View Full Version : Piston Fan, Spur Fan UNITE!!!!!

05-18-2006, 11:06 AM
Friday is huge for both of us. Both of us are going into the lion's den and will try to extend the series.

I will be FULLY SUPPORTING the Pistons because honestly, they are the best the East has to offer and I'm fucking tired of the Lebronze hype(yeah he is great, but his team sucks. 1 on 5 is not NBA basketball) The Pistons are having it rough and Flip Saunders should take most of the blame. As some analyst said, the Pistons beleive their offense is as good as their defense and that is the reason they are fucking up. They need to punch Flip in the mouth and revert to the OLD piston defense of las year.

The Spurs have it tougher and we'll see if they are still hungry for a championship.

But in the end, we all want a Pistons vs. Spurs rematch. We are the best the NBA has to offer and that matchup would be my dream come true.

So this Friday,

Fuck the Heat, Fuck the Cavs, Fuck David Stern and Fuck the mavs



05-18-2006, 11:07 AM

05-18-2006, 11:09 AM
I'd like to see the Pistons win, but they didn't look like themselves yesterday.

05-18-2006, 11:10 AM
Like Voltron???