View Full Version : Help George out.....

04-11-2006, 12:29 PM
After a rather long day, when the news continues to be bad: Civil war in Iraq, Iran thumbing it's nose at the west, Bush hits new lows in the polls, the immigration debate.......... George W. Bush, leader of the free world sits in his easy chair staring at a portrait of Abraham Lincoln.

"Fuggin' Seymour Hersh, I should have muzzled that bastard years ago" snorts Bush after taking a deep drink of sasparilla from his sifter.

"Damn straight" says another voice in the empty room.

"Abe?!!? Is that you?"

"No dumbass, over your right shoulder"

Bush whirls around only to see a portrait of Dick Nixon glaring at him.

"Dick you ole SOB, where you been now that I need ya?" yelps the President.

Nixon is silent. Finally, Bush figures his sinus medicine is reacting by mixing with his sasparilla. What would Nixon do wonders Bush. In this storm of crap swirling around him these days, what would old Dick Nixon do?

Of course..........fire 'em all.

Here's where you come in. Help George out. Who should be the next...

Vice President
Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
Press Secretary
National Security Advisor
Homeland Security Director

Actually Nixon would fire Fitzgerald and move on..... :lol

04-11-2006, 03:50 PM
The next President should be Wesley Clark. The next Vice President should be a woman or a Southern Democratic Male Governor.

Secretary of State - Congressman Obama

Secretary of Defense - General Zinni

Press Secretary - who cares, but she'd be hot.