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04-23-2006, 01:41 PM

Guard Smith awaits inevitable trade
Second-year player says he's just eager to get back on court
Sunday, April 23, 2006
By John Reid
Staff writer
OKLAHOMA CITY -- After going through the final team-related event of the season Thursday afternoon, Hornets guard J.R. Smith said he's all but certain his two-year stint with the team is over because of his strained relationship with Coach Byron Scott.

"I don't think I'll have to ask for a trade; it's going to be automatic," Smith said. "I would like to go anywhere; it doesn't matter if it's a losing team. I just want to be out there to help on the court."

In February, Smith and Scott publicly disclosed that a rift had developed, and they were not on speaking terms for nearly two months. At the time, Smith thought Scott had taken it personally for not playing him regularly. Scott said Smith's demotion was a result of his immaturity, poor work habits and lack of improvement since his rookie season in 2004-05.

During the final two months of the season, they appeared to co-exist without having much contact besides game-related matters. However, Scott spoke bluntly Thursday about Smith's deficiencies during the season.

"All the things we talked about (that he needed to improve on), he never really did those things," Scott said. "He might grow up one day, but from a coaching standpoint, I live in the present. I need guys who can help right now. When he grows up and starts playing, I might be in the stands somewhere with somebody else coaching the team."

Scott said he won't begin evaluating the season with General Manager Jeff Bower until Monday, so they cannot say what players they might consider trading later this summer.

In February, the Hornets had a trade deal worked out that would have sent Smith to the San Antonio Spurs for veteran guard Brent Barry. But the deal wasn't completed until five minutes after the trade deadline, and the league didn't approve it.

"I wasn't disappointed, because I wanted to finish out the season with my teammates," said Smith, who played in 55 games and averaged 7.7 points this season.

"But it's been a tough season. At one point, you're at the highest of highs and everybody's looking upon you to be the leader, and then the coach pretty much disowns you. It's hard to play like that."

At his season-ending meetings, Scott said he told Smith, Arvydas Macijauskas and Kirk Snyder that there are three shooting guards on the team, and two of them will not be back next season.

Scott's criticism of Snyder and Macijauskas was as harsh as it was of Smith.

"Kirk did an excellent job for a while, but consistency-wise he went straight downhill," Scott said. "Arvydas didn't know the plays after going through it every day, and that was very disappointing. You have to know the system, and he never grasped it. We need someone we can count on every night at that spot."
When Smith was asked if anything off the court caused his relationship with Scott to deteriorate, Smith said he couldn't think of anything.

"If I'm traded, I won't be mad, because it's a business, and that's what happens," Smith said. "But I'm going to Houston to spend the entire summer there to work on every part of my game, so there won't be any excuses."

04-23-2006, 01:45 PM
I post this article for people who want to re-do the Barry trade.
It seems that Hornets wan still be interested : Smith and Macijauskas are still deep in Scott's doghouse and Scott say they want a player for the present : Barry can be this guy.