View Full Version : Rasho 4 Three

04-28-2006, 09:42 PM
Rasho is playing great in the playoffs so far. :king

04-29-2006, 01:19 AM
This games on Rasho for making that shot. The Kings saw that and were like O-HELL NO, not another center dropping trays on us. 2nd half started and they were like no game 1 crap. :lol

On a side note when he hit it he look to scared to be happy as he probably remember Nazr getting chewed out.

04-29-2006, 01:26 AM
Rasho's shot was amazing- so nice in fact that I thought Gino hit it. :lol Well done!

Fear the Sho! :fro :D

04-29-2006, 01:36 AM
Yeah, rasho looked a little scared after what happened to Nazr.

04-29-2006, 10:58 PM
Rasho is not scared of shit. He is quiet till the finals then he will show the emotion. He just needs to put up more shots and go to the basket. Instead he gave Beno some good looks but Beno missed. Great defense too.

04-30-2006, 12:00 AM
Yeah, rasho looked a little scared after what happened to Nazr.
Rasho pumped his fist when he made that shot. The sheepish look is the same one he always has walking to the bench.

If people have no clue that the three Rasho took was entirely different than the one Nazr took, then they just don't get it.

04-30-2006, 03:16 PM
Rasho pumped his fist when he made that shot. The sheepish look is the same one he always has walking to the bench.

Gotta love that Rasho! That 3 was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. The look on Tim Duncan's face was priceless. That sheepish look on Rasho's face is the one he always has...he always looks like a scared 8-year old, especially when he puts his hands up in front of his chest. Gotta love 'im, though.

If people have no clue that the three Rasho took was entirely different than the one Nazr took, then they just don't get it.


T Park
04-30-2006, 03:19 PM
Gotta love when he gets a foul call, about 80% of the time, he will say to the ref with the arm going away from him indicating a push off from the offensive player.

Hell one time, I think it was against Utah, he got called for a bad foul, and he yelled at the ref "HEY!" he said NO FOUL, the ref explains what HE tought he saw, while Rasho looked semi angry, then he clapped his hands and pointed at the ref like "good call"


I was like, Rasho, you didnt' do anything wrong, argue a little more man!!!

Hes pretty funny on the bench too.

Hes always looked like a loaner though, doesn't joke around alot, just kinda hangs on his own.

Someone said it best, he looks like a guy that was big all his life, and was forced to play ball, and plays it now cause hes 7 foot and decent at it, not cause he likes it.

04-30-2006, 03:41 PM
Someone said it best, he looks like a guy that was big all his life, and was forced to play ball, and plays it now cause hes 7 foot and decent at it, not cause he likes it.

Not true.

He says the game has been his one driving passion, beginning at about the age of 8, when he started playing in the parks and gymnasiums of his hometown of Ljubljana. The love of the game dominated his youth, and his memories.

“I was pretty much all into basketball,” he recalls. “You know how kids are. I’d go to the practice, and if I didn’t have practice, I would stay out on the court or playground with everyone and just keep playing.”

“We usually practiced every day, but that was arranged for kids, you know, playing and learning some fundamentals. That’s pretty much it,” Nesterovic says. “I loved it when I would go out. We would either play soccer or we would play basketball with other kids, but mostly we were playing basketball because you don’t need that many players. For soccer, you need 11 on each side. For basketball, you can play two and two.”


04-30-2006, 03:50 PM
I still bet he was teased by the other kids all his life because he was so dang tall and big. Thank goodness he found his niche.

04-30-2006, 04:19 PM
Not true.Nice catch Ploto! Rasho's passion was always basketball.

I still bet he was teased by the other kids all his life because he was so dang tall and big. Thank goodness he found his niche.You're wrong. Rasho grew up in the "bad" part part of town where he was both popular and hanging out with a group of people, that he's still friends with. Do not underestimate him or his temper, Rasho going "Serbian" would not be a pretty sight. And I guarantee you that it is not fear that prevents him from fighting.

I don't understand why it is so difficult for people to understand that he's just a nice, polite person. His upbringings were strict and old fashioned (just as they should be, if you ask me). Why do you have to be a borderline criminal to earn the respect of some fans?

T Park
04-30-2006, 04:25 PM
I like Rasho.

But if he would just go a tiny bit serbian and get bust ass tough on the boards, and when hes close to the basket, dunk the dman ball, Id make him the permanent starter.

Till then, his lack of agressiveness on the rebounding side of the ball, and offensive side, is whats holding him back!

04-30-2006, 05:37 PM
If you ever get to sit close to the court, watch Rasho play. He really is very animated and into the game. It may just not translate onto t.v.

04-30-2006, 05:40 PM
Even Kobe fears the Rasho.

04-30-2006, 05:44 PM
That was the look Sho gave Kobe in the 2004 play offs.

Rasho is the man. Fear the Sho! :D