View Full Version : I do NOT believe...

05-18-2006, 03:44 AM
in Small Ball®

Small Ball. Rediscovered and packaged by Mike D'Antoni and suddnely embraced by the man who just a short year back ripped it to shreds and sent it home, scratching its head, to dismantle and retool in the offseason.

This series is over, kids. Grab your tackle boxes. The Spurs aren't winning the next game if they could only win by one point at home, because they will not shoot 12 more free throws than the Mavs in Dallas. They will not survive one of their patented cold spells if they can't make stops, and there's one coming in the next two games. They can't win a series if they let Devin Harris shoot 60 percent. The kid has a range of about 12 feet and so far hasn't been forced to shoot at the edge of his range.

By the way, did I mention that they can't make stops? Go to church now and light a candle for more individual heroics because the team philosophy that won 63 regular season games is out the window. One of the deepest teams in the league is now looking severely overmatched. That beautiful championship defense that you saw last year and at the end of the Sacramento series is a fading memory now. What you are looking at in silver and black is now the 2005 Phoenix Suns. AJ is just following the blueprint, and it's working perfectly. Amare got the big block on Duncan tonight to keep the team on life support in the series. The only thing this team is locking down is airline reservations on "1-2-3-Cancun".

I've been ready all year for the Spurs to show the Mavericks and their fans what real defense is. Unfortunately, I never expected the coach to decide to leave a large chunk of it sitting on the bench for the whole game. How could anyone be surprised that when you remove the shot blockers from the defense that funnels dribblers to the shot blockers that you just end up with dribblers going right to the basket again and again? How do you expect to win when you have all of your defensive liabilities on the floor at once? The only way you make up for that on the other end is if you are allowed to play with more than one basketball, and don't expect David Stern to discuss that rule change until the off season.

I'm sorry, but didn't this team win 63 games this year? Do they really need to go to such drastic lenghts to match up with a team that they pretty much handled this year? The Spurs might even be able to beat the Mavericks at the Mavericks style of basketball, but not with this lineup. When you need your big three guys to have great nights just to eke out a win you are in deep shinola.

Let's put it this way: If I got in a time machine, travelled to last month and read you timmy's stats for the game tonight, how many points do you think the Spurs would have won by? I would guess that the general consensus would be 15-20. You guys wouldn't believe me though, because I'd also tell you that Rasho and Nazr would combine for one minute of playing time in games three four and five, and that's just insane.

[buck harvey ending]Isn't it?[/buck harvey ending]

I hope this makes sense. I haven't been sleeping much this week. I have to force myself to watch the games, because it's so obvious what's going to happen as soon as I see the starting lineup. Dallas knows that they are the better team when the Spurs play this lineup. They know they are going to win this series and they are going to do it by double digits and have the weekend off.

05-18-2006, 03:48 AM
Premature ejaculation forum.

05-18-2006, 03:54 AM
Premature ejaculation forum.
Only if it's wrong.

05-18-2006, 03:55 AM
The boat got lighter.

05-18-2006, 03:55 AM
great thread. you are probably the only spurs fan who isnt a homer. you guys won today and some fans here are saying pop is a genius and the refs did a great job.

05-18-2006, 03:58 AM
There is a difference between being a homer and believing your team can go on the road and win a game where they played 2 incredibly close games earlier in this series. It's not like the Mavs have been blowing us out. Both teams have been playing well. The score could be 3-2 Spurs right now for what it's worth retrospectively.

I know the Spurs have a tough game ahead of them, but they are not out of this yet.

05-18-2006, 04:03 AM
Oh ye of little faith, remember I posted before that injuries change series? Well, there's a series-changing injury that a Dallas player is trying to hide that if the Spurs take advantage of, could turn this series on it's heals.

That's right, I'm talking about you Dirk.

05-18-2006, 04:03 AM
great thread. you are probably the only spurs fan who isnt a homer. you guys won today and some fans here are saying pop is a genius and the refs did a great job.
Dude, you've called me a homer a dozen times, so if you agree with something I wrote you probably just misunderstood it.

05-18-2006, 04:03 AM
you really can't say much until the series is over...seriously you make good points, but what will you say if the Spurs do come back and take it to 7... as a spurs fan just believe your team could do it...I mean look @ the Kings they thought they were actually gonna beat the spurs....but we all know that is bullshit...yet their fans were screaming for every shot made.....no matter what, believe in these guys...if not don't call yourself a Spurs or a sports fan for that matter!

05-18-2006, 04:04 AM
I know the Spurs have a tough game ahead of them, but they are not out of this yet.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-18-2006, 04:07 AM

I don't like seeing it within my field of vision.

05-18-2006, 04:17 AM
but what will you say if the Spurs do come back and take it to 7
I will say, "Boy, it's a good thing the Spurs played some defense and got all those rebounds." I'm certainly not going to be upset to see the Spurs win this series. I live for the Mark Cuban season ending frown every year. The Spurs are more than capable of dominating the next two games, but I don't think they can do it with nobody but Timmy guarding the paint. I'd be really surprised if anyone on this board thought both centers would be completely phased out of the rotation, and I'm shocked that some of you don't recognize how completely different the team is when they can't get stops. It's not like they aren't making the effort on the defensive end, but the learning curve is pretty steep having to completely change your game while going against a pretty decent team that gets incredible respect from officiating crews in their own building. What the hell do I know? Nick Van Exel got his ten minutes tonight. Maybe that's all there is to it. I just don't understand how a team with a healthy Tim Duncan feels it has to adjust to anyone else in order to win.

05-18-2006, 04:20 AM
I think your absolutely right. If the Spurs try and play small-ball in Dallas they will lose.

05-18-2006, 04:21 AM
I just don't understand how a team with a healthy Tim Duncan feels it has to adjust to anyone else in order to win.

True, I think Pop is a fool for adjusting to AJ instead of the other way around. But we have another great chance on Friday to extend this series. If we play like we played the whole 4th quarter, and Manu is aggressive and goes after loose balls, makes steals and forces jumpballs when he can, then I believe we'll win the game. Just take it one game at a time, one quarter at a time, one possession at a time. I think the next game will be awesome.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-18-2006, 04:23 AM
True, I think Pop is a fool for adjusting to AJ instead of the other way around. But we have another great chance on Friday to extend this series. If we play like we played the whole 4th quarter, and Manu is aggressive and goes after loose balls, makes steals and forces jumpballs when he can, then I believe we'll win the game. Just take it one game at a time, one quarter at a time, one possession at a time. I think the next game will be awesome.

05-18-2006, 04:23 AM
Pop did what he had to do to survive this long, but circumstances change. It may be time for the Spurs to pull out the big-guns.

05-18-2006, 04:23 AM
I think your absolutely right. If the Spurs try and play small-ball in Dallas they will lose.
That's all I'm saying. Take the team the way they've been playing all year and suddenly add 10-15 points to Timmy's line. I absolutely believe the team can win, but having Finley as your starting power forward just drives me nuts.

SA Gunslinger
05-18-2006, 04:24 AM
You have to morph to beat your opponent. It's all about matchups. How would you matchup with Dirk if you play Nazr or Rasho?

05-18-2006, 04:25 AM
True, I think Pop is a fool for adjusting to AJ instead of the other way around. But we have another great chance on Friday to extend this series. If we play like we played the whole 4th quarter, and Manu is aggressive and goes after loose balls, makes steals and forces jumpballs when he can, then I believe we'll win the game. Just take it one game at a time, one quarter at a time, one possession at a time. I think the next game will be awesome.
Manu is the king of winning time, but you gotta slow somebody down eventually. It's insane watching the Spurs go up 10 and thinking "it'll be back to three in about a minute". You have to get some cushion to win a game 5 on 8, and believe me, the Spurs will be playing 5 on 8 Friday.

Buddy Holly
05-18-2006, 04:28 AM
View, does the fact that the Spurs lost those two games in Dallas on bogus calls lose itself to you?

05-18-2006, 04:34 AM
I've been watching game film, and Dirk can't drive to the right, his right-ankle is done after half-time. So Tim Duncan can easily guard either Dirk or Stackhouse, and cheat on D. That would put either Rasho or Nazr on Dallas big-men and effectively close many of the driving lanes in the middle. It would be a bold move, but I figure what do the Spurs have to lose?

05-18-2006, 04:35 AM
You have to morph to beat your opponent. It's all about matchups. How would you matchup with Dirk if you play Nazr or Rasho?
You don't have to morph to beat an inferior opponent. A good team says "this is what I do, try to stop it."

To answer your question, you match up Bowen on Dirk, just like you did when Dirk went 3-13 in the regular season win where Rasho and Nazr still managed to combine for 16 points and 12 rebounds in a game where Duncan WASN'T dominating everybody that tried to defend him. You have your centers keeping the offensive rebounders off the glass. You have your centers challenging shots inside the paint. You have your centers cover Dirk on occasion, knowing that Duncan and Bowen and Manu are there to roam and double and confuse him. In short, you play exactly the same way that kept you from losing three in a row the entire year. AJ abandoned his defensive philosophy after one loss because he doesn't have any faith in it, but he still has two seven footers in the game at almost all times. Dirk doesn't really play defense like a seven footer, so this matchup problem everyone keeps mentioning doesn't make sense. The Mavericks would not be scoring more points than they have if one of the centers were in there instead of Barry or Finley, and you'd have some quality guys coming in to fill the roles they've had all year.

05-18-2006, 04:37 AM
View, does the fact that the Spurs lost those two games in Dallas on bogus calls lose itself to you?
What exactly does the term "5 on 8" mean to you? In order to take the officiating out of the game, you have to play well enough to keep it from being a factor. Going small and not playing defense is not the best way to keep that from happening. If you know ahead of time you are going to get mugged when you go down a certain street, you should probably make sure you are armed before you go there.

05-18-2006, 04:38 AM
Defense has been a joke at both ends of the floor this series.

All that talk about the Mavs newfound "defensive mindset" is all hogwash.
Spurs have been ripping these guys a new one offensively but b/c we can't play defense for a damn they are ripping us right back.

05-18-2006, 04:38 AM
i'm all for trying out the bigs to start the game and seeing what develops, but it's game 6 and a must win, if the spurs start out bad w/ the bigs then that is a bad move. so far we have gotten off to pretty decent starts w/ our small line-up...let's just try to finish these guys off however we can...play Beno atleast a few minutes....he's the type of player that would score a quiet 10-15 pts w/out anyone realizing it but spurs fans...that's what we need ...a little effort from everyone on the court not just the main 3 and 1 guy off the bench.... :flag:

05-18-2006, 04:42 AM
Seriously though, once we get a lead going, throw in the bigs and play lockdown, suffocating D like the Pistons of last year, where we cradle each possession like a baby.

Buddy Holly
05-18-2006, 04:42 AM
What exactly does the term "5 on 8" mean to you? In order to take the officiating out of the game, you have to play well enough to keep it from being a factor.

It wasn't 5 on 8.

It was us making the little mistakes in the end that cost us the games, just like the little mistakes that nearly cost us the game tonight.

05-18-2006, 04:43 AM
Defense has been a joke at both ends of the floor this series.

All that talk about the Mavs newfound "defensive mindset" is all hogwash.
Spurs have been ripping these guys a new one offensively but b/c we can't play defense for a damn they are ripping us right back.
It's really kind of depressing. When faced with a little adversity, the Mavs went back to what they do best. When faced with a little adversity, the Spurs abandoned what they do best in order to try to beat their opponent at the opponent's game. You don't stand in the middle of the ring and try to slug it out with a puncher, especially if you are the best boxer around.

05-18-2006, 04:48 AM
It wasn't 5 on 8.

It was us making the little mistakes in the end that cost us the games, just like the little mistakes that nearly cost us the game tonight.
We can argue about it forever. The bottom line is scoring fewer points than the opponent cost them the games, and playing defense and getting stops is better than getting baskets because it also erodes the opponent's confidence at the end of a game. If a guy flies past you all night and knows you can't guard him, he's going to have a shitload of confidence and energy at the end of a game. If a guy has to fight and scratch for every single point he's gotten, has been repeatedly denied at the rim and knows he not only has to get past you, but he has to get past the guy behind you, it's a completely different story.

Buddy Holly
05-18-2006, 04:50 AM
It was scoring fewer points than the opponent that cost them games,

Yes, and do you know what got us to score less than ouf opponent?

The unforced turnovers, the silly shots, the bad defense.

05-18-2006, 04:51 AM
Neither do I (in Small Ball)

05-18-2006, 05:00 AM
Yes, and do you know what got us to score less than ouf opponent?

The unforced turnovers, the silly shots, the bad defense.
Did you actually read any of my posts? Have I once said that the Spurs need more offense?

The turnovers and FG% in this series are virtually identical to the regular season, so it all comes down to number three. You need shot blocking, you need rebounding, and you need size in the paint. If nothing else, you are going to need a freaking center later in the playoffs.

05-18-2006, 07:34 AM
The truth hurts. Excellent post. Hoping the Spurs win and KNOWING they can are two completely different things. For the most part, you are not going to out-Dallas Dallas. I am happy they won last night's game, but a victory in that fashion should not give anyone supreme confidence. Dallas has played this way for a long time, and the Spurs have always done well against them playing good old fashioned Spurs lockdown defense basketball- why is Pop scrapping the system now? I can't believe Pop WON'T EVEN TRY try to let the Spurs impose their will against this smallball crap-a zone, anything that let's the Spurs have some semblance of the defense that won three championships. Win or lose, Popovich is apparently going to do this Avery Johnson's way. It sucks.

05-18-2006, 07:44 AM
I was actually a bit miffed that Pop didn't try to insert a big (Rasho, Nazr) in the lineup when they were up by 10 just to see if that would spread the score even more. For whatever reason, tho, he has decided to stick with the small lineup. In the end, I think it will cost him. Yes, the Spurs have played Dallas tough in Dallas, and, yes, the Spurs won G5 (barely), but this is going back to Dallas where we won't have the luxary of the calls again, and, more importantly, where the Spurs have yet to win in this series. Tough chore ahead of them.

05-18-2006, 07:45 AM
Obstructed View, NBAdan, you speak the truth and you enunciate it clearly. I unreservedly agree. Playing small ball against the Mavs is like slow-playing pocket AAs - you are just asking for the draw to beat you because you are playing his game! Sometimes you luck out, but you also lose more often than you should - see games 3 and 4 in Dallas.

Pop, please play SPURS BASKETBALL in game 6. Make them shoot the lights out to beat us, but cream them whenever they come inside and dominate the boards. Use Dirk's ankle against him, have the smalls run their arses off hassling Terry and Harris and funnelling them into our bigs, just like we've done for years.

With small ball we may win game 6, but it's a coin toss when it should be a power play.



Dark Matter
05-18-2006, 07:46 AM
I will say, "Boy, it's a good thing the Spurs played some defense and got all those rebounds."

Small ball or not, game over. We don't need to play small ball if we can't play "OUR" game. Our game is "DEFENSE".

05-18-2006, 07:47 AM
You will forgive me if I don't give up just yet.

05-18-2006, 07:55 AM
CIA Pop pulls one out of the hat in Game 6.

Poor mavericks. :depressed :depressed

05-18-2006, 08:02 AM
CIA Pop pulls one out of the hat in Game 6.

Poor mavericks. :depressed :depressed

I certainly hope you're right. People were all over my ass for predicting a VERY narrow Spurs victory in G5 (<5pt win, or loss), and that's just what happened. G5 was THE game for them to come out with vigor and a sense of domination. Instead, they had to rely on a Dirk miscue in the last 2 secs for a victory. They HAD to when this game by 10, 15, 20+ pts to help them mentally prepare for G6. And while I'm going to root for them in G6 like I've done for 10+ years before, I almost have to feel they are in a very tough position now.

From what I can tell, the lines haven't surfaced yet for the game, but I'm thinking Vegas will be on Dallas' jock for G6.

Extra Stout
05-18-2006, 08:09 AM
Game 6 likely will go down to the wire again.

But ask yourselves -- in a series like this, where winning has more to do with offensive execution than with defense, who's in better shape in a close game? Who is likelier to make that last shot?

05-18-2006, 08:44 AM
I will be rooting for the Spurs in game 6 but I completely agree with ObstructedView. If we continue to play small-ball, we will lose for all the reasons stated.

05-18-2006, 09:06 AM
True, I think Pop is a fool for adjusting to AJ instead of the other way around. But we have another great chance on Friday to extend this series. If we play like we played the whole 4th quarter, and Manu is aggressive and goes after loose balls, makes steals and forces jumpballs when he can, then I believe we'll win the game. Just take it one game at a time, one quarter at a time, one possession at a time. I think the next game will be awesome.
I don't think Manu can play through the four quarters without being fouled out. Those ref in Dallas are Cuban's tools. If SPURS can't build a 15 pt lead, they will not win. Come on, in today's game, did everyone see how quickly the 10pt lead vanished. The SPURS players are great but small ball makes the team suffer from defense. However, it will be too late to switch back to big ball.

05-18-2006, 09:08 AM
I won't go as far as to say we can't win with small ball, but it's definitely taking years off my life watching the Spurs' ineptitude at keeping the Mavericks out of the paint. The easiest play in basketball is against a team with only one big man on the floor... Make that big switch onto someone who will pull him out of the paint, shoot the ball and crash the boards for the easy putback. It's worked almost every time for the Mavericks, and fortunately one of the only times it didn't work was on the last play of Game 5.

05-18-2006, 09:09 AM
Game 6 likely will go down to the wire again.

But ask yourselves -- in a series like this, where winning has more to do with offensive execution than with defense, who's in better shape in a close game? Who is likelier to make that last shot?

You've gone way past the mark, here. If the Spurs allow what you describe above, it means they aren't using the defense that won them three titles and 63 games to win, which means they aren't putting themselves in the best position to win. In a series where winning has more to do with offensive execution, the Spurs have already flown the white flag.

The two games the Spurs won, they won because of good individual defensive plays, not last shots. That should tell you something. The Spurs should be sitting at home waiting for the Clippers right now. Instead they are trying to prove they can beat the Mavericks with their seven footers tied behind their back. Even AJ isn't stupid enough to do the same.

05-18-2006, 09:19 AM
I don't think Manu can play through the four quarters without being fouled out. Those ref in Dallas are Cuban's tools. If SPURS can't build a 15 pt lead, they will not win. Come on, in today's game, did everyone see how quickly the 10pt lead vanished. The SPURS players are great but small ball makes the team suffer from defense. However, it will be too late to switch back to big ball.
In other words, the great game from Timmy and Tony wasn't enough without heroics from Manu, yet the Spurs still only managed to win by one point at home with a 12 free throw advantage and had to make three incredible defensive plays right at the end just to win the game because Jason Terry and Dirk happened to miss two shots in the last second of the game. If the Spurs play the way they did in the fourth quarter for the whole game, numerically they lose by 8. At home. The Spurs are playing Phoenix Suns "no lead is safe" basketball. It's terrible to watch, and I'm sure ESPN thinks it's great. As a Spurs fan, it sucks. Pop has been so completely outcoached my wife wondered aloud if he owes AJ a favor.

Extra Stout
05-18-2006, 09:25 AM
You've gone way past the mark, here. If the Spurs allow what you describe above, it means they aren't using the defense that won them three titles and 63 games to win, which means they aren't putting themselves in the best position to win. In a series where winning has more to do with offensive execution, the Spurs have already flown the white flag.

The two games the Spurs won, they won because of good individual defensive plays, not last shots. That should tell you something. The Spurs should be sitting at home waiting for the Clippers right now. Instead they are trying to prove they can beat the Mavericks with their seven footers tied behind their back. Even AJ isn't stupid enough to do the same.
I didn't go way past the mark. I was agreeing with you. Pop has resigned himself to playing this way. Maybe he's wrong. Or maybe Rasho and Nazr simply suck too bad to get on the floor, and Horry has played so much to compensate for the combined craptasticness of Nazrovic that he's all worn out a la 2002-03, and Pop has no choice but to play the only other guys he has.

Regardless, these types of games favor Dallas. They can put five guys on the floor who can create their own shot, or break down what little is left of the Spurs' defense, and they can do it quickly. The Spurs have three guys who can do that.

Spurs Dynasty
05-18-2006, 09:25 AM
I agree that SPurs need to "dance with the one that brung um" to the dance.... defense. However, i am not writing them off due to this change in tactics. I am baffled as to why Pop made this change, but he is paid millions to coach the NBA champs and has 3 champ rings....
... and we armchair quarterback in forums.

05-18-2006, 09:28 AM
... and we armchair quarterback in forums.

Most of us drinking a few beers during the game as well.

Not for me, I gave up drinking...

...sobriety, it's a different world.

05-18-2006, 09:31 AM

Petition to Stop Small Ball...Sign it

05-18-2006, 09:36 AM

Petition to Stop Small Ball...Sign it

Wow, an online petition...those never fail!

Rick Von Braun
05-18-2006, 09:41 AM
I agree with most in this thread.

I will be rooting for them to win, and I'll be very happy if they comeback in the series and eliminate Dallas. I have not given up, and I think there is still a chance.

However, this no defense crap has to stop. Winning or losing, there is one thing quite clear: Pop has been outcoached so far in the series.

The most ridicule thing is that the Spurs are not able to impose their pace and their style in the game. They must force Dallas to adjust to them, not the other way around.

Spurs were always able to get 4 consecutive stops when they needed it at critical parts of the game, and shutdown the opponent. The current Spurs' defense is a sponge... holes everywhere.

If we win this series, I can see the Pop's homers in this board saying Pop was great, his adjustment were increadible, small ball rules, and continue hanging on his balls. If games 6 and 7 go down the wire and the Spurs are not able to produce stops, in my book Pop has been outcoached, win or lose. If Pop presents a team with two real frontcourt players guarding the paint and the Spurs start playing hard-nodes D, then I'll change my tune.

These are sad times for those that like hard-nosed defense, box out, rebounding and defensive intensity.

Go Spurs Go.

05-18-2006, 09:42 AM
I didn't go way past the mark. I was agreeing with you.
My point was this: When you allow a "winning has more to do with offensive execution" series, you've already lost the war. Besides, the Spurs' offensive execution is better with their conventional lineup, if for no other reason than it keeps Manu from fouling out.

05-18-2006, 09:43 AM
Your concerns are the concerns of many Spurs fans who are scratching their heads at Pop's strategy. I wouldn't go so far as to rule out a Spurs victory in this series, but it is definitley a bigger mountain to climb without the bigs. I can understand Pop losing faith in Nazr because the man keeps disappointing with his bad ball-handling, but Rasho is pretty reliable as a ball handler and as a defender. Nowitzki is playing very well with an injury and still Pop is afraid. The Little General has been given a free reign as to who he can use---even so far as using KVH, and still Pop has to react rather than act.
The Spurs can play excellent small ball for limited minutes (the regular season game against Phoenix in 2005 comes to mind, but that fantastic fourth quarter involved PASSING and SHARING the ball and a super human effort from Manu), but I still feel that this tempo is perfect for Dallas more than for San Antonio.
The analysts on TNT have made some remarks about the Spurs new style, but they are holding back. If the Spurs lose playing Dallasstyle football, I expect the analysts to absolutely roast Popovich for giving up on what he is best known for---DEFENSE.

05-18-2006, 09:46 AM
Sorry, not footbal---basketball. That was a Freudian slip.

05-18-2006, 10:25 AM
You've gone way past the mark, here. If the Spurs allow what you describe above, it means they aren't using the defense that won them three titles and 63 games to win, which means they aren't putting themselves in the best position to win. In a series where winning has more to do with offensive execution, the Spurs have already flown the white flag.

The two games the Spurs won, they won because of good individual defensive plays, not last shots. That should tell you something. The Spurs should be sitting at home waiting for the Clippers right now. Instead they are trying to prove they can beat the Mavericks with their seven footers tied behind their back. Even AJ isn't stupid enough to do the same.

More of the truth.

C'mon CIA Pop, time to pull out a Rasho-Nazr-Duncan-Horry-Ginobili lineup and grind them into the ground! :spin

But seriously. Start Rasho, rotate the guys on Dirk and attack his bad ankle, see if it works, go from there.

Pop's blindness on this is out of wack with his excellent coaching since 2003... maybe he knows something we don't? But still, none of us can see it, so I think in this case he's the insane one.

Oh, and chain NVE to the bench, PLEASE. Free Beno if needs be, just don't do it in the last 2 mins of the quarter.

05-18-2006, 10:27 AM
The Little General has been given a free reign as to who he can use---even so far as using KVH, and still Pop has to react rather than act.

He came in cause Diop and Dampier were on the edge of foul trouble in the first half. It wasn't cause of luxury. Even after Van Horn came in, he got...what, 4 fouls in 3 minutes.

05-18-2006, 11:16 AM
I definitely wouldn’t go as far as to say that we can’t win with small ball. However, I don’t think anyone would argue that if you play small ball then it will be a close game and you have to rely on getting a good “bounce” or “call” at the end of the game to win…and we all know how hard its going to be to get a good bounce or call in Dallas. So why not give Spurs ball a chance? I’m not saying commit to it the entire game but at least give it a shot. Put another big in there and give Duncan some minutes on Dirk. Yeah, yeah…I know Duncan will get in foul trouble and Dirk will blow past him. But, are you forgetting that 1) Dirk is playing on a hurt ankle 2) Duncan is playing out off this world and 3) that Dirk is a puss. Dirk will get past Duncan sometimes, but so what, have your other big defending the paint give him a “good hard playoff foul”. Keep this up over 1Q and you can guarantee Dirk will turn into the Dirk of old…the sackless 7ft wonder who wouldn’t come anywhere near the paint.

05-18-2006, 11:37 AM
If fucking Tim Duncan can't handle some time guarding Dirk, the Spurs have no chance anyway. What happened to the days when the superstars actually went head to head? Besides, Dirk isn't the one beating this team, it's that red carpet the Spurs are rolling out to the rim.

05-18-2006, 11:47 AM
If fucking Tim Duncan can't handle some time guarding Dirk, the Spurs have no chance anyway. What happened to the days when the superstars actually went head to head? Besides, Dirk isn't the one beating this team, it's that red carpet the Spurs are rolling out to the rim.

You read my mind. I would like to see Dirk v TD. But I dont know how often or how long that will last. I think both would easily pile up fouls bc both of them can score at will on each other, but Dirk is the weaker defender and I'm sure AJ knows that so he isnt trying to have that happen either.

The red carpet has been laid since game 2 - I still attribute that to Harris who is not afraid to get to the interior of the Spurs D or lack thereof lately. Maybe this series is too concerned with 1 on 1 defending rather than team defending? Maybe each team is more concerned with guarding the big three rather than the small ppl. Both teams have a great bench and can pull any random player out for a lil amount of time.

Game 6 is crucial to both teams - and I dont think either of the teams have the luxury to say "one ball, once bounce" or "the lil things" ... its time to execute them and I think both teams will come to play Fri/Sat. But thats just my 2.

05-18-2006, 11:51 AM
Game 5 was a win....but it's fool's gold.

If we play the same way like game 5, we will get beaten in Dallas.

The lane defense by the Spurs, especially in the 1st 3 quarters, was nauseating.

05-18-2006, 11:56 AM
You read my mind. I would like to see Dirk v TD. But I dont know how often or how long that will last.

Dirk would light 'em up from the outside, and Tim would have a field day inside. Point advantage to Dirk with the 3's until he fouls out trying to defend Duncan.

05-18-2006, 12:04 PM
Start Rasho!!

Throw them off!!

05-18-2006, 12:51 PM
Dirk's right ankle is done after half-time, he can't explode to the right, that's when putting Timmy on him may not be as costly. Then the Spurs can play either Nazr or Rasho on Dallas's centers without there being 'switching difficulties'. Also, there is no need to double Dirk in the middle from the right side. If he goes right, he's only gonna take one step and pull up and shoot or pass, too quick for the trapping defenders to do any good, and it leaves a man open.

Also, if the Spurs swing the ball to the left, then swing it to the right, and have Manu play on the right-side (Dirk's side on D), instead of the left, that lane is gonna be open all-night long, because Dirk just has no explosiveness on his right leg. This is what led to the tremendous Finley dunk, and I was surprised more Spurs haven't taken advantage of it. The only thing I can surmise is that the Spurs haven't noticed this trend on game film yet.

05-18-2006, 01:19 PM
If fucking Tim Duncan can't handle some time guarding Dirk, the Spurs have no chance anyway. What happened to the days when the superstars actually went head to head? Besides, Dirk isn't the one beating this team, it's that red carpet the Spurs are rolling out to the rim.
Couldn't agree more.
Spurs have 2 time MVP, 3 time NBA champion, 3 time NBA finals MVP, NBA All-star game MVP, 9 time All NBA team memeber (8 1st team, 1 2nd team), 9 time All-Defensive team member (6 1st team, 3 2nd team), only player in NBA history to recive All-NBA and All-Defensive honours in his first 9 seasons.... and now somebody is thinking that this man can't stop Dirk.

Fuck small ball.

05-18-2006, 01:27 PM
Couldn't agree more.
Spurs have 2 time MVP, 3 time NBA champion, 3 time NBA finals MVP, NBA All-star game MVP, 9 time All NBA team memeber (8 1st team, 1 2nd team), 9 time All-Defensive team member (6 1st team, 3 2nd team), only player in NBA history to recive All-NBA and All-Defensive honours in his first 9 seasons.... and now somebody is thinking that this man can't stop Dirk.

Fuck small ball.
:clap :clap :clap :tu

05-18-2006, 01:27 PM
Dirk's right ankle is done after half-time, he can't explode to the right, that's when putting Timmy on him may not be as costly. Then the Spurs can play either Nazr or Rasho on Dallas's centers without there being 'switching difficulties'. Also, there is no need to double Dirk in the middle from the right side. If he goes right, he's only gonna take one step and pull up and shoot or pass, too quick for the trapping defenders to do any good, and it leaves a man open.

Also, if the Spurs swing the ball to the left, then swing it to the right, and have Manu play on the right-side (Dirk's side on D), instead of the left, that lane is gonna be open all-night long, because Dirk just has no explosiveness on his right leg. This is what led to the tremendous Finley dunk, and I was surprised more Spurs haven't taken advantage of it. The only thing I can surmise is that the Spurs haven't noticed this trend on game film yet.

What the hell are you talking about? You really think you've noticed something on "film" that the coaches and other players haven't seen yet? Dirk's ankle is fine. I've seen you post this drivel on a number of other threads and you've been incorrect every time.

05-18-2006, 02:08 PM
Couldn't agree more.
Spurs have 2 time MVP, 3 time NBA champion, 3 time NBA finals MVP, NBA All-star game MVP, 9 time All NBA team memeber (8 1st team, 1 2nd team), 9 time All-Defensive team member (6 1st team, 3 2nd team), only player in NBA history to recive All-NBA and All-Defensive honours in his first 9 seasons.... and now somebody is thinking that this man can't stop Dirk.

Fuck small ball.

05-18-2006, 02:17 PM
People who think that the Spurs should play their own game and make the Mavericks adjust are arrogant. These are not Jordon's Bulls. They do not run roughshod over the entire league. There are other elite teams like the Pistons and these very Mavs we are playing now who are just as good. It's all about adjustments. What the hell do you think the Spurs did last year? When they played the Suns, all the sudden they were running, fast-breaking fools. That's how they beat them. Cus as many points as the suns scored in some of those games, they sure as hell weren't beating them with defense. They beat them at their own game. The difference between that series and this one is the Mavs are way, WAY better than those Suns.

Put Rasho or Nazr in for defense, you say? OK, what if Nazr causes an 8-pt swing like he did in the last game he played? With the games as close as they are, even one minute of Nazr could mean the difference between winning and losing.

05-18-2006, 02:34 PM
People who think that the Spurs should play their own game and make the Mavericks adjust are arrogant

How does not liking small ball make you arrogant? Cant posters have difference of opinions? Or do we all have to like the Jim Jones Kool-Aid?

05-18-2006, 02:36 PM
It is arrogant to assume the Spurs are so much better than the Mavs that they can disreguard their game.

05-18-2006, 02:36 PM
What the hell are you talking about? You really think you've noticed something on "film" that the coaches and other players haven't seen yet? Dirk's ankle is fine. I've seen you post this drivel on a number of other threads and you've been incorrect every time.

Yeah, that's why a 6'8 ninja blocked the shot of a 7'0 caveman.


Or it could be because the 7'0 caveman was going right and has nothing left in that right foot. He might as well be playing on one leg.

05-18-2006, 02:38 PM
Yeah, that's why a 6'8 ninja blocked the shot of a 7'0 caveman.


Or it could be because the 7'0 caveman was going right and has nothing left in that right foot. He might as well be playing on one leg.

It was a good block and was well-timed. But that has absolutely nothing to do with any trumped-up injury that lives on in your head as the Mavs Kryptonite.

PS - Bowen is 6'7".

05-18-2006, 02:42 PM
Well, timed? :lol Go back and look at the second half of game 5 and tell me how many times Dirk scored by going right.

I'll give you a hint, it rymths with hero.

05-18-2006, 02:43 PM
PS - Bowen is 6'7".

6'7" or 6'8" he still Blocked the Shit out of that Ball!!!

05-18-2006, 02:49 PM
Well, timed? :lol Go back and look at the second half of game 5 and tell me how many times Dirk scored by going right.

I'll give you a hint, it rymths with hero.

Dickhead - it was well-timed in the way that he caught the ball at the right point in Dirk's arc of shooting.

You're right. Dirk absolutely, positively can NOT go to his right AT ALL. Why even bother putting him out there for all those minutes. Hey everyone! This guy's figured out how the beat the Mavericks all by himself! He's seen the "tape"! THE TAPE! Dirk can't go to the right!

05-18-2006, 02:50 PM
People who think that the Spurs should play their own game and make the Mavericks adjust are arrogant. These are not Jordon's Bulls. They do not run roughshod over the entire league. There are other elite teams like the Pistons and these very Mavs we are playing now who are just as good. It's all about adjustments. What the hell do you think the Spurs did last year? When they played the Suns, all the sudden they were running, fast-breaking fools. That's how they beat them. Cus as many points as the suns scored in some of those games, they sure as hell weren't beating them with defense. They beat them at their own game. The difference between that series and this one is the Mavs are way, WAY better than those Suns.

Put Rasho or Nazr in for defense, you say? OK, what if Nazr causes an 8-pt swing like he did in the last game he played? With the games as close as they are, even one minute of Nazr could mean the difference between winning and losing.

You dare to compare Suns of 2005 with Mavs of 2006 and call me arrogant?
Mavs of 06 are not run&gun Suns, they play well on both ends. Since Spurs were never known as offensive team in scoring aginst Mavs much harder than aginst no-D Suns.

05-18-2006, 02:53 PM
You dare to compare Suns of 2005 with Mavs of 2006 and call me arrogant?
Mavs of 06 are not run&gun Suns, they play well on both ends. Since Spurs were never known as offensive team in scoring aginst Mavs much harder than aginst no-D Suns.

Did you comprehend my post, or read what you wanted to? I did NOT compare the two teams. I simply used last year's Suns series as proof that the Spurs adjusting how they play for a team is NOTHING NEW. So why are people bitching abou them doing it in this series? If the Spurs dont play small ball, they get killed this series. Period.

05-18-2006, 03:08 PM
Small ball is here to stay for the Spurs in this series. We can all forget about Rasho and what he would bring to a game because barring some huge unforseen circumstances, we're not gonig to see him. I'm done waiting for him because it just is not going to happen.

But I think this is a retarded thread. You don't believe? Well yippie fucking doo da. No one can predict the future so no one knows what the outcome of the next game is going to be. However, making a thread saying you don't believe then saying numerous times in the thread that you feel they have a chance. That doesn't really reconcile with me, but whatever. You either believe they have a chance or you believe they will lose but I don't really think you can believe both.

In games 3 and 4, I saw the Spurs come within single possesions of victory where there were several factors against them. In this series I've seen Tim Duncan play with more desire than I've seen in years if EVER. I've seen the Spurs fail to step up and make plays at the end of games which caused them to lose.

It is going to be a close game. We're going to be in it. And someone on this team is going to have a chance to win the game. Whether or not someone is going to step up and complete that challenge, I coudln't tell you.

What I can tell you is this. I have faith in them because they've been there before. If Manu missed 99 game winning shots in a row, I'd go back to him for #100 because thats how much I believe that he can come through in that situation.

I don't know if we'd have a better chance with Rasho. But I do know that we have a good chance as it is. I know that people are eager to convince themselves its over to prevent a letdown, but I don't believe its over. If a letdown comes, then so be it. But if the victory comes, its going to be damn sweet. And there's a reason the Mavericks keep saying they are thinking of each game as a game 7. It is because they realize how quickly they can lose this series. They understand that coming back here for a game 7 is a dramatic step backwards for them. They haven't gotten the Spurs monkey off their back just yet, and its one big fucknig monkey.

Spurs in seven with small ball, Spurs in seven with bigs, Spurs in seven regardless.

05-18-2006, 03:19 PM
Spurs won't win with small ball in Dallas. They won't get the calls and/or Dallas will hit their shots.

Dirk's injury gives the Spurs a chance to play 3 bigs. Horry/Oberto on Dirk, Rasho/Nazr on the Dallas big-men, and Tim can be free to switch between Stack/Howard. That would make Dallas a jump-shooting team for the most part, and I like those chances much better than trying to win with small-ball in Dallas.

05-18-2006, 03:23 PM
Why do people think the Spurs can't win with small ball in Dallas? They came within one shot of doing so in two games, DESPITE the refs. And in case you hadn't noticed, the smallballers were playing pretty good D in the 4th last night. I expect that to carry over tomorrow.

05-18-2006, 03:24 PM
Within one shot yet they're so damn sure. ONE FUCKING SHOT. ONE FREE THROW. ONE DEFENSIVE REBOUND.

Fine, don't believe. It really doesn't mean shit. I just think its retarted to talk as though they can't when its so damn obvious they CAN.

05-18-2006, 03:34 PM
Why do people think the Spurs can't win with small ball in Dallas? They came within one shot of doing so in two games, DESPITE the refs. And in case you hadn't noticed, the smallballers were playing pretty good D in the 4th last night. I expect that to carry over tomorrow.

Your gonna have to have a little faith, if the Spurs play strictly small-ball in Dallas, they will lose. Dallas has the youth, athleticism, and at home they'll get the calls.

05-18-2006, 03:55 PM
One should never count off a team with a player that has zero points, zero shots, one rebound,
and wins the game by blocking the shot of someone 6 inches taller.

05-18-2006, 09:22 PM
Skank, you are obviously an idiot who has never rolled his ankle. I have, 34 times over the past 16 years including type 1, 2 and 3 sprains and 2 torn ligaments, and I can tell you that even a type 1 sprain (the lowest injury level) hurts for weeks and takes away your explosiveness and confidence from that leg.

Try getting a clue.

Nice work nbadan.

05-18-2006, 09:25 PM
I think your absolutely right. If the Spurs try and play small-ball in Dallas they will lose.

It worked in games three and four. Some questionable calls got Dallas the wins. Small ball isn't all that bad. They played good defense last night.

05-18-2006, 09:26 PM
Manny, dude, I love you, but climb down from the precipice. No-one in this thread (except nbadan) is unequivocally saying we can't win, most are saying that we stand far less of a chance playing the way we are than playing SPURS BASKETBALL, the basis of our success over the last 7 seasons. Small ball is playing their way, and it just makes NO SENSE, especially as one of their best shooters is out.

The title of this thread is poor and misleading, but the analysis is actually spot on. Did you read obstructedview's posts because they speak the truth.

And when it comes down to it, winning basketball games isn't a FAITH-BASED activity, it is about playing better basketball than the opponent. Right now we are jousting with the Mavs without our lance.


05-19-2006, 03:48 PM
It is arrogant FOR THE SPURS to assume they are so much better than the Mavs that they can disreguard their OWN game and still win.

Fixed it for ya.

Arrogance isn't arrogance if you can back it up. If the Spurs weren't playing small ball, the Spurs would have won this series in four or five games. Conservatively, the Spurs big rotation would take three or four of the layups and maybe one or two of the wide open threes away from the Mavericks and maybe throw in a block or two and maybe an extra steal leading to a fast break bucket. Multiply that by each game and this series becomes a joke.

You also don't remember the series against Phoenix last year. The Spurs guarded the shit out of the three point line, and the Suns couldn't score enough on the inside to counteract it. Ironically, it's the exact same formula that's making the Spurs look so easy to beat, even for an inept bunch like the Mavs, who are one stupid mistake from having swept Spurs smallball.

Another correction of your memory: Rasho and Nazr averaged 24 minutes per game in that series. That's a far far fucking cry from the one minute they logged in the last three games.

05-19-2006, 03:51 PM
All I know, is that we'll all be happy tonight. Lets get this party started.

05-19-2006, 03:51 PM
I NEVER said the Spurs played small ball in the PHX series :madrun

WTF, can you guys not comprehend my post? I said the PHX series was proof that the Spurs have adjusted their game because of their opponant in the past. This is NOTHING new. I defy you to tell me where I said the Spurs played small ball or didn't play their bigs in that series.

05-19-2006, 03:54 PM
Why do people think the Spurs can't win with small ball in Dallas? They came within one shot of doing so in two games, DESPITE the refs. And in case you hadn't noticed, the smallballers were playing pretty good D in the 4th last night. I expect that to carry over tomorrow.
Also expect the scoring drought of the eight Spurs that totaled five points combined in the last game to continue, as they continue to struggle to try to fill roles they haven't been asked to fill all year.

05-19-2006, 03:59 PM
I NEVER said the Spurs played small ball in the PHX series :madrun

WTF, can you guys not comprehend my post? I said the PHX series was proof that the Spurs have adjusted their game because of their opponant in the past. This is NOTHING new. I defy you to tell me where I said the Spurs played small ball or didn't play their bigs in that series.

When they played the Suns, all the sudden they were running, fast-breaking fools. That's how they beat them. Cus as many points as the suns scored in some of those games, they sure as hell weren't beating them with defense. They beat them at their own game.I was taking issue with the fact that you think the Spurs didn't play defense in that series, which just couldn't be more wrong. The Spurs held Phoenix to 20 points in the first quarter in games one and two and had a ten point lead. In game 3 the Spurs held Phoenix to ten points in the second quarter. In game 4 they didn't have a good defensive quarter and they lost. The Spurs were running off turnovers and missed shots. That's something that's difficult to when the other team goes right to the rim and shoots layups.

The spurs have tweaked their game plan because of opponents before. Until this year, I'd never seen them completely abandon it.

05-19-2006, 04:04 PM
I never said they didnt play defense. I said that that is not how they beat them. They beat them by adjusting their game.

We will just have to agree to disagree on small ball in this series. I just hope you are not one of those fans that would rather the Spurs lose to be proven right than them win and prove you wrong.

Tony-Go MAVS
05-19-2006, 04:05 PM
in Small Ball®

I'm sorry, but didn't this team win 63 games this year? Do they really need to go to such drastic lenghts to match up with a team that they pretty much handled this year?

Did the Spurs really handle the Mavs this years??? Don't really think so. You spurs fans are crazy. Face it...your season's over, and I'm glad you can realize it...nice posts!!!

05-19-2006, 04:13 PM
Did the Spurs really handle the Mavs this years??? Don't really think so. You spurs fans are crazy. Face it...your season's over, and I'm glad you can realize it...nice posts!!!
First of all, this thread is not for you, fuck off.

Did the Spurs handle the Mavs? Absolutely. The game that mattered was the one on March second, and the Spurs completely dominated that game, despite giving the Mavs a double digit head start. The Spurs had the division and the tie breaker pretty much in hand by that last game, regardless of what you want to say it meant. You are a moron, but that's not surprising, since you've only been following basketball for a couple of years at most.

05-19-2006, 04:17 PM
I never said they didnt play defense. I said that that is not how they beat them. They beat them by adjusting their game.
Sorry, I guess I misunderstood your meaning when you said "they sure as hell weren't beating them with defense". Come to think of it, I guess I still don't get it.

We will just have to agree to disagree on small ball in this series. I just hope you are not one of those fans that would rather the Spurs lose to be proven right than them win and prove you wrong.
Why on earth would I ever want the team to lose? If I wanted them to fucking lose I'd be going rah rah rah for smallball instead of pointing it out as the most collosal fuckup in Spurs playoff history. I just figured I'd be better off posting my thoughts before the game instead of waiting until after tonight's loss to post "I knew smallball was a mistake".

05-19-2006, 04:20 PM
I get you OV. But there are some fans on here who would rather the Spurs lose and be right than have then win and be wrong. You didnt strike me as one of those, but I wanted to be sure.

05-19-2006, 05:07 PM
I get you OV. But there are some fans on here who would rather the Spurs lose and be right than have then win and be wrong. You didnt strike me as one of those, but I wanted to be sure.
I can't believe there are more than one or two of those, tops. I think it's like the guys here that say "Rasho sucks, Nazr sucks, Beno sucks, NVE sucks." The vast vast majority are so passionate in their criticism because they want the player to do well. Same goes for criticising the team, IMO. I've been extraordinarily critical of Pop, because I think he's making the stupidest mistake ever in the history of this organization. The second he abandons 48 minutes of smallball, the Spurs win the series and all is forgiven.

05-20-2006, 10:51 AM
Why'd you disappear from 5/9 (game 2) to 5/18, Obstructed_View???

Buddy Holly
05-20-2006, 10:53 AM
Spurs > Mavs

05-20-2006, 11:00 AM
Spurs > Mavs

Actually, it's 3-3...so Spurs = Mavs :hat

Buddy Holly
05-20-2006, 11:03 AM
Actually, it's 3-3...so Spurs = Mavs :hat


3 titles > 0 titles

Spurs 2 and 0 in the playoffs against the Mavs.

I could go on and on and on and on.

But in the end...

Spurs > Spurs Jr. Squad > Silver Dancers > Baseline Bums > The Riverwalk > Mavs

05-20-2006, 11:05 AM
I STILL hope we use some size in game 7, because with Terry back they will be penetrating at will again, and we need to play SPURS BASKETBALL to win.

Anyway, GO SPURS GO!!!

What a series.

05-20-2006, 11:13 AM
I get you OV. But there are some fans on here who would rather the Spurs lose and be right than have then win and be wrong. You didnt strike me as one of those, but I wanted to be sure.

Name one.

05-20-2006, 11:16 AM

3 titles > 0 titles

Spurs 2 and 0 in the playoffs against the Mavs.

I could go on and on and on and on.

But in the end...

Spurs > Spurs Jr. Squad > Silver Dancers > Baseline Bums > The Riverwalk > Mavs

My bad...I thought for sure we were talking about THIS SEASON...

3-3 postseason
2-2 regular season

Seem pretty evenly matched to me...

Beer is Good
05-20-2006, 11:22 AM
My bad...I thought for sure we were talking about THIS SEASON...

3-3 postseason
2-2 regular season

Seem pretty evenly matched to me...
You can't just look at this season. If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it. From the mavs cry baby antics this series it is obvious that they have not learned from the past...

I sometimes wonder if Pop just wants to make the statement that we can win playing THIER game just like we won by outscoring the suns last year. I know that the extra big would have to guard a smaller guy, but I think you can put him on an inconsistent shooter like Howard and just sag the hell off and make Howard take jumpers all night long (which he won't, he wants to get to the rim too bad). Howard trying to challenge a 7 footer at the rim who was sagging way off would definitely go in our favor. And besides, let Rasho pick up the fouls that TIMMY has been getting so far.

05-20-2006, 11:50 AM
I hope I never see this smallball bullshit again. Pop works in mysterious ways, and I grant you that he'll make it work, but it just sucks to watch. I want my DEFENSE back! I want to see their guards clanking out well defended threes or being funnelled into our shot blockers. The shit worked all season. I just don't get the longevity of this experiment.

05-20-2006, 11:52 AM
I Learned That Mavs Fan Are Moron And Stupid.....

05-20-2006, 11:52 AM
You can't just look at this season. If you don't learn from the past you are doomed to repeat it. From the mavs cry baby antics this series it is obvious that they have not learned from the past...

This year's team is NOT the same as Mavs teams of years past though...

There have been crybaby antics by both teams...several times over...

You're acting like Game 7 is a done deal already...