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View Full Version : I. Can't. Believe. This.

05-16-2006, 02:18 PM
I can't believe this fucknig shit. In such a big stage of basketball, in the NBA playoffs, the refs have managed to end the Spurs' season (if the Spurs are to lose again), and have givin two straight games to the Mavs. Anyone who watched game 4 and says that the Mavs won fair and square is full of shit. The refs are part of the Mavs roster.

I really can't understand how something so cheap happens like this. Why can't they just let the teams play the damn game???

Dirk got saved so many times, I mean, that last call in game 4 which earned Dirk 2 FT's to tie the game and send it to OT was rediculous. If anything, that was an offensive foul. After watching the play a bunch of times, you can see that Bowen did absolutely nothing illegal or against the rules, while Dirk was elbowing Bruce, trying to push him away. That was bullshit to the extreme.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I'm gonna have to make a major change. My options are:

a) Downgrade from being a diehard fan to a casual fan

b) Never, ever watch another NBA game for the rest of my life.

I can't watch a game of basketball if they are going to constantly call such horseshit, these games that I've been watching aren't even basketball anymore. Any little touch is a foul, it's incredible. People would expect old fucks like Dick Bavetta to be a little old school and be a fan of some tough basketball, but I guess not. These motherfuckers make the NBA look like the WNBA, and that's an understatement.

Bavetta, Crawford, all other bullshit refs, Mark Cuban, and David Stern all need to go kill themselves immediately. I don't even give a fuck right now, I want to choke that fucknig piece of old shit Bavetta.

Sorry Kori, but this was my first chance to vent.

Kori Ellis
05-16-2006, 02:20 PM

There's a Venting Thread stuck at the top of the forum. :)

05-16-2006, 02:20 PM
Kori should be here any minute now.

05-16-2006, 02:20 PM
Alvarez, will you PLEASE keep your stupid ass ref vents in one thread?

05-16-2006, 02:21 PM
Shut The Fuck Up About The Refs Already!! We Fucking Suck

05-16-2006, 02:22 PM
I thought the same thing after G7 of the Finals last year....


05-16-2006, 02:24 PM
I can't believe another idiot started a blame the refs thread.

05-16-2006, 02:24 PM
I really don't know what to do.

You won't believe how fucking pissed off I was last night for the following reasons:

I am such a die hard fan, losses like that kill me. I couldn't take that crap last night, watching the refs steal ANOTHER game from the all deserving Spurs.

I had school tomorrow but I didn't go to sleep until 4 AM (EST). I got 2 hours of sleep just because of those fucking refs, I swear I will kill that mother fucker Bavetta..ugly ass mofo piece of shit can't call a game for his life.

I find it rediculous how a team like the Spurs, such a classy team, deserving to defend their title in the finals vs. Detroit again, but all of those dreams have been crushed by the refs.

Anyone notice David Stern at the game last night sitting in the stands in the 4th quarter all nervous???

He was nervous because he could see that the Spurs were taking control, but he was there to make sure in person that the precious Mavs would win the game. I really am suspicious of this shit, I just don't know what to think.