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03-25-2006, 12:44 PM
Jeanne Jakle
San Antonio Express-News

"Desperate Housewives" star Eva Longoria said it hurts that San Antonio, which she now considers her hometown, may have the wrong impression of her.


"I love my community of San Antonio," she said Thursday in a phone interview from the set of the hit ABC show.

Referring to a series of critical letters to the editor that ran recently in the Express-News, she said she is upset that people here would think she would talk openly about "my sex life with Tony" or that she was "a poster child for unwed mothers."

Statements she made to Allure magazine about her relationship with Parker were misinterpreted when other publications ran them out of context, she added. What she actually spoke about in Allure, Longoria asserted, was love, not sex.

In the magazine's April issue, the actress is pictured on the cover atop the headline, "Eva Longoria: Loves Gettin' Dirty." In the article, she says: "He's (Tony's) very sweet. I'm the experienced one. I'm the teacher, especially about love. He's always telling me he's never met anyone who loves the way I do — wholly and freely and unconditionally."

Her quote that 23-year-old Parker "has been with only one other person in his life" referred to relationships, not sexual experiences, she said. The international press twisted those statements to make Parker out to be "a lousy lover," she added, so she felt she needed to respond by saying otherwise. She told "Extra" and "Access Hollywood" this week that "when the lights go out, he's the teacher" and she's the student.

She also stressed she didn't volunteer she'd have a baby out of wedlock. The Allure interviewer asked if she would and she responded positively.

"I just meant that when you're healthy, financially stable and in an emotionally supportive relationship, it's a blessing to have a child," she said.

As for other "gossipy" reports, such as the ones linking her to Jamie Foxx after the Golden Globes, she reiterated those were nonsense; Foxx, Tony and she are friends.

"Nobody wants to hear how happy Tony and I are, how solid, how he's the most amazing human being," she said. "They just want to hear I'm in a love triangle."

Longoria said she's "the exact opposite of Gabrielle," her scheming, cheating character in "Desperate Housewives." She also addressed her openness about sexuality in various articles, such as the one in Cosmopolitan magazine where she spoke of the benefits of a Brazilian wax.

"It is the 21st century," she said, adding that she prefers to further the idea that a woman's sexuality is healthy, not disgusting or taboo. "I don't like to censor myself when I talk."

The past year has been "amazing," she said. She's got a hit show and a great relationship. She just made a movie with Michael Douglas and Kiefer Sutherland called "The Sentinel," which opens April 10. She's producing and hosting the NCLR ALMA Awards, which will air May 7 on ABC.

The awards, sponsored by the National Council of La Raza, celebrates Latino talent.

However, the past year also has been a difficult learning experience.

"It makes you more guarded," she said, "more protective of people you love."

Many of those are concentrated in San Antonio, where she's bought a house for her parents and is building one with Parker.

Though she's in the middle of shooting "Housewives" episodes in Los Angeles, she chose to spend her recent 31st birthday here with Parker and her family because San Antonio means something to her.

In short, she couldn't care less "what's printed in the Star, the National Enquirer or Us magazine," she said, but it does matter what's printed in the local paper.

i think she's cute

03-25-2006, 05:40 PM
wasnt she all racial with a san antonio cop?

03-25-2006, 05:41 PM
I think this was posted a while back...

03-25-2006, 05:58 PM
She's from Corpus anyway... transplant!

03-25-2006, 06:03 PM
Her quote that 23-year-old Parker "has been with only one other person in his life" referred to relationships, not sexual experiences

That's exactly what I was going to say in that other thread...that I thought she might be talking about relationships, and not just sex. You don't have to have a girlfriend (or boyfriend) to get laid. :lol

03-25-2006, 06:04 PM
She's from Corpus anyway... transplant!
that is rude and offensive to non-native san anotonions