View Full Version : Tom Leykis to name Duke rape accuser

04-22-2006, 01:16 AM
Just like he was the first to name Kate Faber after she held Kobe hostage.

04-22-2006, 02:06 AM
When a typical male caller calls in and asks for advice about how to deal with his girlfriend or spouse who appears to be taking advantage of him, Leykis typically responds with the catchphrase "dump that bitch." This has become a popular rallying cry at listener parties.

"Blow me up, Tom"

A long tradition on the show is to "blow up" the caller when the call has finished. The caller says, "Blow me up, Tom," and this is followed by the sound of a big explosion. Earlier in his career, Leykis started this gag by blowing up people mid-sentence or before they were finished with the conversation. Now, it's done at a more appropriate time.

"Take me out" in style

In addition to blowing them up, Leykis, his production staff, and the audience have come up with various "styles", some of which can be done in combination. Some of the most popular styles include:

* "Take me out with a bong hit" -- Leykis plays a bong hit followed by one of many sounds, such as "Thanks Tom", "Can't we all just get a bong?", or hacking and coughing.

* "Take me out Kobe (Bryant) style" -- a clip of Kobe Bryant apologizing for cheating on his wife at a press conference is dubbed in with the sound of a woman breathing heavily and a bed creaking.

* "I'll take myself out with a bong hit" -- the caller will do a bong hit while on the phone talking to Tom himself.

* "Take me out with screaming orgasm" -- sound of a woman having an orgasm, incorporating the clip of Meg Ryan's fake orgasm scene in When Harry Met Sally.

* "Take me out with a shut-up Latinos" -- sound clip of an Asian woman yelling "Latinos, You shut up!" from a classic listener party.

* "Take me out Dale Earnhardt style" -- sound clip of a NASCAR race car crashing into a wall.

* "Take me out Halle Berry style" -- sound clip of squealing brakes is followed by the sound of a car crash, and then a running sound clip taken from "The Flintstones".

* "Take me out old-school" -- the classic explosion.

* "Take me out old old-school" -- prior to the explosion sound effect, Leykis once flushed people down a toilet, so this request refers to that type of sound effect instead.

* "Take me out with a thank-you Jesus" -- sound of St. Louis Rams quarterback, Kurt Warner saying "Thank you, Jesus!" after winning the Super Bowl.

* "Take me out African tribal style" -- sound of a young kid singing a song reminiscent of an African tribal chant. If the old-school "Blow Me Up" explosion is added to the end, many people call it "Racist Style".

* "Take me out Kansas style" -- silence for several seconds, followed my a multitude of gunshots implying that living in Kansas is a good excuse, in of itself, to commit suicide.

There are many other styles that are often viewed as tasteless. For example:

* "Take me out Laci Peterson style" -- in reference to the drowning murder of Laci Peterson. First, there is the cartoon sound of a bonk on the head, then the sound of a splash, followed by bubbling water.

* "Take me out Enumclaw style" -- a reference to a man who was killed by having anal sex with a horse in a barn in Enumclaw, Washington. First, there is porn-like music with sounds of a horse neighing and a man enjoying himself, then the clip ends with a louder neigh, the man screaming, and the horse galloping away.

* "Take me out JFK Style" -- Sound clip of three rifle shots

* "Take me out JFK Jr. Style" -- Sound clip of a plane flying, then crashing into water

04-22-2006, 02:19 AM
Kobe style is very popular this year. The name of the accuser is Crystal Gail Magnum . Tv or Radio or Newspaper will not give you that. She was guilty of DWI and many other minor crimes and alluding arrest.

04-22-2006, 02:24 AM
you would think that 'take me out Kobe style' would be a loud crying baby



04-22-2006, 02:28 AM
it has Kobe sobbing about how he is sorry and loves his wife at the press conference, while a squeaky bed is in the background

04-22-2006, 02:37 AM
WE should start our own tradition...

I'm out of this thread Marcus Bryant style
