View Full Version : Locker room spat a bad idea this close to playoffs -AP Wire

04-01-2006, 02:15 PM
Upset over false accusations, Parker attacks Beno
Locker room spat a bad idea this close to playodds

AP Wire Reports

“I don’t know what happened, he just…blew up,” Popovich said. Upset over not playing against the Clippers on March 28, Tony Parker took out his anger on his backup.

Spurs’ point guard Beno Udrih, who has been used sporadically this season to spell Parker, was thrown into the starting lineup when Parker could not play due to injury. “Well, he looked fine in practice,” Udrih recounted, “I didn’t think there was anything wrong. I was ready to sit on the bench again.”

But all was not fine for the Spurs young point guard. Earlier in week, after a spat with center Rasho Nesterovic during a pre-game warm-up, Rasho vowed to get his revenge.

“Watch your back, Frenchie. These things work both ways,” Rasho threatened. The exchange was heard from press row, ending as Parker tucked his tail and returned to the protective shadow of superstar Tim Duncan.

“No I never said that,” goofed Rasho. “You guys must have heard something. And if I did, I said it off the record. Shame on you.”

So why didn’t he start against the Clippers? Backup guard Michael Finley has an answer. He theorized, “Well, they do room together. Pop puts the slow guys with the fast guys in hopes the speed rubs off on them. Maybe he told coach [Popovich] he saw Tony limping? Rasho’s weird that way. He sees things, like a career.”

Using this logic, we returned to Beno’s locker to ask him why Tony chose him as the target. “He was screaming like a banshee, yelling something about him not wanting the team to win if he couldn’t play.”

So again, why did Tony go after Beno? Beno further explains, “I don’t really know. I guess I’m the easiest target on the team.”

As tears formed in his eyes, Udrih’s voice undulated, “Man dude, that guy just wouldn’t quit. We finally had to get R.C. to jump him, and threaten him with a knife to settle down. He was out for blood. He would not surrender.”

Written by Jesse Joe King, AP Wire Reports

04-01-2006, 02:18 PM
You didn't see the other thread...it was Tony and Bruce in that one.

Happy April 1st.

Solid D
04-01-2006, 02:19 PM
(Tony) He would not surrender.”
We know this one is April Fools, the French always surrender.

04-01-2006, 02:23 PM
lol, these threads keep popping up. :lol

04-01-2006, 02:26 PM
I knew that one was fake because it didn't sound like Rasho. Now, maybe if Keda had read it using the " Rasho voice"... :lol

04-01-2006, 03:04 PM
You didn't see the other thread...it was Tony and Bruce in that one.

Tony can hate two people!!!

T Park
04-01-2006, 05:43 PM
April Fools threads are about as funny as "Yo mamma is so fat jokes"

Only funny t a 5th grade student.

Past that age?? Its just annoying.

04-01-2006, 08:16 PM