View Full Version : Cigars

T Park
04-22-2006, 02:18 PM
Anyone know anywhere in town, where you can guy, really good, HIGH quality cigars?

Pretty much as close to Cubans as you can get.

A friend of mine turned me onto em, and I like em, occassionally, prob once or twice a month.

Help please?

04-22-2006, 02:19 PM
No idea, I just go to the Humidor on Huebner, but I don't think they have anything close to Cubans....

T Park
04-22-2006, 07:56 PM
Not Cubans per se, just something that gets as close to it as possible.

The Humidor??

Anywhere else?!??!?

Marklar MM
04-22-2006, 08:03 PM
You gotsta smuggle in the Cubans.

04-22-2006, 08:07 PM

04-22-2006, 08:10 PM
My friends use Swishers. They're supposed to be really good for rolling up weed in.

04-22-2006, 08:21 PM
LOL he said Cigar not Blunt. :)

That shit is nasty eww.

04-22-2006, 08:27 PM
phillies>>swisher sweets for blunt rolling.

04-22-2006, 09:15 PM
If you're looking for Cubans, www.cigarworld.net
Otherwise I have no idea:)
They send the cigars in such a way you won't have any problems.

04-22-2006, 09:35 PM
There's a cigar shop in the Quarry, the name escapes me but it's right by Whole Earth Provision Co. Just go in there and ask one of the peeps for a little help (usually if you go in the humidor they'll be asking if they can help you). Since you're new, I'd recommend starting out with some Macanudos or Avos. Price isn't always the best way to judge the quality of a smoke. You can find some good ones in the $5 range. Maybe they'll try to upsell you but my experience over the years has been that you'll get pretty good advice on what gives you the best bang for your buck. I also like Padrons (the '64 anniversary edition), Davidoffs and Rocky Patels, which are all moving up the price range. When you find a type you like, you can definitely find good deals online for boxes.

I've had Cubans before, they are indeed a smooth smoke, but you can definitely find some nice smokes in US shops.

T Park
04-22-2006, 10:17 PM
Macanudos or Avos.

Thanks A Train, Im gonna keep that in mind!!!

Ill go down there monday morning, thanks alot!!!!

04-22-2006, 10:19 PM
Cigar afficianado magazine just had their best of issue recently, and there were some good selections in there. You're best off ordering them online and keeping them in a humidor at home.

04-22-2006, 10:26 PM
u should try the fabricio cigar or the victory cigar beno.

T Park
04-22-2006, 10:31 PM
Cigar afficianado magazine just had their best of issue recently, and there were some good selections in there. You're best off ordering them online and keeping them in a humidor at home.

You obviously know ALOT more about cigars than me manny, do you think thats the better route?

Order a box of Cubans online, then get a small 20 25 humidor, and store them like that?

04-22-2006, 10:33 PM
You should try them first before you buy a box, IMO. You can get stuck with some skanky cigars otherwise.

04-22-2006, 10:53 PM
You should try them first before you buy a box, IMO. You can get stuck with some skanky cigars otherwise.Indeed. I've never had a Cuban, but there are plenty of Central American/Carribean Cigars that are damn good.

04-22-2006, 11:17 PM
I don't smoke but I like to Listen to Cigar Dave AKA "The General" .. he's entertaining.

I like his talks about the Pleasure Police. Which I agree govt has no business like in bars? Gimme a break I don't smoke but it's a friggin BAR. If you don't want smoke don't GO to bar.

04-22-2006, 11:21 PM

There is a place across the parking lot from where I work, its called K's Humidor.

the owners name is Brian, tell him Billy from Office Depot sent ya.

he is very knowledgeable about cigars, he can match you up with your prefrences.

my current everyday smoke are the Cohiba minis, they come in a tin box with 6, you need to have a cutter near by, but they are really good, nice and smooth with a mild flavor to them.

Brian is open Monday through Saturday.

04-22-2006, 11:24 PM
LOL .. reminds me of an Arnold story. When he took office he had them build an A/C'ed tent off the side of the Capitol. The smoke tent, lol then he drags people out there and shoves a "stogie" in there face "let's make a deal".

Got to love the Arnold...

T Park
04-22-2006, 11:39 PM
There is a place across the parking lot from where I work, its called K's Humidor

Dont know where you work :lol

baseline bum
04-22-2006, 11:58 PM
Maybe I could bring in some Cubans next time I hit Mexico. They're all over the place there.

Das Texan
04-23-2006, 12:47 AM

Now I want to go out and get me some fine cigars.

Thanks TPark.


04-23-2006, 01:13 AM
Club Humidor on Huebner (and also the location in the Quarry) has pre-embargo Cubans.

Club Humidor is a good shop, go in there and just ask for help. You are admittedly new to cigars, they will be willing to show you the ropes, just don't act like you are a pro and they will be receptive to your wants/needs.

04-23-2006, 01:22 AM
smoking is bad for your lungs.

04-23-2006, 02:50 AM
Club Humidor on Huebner (and also the location in the Quarry) has pre-embargo Cubans.

Club Humidor is a good shop, go in there and just ask for help. You are admittedly new to cigars, they will be willing to show you the ropes, just don't act like you are a pro and they will be receptive to your wants/needs.The first time I bought cigars I went in there and an emloyee showed me the ropes. I left with some great Honduran cigars that weren't expensive at all. I definetly think that place is good.

04-23-2006, 03:22 AM
i wonder what its like to have a human victory cigar. pistons fans?

04-23-2006, 10:43 AM
You obviously know ALOT more about cigars than me manny, do you think thats the better route?

Order a box of Cubans online, then get a small 20 25 humidor, and store them like that?

If you're lookin for Cubans, Cohiba Siglo II and Monticristo Edmundos were both rated in the top 25 for the year.. I honestly don't know any of the other non-Cuban cigars that were rated...
My parents own a gift shop in the Caribbean and we have a walk-in humidor.. So I know quite a bit about Cubans...
If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them:)

04-23-2006, 12:17 PM
I heard on the radio that quality of Cuban's are going down. What I suspect is that others in Ctrl America are just perfecting the production and curing methods. Even as a non smoker I respect cigars (I used to dip chew in high school) 110% more. Cigaretts are just like dog crap and people toss them everywhere when done. Cigars can compost natually not like the foam shit that winds up at the beach and lake.

04-23-2006, 12:31 PM
Sorry dude, Blanco & 1604 is where K's Humidor is.

T Park
04-23-2006, 12:49 PM

what was rated "the best" cigar?

Id like to at least sample that one.

Das Texan
04-23-2006, 01:19 PM
Whats a good type of humidor? I have never actually bought one of those and would love to, since I would also love to actually try some different types of cigars, instead of the crap I usually buy.

04-23-2006, 04:45 PM
T Park, I would advise against spending the money and smoking a top notch cigar at this stage in the development of your cigar palette - in all likelyhood you will be unable to appreciate the subtle flavors of top notch cigar.

Try out as many $5-10 cigars as you have the stomach for and slowly move up the quality scale. Your palette will be much more developed and it will make your cigar smoking experience all the better for it.

04-23-2006, 04:52 PM
It never occured to me that there are cigar lovers in this forum. Too bad since I could have packed a box of Cohibas and MonteCristos before leaving.

I have a small (but good quality) humidor at home and there's always a few Cohibas in.

For non Cuban cigars, I was very impressed by Sumatra's Cigars, some really good quality and quite affordable (they are not that well known).

04-23-2006, 11:12 PM

what was rated "the best" cigar?

Id like to at least sample that one.

Ill check and let you know asap. The magazine is at my parents store. As soon as I get a chance, Ill stop by there and check it out.

T Park
04-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Try out as many $5-10 cigars as you have the stomach for and slowly move up the quality scale. Your palette will be much more developed and it will make your cigar smoking experience all the better for it.

meaning ill be able to pick out the flavors better.


Ill do the best cigars rated at 5 and 10 dollars then.

04-23-2006, 11:44 PM
cigars existance=blunts!

Notorious H.O.P.
04-24-2006, 12:53 AM

Try the Fuente Fuente Opus X. Very highly rated cigar.

Also, try the Oliva "O" Classico. Can't go wrong with that either.

Macanudo Robustos are great and I love the Punch Grand Crus and Punch Rare Corojos.

All of these are in reasonable price ranges. And if they still have them, go for the pre-embargo cigars. I haven't bought any of the ones that Club Humidor and the Humidor have but I've smoked a few Cuban cigars before and I can tell you that they are worth it.

04-24-2006, 12:55 AM
http://www.cigardave.com/ (http://www.cigardave.com/cd/)

T Park
04-24-2006, 01:07 AM
WOW thanks for all the help guys, this is great stuff!!!

Looks like Ill be making a trip tuesday morning to club humidor! :)

Thanks for all yoru help guys, I guess Ill take Scott's advice, start out slow, get a palette for it, then go from there.

Maybe we could have a GTG where they allow these cigars and uh,


Das Texan
04-24-2006, 02:07 AM
i'm all for a GTG with cigar smoking.

Like I said, I've really shyed away from getting into this habit for a few reasons...

1) Its not healthy for you.

2) It is a pain in the ass with your breath for a day or so for me usually.

3) I'm poor.

4) I have no humidor.

For reasons 1-3 I say fuck it.

Now I just need to buy a humidor so I can partake in some finer types of cigar. That's my goal for sometime in the next couple of weeks. Perhaps after I get a paycheck again. Ya that might work well there.

I should also take Scott's advice. I'd love to try some cheaper priced cigars from all over Central/South America. I'll be visiting one of these fine cigar shops sometime in the next few weeks now myself.

Damn you Tpark.


T Park
04-24-2006, 09:43 AM
I know, Im a horrible bastard aren't I? :lol

Oh man, can't wait for tommarow, looking VERY much forward to the education and getting some good cigs.

04-24-2006, 11:00 AM
The Gabriels Liquor Store on Callaghan has a pretty good cigar section and the prices are good if you don't need the "hand holding" of the more expensive botique cigar only shops...

04-24-2006, 12:07 PM
I really like The Humidor on San Pedro, and they always have enough staff on duty to answer your questions, and they do it very well

Both Famous Smokes and Thompson Cigars offer good entry level humidors for free with some mail order combos

I am very fond of Partagas, Arturo Fuentes and the Punch Rare Corojo

A cigar GTG is a great idea--would likely get me out of the house

04-24-2006, 12:10 PM
Stay away from any "cuban" cigars near or around any border town, they are 100% fake. For a grat smoke try any of the green banded A. Fuente brand. If you prefer a stronger smoke track down the Opus X from Fuente it is the most sought after stogie that is not Cuban.

04-24-2006, 12:12 PM
You have to try the Hemmingway line from Fuente it is my favorite, you will like.

04-24-2006, 01:50 PM
I am not a big cigar smoker but I've had a few. I buy them directly from the cigar factory we have in town. It is called Finck Cigar Company (www.finckcigarcompany.com). You can order online or go down there and buy them off of the docks. Head down 35S and exit Durango (right by UTSA). Go left on Frio and right on Vera Cruz. It'll be at the end of the street.

It is pretty cheap and they have a good selection. Again, I am definitely not a cigar afficianado but it is worth a look.

04-24-2006, 01:59 PM
I am not a big cigar smoker but I've had a few. I buy them directly from the cigar factory we have in town. It is called Finck Cigar Company (www.finckcigarcompany.com). You can order online or go down there and buy them off of the docks. Head down 35S and exit Durango (right by UTSA). Go left on Frio and right on Vera Cruz. It'll be at the end of the street.

It is pretty cheap and they have a good selection. Again, I am definitely not a cigar afficianado but it is worth a look.

Yeah...and Bill still has some bales of pre-castro leaf if you are determined to smoke a cuban...

04-26-2006, 07:33 PM
According to Cigar Aficionado, here are the top five cigars (outta a list of 25):
1. Fuente Fuente OpusX Double Corona (Dominican Republican; $14.50)
2. Montecristo Edmundo (Cuban, $18.00)
3. Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Exclusivo (Nicaraguan, $9.20)
4. Tatuaje Cabinet Taino (Nicaraguan, $12.00)
5. Partagas Series D No. 4 Reserva (Cuban, US$ Price Unknown)

If you need any other info, let me know... My dad ships cigars all over the US as well.

T Park
04-26-2006, 07:40 PM
lilmads, would he be willing to ship about 5 of each of those in the top 5? :)

04-27-2006, 08:46 AM
Shoot me a Pm I will ship you or meet up and bring you a nice lil starter package. I have a humidor filled with many goodies.

04-27-2006, 08:50 AM
lilmads, would he be willing to ship about 5 of each of those in the top 5? :)

If you're still interested despite your next offer, let me know... I'll see what I can put together.

04-27-2006, 08:51 AM
^ I also have no idea if we can get the Nicaraguan ones. Dom. Republican and Cubans should be no problem.

David Bowie
04-27-2006, 08:57 AM
I don't know too much about cigars. But here in Boston, we have Cigar bars, which are quite sweet.

04-27-2006, 06:05 PM
T Park, if you are going to buy that many - I strongly suggest getting a good Humidor at least a week in advance to condition and break it in. Otherwise a very fine cigar collection will be ruined after a few days. Thompson Cigars (www.thompson.com) has good prices on humidors. A store in town may get you more reliable quality, but it will cost you twice as much.

04-27-2006, 06:12 PM
Thompson has great deals on cigars.

Some of my favorites are Onyx Reserve, The Griffins, Macanudo, Rocky Patel, pretty much anything with a dark maduro wrapper.

04-28-2006, 08:00 AM
Maduros are great!! Don't let the dark wrapper intimidate, doesn't mean stronger in many cases, but it does mean smoothness. Unless you plan to keep more than 25 or more cigars at a time I wouldn't suggest buying a humidor. I good size zip-lock bag will do for now. Just place a moist paper towell inside a smaller baggie so that it doesn't touch any of the stogies in the larger baggie with the stogies and you're good to go. Make sure you open the bag at leaste once a week to allow some moisture to be released, and keep it in a cool dark place where the temp. wont go above 75 degrees.