View Full Version : Rude Dallas fans

05-17-2006, 12:16 AM
I have never disliked Dallas in the past but I'm learning. We went to the two Dallas games. On Saturday, my DH was punched in the back and pushed several times as he walked down the hallway (and it wasn't by accident). Since he uses a cane due to arthritis, these Dallas fans seemed a little low class and I hoped that it was just a few bad "sports" and not the mentality of the general population of Dallas. On Monday, after the game was over, I couldn't believe how aggressive, ugly and rude many of the mavs fans were. We were cursed, yelled at and shown obscene gestures. I am not a nervous type of woman, but I thought briefly about getting security to try to make it out of the building at one point. It really made me uncomfortable and I couldn't believe such poor sports. Individually, many of the Mavs fans were pleasant to talk to but when we were walking, several groups of young men wanted to accoust us, screaming, ranting and hatred for all things Spurs. Now this is not a case of young mavs fans giving trash talk to other young men. We are an older couple and are probably their parents' or grandparents' age. I can understand folks yelling for their team and being excited about their team winning the game etc. but to be that rude to visitors is not acceptable. I have never seen San Antonio fans treat visitors like that. We are from Austin and I have a new respect for the people of San Antonio. Can't say the same for Dallas.

05-17-2006, 12:18 AM
I'll be honest I thought that this was about the posters

05-17-2006, 12:19 AM
You brought a Designated Hitter to the game with you?*


05-17-2006, 12:20 AM
Having been to every home game for the past 3 years, I can assure you that the bad bunch is a very small minority. But there are plenty of cops, ushers and security guards around. If you run into an issue where you feel threatened, seek one out and they'll be sure to help you out. While I think razzing within limits is acceptable everywhere, it should never get to the point where someone should have to defend themselves against physical harm especially if it's unprovoked.

05-17-2006, 12:20 AM
Damn they hit a guy with a cane, not hit him with a cane but he had a cane and they hit him

05-17-2006, 12:21 AM
DH = dear husband

We were there Saturday. And yes, they were terrible. I'm all for screaming your heart out for your team. A little ribbing is all in good fun. But there were tons of these guys that were complete asshats. They didn't like it when they couldn't piss us off or have us run off.

05-17-2006, 12:21 AM
Dallas is building some really bad Karma with all this shit.

05-17-2006, 12:24 AM
Having been to every home game for the past 3 years, I can assure you that the bad bunch is a very small minority.
Not Saturday they weren't. At least not where we were. In the arena wasn't so bad, besides the complete jackass sitting 2 seats down. But while we were in the hall and leaving? It was very bad. And the worst part was, they were stupid about it. If you're going to try and put down someone's team, don't prove that you're an idiot. Calling Tim Duncan over-rated didn't earn them any points.

And having been to almost every home game and all play-off games for 3 years in San Antonio, I have to say that the Dallas fans are now the worst. For a while, it was Lakers' fans.

05-17-2006, 12:24 AM
I have never disliked Dallas in the past but I'm learning. We went to the two Dallas games. On Saturday, my DH was punched in the back and pushed several times as he walked down the hallway (and it wasn't by accident). Since he uses a cane due to arthritis, these Dallas fans seemed a little low class and I hoped that it was just a few bad "sports" and not the mentality of the general population of Dallas. On Monday, after the game was over, I couldn't believe how aggressive, ugly and rude many of the mavs fans were. We were cursed, yelled at and shown obscene gestures. I am not a nervous type of woman, but I thought briefly about getting security to try to make it out of the building at one point. It really made me uncomfortable and I couldn't believe such poor sports. Individually, many of the Mavs fans were pleasant to talk to but when we were walking, several groups of young men wanted to accoust us, screaming, ranting and hatred for all things Spurs. Now this is not a case of young mavs fans giving trash talk to other young men. We are an older couple and are probably their parents' or grandparents' age. I can understand folks yelling for their team and being excited about their team winning the game etc. but to be that rude to visitors is not acceptable. I have never seen San Antonio fans treat visitors like that. We are from Austin and I have a new respect for the people of San Antonio. Can't say the same for Dallas.

I can tell you that not all Mavs fans are like this. Every city has fans like this, even San Antonio.

Still no excuse tho... I apologize for the rude behavior. Especially to a mature couple deserving courtesy and respect.

05-17-2006, 12:31 AM

Originally Posted by SpursWoman

You are, most definitely, a moron. "

these threads should have am entry exam, on basketball, not just for you because you're a girl, but also for the guys!!! so you don't get your little feelings hurt when someone talks about your little boy friend!!!


05-17-2006, 12:31 AM
There is a reason why that thread was locked, Moron. Apparently you aren't bright enough to figure it out.

05-17-2006, 12:33 AM
WTF? :lol

05-17-2006, 12:34 AM
if you can't hang dont log on

Keep this up and you will be banished to the realm of no return and all evidence of your existence will be turned to dust. Kinda like in Timecop

05-17-2006, 12:38 AM
I have never disliked Dallas in the past but I'm learning. We went to the two Dallas games. On Saturday, my DH was punched in the back and pushed several times as he walked down the hallway (and it wasn't by accident). Since he uses a cane due to arthritis, these Dallas fans seemed a little low class and I hoped that it was just a few bad "sports" and not the mentality of the general population of Dallas. On Monday, after the game was over, I couldn't believe how aggressive, ugly and rude many of the mavs fans were. We were cursed, yelled at and shown obscene gestures. I am not a nervous type of woman, but I thought briefly about getting security to try to make it out of the building at one point. It really made me uncomfortable and I couldn't believe such poor sports. Individually, many of the Mavs fans were pleasant to talk to but when we were walking, several groups of young men wanted to accoust us, screaming, ranting and hatred for all things Spurs. Now this is not a case of young mavs fans giving trash talk to other young men. We are an older couple and are probably their parents' or grandparents' age. I can understand folks yelling for their team and being excited about their team winning the game etc. but to be that rude to visitors is not acceptable. I have never seen San Antonio fans treat visitors like that. We are from Austin and I have a new respect for the people of San Antonio. Can't say the same for Dallas.

I experienced almost every single thing you just mentioned at both Mavs-Spurs games in SA this regular season.

Don't act like Dallas is the only city that has fans that act like jackasses. EVERY team has bad fans.

05-17-2006, 12:40 AM
I experienced almost every single thing you just mentioned at both Mavs-Spurs games in SA this regular season.

Don't act like Dallas is the only city that has fans that act like jackasses. EVERY team has bad fans.

where did you sit, and what happemed to your cane?

Kori Ellis
05-17-2006, 12:41 AM
Wow, spurastic. I'm sorry that happened.

But honestly, there's bad fans in every arena. It sucks but some people just can't handle themselves.

I'm glad it wasn't any worse.

05-17-2006, 12:43 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.

05-17-2006, 12:44 AM
where did you sit, and what happemed to your cane?

Spare me the nonsense. It sucks that older people were involved (if they really were, given the Spurs fanbase's current state I wouldn't be surprised at everything in the original post being fabricated out of frustration), but that doesn't mean that what I and my friends experienced in SA was any more "classy."

My buddy, really polite and subdued guy, had a 40ish year old Spurs fan threaten to "kick his pasty ass" because he offered to shake his hand after the April game and said "Good game.", then threw a cup of beer at him.

As for where I sat, section 214 during the April game. Don't remember in March.

Kori Ellis
05-17-2006, 12:45 AM
It sucks that older people were involved (if they really were, given the Spurs fanbase's current state I wouldn't be surprised at everything in the original post being fabricated out of frustration), but that doesn't mean that what I and my friends experienced in SA was any more "classy."

I know the couple in the original post. They aren't going to fabricate anything for the sake of fabricating.

05-17-2006, 12:46 AM
I know the couple in the original post. They aren't going to fabricate anything for the sake of fabricating.

I'll take your word for it, but that doesn't change the crux of my point here.

I know you've already agreed with what I'm saying, but what's with others thinking that SA fans are angels?

05-17-2006, 12:47 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.

That is just wrong-But it has me :lol It must be late.

spurastic- that is awful! I hope your husband is okay.

Kori Ellis
05-17-2006, 12:48 AM
I know you've already agreed with what I'm saying, but what's with others thinking that SA fans are angels?

Yeah I agree with you. I've been in about 20 NBA arenas. There's a few bad apples everywhere.

05-17-2006, 12:48 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.
:lmao :lmao

and the only the spurs game i've been to. i was never rude to the other fans.

and L.J that is so sig worthy. even though its wrong. its still funny.

05-17-2006, 12:48 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.


05-17-2006, 12:50 AM
We have several relatives that are Mavs fans and have attended several games in Dallas. Razzing and good natured ribbing is part of the game and is to be expected. That is not what we experienced Sat. and Monday. Numerous fans were downright Ugly. Fans sitting in our section were fine. Everyone yelled for their team. The worse was when we were leaving the building on Sat. The "mav fans" were downright ugly, hostile, and obscene.

05-17-2006, 12:51 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.

That's fucked up

05-17-2006, 12:51 AM
We have several relatives that are Mavs fans and have attended several games in Dallas. Razzing and good natured ribbing is part of the game and is to be expected. That is not what we experienced Sat. and Monday. Numerous fans were downright Ugly. Fans sitting in our section were fine. Everyone yelled for their team. The worse was when we were leaving the building on Sat. The "mav fans" were downright ugly, hostile, and obscene.

Like I said, I do find it unfortunate that you went through such things.

But seriously, this thread is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black (and that is the case when fans of ANY nba team bitch about fans of ANY other nba team).

05-17-2006, 12:52 AM
That's fucked up
but funny

05-17-2006, 12:53 AM
I'll be honest I thought that this was about the posters

they're assholes too

Kori Ellis
05-17-2006, 12:54 AM
But seriously, this thread is the epitome of the pot calling the kettle black (and that is the case when fans of ANY nba team bitch about fans of ANY other nba team).

If the obnoxious level of Mavs fans on this forum compared to other teams fans is any indicator, then ...


I'm not going to go there, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, yeah I think there's some bad fans everywhere.

05-17-2006, 12:55 AM
If the obnoxious level of Mavs fans on this forum compared to other teams fans is any indicator, then ...


I'm not going to go there, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, yeah I think there's some bad fans everywhere.

I don't make any claims to not being obnoxious...that's for sure.

I just find it sad when entire cities or fanbases are generalized based on the actions of a few at sporting events.

05-17-2006, 01:09 AM
Sorry that you had to have such a bad experience. I have season tickets, and I haven't witnessed Mavs fans behaving that way, and I most certainly don't act that way. I hate that there are people out there who stoop to such lows and hope that you don't assume all of us are classless aholes. Every team has morons who go over the top with their fandom and find enjoyment in belittling any person who roots for another team. The first game of the Kings series in 02-03 a group of 4 Kings fans sat in the row in front of us. Of course that was the game where the Kings blew us out of our building. Those fans were the most arrogant, low class jerks I've ever come across. But I have sense enough to know that not all Kings fans are like those idiots.

Good luck tomorrow night (or actually tonight...yet another playoff game keeping me up wayyyyyy past my bedtime).

East Coast Babe
05-17-2006, 01:33 AM
I have never disliked Dallas in the past but I'm learning. We went to the two Dallas games. On Saturday, my DH was punched in the back and pushed several times as he walked down the hallway (and it wasn't by accident). Since he uses a cane due to arthritis, these Dallas fans seemed a little low class and I hoped that it was just a few bad "sports" and not the mentality of the general population of Dallas. On Monday, after the game was over, I couldn't believe how aggressive, ugly and rude many of the mavs fans were. We were cursed, yelled at and shown obscene gestures. I am not a nervous type of woman, but I thought briefly about getting security to try to make it out of the building at one point. It really made me uncomfortable and I couldn't believe such poor sports. Individually, many of the Mavs fans were pleasant to talk to but when we were walking, several groups of young men wanted to accoust us, screaming, ranting and hatred for all things Spurs. Now this is not a case of young mavs fans giving trash talk to other young men. We are an older couple and are probably their parents' or grandparents' age. I can understand folks yelling for their team and being excited about their team winning the game etc. but to be that rude to visitors is not acceptable. I have never seen San Antonio fans treat visitors like that. We are from Austin and I have a new respect for the people of San Antonio. Can't say the same for Dallas.

We don't live near Dallas any more, but we did at one time. Texas is just not for us. We know many people love it, but we are not among that crowd. We also know fans near Dallas love their Mavs (for the most part. Some like us are not so enchanted) But were we still there near Dallas, I would offer my sincere apologies for these fans behavior! You probably should have sought out help. Their behavior was inexcusable! I certainly would think it was in excusable from my other Piston fans and tell you the same thing. It's too bad that a few fans who can't control their behavior can spoil things for visiting fans.

05-17-2006, 01:39 AM
Out of all the different fans I've seen (college, NBA, NFL, etc.), I'd have to say Mavs fans are up there in their level of rudeness.

05-17-2006, 02:17 AM
I have never disliked Dallas in the past but I'm learning. We went to the two Dallas games. On Saturday, my DH was punched in the back and pushed several times as he walked down the hallway (and it wasn't by accident). Since he uses a cane due to arthritis, these Dallas fans seemed a little low class and I hoped that it was just a few bad "sports" and not the mentality of the general population of Dallas. On Monday, after the game was over, I couldn't believe how aggressive, ugly and rude many of the mavs fans were. We were cursed, yelled at and shown obscene gestures. I am not a nervous type of woman, but I thought briefly about getting security to try to make it out of the building at one point. It really made me uncomfortable and I couldn't believe such poor sports. Individually, many of the Mavs fans were pleasant to talk to but when we were walking, several groups of young men wanted to accoust us, screaming, ranting and hatred for all things Spurs. Now this is not a case of young mavs fans giving trash talk to other young men. We are an older couple and are probably their parents' or grandparents' age. I can understand folks yelling for their team and being excited about their team winning the game etc. but to be that rude to visitors is not acceptable. I have never seen San Antonio fans treat visitors like that. We are from Austin and I have a new respect for the people of San Antonio. Can't say the same for Dallas.

I went to Game 3 & 4 of the WCF last year wearing Phoenix orange both times and the SA fans gave me some good-natured ribbing, but on the whole, they were pretty nice (and being booed by the entire second level when I was coming up the escalator - while forcing the mariachi band to stop playing and boo as well - was one of the funniest moments in my life). I have to say that southern hospitality still exists in some places.

What would you expect from Dallas, which is home to some of the biggest posers in the world (inside and outside the arena)... it's tough to judge them objectively since most of them have only been fans (or known they had a basketball team) since 2002 and have an owner who can't keep his mouth shut either and they all act like they are God's gift to basketball.... I hate the Mavs and I hate Dallas... Go Fort Worth!

05-17-2006, 02:23 AM
u guys better not go to a Soccer match In Europe or South America then lol

some people need to learn not to take sports so seriously and maybe then there wouldnt be rude people who feel they have the right to abuse fans from other teams

the bad apples should be crushed

05-17-2006, 02:26 AM
u guys better not go to a Soccer match In Europe or South America then lol

some people need to learn not to take sports so seriously and maybe then there wouldnt be rude people who feel they have the right to abuse fans from other teams

the bad apples should be crushed

Well, you're making a point for us here - this isn't soccer - and we're not in a 3rd world country... we're in a civilized nation with an elitist city that prides itself on being so "great" (Dallas), so people should have to endure this kind of abuse... I haven't been to a Phoenix home game in 3 1/2 years, so I hope our bandwagon fag fans aren't as lame as the Mavs ones.

05-17-2006, 02:28 AM
Well, you're making a point for us here - this isn't soccer - and we're not in a 3rd world country... we're in a civilized nation with an elitist city that prides itself on being so "great" (Dallas), so people should have to endure this kind of abuse... I haven't been to a Phoenix home game in 3 1/2 years, so I hope our bandwagon fag fans aren't as lame as the Mavs ones.

England and France are third world countries? :lol

im classifying England as part of Europe just for this example :smokin

05-17-2006, 02:32 AM
I went to Game 3 & 4 of the WCF last year wearing Phoenix orange both times and the SA fans gave me some good-natured ribbing, but on the whole, they were pretty nice (and being booed by the entire second level when I was coming up the escalator - while forcing the mariachi band to stop playing and boo as well - was one of the funniest moments in my life). I have to say that southern hospitality still exists in some places.

What would you expect from Dallas, which is home to some of the biggest posers in the world (inside and outside the arena)... it's tough to judge them objectively since most of them have only been fans (or known they had a basketball team) since 2002 and have an owner who can't keep his mouth shut either and they all act like they are God's gift to basketball.... I hate the Mavs and I hate Dallas... Go Fort Worth!

OH my.. even the mariachis booed you? :lmao

05-17-2006, 02:33 AM
England and France are third world countries? :lol

im classifying England as part of Europe just for this example :smokin

Nuggetz_fan after dealing with these mav fans, I must tell you that I have serious man love for you.

Condemned 2 HelLA
05-17-2006, 02:37 AM
Out of all the different fans I've seen (college, NBA, NFL, etc.), I'd have to say Mavs fans are up there in their level of rudeness.

There's definately something to be said about Lamer fans, though.
This lot of fucktards takes the concept of frontrunning to areas yet uncharted!!!!!

05-17-2006, 02:38 AM
Nuggetz_fan after dealing with these mav fans, I must tell you that I have serious man love for you.

:lol thanks, i think :smokin :lol

05-17-2006, 02:50 AM
England and France are third world countries? :lol

im classifying England as part of Europe just for this example :smokin

Yeah, yeah - I know I generalized a lot, but just go with it :elephant

05-17-2006, 02:51 AM
OH my.. even the mariachis booed you? :lmao

Yeah, it was pretty damn funny... some of them probably didn't even know what was going on and might have been afraid that I was INS...

SA Gunslinger
05-17-2006, 03:03 AM
I went to Game 3 & 4 of the WCF last year wearing Phoenix orange both times and the SA fans gave me some good-natured ribbing, but on the whole, they were pretty nice (and being booed by the entire second level when I was coming up the escalator - while forcing the mariachi band to stop playing and boo as well - was one of the funniest moments in my life). I have to say that southern hospitality still exists in some places.


Great story.

Solid D
05-17-2006, 04:56 AM
I'm sorry that happened to ya'll Spurastic. Two things come to mind about that:

1. Beer in the wrong hands.

2. A small percentage of fans in a classless act...
who are likely part of an even larger percentage of sheep (as in dumb) who booed Michael Finley.

05-17-2006, 07:09 AM
Sad story, but not surprising.

05-17-2006, 07:12 AM
Unfortunately, asshats are in every city.

I heard perhaps the worst, though, was Columbus, OH after the University of Texas defeated Ohio State University last year. There were several accounts of physical abuse, along with students dragging furniture in the streets and setting it on fire. Totally uncalled for.

On the flip side, tho, I've been to many Spurs games where we've lost and fans from the OTHER team have the nuts to "celebrate" excessively (i.e., "in your face - we won, you lost" type of taunting).

05-17-2006, 07:38 AM
I think the best fans to co-habitate an arena with are the Yao fan club guys/gals.
They are great at cheering on thier guy/team, they travel to just about every texas game they can (and others out of state), but they have respect for the other teams fans. No ugly incidents with those guys. Even when you are at the Toyota center, in thier arena - they are still nice.

Spurastic - I'm so sorry this happened to you and your DH. I must say you got balls for going to the monday game. Some people are just born assholes and others are lemmings who follow assholes when the mood is right. Either way _allas fans were really out of line!

Given the chance I would bite thier kneecaps!

05-17-2006, 08:00 AM
On the radio yesterday they talked about the Spurs fans in the "Old #7 Club" at the AAC throwing beer bottles at the flat screen TV's...

(ie, there are dickheads in/from every city)

05-17-2006, 08:01 AM
If the obnoxious level of Mavs fans on this forum compared to other teams fans is any indicator, then ...


I'm not going to go there, but you know what I mean.

Anyway, yeah I think there's some bad fans everywhere.
Go there. :angel

DFW Spurs
05-17-2006, 08:03 AM
I went to Saturday’s game, the fans were horrible. People were throwing cups and napkins at a spurs fan walking up to his seat. There were several fights where security had escorted several individuals out of the Arena. I had this one kid walk up to me looking like a big smurf all up in my face giving me crap because I was wearing a Duncan Jersey. I told him to back up and offered him a stick of gum cuz it smelled like he ate sh!t for lunch. He was like Duncan sucks, Dirks the Man. I proceeded by saying as calmly as possible, Tim Duncan has three rings, has several MVP trophies, and Dirk has none. He had no come back so the smurf than ran away. I've been to baseball, football, and hokey games, but this was horrible. I’m Sorry but Mavs Fans have no respect period. :rolleyes

05-17-2006, 08:04 AM
You brought a Designated Hitter to the game with you?*


That's what I was thinking.

05-17-2006, 08:05 AM
Out of all the different fans I've seen (college, NBA, NFL, etc.), I'd have to say Mavs fans are up there in their level of rudeness. Having been to different cities arenas, NY, LA, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Boston, Utah I'd say it was a tie between Utah and Dallas for highest percentage of Aholes. Maybe it's the frustration thing. That or the genetics.

05-17-2006, 08:05 AM
Based on some of the other BS spewed here about things happening in Dallas, I'm sure most of these stories are either made up or embellished...

I was at the Mavs / Cabs game this season and there was a TON of LeBron fans. I didn't see one single incident...

DFW Spurs
05-17-2006, 08:08 AM
Were you at the game on Saturday? Monday? OK then LJ was not playing. Gezz

05-17-2006, 08:10 AM
Based on some of the other BS spewed here about things happening in Dallas, I'm sure most of these stories are either made up or embellished...

I was at the Mavs / Cabs game this season and there was a TON of LeBron fans. I didn't see one single incident...

That wasn't when the Mavs were gunning for a third straight win over the defending champs in the playoffs.

Having been to different cities arenas, NY, LA, Denver, Dallas, Houston, Chicago, Boston, Utah I'd say it was a tie between Utah and Dallas for highest percentage of Aholes. Maybe it's the frustration thing. That or the genetics.

Arco Arena, Sacramento.

05-17-2006, 08:11 AM
Based on some of the other BS spewed here about things happening in Dallas, I'm sure most of these stories are either made up or embellished...

Leonard you are officially appointed the spokesman for Dallas civility. I can't think of a more appropriate representative for your city. LMFAO

05-17-2006, 08:16 AM
I hope the bird flu hits Dallas first.

Hmmmm, bird?....Larry Bird....Buck's article.....Boston comes back from 3-1 deficit....SA down 3-1....I am seeing it all clearly now.....YES, Spurs will do same.


BTW, sorry about your run in with the assholes. You know Dallas fans are assholes, just because they boo Finley, who was released by Cuban, it is not like he was a free agent and left of his own volition. Screw those Dallas assholes

05-17-2006, 08:27 AM
Finley to Dallas is equal to or greater than Avery to SA. Have SA fans at the arena been booing Avery? Come to think of it Dirk encouraged Dallas fans to boo Finley. Can you imagine Duncan or any Spur to encourage the fans publically to boo a former teammate, particularly a cornerstone of the franchise. Guess that's a capsule summary of Dallas fans and their players. Pop called out the Dallas fans. He was to polite to call out _irk but you can bet what he thought of his class. Spurs are a class organization, sets an example that most fans follow, there are certainly exceptions. In contrast we have Cuban and Dirk setting the example for Dallas. Is it a surprise they have more jerks?

05-17-2006, 08:33 AM
there were tons of these guys that were complete asshats.

Briging the Troll smack to the table :smokin

When your on your soap box posting about rude Mav fans? don't forget to post about the fans who got jumped and stabbed at the Alamo Dome durring the playoffs.

05-17-2006, 08:34 AM
Leonard you are officially appointed the spokesman for Dallas civility. I can't think of a more appropriate representative for your city. LMFAO

LMAO...a dude on a message board doing a bit. What's funny is that Spurs fans don't get why some of the Mavs fans are here... :lol

Finley to Dallas is equal to or greater than Avery to SA. Have SA fans at the arena been booing Avery? Come to think of it Dirk encouraged Dallas fans to boo Finley. Can you imagine Duncan or any Spur to encourage the fans publically to boo a former teammate, particularly a cornerstone of the franchise. Guess that's a capsule summary of Dallas fans and their players. Pop called out the Dallas fans. He was to polite to call out _irk but you can bet what he thought of his class.

Newsflash: DIRK WAS JOKING!!! He and Finley are still really good friends...

Solid D
05-17-2006, 08:37 AM
Based on some of the other BS spewed here about things happening in Dallas, I'm sure most of these stories are either made up or embellished...

I was at the Mavs / Cabs game this season and there was a TON of LeBron fans. I didn't see one single incident...

= Non-post

05-17-2006, 08:43 AM
LMAO...a dude on a message board doing a bit. What's funny is that Spurs fans don't get why some of the Mavs fans are here... :lol

Newsflash: DIRK WAS JOKING!!! He and Finley are still really good friends...
I guess the Dallas fans didn't get the joke. btw how many Spurs fans showed up obnoxious on Mavstalk after game 1. One? two? three? How obnoxious were they? How about the Mavs trolls here? Another fine example. I get why you're here. Mavs fan finally think they may have grown some pubic hair and they want to brag about it.

05-17-2006, 08:54 AM
I guess the Dallas fans didn't get the joke. btw how many Spurs fans showed up obnoxious on Mavstalk after game 1. One? two? three? How obnoxious were they? How about the Mavs trolls here? Another fine example. I get why you're here. Mavs fan finally think they may have grown some pubic hair and they want to brag about it.

Probably a lot showed up, but the dictator Admin over there instantly bans anyone who isn't all over Dirk's jock.

05-17-2006, 09:06 AM
^ Not true. Well at least not to my recognition. There are actually a handful of some pretty cool posters from SA on Mavtalk. While there are others who suck ass there too. Every forum is gonna get fans from the opposing team... Thats internet.

Im sure Dirk said 'boo Fin' all in good nature. I dont think he knew the fans would really do it. So I dont think he should be the carrier of all that blame bc the fans should know what Mike meant to the team and the fans knew what happened with his trading. We're still payin him so he's still got love from me.

I dont think y'all should generalize all Mavs fans as being assholes just bc you have had run ins with a few. And I really think thats silly to say that the Mavs fans are the worst... I guess Detroit doesnt have its assholes? I guess Sacremento doesnt have its assholes? And I'm sure San Antone doesnt have one asshole in all of its fanbase either. And that is fine. I was at Saturday's game. Some ppl were being assholes, but out of the 19000 ppl that were in attendance, I fail to believe every one of them were classless and rude. I hate that you ran into a handful of jerks, Spurastic. I really do. Bc now that gives you another reason to tarnish the fans as a whole. Trust me when I say that that is not every Mav fan, it isnt me at least.

05-17-2006, 09:10 AM
I have always contended that Dallas is easily the most superficial city in Texas. Those people will smile to your face and spit on your back as you walk away. All while trying to hide behind that front of "Texas hospitality". I've spent considerable time in both LA and Dallas, and I seriously have a tough time distinguishing between the two judging by people's attitudes. Which is why I never understood all the love for the Dallas freakin Cowboys around here. As far as most San Antonians are concerned, Dallas is all good come football season. :rolleyes

05-17-2006, 09:13 AM
Spurs fans know Mavs fans. That's why these tales are quite believable.

Don Quixote
05-17-2006, 10:05 AM
Well, IF these stories about Mav Fan are true, it's to be expected. It's not every day that little brother (we'll call him Bucky) gets over on big brother.

Enjoy it while you can, Bucky.

When Detroit puts a good licking on you in the Finals, then we'll talk.

Spurs Dynasty
05-17-2006, 10:09 AM
I experienced almost every single thing you just mentioned at both Mavs-Spurs games in SA this regular season.

Don't act like Dallas is the only city that has fans that act like jackasses. EVERY team has bad fans.

Once again, defending the undefendable. How fu**ing sad.

Spurs Dynasty
05-17-2006, 10:14 AM
On the radio yesterday they talked about the Spurs fans in the "Old #7 Club" at the AAC throwing beer bottles at the flat screen TV's...

(ie, there are dickheads in/from every city)

UM, a TV screen is not a person.

05-17-2006, 10:19 AM
I joined yesterday so that I could see what the perspective of Spurs fans is right now. I'm not here to talk trash or to rub it in that we are up 3-1 in the series. I'm disappointed however that in a lot of these posts I find statements saying all Mavs fans are classless. This is so not true. I'm a teacher in the DFW area and if I'm cut, I bleed blue and green. I spend entirely too much time obsessing over the Mavs. All year long I've had a student who is a Spurs fan give me a hard time saying the Mavs are nothing and will never get by the Spurs. Every day he writes, "Go Spurs Go!" on my board. When he came to class Monday many students were giving him a hard time and telling him how much his team sucks. I stood up for him and told the students to shut up. It's not over by a long shot. I expect your team to come out hungry for blood tonight. I just hope that some of you will accept that there are bad fans, but we aren't all classless losers. I can't stand when people stereotype me.

05-17-2006, 10:24 AM
I just hope that some of you will accept that there are bad fans, but we aren't all classless losers. I can't stand when people stereotype me.

Spurs fans don't like that much, either. If you read back a few days, you may see some justification for some of the things that have been said against Mavs fans - they are just being treated the way they are treating people here. And you will also see that nearly every one who talks smack against Mavs fans are very careful to say "some" or "most" when dissing Mavs fans; the courtesy is rarely returned.

Welcome to the board!

05-17-2006, 10:31 AM
The Mavs at Game 2 were equally rude after that blowout. I understand there is always taunting and razzing by rivals, but they were being incredibly rude and it scared me that something else may happen. I'm nervous about going to Fridays game in Dallas for that exact reason. :(

05-17-2006, 10:36 AM
LMAO...a dude on a message board doing a bit. What's funny is that Spurs fans don't get why some of the Mavs fans are here...

to jerk off to your lead, but this board has been around for a long time with no Dallas fans in site except maybe one or two. You just happen to show up when your team is doing well, typical bandwagon dallas fan.

05-17-2006, 10:44 AM
The men by me in Dallas were having fun and giving me good-natured joking. I cheered extra loud for Michael and they really had no answer for me when I asked them why they were booing a guy who gave the best years of his career to a team that sucked for part of that time and only left because he was thrown away. The guy who was the most intense Mavs fan shook hands with me at the end of the overtime game- he offered his hand first- and congratulated me on a good game. I said the same to him. The really obnoxious woman who screamed in my face was another issue. It was very interesting though that I was surrounded by about 100 men and only this one awful woman. For rows and rows-- all men.

05-17-2006, 10:46 AM
The men by me in Dallas were having fun and giving me good-natured joking. I cheered extra loud for Michael and they really had no answer for me when I asked them why they were booing a guy who gave the best years of his career to a team that sucked for part of that time and only left because he was thrown away. The guy who was the most intense Mavs fan shook hands with me at the end of the overtime game- he offered his hand first- and congratulated me on a good game. I said the same to him. The really obnoxious woman who screamed in my face was another issue. It was very interesting though that I was surrounded by about 100 men and only this one awful woman. For rows and rows-- all men.
they were all "Happy"

05-17-2006, 10:52 AM
Wow, spurastic. I'm sorry that happened.

But honestly, there's bad fans in every arena. It sucks but some people just can't handle themselves.

I'm glad it wasn't any worse.

Exactly!!! I've experienced and seen the same bad behavior in both San Antonio and Houston against myself and other Mav fans. I don't think twice about it as usually it's young guys that are just stupid. I really hope all of this venting about Dallas fans, etc. is just that...venting after losses and that people don't actually believe something based a few fans. Once you realize what Kori said above you will be able to move on.

05-17-2006, 11:11 AM
I'm sorry to hear about what happened at the game but only the minority are like that, well every city has fans like that...i've been to a couple of mavs games where the opposing fans were also treated very well, just ignore those jerks that are overly excited and think that they have a right to be assholes just because their team won an intense game...i guarantee u that there are plenty of better mavs fans than these clowns that bothered u

05-17-2006, 11:35 AM
I really can't believethat anyone would be questioning Spurstastic, especially after Kori vouched for her.
I have met her and her DH - they exixst, they are who they say they are. And they are far too stand up to make thsi crap up.

05-17-2006, 12:12 PM
Minor detail...people here refer to "Dallas" people as being xxx type of person. I hate Dallas too actually...I live in Ft Worth. About the only time I go to Dallas is for a Mavs game. The Plano / north Dallas crowd is pretty damn arrogant (generally speaking)...

I guess the Dallas fans didn't get the joke. btw how many Spurs fans showed up obnoxious on Mavstalk after game 1. One? two? three? How obnoxious were they? How about the Mavs trolls here? Another fine example.

Dirk said in an interview yesterday that it was meant only as a gag on Finley and he didn't think Mavs would really do it. Which is what I've been saying all along, but this place took the printed words and ran with them..

I don't know or care anything about Mavstalk.com...

I get why you're here. Mavs fan finally think they may have grown some pubic hair and they want to brag about it.

LOL...actually, it's fun to harass the people here because SA is a 1-horse town. Spurs fans are WAY over the top because the Spurs are the only team they've got. The rally threads, women in bras for luck, etc etc are just too funny. It's entertaining to get the people here fired up. Lots of laughs... :lol

to jerk off to your lead, but this board has been around for a long time with no Dallas fans in site except maybe one or two. You just happen to show up when your team is doing well, typical bandwagon dallas fan.

The Mavs have won 52+ games for the past 6 yrs?? I showed up in March because I happened to find the site randomly and registered...has nothing to do with the Mavs' success this season...

Bandwagon fans?? I've never seen so many bandwagoner's bailing on their team after a loss as there are here...

Spurs Dynasty
05-17-2006, 12:25 PM
I joined yesterday so that I could see what the perspective of Spurs fans is right now. I'm not here to talk trash or to rub it in that we are up 3-1 in the series. I'm disappointed however that in a lot of these posts I find statements saying all Mavs fans are classless. This is so not true. I'm a teacher in the DFW area and if I'm cut, I bleed blue and green. I spend entirely too much time obsessing over the Mavs. All year long I've had a student who is a Spurs fan give me a hard time saying the Mavs are nothing and will never get by the Spurs. Every day he writes, "Go Spurs Go!" on my board. When he came to class Monday many students were giving him a hard time and telling him how much his team sucks. I stood up for him and told the students to shut up. It's not over by a long shot. I expect your team to come out hungry for blood tonight. I just hope that some of you will accept that there are bad fans, but we aren't all classless losers. I can't stand when people stereotype me.

I have defended the Mav's fans as a whole. I lived there for 13 years (during the Rolando Blackman days) and I remember Dallas sports fans to be classy and intelligent. We seem to be getting (as expected) a parade of jerks in this forum from Dallas stoking us up and some turn to demigrating the Dallas team or fanbase for a few fools.

I think you are more representative of the Dallas fans.

05-17-2006, 12:35 PM
Could it be???????????????????????

A San Antonio/Dallas love fest?????????????????

Funny that it took an old lady and her cane using husband being abused to bring ya'll together.:cheer

05-17-2006, 12:43 PM
All this we are all the same talk is so PC and ignorant. People are different everywhere you go, and groups do tend to live by a different code. Why do you think laws can vary dramatically from one state to the next.

With absolute certainty I can say most Mavs posters are frontrunning trolls except MavsFan1000 and Mouse (who I don't think is a true mavs fan).

Anyways, we will see the trolls tremble after tonights game.

05-17-2006, 01:20 PM
Iam truly sorry about this incident with the senior citizens :rolleyes ...hopefully it wont happen again. .... :wakeup

Yours truly,


Go Mavs!!!!!!!!!!!!!