View Full Version : Perhaps something to watch in Florida

05-10-2006, 09:30 AM
The NY Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2006/05/09/us/09cnd-bush.html?ex=1304827200&en=c3f49d4a8fe55d0a&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss) has this blurb about Bush's recent visit to Florida.

After saying hello to his brother and straightening his tie, the president shook hands with Ms. Harris and spoke with her for roughly 30 seconds, with Ms. Harris talking far more than the president, who did not kiss her or put his arm around her — or do anything more than pat her on the back.

The Ms. Harris in the story of course is Katherine Harris the infamous Secretary of State of Florida during the recounts of the 2000 election.

Jeb Bush said this about the Harris campaign:

"I just don't think she can win."

Mix with that I heard Ed Rollins on the radio this morning and I don't have the exact quote but, he was implying there may be something wrong mentally with Harris.

Now this is interesting. Harris is loathed by Democrats for her role in the Florida recount. She went on to run for a House seat and won and now is trying to get the Republican nomination for Senate to run against Democrat Bill Nelson. The support of the Bush brothers has been tepid at best. Add to her problems she received an illegal campaign contribution from Mitchell Wade who worked for the same defense contractor that bribed Duke Cunningham.

Considering her role in helping W get into the White House, you would think she would be a folk hero of sorts to Republicans. Yet the Bushies are very cool to her and now another prominent Republican is hinting she is crazy. What gives?

The "loony" meme is common among the right to lessen credibility of an opponent. They use it on Al Gore and Howard Dean. So the Republicans have decided to throw Harris from the train.

It would be much cleaner and easier to simply convince another major figure within the party to run for the nomination than to launch this smear against Harris. For example, the rumor is insiders are trying to get Alan Bense, the Speaker of the Florida House to run. He has until Friday to get in the race. The best way to do this would be quietly so as not to show open division within the party. So why the smear?

Should Harris become a loose cannon and feel she was undermined by Jeb and the president, she does know where the skeletons are buried in the debacle of the Florida recount. If she started making embarrassing claims about what went down in Florida, the right would need to discredit her. Perhaps that has already begun.

05-10-2006, 09:43 AM
^^Oh, I don't think she would make any embarrassing claims about Florida. Hell, if
there was anything to "uncover" it would have already seen daylight.

It is one strange election year. How about Murdoch (supposedly a conservative)
having a fund raiser for Hillary? How strange can you get?

05-10-2006, 09:50 AM
Murdoch knows Hillary is going to win reelection. I think this (his fundraiser) is just an old tactic of hedging your bets. Some would donate to both candidates so they would be covered either way.

In the Senate, Murdoch would appreciate Clinton's support for continued deregulation of media.

If she ends up getting elected President in 2008, he has hedged his bets with the fund raiser.

Hillary is not the darling of the left that she is made out to be. Her support of the Iraq war and her coziness with big business makes her suspect in the eyes of many liberals. The Deaniacs do not want her getting the party nomination in '08 because she is polarizing, has high negatives and has not been true to the cause.

05-10-2006, 09:59 AM
^^Oh I am sure you are right about hedging his bets. It is just a strange way to
do it. Such a public way!

Hillary will end up with the nomination I feel certain and Dean will be on the outside
looking in. Hillary and Bill know what ropes to pull and when. They are no dummies,
nor have I ever implied they were. They both are savvy politicians. You know one
really funny thing. We are not hearing much out of Carville. Where is he hiding
and why? Some say he was the brains behind Bill. I know the press love him and
he has been really quite.