View Full Version : Fan etiquette

04-27-2006, 04:54 PM
The Spurs should be here in a couple of hours and I will see them at the hotel. Any advice about how NOT to be an a**hole to these guys? They are probably a bit weary from the travel. :hat

04-27-2006, 04:56 PM
For most people, not being an asshole comes naturally.

04-27-2006, 04:58 PM
They are here at this time:


Ed Helicopter Jones
04-27-2006, 04:59 PM
The Spurs should be here in a couple of hours and I will see them at the hotel. Any advice about how NOT to be an a**hole to these guys? They are probably a bit weary from the travel. :hat

Leaving them alone is always a good place to start.

04-27-2006, 05:06 PM
Many players feel insulted if you do not ask them for their autograph. But you don't want to show favoritism, so you should ask for each player's autograph.

You should also ask for a picture with the team. This is important because the Spurs know the value of "team" so you will need to gather everyone together for a group shot.

04-27-2006, 05:09 PM
1. Don't ask Tony how many times he plans to "tag it" tonight.
2. Don't ask Pop who his dermatologist is.
3. Don't stand up on your toes and pirouette and ask Tim if he can "do this".
4. Don't ask P.J. if those are old rope burns.
5. Don't ask Horry if he'll sign your 1997 Phoenix Suns team photo.
6. Don't ask NVE and Finley about Cuban's secret "shower cam".
7. Don't ask Rasho if the neck bolts are detachable.
8. Don't do a surprise "hey, catch!" with Nazr.
9. Don't ask Brent about housing costs in OKC.
10. Don't stand too close to Beno.

That covers most of it.

Lebowski Brickowski
04-27-2006, 05:22 PM
10. Don't stand too close to Beno.
That covers most of it.

04-27-2006, 05:25 PM
[QUOTE=ShoogarBear] 8. Don't do a surprise "hey, catch!" with Nazr.


T Park
04-27-2006, 05:28 PM
6. Don't ask NVE and Finley about Cuban's secret "shower cam".


"as Cuban stares lustifully at Michael Finley as he exits the shower......"

04-27-2006, 05:29 PM
Oh, how did I forget this one:
11. Don't ask Manu if he's Hispanic.

04-27-2006, 05:29 PM
10. Don't stand too close to Beno.

Sorry, but I don't get this one.

04-27-2006, 05:30 PM
Foreigners really appreciate it if you try to speak with them in their native tongues. Assuming you don't speak Spanish, at least give it a try; talk to Ginobili and Oberto, but speak very loudly, and hang an "o" on the end-o of each-o word-o, comprende? They'll appreciate it, I guarantee-o.

04-27-2006, 05:52 PM
They are here at this time:


Oh my gosh! That is too cool! :D

1. Don't ask Tony how many times he plans to "tag it" tonight.
2. Don't ask Pop who his dermatologist is.
3. Don't stand up on your toes and pirouette and ask Tim if he can "do this".
4. Don't ask P.J. if those are old rope burns.
5. Don't ask Horry if he'll sign your 1997 Phoenix Suns team photo.
6. Don't ask NVE and Finley about Cuban's secret "shower cam".
7. Don't ask Rasho if the neck bolts are detachable.
8. Don't do a surprise "hey, catch!" with Nazr.
9. Don't ask Brent about housing costs in OKC.
10. Don't stand too close to Beno.

That covers most of it.

You are wrong for the Rasho one.

I don't get the Beno one either.

# 8 is my favorite. Your eighth rule is funny too. :)

04-27-2006, 06:10 PM
Sorry, but I don't get this one.

beno = man purse = patrols lanes in supermarkets = gives bear hugz = his looks would kill yah

04-27-2006, 06:24 PM
Sorry, but I don't get this one.
Yeah, clearly that one went nowhere:


04-27-2006, 06:30 PM
They are here at this time:


They're there! :)

04-27-2006, 06:35 PM
8. Don't do a surprise "hey, catch!" with Nazr. :lmao