View Full Version : From Spurs Practice Yesterday

04-22-2006, 10:32 AM
The video is on their site here:


Reporter: "Are you maybe physically better going into this year's playoffs than you were last year?"

Tim Duncan: "Oh, easily, easily."

Spurs are going to crush.

04-22-2006, 10:38 AM
great, now maybe the media can stop talking about tim's health, lots of teams have health issues and they deal with it during the playoffs but i hate the way the media has focused almost exclusively on duncan's health problems as if looking for an excuse if the spurs get bumped and the analysts' start of the season *predictions* are shot to hell...anyway, tim's a straight up dude and one of the few spurs ballers i like (along with finley)

04-22-2006, 10:43 AM
Duncan will be a monster this postseaon, on his way to his 4th title

It's the Timinator! :D

04-22-2006, 10:43 AM
His health issues are/were not an excuse ... they are/were a fact. Of course when the defending champion's best player is not 100%...which might compromise their chances of repeating (again)...they are going to jump all over it.

We had the same problem after our 1999 championship. Tim went down right before the playoffs and we were out in the first round. Because of health problems.

04-22-2006, 10:44 AM
Tony brought up a great point about playing a tough team 1st, just like playing Denver who was really hot last season 1st.

I think that if the Spurs can beat the Kings, they can beat anyone in the West.

Anyways, Manu still has his beard. Will he have it today? I hope he keeps his beard, it looks badass.

04-22-2006, 10:45 AM
Timmy will be fine. Spurs in 5 Vs. SAC.

04-22-2006, 10:49 AM
Tony brought up a great point about playing a tough team 1st, just like playing Denver who was really hot last season 1st.

I think that if the Spurs can beat the Kings, they can beat anyone in the West.

Anyways, Manu still has his beard. Will he have it today? I hope he keeps his beard, it looks badass.

Put a rag on his head and with that beard he looks like a baller from the Gaza Strip. :hat

04-22-2006, 10:51 AM
Tony brought up a great point about playing a tough team 1st, just like playing Denver who was really hot last season 1st.

Yeah. Tony and the team, I think, are taking the mindset that they really aren't playing an 8th seed, and they need to adjust their game plan accordingly.

I do think the Kings offer the biggest challange to the Spurs, simply due to matchup problems.

Dallas could give them some problems, but I'm not sure Dallas is going to get out of the first round.

We'll just have to wait and see and take it one series at a time.

04-22-2006, 11:06 AM
great, now maybe the media can stop talking about tim's health, lots of teams have health issues and they deal with it during the playoffs but i hate the way the media has focused almost exclusively on duncan's health problems as if looking for an excuse if the spurs get bumped and the analysts' start of the season *predictions* are shot to hell...anyway, tim's a straight up dude and one of the few spurs ballers i like (along with finley)

I'm more than willing to concede that the Mavs will likely choke in the playoffs again only because of another Dirk yeast infection.

04-22-2006, 11:10 AM
His health issues are/were not an excuse ... they are/were a fact. Of course when the defending champion's best player is not 100%...which might compromise their chances of repeating (again)...they are going to jump all over it.

We had the same problem after our 1999 championship. Tim went down right before the playoffs and we were out in the first round. Because of health problems.

MY POINTS: LOTS OF CONTENDING TEAMS (except the pistons) HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS, SO WHAT!?! These teams don't get the same consideration as Timmy and his foot or Shaq and his big toe a couple of years ago. I'm obviously not a Spurs fan but I do watch plenty of their games only because I watch almost every game played in the league during any given season. I don't agree that Tim Duncan is the team's best player IN TERMS of winning a championship this season. There are plenty of great players on the Spurs roster and I think Manu/Parker are more vital to winning this championship than Tim at 100%. Tim at 100% this year is not going to be the same Tim at 100% last year or the year before, players age and Tim's just shy of 30. Please don't take this as an anti-Spurs rant, I think Tim still has it and is probably the best all-around player on the team but I think Manu/Parker are more important for the team these days and there are lots of other go-to guys that can contribute enough to succeed. I just don't think the Spurs can get past the Pistons this year for several reasons that I won't go into right now because they have nothing to do with the health of the Spurs team.

04-22-2006, 11:12 AM
I'm more than willing to concede that the Mavs will likely choke in the playoffs again only because of another Dirk yeast infection.

Why do some puerile Spurs fans get so defensive about nothing? My post wasn't an anti-Spurs post at all, merely an observation. If you read carefully, I never said the Spurs used TD's injury as an excuse, I said the MEDIA use it an excuse to jump on the Pistons bandwagon if they weren't already on it. Lot sof analysts called the Spurs at the beginning of the season and now they're switching sides for the Pistons citing TD not being 100%. BTW, The only time Dirk choked was when a Spurs player fell on him and injured him in the second game of the WCF.

Aggie Hoopsfan
04-22-2006, 11:22 AM

What health problems have the Pistons had in the last three years?

The only time Dirk choked was when a Spurs player fell on him and injured him.

What about last year? No one fell on his leg then. All he did was blame everyone else on his team for not rotating to help him after his man blew by him for the 356,283rd time in the playoffs.

What about the stretch run of this season when _allas had a chance to catch San Antonio? Dirk went vintage pussy and cried to the refs for help when he was challenged on the court and couldn't step up. Even his own coach called him out. Didn't see anyone falling on his leg then.

Go back to mavstalk, you can trade yeast infection prevention tips with Dirk.

04-22-2006, 11:23 AM
MY POINTS: LOTS OF CONTENDING TEAMS (except the pistons) HAVE HEALTH PROBLEMS, SO WHAT!?! These teams don't get the same consideration as Timmy and his foot or Shaq and his big toe a couple of years ago.

...because they are/were defending champions...not just contending teams. The Spurs have been ragged on for years because they haven't repeated championships in consecutive years.

04-22-2006, 11:26 AM
Why do some puerile Mavs fans get so defensive about nothing? My post wasn't an anti-Mavs post at all, merely an observation.

04-22-2006, 11:31 AM
What health problems have the Pistons had in the last three years?

Wow, guess you don't read carefully. Not a surprise that some Spurs fans can't even hold a normal conversation about basketball. I never said the Mavs were a perfect team, I didn't pick them to win the championship, I picked the Pistons.

BTW, I guess SOME Spurs fans are using Spurs injuries as an excuse, check out the espn analysts thread.

04-22-2006, 11:35 AM
Tim at 100% this year is not going to be the same Tim at 100% last year or the year before, players age and Tim's just shy of 30.
Wow. Not only can the media use plantar fasciitis as an excuse but apparently Duncan has progeria.

Most consider the average player, if not hindered by injuries, to be at their peak at about 28 - 32. That puts a healthy Duncan in the sweet spot doofus.

04-22-2006, 11:36 AM
dont mind it ponky

a lot of tension in the air tonight ;)

04-22-2006, 11:40 AM
Wow. Not only can the media use plantar fasciitis as an excuse but apparently Duncan has progeria.

Most consider the average player, if not hindered by injuries, to be at their peak at about 28 - 32. That puts a healthy Duncan in the sweet spot doofus.

It's not the same for big men who have chronic injuries. PF won't go away completely, it will always hinder him and because he's an old-er baller he may have more problems with it down the road, I don't think he's the future, I think Manu/Parker are more vital to the team at this point...anyway, I need to go have lunch and get ready for some ass-whuppin' of my fellow texans (HAHA, don't take this as anything but jest), no sense in arguing this moot point.

T Park
04-22-2006, 11:40 AM
Not a surprise that some Spurs fans can't even hold a normal conversation about basketball


Aggie has forgotten more about basketball knowledge, than you have had in your entire lifetime dweeb.

I never said the Mavs were a perfect team, I didn't pick them to win the championship, I picked the Pistons.

No one said anything about the Mavericks.


BTW, I guess SOME Spurs fans are using Spurs injuries as an excuse, check out the espn analysts thread.

Just like you bandwagon, donkey humping mofos will when the Spurs knock off the Mavericks.

"Oh, well, if we had Devin Harris at full strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

04-22-2006, 11:40 AM
I don't see what difference the media's view of Tim Duncan's health has to do with anything. Who gives a crap about who the media picks to win the title or which teams the media chooses to make excuses for? Honestly. What difference does it make?

These 16 teams are going to play it out over the next 2 months. One of the 16 will win 16 games and will be champion, regardless of what the media says. History will record that team as champion and concerns with injuries or whatever else will fall by the wayside; the media be damned.

I don't understand the fascination with what the media says. The media bluster is a bunch of hot air that has absolutely nothing to do with what will happen in the end. I could care less if the media are concerned with Tim Duncan's health, or Kenyon Martin's health, or Devin Harris' health, or any other player in these playoffs. The truth wins out in the end.

04-22-2006, 11:41 AM
dont mind it ponky

a lot of tension in the air tonight ;)

i understand completely and i do talk smack but i'm not trying to do it with my posts above, i woke up in a great mood this morning because finally the nba playoffs have arrived!!!

T Park
04-22-2006, 11:41 AM
I need to go have lunch and get ready for some ass-whuppin' of my fellow texans

Wish in one hand, and shit in the other....

04-22-2006, 11:43 AM

Aggie has forgotten more about basketball knowledge, than you have had in your entire lifetime dweeb.

No one said anything about the Mavericks.


Just like you bandwagon, donkey humping mofos will when the Spurs knock off the Mavericks.

"Oh, well, if we had Devin Harris at full strength!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

1. Actually, someone mentioned the Mavs before I even brought them up.
2. No, I will not use Devin Harris as an excuse, he's ready to play. Josh Howard is fucked up but whatever, that's the way it rolls.
3. "donkey humping mofos" ???? - I'm a girl so I don't hump donkeys and that is disgusting, keep that trashy hick shit to yourself please.

04-22-2006, 11:45 AM
Wish in one hand, and shit in the other....


04-22-2006, 11:49 AM
Tim at 100% this year is not going to be the same Tim at 100% last year or the year before, players age and Tim's just shy of 30.

Billups 29
Sheed 31
Ben 31

At any rate, you are quite misinformed, players peaks are normally between the age of 28 - 32

04-22-2006, 11:51 AM
3. "donkey humping mofos" ???? - I'm a girl so I don't hump donkeys

You have obviously never been south of the border.

04-22-2006, 11:55 AM
Yes most big men were a shadow of themselves by the time they reached thirty, guys like Karl Malone, Hakeem, Jabbar, Moses Malone, etc.. I wonder why these guys didn't just hang it up when they reached that 30 milestone.

04-22-2006, 11:55 AM
You have obviously never been south of the border.

I have been all over south of the border but this stuff is from just north of the Texas border. Anyway, I've been on here too long, time to see if there is any pre-game stuff on TV.

04-22-2006, 11:57 AM
Yes most big men were a shadow of themselves by the time they reached thirty, guys like Karl Malone, Hakeem, Jabbar, Moses Malone, etc.. I wonder why these guys didn't just hang it up when they reached that 30 milestone.

i don't know, probably had something to do with *chronic* health...i'm done with defensive spurs fans for now, you can't say anything about poor wittle timmy on this board without the mother hens coming to his defense

04-22-2006, 12:00 PM
i don't know, probably had something to do with *chronic* health...i'm done with defensive spurs fans for now, you can't say anything about poor wittle timmy on this board without the mother hens coming to his defense

You'd have a point . . . . well, if you had a point. Tim doesn't have some sort of "chronic" health problems. He stepped on feet at 3 different points of last season and suffered sprained ankles each time. That's nothing about his body breaking down, it's a matter of coincidence. He's been injured this year, sure, but that's hardly indicative of a player who is breaking down physically. There are plenty of players who suffer through an injury-riddled season and come back strong.

You might be right, but for now, there's really no evidence of any sort of "chronic" injuries that would suggest that he's over the hill or going to struggle with health from here on out. I think there is a hope among the fans of the Spurs' rivals that such a thing will come to pass, but hope isn't proof.

04-22-2006, 12:05 PM
^^ Well said :clap

04-22-2006, 12:18 PM
i don't know, probably had something to do with *chronic* health...i'm done with defensive spurs fans for now, you can't say anything about poor wittle timmy on this board without the mother hens coming to his defense Has nothing to do with defending "poor wittle timmy". Has everything to do with making fun of a dumb post. I guess Dirk's "chronic injury" ankles mean he's spiraling downward too.