View Full Version : Hey Shoogerbear . . . more office gossip for you.

05-02-2006, 08:56 AM
I have to be kind of careful, because this isn't wholly public information yet. Hell, I'm not even supposed to know. But the co-worker who caused all the drama last week? Apparently, our big, big boss called her into his office and basically said Thanks for nine years of service, it's time for you to move on, as no one wants to work with you anymore. So yesterday, she turned in her resignation.

This is really big news. And it will have an impact on my job, which we won't know about until this summer (she's leaving in July). Whether or not it will mean I move and/or get more money is not known, and probably not likely.

But there is more drama associated with this (the woman thinks she was pushed out in some giant conspiracy and has warned certain co-workers to watch their backs). And it came as a huge shock to most of us. And she's not talking to me or another coworker, I assume because she thinks we are not 'on her side' . . .

This is turning into one hell of a week.

05-02-2006, 09:01 AM

05-02-2006, 09:02 AM
Chris Rock: "wimmen hate wimmen" :lol

05-02-2006, 09:27 AM
I get along with all the women I strip errr work with.

Old School Chic
05-02-2006, 10:41 AM
Gossip, Rumors, Lies all fall under the BS category...

I would just worry about going to work, do my job, and getting the hell out of there!

05-02-2006, 11:25 AM
Wow, can't believe they're letting her stay in the office that long. I would have guessed it would be thank you now GTFO.

Gonna be a tense spring.