View Full Version : A huge thanks....!

05-21-2006, 01:42 AM
I moved (job related) from the friendly confines of SA to the bowels of Dallas. You would not believe the hatred for SA / Spurs in these parts. What Mark Cuban said recently is nothing compared to what is on the airwaves. ( I recently posted verbiage prior to cuban ignorant statements). Be that is may, a huge thanks to the SPURS on their recent win. "I" never had any doubts.

Here are my reasons:

1) History shows that it is very very very difficult to close out the defending champions

2) The operative word in the above statement is " defending"

3) Dallas is treading new waters. They don't understand what it takes to take their energy to a different level.

4) They failed to realized that champions have another gear that is not used until their backs are against the wall, i.e. local media<--dallas media..

5) Cuban made a fatal mistake...critizing SA / our sacred riverwalk and the people..i.e. have you ever seen Timmy play with such tanacity in any series...

6) Spurs are out to prove to the world they are the best team and deserve dynasty status.

7) The recent events have finally "awoken" a sleeping giant.

8) My prediction....Spurs repeat = 2006 and also...?

9) Finley is on a mission and so is van exel....!


05-21-2006, 01:44 AM
1) History shows that it is very very very difficult to close out the defending champions

True, but the Spurs have had trouble repeating.

05-21-2006, 01:49 AM
5) Cuban made a fatal mistake...critizing SA / our sacred riverwalk and the people..i.e. have you ever seen Timmy play with such tanacity in any series...

Timmy is playing some of the best ball of his career, but carrying Dampier and Diop on your back for 48 will catch up to Timmy someday. That's why these types of series aren't good for Tim. I'd rather see him guarding a PF.

05-21-2006, 01:49 AM
You were doing great...'till your last 5 words.

05-21-2006, 01:51 AM
urs are out to prove to the world they are the best team and deserve dynasty status.

OK, maybe Tony, but he does want the trophy wife along with the O'Brein Trophy.

05-21-2006, 01:52 AM
Southernfried------> must be the vodka

05-21-2006, 01:53 AM
You were doing great...'till your last 5 words.

A failed mission is still a mission

05-21-2006, 01:55 AM
9) Finley is on a mission and so is van exel....!

houston i think we gotta problem, has NVE even joined on the mission yet? mission impossible

05-21-2006, 01:58 AM
I don't get this, NVE is on a mission crap. He's just lucky that Beno sucks worse or his main contributions to this team would be taking ass splinters.

05-21-2006, 02:02 AM
Okay , Okay...read it without van excel...It is amazing that he NVE is scrutinize by people who have never "laced" it up..(playing in the backyard with jr does not count)

05-21-2006, 02:06 AM
The next thing posted is that we should trade NVE for Malik Rose or something...I would rather lose game 7 to Dallas by 75 points....!

MR is a great citizen however....

05-21-2006, 02:14 AM
Okay , Okay...read it without van excel...It is amazing that he NVE is scrutinize by people who have never "laced" it up..(playing in the backyard with jr does not count)

Well of course not, that would be like comparing apples to oranges, but when you compare apples to VanEx, he comes up one bad apple.

05-21-2006, 02:30 AM
Hey bud I know what you mean. I lived in Plano for about 4 yrs, all my co-workers are still based out of Richardson. I feel your pain, keep strong and keep fighting. I've been fending my co-workers for the past week. Its my time now.


05-21-2006, 02:44 AM
A big thanks to JCROD for feeling my pain.

It is an amazing transformation. We were down 3-1, and it was as if, they could not (wait) to throw it my face. Unless you live here no one understands..! SPURS are really really really hated here. I did not realized how deep the hatred was / it really cuts to the bone. Needless to say, the beauty of it all is when the Spurs win it on Monday..they will crawl up in their little hole and blame everything on AJ and Cuban....