View Full Version : The Former Little General

Beer is Good
05-20-2006, 02:04 AM
Did anyone else see the post game with AJ? He actually started to bitch about the refs and that they didnt get as many free throws!! Imagine that, a guy whose team has been handed two games this series is now bitching about the refs. Talk about biting the hand that fed you.

What happened to AJ? He used to be a tough little spark plug who didnt bitch and now he is a combination Cuban and Don Nelson clone. He has totally turned into a giant puss in my opinion and I dont want his damn jersey at the ATT Center.

05-20-2006, 02:05 AM
What happened is the whole Mavs organization is starting to unravel. It started with Terry's punch and thus their season is ending on Monday with a Spurs victory.

05-20-2006, 02:05 AM
I'm still not going to sink as low as booing him despite him kinda deserving it.

Dingle Barry
05-20-2006, 02:09 AM
He is a little bitch. He should have learned from Pop that even if the refs fucked you over, you are the coach and you have to get the team ready mentally for the next game. AJ looked like he was about to cry in the press conference.

Beer is Good
05-20-2006, 02:12 AM
I forgot to mention that AJ was snapping at some poor female reporter who asked him a question about "calls" I believe after AJ had already started his bitch session. AJ shot back "who said anything about calls" about two or three times if I recall correctly. I am extremely disappointed in him - he has turned into a little ass.

05-20-2006, 02:16 AM
What did he say about being cut on Christmas day? I'm not sure what this had to do with anything but this was well into his mini-rant.

Beer is Good
05-20-2006, 02:18 AM
What did he say about being cut on Christmas day? I'm not sure what this had to do with anything but this was well into his mini-rant.
I dont know... I'm starting to feel more and more like the guy has totally lost it. He knows the game and is a damn good x's and o's coach but I think he gets to hot to be a great coach. He doesnt control his temperment and that will kill him and his team.

05-20-2006, 02:20 AM
I dont know... I'm starting to feel more and more like the guy has totally lost it. He knows the game and is a damn good x's and o's coach but I think he gets to hot to be a great coach. He doesnt control his temperment and that will kill him and his team.

Well if it was a slight to the spurs he needs to check himself because the spurs gave him an NBA career and i doubt he would be sitting as the Mavs coach if it weren't that.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-20-2006, 02:21 AM
Maybe it has to do with him being an inexperienced Postseason coach...sounds like he's lost his composure a bit.

05-20-2006, 02:22 AM
He is a coach and that is his job. Some of you need to relax.

You remind me of Mavs fans who now hate Finley for no good reason.

05-20-2006, 02:24 AM
He is a coach and that is his job. Some of you need to relax.

You remind me of Mavs fans who now hate Finley for no good reason.

He came off as a bitter little asshole. Not sure that's the job of the coach.

05-20-2006, 02:27 AM
He came off as a bitter little asshole. Not sure that's the job of the coach.

Dude...he just lost a big game. He is frustrated. And we did shoot more FTs in the second half. He wouldn't be doing his job properly if he didn't try to work the league/refs a bit. Its not like he does it like Phil Jackson.

I didn't see him as acting like a bitter asshole at all.

I see a lot of Spurs fans acting like Mavs fans on here though.

05-20-2006, 07:04 AM
It was quite ironic that in the middle of a rant about how they aren't shooting enough free-throws he says

"and the hard part is that we are the ones that don't complain."


05-20-2006, 07:16 AM
JsnSA is correct, imo. the backlash to AJ is ridiculous and unwarranted. he is a coach at the highest level and just lost a huge game and ultimately maybe (hopefully) the series. so of course he is angry...what in the world do you expect?

...it's called being human. and everyone in the world has had a moment when emotion got the best of them. please stop all this nonsense and remember who this is we are talking about.

Parker 09
05-20-2006, 07:21 AM
He was a great part of SA and you can't hate him just on that account.
Think about it from his point of view, his team was almost a lock to get to the next round up 3-1. He's played in San Antonio and he knows how tough it is to get a win there. He blows game 5. Upsetting but he's going back to dallas for game 6. But he blows that and now he has to go back to one of the hardest building to get a win in and a pumped up spurs with all the momentum.
I don't want to jinx it but i think even he knows they are fucked. He upset and i would be to knowing the task he has got ahead of him.
Go a bit easy on him...

05-20-2006, 07:25 AM
"They are the team that does not complain" according to AJ.


05-20-2006, 07:27 AM
I know he is human, and in the heat of the moment we can say things that we later regret, but it really irritated me when he said, “we are the ones that don't complain”
Wasn’t he the one that was complaining about the bear hug defense? It’s like he was the setting the stage for the next game….with the refs.

05-20-2006, 07:29 AM
"so of course he is angry"

self-control? maturity? perspective?

Angry at what? at Pop and the Spurs playing through 2 horrendously fucked up losses to come back and win 2 games on the Spurs on terms, home and away?

Angry at fucking what, exactly? Disappointed, sure. But angry?

Fuck Avery, who is more generally little than a little general. I doubt he's going to learn anything, but Pop and the Spurs are about to give him a hugely embarrassing, unforgettable lesson in humility. He hasn't paid his dues as coach in this league, he's let the COY got to his head, so the Spurs will be collecting his dues Monday night. He's fucking lucky the unimaginbably bad officiating got his whiny ass and his team this far.

05-20-2006, 07:41 AM
"so of course he is angry"

self-control? maturity? perspective?

Angry at what? at Pop and the Spurs playing through 2 horrendously fucked up losses to come back and win 2 games on the Spurs on terms, home and away?

Angry at fucking what, exactly? Disappointed, sure. But angry?

Fuck Avery, who is more generally little than a little general. I doubt he's going to learn anything, but Pop and the Spurs are about to give him a hugely embarrassing, unforgettable lesson in humility. He hasn't paid his dues as coach in this league, he's let the COY got to his head, so the Spurs will be collecting his dues Monday night. He's fucking lucky the unimaginbably bad officiating got his whiny ass and his team this far.

unbelievable response, and the last paragraph is just ridiculous. i am not going to get into it with you, i'll just say that the way fans here are treating him is pathetic.

...fans really do have a 10 second memory.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-20-2006, 07:58 AM
I wouldn't go as far as saying "Fuck Avery" he has been a classy guy for us in his years ..but as a coach, you know how they present themselves differently in terms of making statements about the game--rousing the players, the officials with subtle jabs-- so you guys need to relax about him being more verbal...but even so, I saw the post interview and I must say the dude needs to save the Drama-queen nonsense by focusing on toughing it out with his plan for game 7. He practically let loose towards the end to set off a few uneasy chuckles. There's nothing wrong with some of the posters defending him but in that interview he came off all defensive and starts ranting about fear "...being cut on Christmas Eve" (WTF???) going off on the female reporter and how he doesn't "sign on the dotted lines only when the balls fall in, we sign up for some adversity too" blah blah.

I'll give Avery the benefit of the doubt, with the frustrating loss and cuz he's new, but I do think bouton's has a point that the COY of the year got to his head. Just by the way he speaks, kinda overconfidently what with his remarks about "bear hug" and "we're not the ones who complain" reference to games 3,4.

So far there's been two Coaching Sons of Pop: Coach Brown, Jolly, chubby son shows a lot of heart, his drawings are pretty crappy, and can't throw the baseball very far Pop still takes him out for ice cream for his efforts and Coach Avery, overambitious, pouting, son who got spoiled and a little overconfident (in this series) from all the praise. He's the kid that goes around thinking he deserves 1st in everything and needs to get beaten for him to shut up and cry in order for him to grow up.

05-20-2006, 08:35 AM
AJ's postgame comments were simultaneously disappointing, ridiculous and hilarious.

But mostly disappointing.

05-20-2006, 08:38 AM
I just listened to the post game comments and I completely disagree. AJ is obviously frustrated about going to SA for game 7 but he doesn't mention the referees at all. Just because he would have liked to go to the line more than they did doesn't mean he is complaining about the officiating. The Little General bashing has got to stop.

Gin N Juice
05-20-2006, 08:43 AM
Showing his true colors.
Let him bitch and whine, the players take on the identity of their coach. During game they'll be looking for the refs to bail them out and when they don't get it they'll lose their composure and resort to dirty tactics.

05-20-2006, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I saw it too. He started to complain then one of his buds stopped him. Lost all respect for him in that one moment. He's a whiney bitch just like the rest of the Mavs. Just because Dirk didn't go to the line 20+ times in a game, he's starts bitching. That's what happens when the refs let them play and not bail Dirk out with FT's. Spurs win.

05-20-2006, 08:50 AM
AJ's broke. If he wasn't, he'd sound more like Pop after Game 4. Oh well, it's part of his maturation as a coach.

05-20-2006, 08:53 AM
I really like the way Brown comports himself in the interviews. Don't know about the coaching part but Brown clearly learned how to handle himself in public from Pop better than Avery did. I like the quote of Brown in the article about when the Cavs won a game and the players were dog piling he wanted to do it too but he knew somewhere Pop would be watching. About how much he's learned from Pop about being a coach. When and if Avery gets to the top he won't be giving Pop a lot of public credit, it'll be mostly about Avery.

05-20-2006, 09:37 AM
I just listened to the post game comments and I completely disagree. AJ is obviously frustrated about going to SA for game 7 but he doesn't mention the referees at all. Just because he would have liked to go to the line more than they did doesn't mean he is complaining about the officiating. The Little General bashing has got to stop.

I love the little General.

But to say that he wasn't complaining about the officiating is a bit naive and forgiving on your part.

He was complaining about the officiating in one breath and then complaining that they don't complain in the other breath.

It is funny. C'mon.

And I am not in the "F Avery" crowd. AJ is my man, but as long as we are in this series, I don't have to smell the horseshit that he is talking and say that it smells like roses.

05-20-2006, 09:39 AM
I love the little General.

But to say that he wasn't complaining about the officiating is a bit naive and forgiving on your part.

He was complaining about the officiating in one breath and then complaining that they don't complain in the other breath.

It is funny. C'mon.

And I am not in the "F Avery" crowd. AJ is my man, but as long as we are in this series, I don't have to smell the horseshit that he is talking and say that it smells like roses.

Yeah, you are right, I am an AJ homer. Great post btw.

05-20-2006, 09:43 AM
Overall I'm losing the love for Avery. Hopefully he leaves Dallas and goes to a classier organization.

05-20-2006, 09:43 AM
Pop can't coach forever...

05-20-2006, 09:48 AM
I would love to see what aj could do in new york

I think he would do well actually

I want mike brown when pop is done

05-20-2006, 09:49 AM
cuban would offer aj 15 million a year to keep him from the spurs
he is not coming people

05-20-2006, 09:54 AM
I want mike brown when pop is done

Good, because the fans in Cleveland want Mike Brown to go somewhere else too. Lebron will probably miss the fellatio.

05-20-2006, 09:56 AM
why do cavs fans want him gone?

he has pushed the pistons to the limit
minus hughes

hughes should be traded though if danny can do it......

Beer is Good
05-20-2006, 09:58 AM
Wow, it seems that most Spurs fans are about 50-50 on the AJ issue right now. I think you have to take into account all that he did while in SA, and I will always like him for the mental toughness and the spark he brought to the 99 Champs. I probably went too far to say we shouldnt put up his jersey, but I am really disappointed to see him slide so far towards the Mark Cuban mentality of bitch, bitch, bitch. He may have not directly said anthing about refs, but he was complaining and IMO he has absolutely no reason to complain after the officiating in games 3 and 4 in the 4th really gave his team the close games. I think he had gotten so accustomed to being given the games and the calls that any game now that is officiated evenly will seem like he is getting screwed. I hate to see what he has let happen to him, and am afraid that he is now down that path to being a complete cry baby. That's what bothers me... the guy who was the mentally tough leader for us is now becoming a huge cry baby. It's sad.

05-20-2006, 10:04 AM
why do cavs fans want him gone?

he has pushed the pistons to the limit
minus hughes

hughes should be traded though if danny can do it......

Well leaving Lebron in that blowout where he ended up getting injured didn't endear him to the Cavs faithful. And though every coach at that level gets second-guessed quite a bit, Cleveland fans seem to be convinced that Brown is trying to ruin their great team's title run.

Not that I follow Cleveland too much, but the consensus seems to be that they've (or Lebron has) pushed Detroit to the limit despite Brown.



05-20-2006, 10:05 AM
It was quite ironic that in the middle of a rant about how they aren't shooting enough free-throws he says

"and the hard part is that we are the ones that don't complain."


This is the one that got me, too. He started the complaining after the first game when he ranted about Bowen's "bear-hug defense". Then Cuban's ranting blog about officiating, and his posting of Manu's alleged "flops" on the Mavs jumbotron during game 4, plus his continual complaining to the league about everything in the world (Cuban). So when AJ said that bit about "we are the ones who don't complain" it was infuriating.

I acknowledge that the guy had just lost a tough game, and I acknowledge that the spurs did get more free throws in the game than the Mavs did, but even SUGGESTING that they (Mavs) are "the ones who don't complain" reflects a whininess that divorces itself from reality. Even the NBA tv anchor responded to this by saying that even though the Spurs got to the free throw line more than the Mavs in that game, the Mavs had STILL been to the line more than the spurs in the entire series, even AFTER this last game.

One final thought on AJ and fouls being called on Mavs. It is clear to me that AJ has employed a "foul Duncan and make him get his points on the line" coaching style. I don't belittle him for this, because a lot of times it could work. Last night it backfired, though, because not only were the fouls called, but Tim got the ball in the net even through the foul, and they made his free throws. As Pop said, it was a miracle that we made so many free throws, but we did. Had we missed them, as we usually do, AJ would have said that his strategy worked. He said before the 4th game that his bigs had 12 fouls and he "planned to use them all".

Loose Cannon
05-20-2006, 10:21 AM
Out of Timmy's 5 fouls, two were legitimate. Shut the fuck up, Avery.