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10-05-2004, 03:55 PM
Bush And The Bobble Heads

Posted October 3, 2004

I think the Oak Ridge Boys said it best, the day after the debate as they stood in back of Bush on the stump in Manchester, New Hampshire, looking like human bobble heads with every stupid thing that Bush said.

The U.S. is in much worse trouble than the general public and the media realize. The fact that Bush is fuzzy brained and a weasel that can’t be trusted to tell the truth is not the most amazing and dangerous thing that America faces.

The most dangerous thing are the Republican bobble heads who are so ingrown in their mindset that they can’t think or weigh the evidence and will follow their chief bobble head right into the open and waiting arms of Armageddon, while swaggering like tushhogs in the Army of the Lord.

Look at the juicy smorgasbord of maggot-ridden lies Bush served up to the bobble heads when Lehrer asked, "Does the Iraq experience make it more likely or less likely that you would take the United States into another pre-emptive military action?"

Bush answered that he never wanted to commit troops, "but the enemy attacked us, Jim, and I have a solemn duty to protect the American people, to do everything I can to protect us."

Note that he was asked about the Iraq experience, but he had to slap on that big, fat, maggot-ridden, juicy lie, "the enemy attacked us."

All those who swallowed that and thought it good eating, without having the sense to realize by now that Iraq never attacked us and had nothing to do with 9/11, are bobble heads and the greatest danger of all dangers in a dangerous world, just because they are so stupid and so morally corrupt they can’t separate the truth from the lie.

The very next words out of this poor, suffering man of God, this strutting, little tushhog president of the United States, were these: "I think that by speaking clearly and doing what we say and not sending mixed messages, it is less likely we’ll ever to use troops."

What did he say? Well, clearly, what he said about us being attacked by Iraq was a lie. Or was it just being stupid? No matter. The main thing, according to Bush is don’t send mixed messages. Regardless of whether it’s just being stupid or just lying, just keep sending it, tell it big and tell it often.

Those who swallowed that are bobble heads that would swallow road-kill, without the delicate addition of salt or pepper. The bobble heads have become like buzzards, anxious to gobble down the carrion wherever it drops. They need it to exist. They rejoice in it. They wallow in it and honestly believe – God bless them – that Jesus loves them and has provided them a perch in glory as a reward for their good taste and sound judgement..

The buzzards, waiting for the carrion to drop, didn’t have long to wait. Bush, in his next breath said, "A president must always be willing to use troops, as a last resort. I was hopeful diplomacy would work in Iraq."

Was this another lie, or just being stupid? The consequences are the same. What diplomacy? Bush never attempted diplomacy. He had no intention of using troops as a last resort. It was his first resort. He had been waiting this chance. He made his demands, which were stupid, comply with the UN resolution or face serious consequences, regardless of what the UN has to say about it.

He refused to allow the UN weapons inspectors to continue their job. He attacked. No weapons of mass destruction were ever discovered, which means that Saddam was in compliance with the UN resolutions and was telling the truth. Bush and his buzzards were the only ones lying and the only ones that continue to lie.

"So we use diplomacy every chance we get, believe me," Bush concluded. That is either an incredible lie or an admission of incredible stupidity. What do Bush and the buzzards think that diplomacy means? They are either lying or else they have no idea. For certain they made no attempt at diplomacy, not even with their brothers in the UN. It was the Cheney – Bush, Chicken Hawk – Buzzard way or the highway and that was it.

Anyone who actually believes that they made the tiniest attempt at diplomacy is a bobble head.

So Saddam was a dirty, rotten, scum sucking, murdering pig of a president. He wasn’t the first and he’s not the last. There are many more sitting on their thrones around the world. But Saddam would have been removed eventually by his own people, by the Arab world.

America, under Bush, removed him, not because it was in defense of our country or to make America safer or to punish him for 9/11, but because Bush, Cheney and the Chicken Hawks and Buzzards are school yard bullies and saw a weak nation, rich in oil and easy for picking.

So they made up a bunch of lies and plucked it and are still saying, "What a good boy am I." It didn’t have a thing to do with making America safer against terrorism. It made America a greater target for terrorism than the general public and the media has even begun to comprehend. It has made the world a more dangerous place, and the danger is rising.

Who but a bobble head could have swallowed Bush’s lie and rubbed their tummy when he said, "Of course we’re doing everything we can to protect America. I wake up every day thinking about how best to protect America. That’s my job." I’d bet my life that that’s not what he wakes up thinking about. It’s just another lie he didn’t even have to tell. He just prefers to lie. It’s good food for the bobble heads. It’s the breakfast of champions. It keeps the body regular. Just keep on telling it.

As for Kerry, we could do better, but not when it comes down to a choice between Bush and Kerry. Compared to Bush, Kerry is Albert Einstein, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy and Audie Murphy all rolled into one. The best you could squeeze out of Bush, maybe, is a little Cheney, with a little Rumsfeld and a little Wolfowitz on the side. Not a pretty sight.

When Kerry was asked his position on the whole concept of pre-emptive war, he didn’t answer it the way I would have, which would have been to say, My God, this single concept, above anything else, is the very reason that this dim-witted and dangerous liar should be voted out of office. Bush can’t be trusted with this kind of power. He’s too much of a weasel. Pre-emptive war is too dangerous a concept to leave in the hands of a man who has already used it in a lying and reckless manner. Are you nuts!

But Kerry gave the delicate and gentle answer. When you use pre-emptive war, he said, "You’ve got to do it in a way that passes the test. That passes the global test where your countrymen, your people understand fully why you’re doing what you’re doing. And you can prove to the world that you did it for legitimate reasons. Here we have our own secretary of state who’s had to apologize to the world for the presentation he made to the United Nations…"

Bush, true to his core values and his ability to understand abstract thought, answered, "I’m not exactly sure what you mean. Passes the global test. You take pre-emptive action if you pass a global test? My attitude is you take pre-emptive action in order to protect the American people. That you act in order to make this country secure."

He just couldn’t understand that such power should only be placed in the hands of a man with some character and a little wisdom. He still doesn’t understand how important it is to be truthful to the public and to act intelligently and to be absolutely correct and only order a pre-emptive attack when there is no other choice, when your country’s safety is truly at stake and there is no other recourse possible, and you have all your ducks in a row, including a plan on how to secure the peace after your thunder and awe attack has been completed.

True to his core values, the little weasel the very next day was telling the people in Manchester, New Hampshire that Kerry "wants our national security decisions subject to the approval of a foreign government."

While the bobble heads bobbled and booed, Bush added, "Listen, I’ll continue to work with our allies and the international community, but I will never submit America’s national security to an international test. The use of troops to defend American must never be subject to a veto by countries like France."

Bush is certainly an embarrassment and a dangerous threat to peace in the world. The debate didn’t prove anything. Asking the Bush people to think is the same as asking Bush to think. The stairs don’t lead anywhere.

The greatest and most imminent threat to peace and stability in the world – even a greater threat, in the long run, than the terrorists themselves – are the bobble heads.

Stupid, wooden headed obedience to the president and absolute trust in the government without question and without thinking has brought us to this place and will lead us into more wars in the near future and more terrorism, followed by a nuclear war which will bring an end to the debate.

Chatanoogan (http://www.chattanoogan.com/articles/article_56561.asp)