View Full Version : Question about AJ

05-20-2006, 03:40 PM
I want guys who think Avery is a class guy like timvp and SPARKY to answer this so I put it in a thread not to get buried.

I've heard Avery defending Terry's action in Avery's indirect inuendoing way, saying "yeah it was a punch but and it's the rules but no big deal. Next time he needs to grab not punch".

Have you heard Avery defending publically Finley against Cuban's onslaught, saying what a great guy he was, how much he'd done for the organization, etc.. I haven't heard peep from Avery standing up for a class former teammate, a guy he coached and likely a friend. I wonder what Finley thinks of that.

05-20-2006, 03:55 PM
Good question.

05-20-2006, 03:57 PM
he told the spurs they were trying to get a boy (tp) to do a man's work

he has no class

05-20-2006, 04:39 PM
How many coaches do you hear who go on record as going against their owners? AJ gets Cuban's money but now has to live with the "benefits".

Bottomline is F AJ.

05-20-2006, 04:53 PM
"I've celebrated on the River Walk in front of 300,000 people for the Spurs' first championship," Johnson said. "I'm very fond of it. I like the River Walk. That's where my owner and I disagree.

05-20-2006, 04:58 PM
I've heard Avery defending Terry's action in Avery's indirect inuendoing way, saying "yeah it was a punch but and it's the rules but no big deal. Next time he needs to grab not punch"

I don't think he was really defending it, at least in this qoute

"I guess maybe if he would've grabbed him, he wouldn't have gotten suspended," Johnson said Friday, hours before Dallas faced the Spurs in Game 6 of their second-round series.

"You grab, you don't get suspended," Johnson said. "But the rule is clear: You punch, you get suspended.

"So, next time, grab."

Alot of people are missing that he is really calling out the league, rather than telling his players to grab. It made me wonder if Dirk would get suspended if he slapped Bowen with and open hand.

05-20-2006, 04:59 PM
Alot of people are missing that he is really calling out the league, rather than telling his players to grab. It made me wonder if Dirk would get suspended if he slapped Bowen with and open hand.

Flagrant one on Bowen's cheek.

05-20-2006, 05:53 PM
AJ is simply justifying JT's actions!

I am disappointed in AJ for discarding the class that he had as a Spur!

In fact AJ's entire demeanor and comments lead me to suggest that he does not have confidence that his team can get the job done in SA on Monday!

05-20-2006, 06:59 PM
Lets Not Forget Though True Diehard Spurs, Avery Is A Maverick Now HE HAS NO CLASS ANYMORE

Cuban Talks On His Blog Like He Has Hated The Spurs His Whole Life, Obviously Not His Damn Coach Is A Spur Product

F Aj, F Cuban

Spurs Dynasty
05-20-2006, 07:22 PM
But did you see AJ's post game interview... he complained then saying "we are facing uphill battle at the freethrow line, now we are not one to complain ( LOL ) but..."

Then someone off camera cut him off and AJ said "oh, I cant say that , OK"

He is learning from the master - Cuban. I used to LOVE AJ !

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-20-2006, 08:08 PM
Without the Spurs blinders on ..think about it...AJ is FULL of Himself...he's been coaching for what...1 1/2 years only? but he's already acting like Frickin' Phil JACKSON...

Like others are saying...He's gone to the dark side. Number 6 is dead. Long live Cuban's lapdog.

Spurs Dynasty
05-20-2006, 08:21 PM
Without the Spurs blinders on ..think about it...AJ is FULL of Himself...he's been coaching for what...1 1/2 years only? but he's already acting like Frickin' Phil JACKSON...

Like others are saying...He's gone to the dark side. Number 6 is dead. Long live Cuban's lapdog.

Maybe he will come back from the dark side

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-20-2006, 08:23 PM
Maybe he will come back from the dark side
And throw Cuban down the shaft on the Death Star allowing the Spurs to escape game 7 to advance to the WCF.

ManuTim_best of Fwiendz
05-20-2006, 08:30 PM
...Ok, now I'm hearing (as a counterargument for the Avery Loyalists) on the other Spurs boards that 5 years ago, Duncan wanted Avery out after he supposedly attacked a naked Malik Rose after a loss, over point guard duties/leadership decisions or something....Can anyone confirm this knowledge??

05-20-2006, 09:14 PM
I think just saying Avery didn't defend Finley because he's Cuban's lapdog now is being overly generous to AJ, though even that excuse is a pretty pathetic statement as to AJ's character.

Unless Cuban said Avery you have to back me up on my victimization of Terry, AJ could have taken less shameful roads than he took. He could have said nothing about the incident "we just have to deal with the situation, I don't really want to discuss it". He could have been gerenous and shown some support for Finley, "it was unfortunate, a heat of the moment thing, both are really good guys", hell Finley said Terry was a good guy. Intead AJ trivialized what Terry did like he was being suspended on an unfair minor technicality. And he said absolutely zero about Finley. "Poor Terry". But most of all poor AJ that he wasn't going to have all his horses to win his series.

It's always about Avery. "I like the Riverwalk, afterall I won a championship and celebrated their." "Is a seventh game adversity? Nah adversity is getting fired Christmas eve." He carries this huge chip on his shoulder and he needs tha attention as much as Cuban. Every success is his success. Every failure ultimate will be someone elses failure. He and Cuban are an excellent match. I know Greg Popovich and Avery Johnson is no Greg Popovich. He is the anti-Popovich.