte at all, it seems like the Hispanic community is trying to convey to the rest of America that the entire population is one of illegal immigrants, which I know is not true. (I say that because of some of the movements that are going on i.e. a world without latinos day in Millwake) I support the legislation because of something I generally hate talking about due to what has turned into a paranoia amongst my fellow citizens, but i think not stopping illegal immigration is counterproductive to national security. I also know from my wife and what's going on locally that illegal immigration saps a lot of tax payer dollars away from those who actually pay taxes, such as in a public hospitals(my wife once worked in Parkland if any of you are familiar with it) and the local health clinic thing (name escapes me).

anyway, if there isnt much of a response to this I will assume that this topic is a bit untimely for me to introduce.

03-24-2006, 06:24 PM
WP and NYT are both reporting that immigration will a major campaign issue in 2006 and 2008.

I expect both parties to fuck up their positions on immigration, with no resolution at the ballot box.

Politicians are too balless and polarized to show any intelligence and leadership on this or any other issue.

Immigration isn't a serious, aka $$$ issue, because America actually $benefits from cheap, manual laborers doing work Americans won't do.

It's just the flag-wrapped super patriot nativists/chauvinsts fighting immigraton on "principle" but most people don't vote principles, they vote their $$$.

03-24-2006, 07:33 PM
i dont know if that's really true, illegal immigration actually causes wages to be arifically low and is a major drain on civic funds, but it is true that buisness leaders are in favor of illegal immigration, after all they hire illegal immigrants quite often

03-25-2006, 01:35 AM
America was founded by Americans and I'll be damned if we let some foreigners from some other country come here and ruin it!

03-25-2006, 11:44 AM
Oops, I started another thread on this before I got to the bottom of the page.
Sorry! :oops

03-25-2006, 12:17 PM
btw, where does one pick up day laborers in San Antonio? I need 2 or 3 for a day for some digging. How much do they cost? Day laborers in Jamaiaca run about US$12.