View Full Version : sandwishc meat doubled in price. wtf?

04-25-2006, 08:10 PM
went to the commisary today for my weekly food consumptoin requriements
used to be able to get 24 oz of turkey, oscary meyer package, for 1.50. now its 3.00
what gives?

06-24-2006, 06:21 PM
went to the commisary today for my weekly food consumptoin requriements
used to be able to get 24 oz of turkey, oscary meyer package, for 1.50. now its 3.00
what gives?
They make it out of oil.

06-24-2006, 06:55 PM
24 oz of turkey for only $1.50?!?!?!? sounds like you were the one screwing them my friend

not my turkey

06-25-2006, 02:04 PM
.99 worth of chips to go with your turkey sangwich is now $1.49. We still sell .99 bags, but there ain't as much quality Frito Lay product in them. Thank you high fuel prices!

06-26-2006, 01:17 AM
.99 worth of chips to go with your turkey sangwich is now $1.49. We still sell .99 bags, but there ain't as much quality Frito Lay product in them. Thank you high fuel prices!

Instant solution:
