View Full Version : Man On Fire

04-08-2006, 01:23 PM
the sequence of events where denzel goes crazy and tortures/kills the shit out of people is fucking awesome
i think this is one of the best denzel movies
definitely alot better than inside man

04-08-2006, 01:32 PM
yes, I cry everytime.

Trooper 2112
04-08-2006, 02:01 PM

04-08-2006, 02:17 PM
Its an awesome movie. :tu :tu
Denzel is a very good actor,one of the best out there right now.

04-08-2006, 02:18 PM
Its pretty good. Would have been better if Dakato's character wasn't magically alive still.

04-08-2006, 02:25 PM
Its pretty good. Would have been better if Dakato's character wasn't magically alive still.
i kinda liked taht part. mostly bc it seems most movies would have had her dead and i like movies where they dont do whats common.
of course theres things taht could have been done better, but overall a very good movie
btw whtas the movie where he's a cop or detective or something down in florida i think? if i remember correctly hte title also has something to do with fire or something along those lines.

04-08-2006, 02:38 PM
Dakota being alive was cheap cop-out for the feel-good crowd.
The viciousness of the kidnappers was mitigated.

Still think movies that tint, saturate, and turn up the contrast on every scene is a cheap trick unimportant to the story telling. The story was strong enough without all the cheap post-processing. Jerky cameras and crazy angles get old in a hurry, too.

Denzel's getting fat for a Hollywood guy, but a damn good and very handsome actor.

Marklar MM
04-08-2006, 03:13 PM
if i remember correctly hte title also has something to do with fire or something along those lines.

Out of Time

He stars with Eva Mendes.

04-08-2006, 03:29 PM
Jerky cameras and crazy angles get old in a hurry, too.

I agree with that, I forget the guys name off hand but he always does that, but this time he really over did it...

Personally I prefer Training Day...

Out of time was pretty good as well...

04-08-2006, 03:32 PM
Tony Scott was the director. I agree the hand-held camera was way overdone.

On the other hand, the creativeness with the subtitles was pretty cool.

04-08-2006, 08:33 PM
Out of Time

He stars with Eva Mendes.
thats it. thanks

and yeah i did like the use of subtitles in the movie. which is pretty hard thing to make someone like