View Full Version : Carlos Mencia is a joke thief

03-26-2006, 01:39 PM


03-26-2006, 02:16 PM
To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Hello Joe!

I am mouse from San Antonio real name Mark Allen. someone posted your story about Carlos Hackett Mencia at a website I visit.


I must say in all my 23 years of wanting to be a comic your the first person I have ever felt knows what I have been saying all this time. I started to do stand up in 1984 when Bernie Mac was lucky to get 25-35 folks in a club. I was an open Mic comic who loved to write my own material. And I must say I was good at it, So good I could not keep others from using it. I would do an open mike on the 7th of the month and maybe not show up for two weeks and on the 21st of the month I would see many comics using my stuff on stage. many comics would tell me to go kick there ass's but I am only 4ft 10 and I have never been a great fighter.

It got to the point that I just got so frustrated I stop doing stand up in 1986. Thus ending the careers of many comics also. Then the latino comedy started here in San Antonio back in the 90's I was so excited I went to do an open mike and what do you think took place? 1/2 my stuff was being used by the more seasoned comics, I was not about to do my Mexican Chopper material I knew Carlos would for sure steal it. he already has a reputaion here in San Antonio for stealing jokes.

I don't want to take up any more of your time, and I know your bored with me already, But I wanted to say your story made me have a tear in my eye, at last someone out there gives a crap and is looking out for the ones who take the time creativity to write thier own shit.

mouse in San Antonio.

me on stage. I decided to go back to doing stand up again after 20 years thanks to you brah.


PS: If you get a chance? call me I have a very cool Idea for us!


Kori Ellis
03-26-2006, 02:28 PM
Good email, Mouse. I know you are always frustrated about the subject of stolen material.

03-26-2006, 02:33 PM
Good email, Mouse.

I was going to put from Hussker :lmao

03-26-2006, 02:33 PM
I was going to put from Hussker :lmao

I noticed the "Allen" part. :lol

03-26-2006, 02:34 PM
You go Mouse.

03-26-2006, 02:47 PM
Didn't some guy from the news paper get fired for a cut N paste?

why sould it be any different for comics? Folks at River center have said for years Carlos is stealing material, and now he is making millions? I think he should have to pay each person he stole jokes from. Those folks will never be famous or have there own show on Comedy central. I made sure I fixed the problem, I write jokes that suck from now on

Kori Ellis
03-26-2006, 02:49 PM
Didn't some guy from the news paper get fired for a cut N paste?

why sould it be any different for comics? Folks at River center have said for years Carlos is stealing material, and now he is making millions? I think he should have to pay each person he stole jokes from. Those folks will never be famous or have there own show on Comedy central. I made sure I fixed the problem, I write jokes that suck from now on

Yeah I think that guy got fired for cutting and pasting weather reports or something, right?

03-26-2006, 03:02 PM
I wrote a letter, yesterday!

To: [email protected] ([email protected])

From: [email protected] ([email protected])

Hello Joe!

I am ShoogarBear from San Antonio real name Denzel W. someone posted your story about Carlos Hackett Mencia at a website I visit.

http://spurstalk.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7 (http://spurstalk.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7)

I must say in all my 24 years of wanting to be a comic your the first person I have ever felt knows what I have been saying all this time. I started to do stand up in 1983 when Bernie Mac was lucky to get 25-35 folks in a club. I was an open Mic comic who loved to write my own material. And I must say I was good at it, So good I could not keep others from using it. I would do an open mike on the 6th of the month and maybe not show up for two weeks and on the 20st of the month I would see many comics like mouse using my stuff on stage. many comics would tell me to go kick there ass's but I am only 5 ft 9 inand I have never been a great fighter except I knew I could kick mouse's ass.

It got to the point that I just got so frustrated I stop doing stand up in 1985. Thus ending the careers of many comics also. Then the latino comedy started here in San Antonio back in the 90's I was so excited I went to do an open mike and what do you think took place? 3/4 my stuff was being used by the more seasoned comics, and even chumps like mouseI was not about to do my Black Chopper material I knew mouse would for sure steal it. he already has a reputaion here in San Antonio for stealing jokes.

I don't want to take up any more of your time, and I know your bored with me already, But I wanted to say your story made me have a tear in my eye, at last someone out there gives a crap and is looking out for the ones who take the time creativity to write thier own shit.

ShoogarBear in San Antonio.

me on stage. I decided to go back to doing stand up again after 20 years thanks to you brah.

PS: If you get a chance? call me I have a very cool Idea for us! Just don't tell mouse or he'll steal it.


03-26-2006, 03:03 PM
Carlos was ok as long as he didn't make any money, But once you sign a contract you need to make sure you go by the rules. I can copy and paste all the crap I want from this site and no one gives a rats ass. But If I get a job at ESPN and start to use everyones work? Then I might have a problem,
Those folks who got hacked need to sue Comedy Central, The only problem for comics is proving you wrote a certain joke, Thus the saying "who's line is it anyway?" only one comic that I know of started making a living stealing material and no one cared. His name was Buddy Hackett . Chris Duel once said you can use other comics material as long as you modify a bit , he said he has done it, I was shocked he said it on the radio ,
Chris and me don't see eye to eye on that issue.

A comic back in 1984 told me you can record your material then you mail it to yourself and keep it sealed,Then you take that to court with you if you decide to press charges. His name is Richard Belzer this man could out drink anyone and still do stand up. many clubs lost alot of money when he was in town on booze alone.

03-26-2006, 03:03 PM
Well, if we had known you were going to be at the Rivercenter, I'd have brought my video recorder to document and time-stamp your jokes.


Are you doing anything like that again anytime soon?

03-26-2006, 03:08 PM
Denis Leary, also accused by Rogan of joke stealing from the late Bill Hicks:

"If Joe Rogan knows of a way to steal enough material to fill an hour- long special, tell him to let me know so I can stop working my ass off. And if he spent more time worrying about his own career, maybe he'd have a job that doesn't involve watching ex-bartenders eating worms."

Ouch babe.

03-26-2006, 03:20 PM
yeah carlos mencia sucks

lol ned holness

03-26-2006, 03:22 PM
Well, if we had known you were going to be at the Rivercenter, I'd have brought my video recorder to document and time-stamp your jokes.


Are you doing anything like that again anytime soon?

Unless TasteLikeChciken (who by the way unlike me is a proffessional comedian) e mails me another link to another showcase like Last Comic Standing etc? It may be another year. I don't really do the local stuff much. Thats where your stuff gets hacked, The touring comics hang out at the open mike shows to add to thier material. then they move on. I only did this one at river center so I can see what was funny for the last Comic Standing auditions in Austin, But the problem was, by the time River center gave me a time and a date? I already had did the LCS in Austin.That was a trip, I should of made a documentry, Ant was there he is really gay! tune in this spring to watch me bomb :lmao

03-26-2006, 03:23 PM
Denis Leary is accused by a lot more people than Joe Rogan. He didn't steal jokes from Hicks, he stole entire sets. The only original Denis Leary material is The Asshole Song.

Keep in mind, since Hicks is dead and no longer writing Leary's material, Leary is now a crappy TV drama "star".

03-26-2006, 03:27 PM
Denis Leary is accused by a lot more people than Joe Rogan. He didn't steal jokes from Hicks, he stole entire sets. The only original Denis Leary material is The Asshole Song.

Keep in mind, since Hicks is dead and no longer writing Leary's material, Leary is now a crappy TV drama "star".

I know, I just like the crackback on Rogan...

03-26-2006, 03:28 PM
If this is the ASF from WOAI then he knows his comedy, To bad he's to good to prove it in the Troll forum :smokin

03-26-2006, 03:29 PM
If this is the ASF from WOAI then he knows his comedy, To bad he's to good to prove it in the Troll forum :smokin

I can't wait to see you at a GTG again so you can pretend you don't know who I am, Mouse.


03-26-2006, 03:53 PM
Are you a short latino from the southside? I do remember you. ask Kori I don't rememeber crap. why do you think the female posters hate me? like I am going to remember rashofan is a Girl? Nigra please! I would be lucky to remember I have 4 NBA fantasy teams on yahoo . Dude I have been smoking weed since 1974, how many active brain cells do you think the human body comes with? :lmao

03-26-2006, 03:55 PM
Are you a short latino from the southside? I do remember you. ask Kori I don't rememeber crap. why do you think the female posters hate me? like I am going to remember rashofan is a Girl? Nigra please! I would be lucky to remember I have 4 NBA fantasy teams on yahoo . Dude I have been smoking weed since 1974, how many active brain cells do you think the human body comes with? :lmaoSig worthy

03-26-2006, 04:17 PM
Mencia isn't even funny

Smackie Chan
03-26-2006, 04:52 PM
Mencia isn't even funny

you just offended 20 different comics :lmao

03-26-2006, 06:06 PM
I just straight up hate his show and routine.

Smacky The Frog
03-26-2006, 06:10 PM

Horry For 3!
03-26-2006, 06:45 PM
Carlos Menstealia :lmao

03-26-2006, 06:48 PM
you just offended 20 different comics :lmao

:( uhhhhhh...what I meant to say was his delivery sucks :shootme :lol

Horry For 3!
03-26-2006, 06:53 PM
hahaha he isn't even mexican

03-26-2006, 07:20 PM
He used to be funny...at first...but he hasn't changed....he hasn't grown in his material...he still says the same crap...it's just old already...

03-26-2006, 07:24 PM
Me thinks Carlos musk be pretty good, sinck he sells out every
time he comes to SA.

Carlos must eats his Spinach.

Duff McCartney
03-26-2006, 09:36 PM
I remember my cousin told me that Mencia came to SA one time after the Spurs beat the Lakers in 03. He mentioned something about them and they booed his Lakers nonsense. Then he went off on this diatribe about the Lakers and Spurs and how the Spurs should be classy winners and not sore losers.

Basically everyone booed him off the stage because his set was cut short.

03-26-2006, 09:39 PM
Mencia is a Lakers fan, but he's a regular guest on Dudley and Bob and I have heard him say good things about the Spurs on more than one occasion.

Hooters Girl
03-26-2006, 09:59 PM
:( uhhhhhh...what I meant to say was his delivery sucks :shootme :lol

Is that why Manny didn't tip him? :smokin

03-26-2006, 10:05 PM
Comics steal jokes all the time. Hell, how many of us have heard a good joke at a party and can't wait to tell it at the next party?

Dan Rather
03-26-2006, 11:24 PM
But did they have to pay 40.00 dollars a ticket to hear our jokes?

03-27-2006, 12:15 AM
I actually never liked Mencia, to begin with, but this guy doesn't strike me as being very bright either (the Joe Rogan guy)

That Carlos Mencia is a bit roo full of himself http://spurstalk.com/forums/images/smilies/smirolleyes.gif what a jackass!

03-27-2006, 07:16 AM
I was a 'fan' of Mecia years ago...then I saw him live.


Didn't like it at all.

No thanks.

03-27-2006, 03:50 PM
white people need to realize Mencia is not a funny Mexican, he's a fuckin wannabe who tries to act mexican on stage.

03-27-2006, 06:35 PM
Mencia is Mexican, his mother is Mexican (Hence the name Mencia) and his real name is Ned Mencia, not Ned Holness as some people have mentioned.

Also, do you really think white people even differentiate between a guy born in Central American (Honduras) and a Mexican from Mexico?

I for one actually like the idea that someone would try to be MORE Mexican, we've come a long way from times when guys had to change their name from Valenzuela to Valens to be LESS Mexican...

A lot of comics say other comedians have stolen their material, that's what happens when you use unoriginal material like how many Mexicans you can fit in a car.

Carlos can be pretty unoriginal when he makes racial jokes, but his non race jokes, though sometimes few and far between are actually pretty funny...

Angry Midget
03-27-2006, 07:40 PM
hey asshat! you done tossing his salad yet?

03-28-2006, 05:59 AM
Mencia is Mexican, his mother is Mexican (Hence the name Mencia) and his real name is Ned Mencia, not Ned Holness as some people have mentioned.

Also, do you really think white people even differentiate between a guy born in Central American (Honduras) and a Mexican from Mexico?

I for one actually like the idea that someone would try to be MORE Mexican, we've come a long way from times when guys had to change their name from Valenzuela to Valens to be LESS Mexican...

A lot of comics say other comedians have stolen their material, that's what happens when you use unoriginal material like how many Mexicans you can fit in a car.

Carlos can be pretty unoriginal when he makes racial jokes, but his non race jokes, though sometimes few and far between are actually pretty funny...
I guess you've outsmarted the people at IMDB huh? his mothers last name is Mencia, and SHE is Mexican, his fathers last name is Holnes and he is Honduran. So you see, he IS actually Holnes

03-28-2006, 11:52 AM
I'm not a fan of Mencia, and it's not even because of the material... His delivery is so over-the-top it takes all of the humor away. It's like "Laugh at me or I'll YELL LOUDER!"

He did a routine at a convention I attended, and it was pretty funny but only because there were a lot of old people in the room who were very uncomfortable. Even then, though, I felt like I had heard most of the material before.

Still, while I completely believe Rogan's accusations, I'd like to see some form of proof that his jokes are stolen, with specifics and sources. Probably too much to ask for but it would be more damning than a simple rant.

03-28-2006, 12:20 PM
I guess you've outsmarted the people at IMDB huh? his mothers last name is Mencia, and SHE is Mexican, his fathers last name is Holnes and he is Honduran. So you see, he IS actually Holnes

Regardless, he's Mexican which is the real issue, changing your name to sound more Mexican is one thing, but trying to be something your not is something else alltogether.

Yes his dads name is Holness, guess what, my last name is De Leon, and my sons last name is Nombrana, chew on that one for a minute.....

His legal last name is Mencia, IMDB isn't the end all my friend....

03-28-2006, 12:25 PM
Carlos has never denied his Honduran roots.

In his early material, he had a joke where no matter where he went, he was Mexican. (Except for Miami where he was Cuban and New York where he was Puerto Rican). His joke also included that when rednecks would ask where he was from, he'd say Honduras and they'd ask "what part of Mexico that was in."

I don't like his TV show...in fact, I gave it a low rating (although copy editors mistook my 1.5 stars for 2.5) in a review I did last summer.

By Joe Ruiz
Managing Editor

2 1/2 STARS
Mind of Mencia
Comedy Central
9:30 p.m. Wednesdays

As a fan of Carlos Mencia, I really had high expectations for his new Comedy Central show Mind of Mencia. What worried me, though, was his ability to transfer his style of comedy to the limits of television.

In addition, the cable channel’s attempts to catch lightning in a bottle after the success of Chappelle’s Show seemed to set up Dave’s successors for failure.

For those unfamiliar with Mencia, his abrasive, racially charged comedy can be offensive to some and hilarious to others. Along with that style of comedy comes a common-sense approach to real life.

Mencia’s show begins with a monologue, which may be funny to those who are new to the 37-year-old’s comedy. If you’ve watched a DVD or seen his act live, though, chances are you’ve heard the jokes before, and without the heavy editing they’re subjected to on Comedy Central.

The show — scheduled for 10 episodes over the summer — offers glimmers of hope in its skits. One sequence in the show’s second episode titled “Desperate Gardeners” spoofs ABC’s hit show Desperate Housewives, in which a teenaged gardener is romantically involved with his employer’s wife. Predictably, Mencia talks with several real gardeners — playing up the stereotype of the immigrant who tends to the lawns of others — and asks them if they have ever had an affair with their employers.

Sure, you could see the jokes coming miles away, but the skit was still funny in satirizing the primetime soap opera.

In his first episode, Mencia parodies commercials of decidedly American businesses in Iraq. Again, you’ve heard these before if you’ve seen his act.

The funniest bits on the show seem to come from his “man on the street”-style skits, except for the third show’s “Last White Man In the Barrio”; it just wasn’t funny. The skit focused on a white, 40-something stoner and his wife’s choice to stay in a predominately Hispanic neighborhood. The jokes felt forced and didn’t allow the natural humor of an incident like that to develop.

What’s hurting the show is that Mencia is forced to tone down his humor to meet cable television standards, and that struggle comes through the television to his dedicated audience.

For those people who wish to hear Mencia’s uncensored comedy — and aren’t easily offended — you would be better served by visiting CarlosMencia.com or picking up one of his multiple DVDs.


As with almost all comics, though, it's best to see them live. You get the best material...since I've seen Carlos live numerous times, to me, he's funny. I know that whenever he's in town, Gina and I always try to get there.

I did see from Mouse's new MySpace that Joe Rogan has some sets in Austin in May...if I were going to be in town at that time, I'd go. I've been able to listen to comics I had never heard before (not including Rogan in that since I'd heard him and liked him before) since I got Sirius. It's a great way to listen to comics you might not had heard before (I would say XM probably has that same feel, too).

03-28-2006, 12:28 PM
I cannot stand Mencia. He is annoying. His act is very weak. Not funny at all. Comedy Central got disperate when Chappelle left. Mind of Mencia won't last that long.

03-28-2006, 12:36 PM
I cannot stand Mencia. He is annoying. His act is very weak. Not funny at all. Comedy Central got disperate when Chappelle left. Mind of Mencia won't last that long.

I'm not disagreeing with you on the second point.

The problem with the show is that the skits (especially the in-studio ones) are extensions of his jokes and they only go so far.

If you've ever heard Carlos, you heard the skits before they were skits...that's one of the major things sinking the show.

I wish him all the luck, he's always been very gracious and I got to just talk with him for about 10 minutes one time he was here. Very nice guy, very gracious for the growing success (this was one of his last live stops in SA before MoM premiered, in fact, he told his audience that it'd be a while before he came back since the show was in development).

My best recordings of Carlos are the ones I got from the shows I was at.

As I said in my review up there...Comedy Central's attempt to catch lightning in a bottle twice is just that.

03-28-2006, 12:39 PM
If you've ever heard Carlos, you heard the skits before they were skits...that's one of the major things sinking the show.

that happened with the George Lopez "Jack in the Box" episode for me.

03-28-2006, 12:40 PM
that happened with the George Lopez "Jack in the Box" episode for me.

I'm no TV executive and I'm certainly not a professional comic, but I bet that happens to everybody.

It's sad that the busines of TV won't let comics with their own shows continue to use the talent that got them there to develop new and funny rather than what's already in the repetoire.

02-18-2016, 04:31 PM
Was talking to another comic on Facebook when this post showed up on a Google search.

02-18-2016, 04:35 PM
Lol mouse.

Pretty much all comics poach material. It's all about delivery

02-18-2016, 04:36 PM
Was talking to another comic on Facebook when this post showed up on a Google search.

thank god you're back. fabbs won't stop asking about you. we've all suffered for it.

02-23-2016, 12:57 PM
thank god you're back. fabbs won't stop asking about you. we've all suffered for it.

Whottt is wrong for asking a few questions when investigating a missing semi local celebrity report?

Often I have traveled over thousands of mikes just to get to the truth.


02-23-2016, 01:00 PM
Speaking of "thief"

My 600.00 dollar bike was stolen from the public library yesterday and I want it back.


02-23-2016, 01:09 PM
I like the side baskets.

02-23-2016, 01:24 PM
I like the side baskets.

So did this guy lol


If I talk to Kens5 today I will mention peewee Herman.

I want to replace my baskets with this.
