View Full Version : ..The winner tonight better win it all..

Smackie Chan
05-22-2006, 01:02 AM
......or I will really be pissed. After all both teams have been through? one of these teams better win the 2006 NBA Championship trophy.

As a Dallas Maverick fan? I am shocked to say this but.........I really don't mind who wins today and here is why.....

Both teams have played some of the best basketball I have ever seen even though the refs kinda messed up many of the outcomes of each game.

Don't get me wrong it would be great for the Dallas Mavericks to win but to be honest after not being able to win at home when it counted and watching the Spurs come back from 1-3 ? They deserve to move on to the next series.

Face it both teams are from Texas and If the Mavs win? I hope many of you root for Texas to win it all. If the Spurs win? I will root for the Spurs to win it all. The only thing I hate, and is the reason I have to hope the Mavericks win today? I hate having to read post after post on how bad we suck and our real team name is the _allas Mavs, and Ha ha I told you your team will never win a ring , Avery is not a real coach. Your team is lame etc....

It's like if the Mavericks don't win a ring we are not worthy to be talking smack. and even if we win a ring? I will still hear Ha ha we have 3 rings you only have 1 Ha ha.

Well in any case I hope who ever wins today will make Texas proud and go to the finals. Good Luck San Antonio Spurs ! and Dallas Mavericks!

Mark Allen


05-22-2006, 01:06 AM
Man, that picture is so WT it hurts. Good times, though. Good times.

05-22-2006, 01:21 AM
why you long haired, pot smoking, midget! snap out of it! have you been drinking the murky san antonio river water?

I need every Mav fan to sac up and use all the Dallas karma you have to win this thing today I don't need your hippie ass pulling a Tpark, you need to man up and make me and Mark Cuban proud.

and for the love of God! put some dam pants on!

05-22-2006, 01:23 AM
come on mouse stop talking to yourself :)

05-22-2006, 01:23 AM
Detroit has something to say about that! Good luck to the Spurs!

05-22-2006, 01:24 AM
That's right mouse... don't allow yourself to be talked out of talking smack by... yourself! :lol

SpursTalk freaking rules!

05-22-2006, 02:40 PM
come on mouse stop talking to yourself :)

That is kinda sad when the best smack talk around is with myself :lmao

05-22-2006, 02:49 PM
A few hot coronas, some Mike's hard lemondate (yuck), a dime bag of home-grown, alphabetized jerk mags (background), and Ron Jeremy....

All of this awaits....

Dirk Nowitzki when he gets back to "big D".

Did I see a David Hasselhoff album.


05-22-2006, 02:52 PM
Wait, mouse's last name is Allen? :lmao

WTF kinda Gringo wannabe name is that?

Shouldn't it be like Allenza or Allenguez or Allenjado?

Damn, you just lost all your cred.

05-22-2006, 02:54 PM
taint of the year in that pic.

05-22-2006, 02:54 PM
I left out the vintage 1978 Zenith and the hot can of Fosters (ooh, yummy).

And, did I see an "Atari" on top of the TV? NICE!

Stay Classy, Dallas.

05-22-2006, 04:03 PM
Put on some FogHat and let's roll.

05-22-2006, 04:16 PM
I agree with mouse, er, Smackie. ;)

No matter who wins, it has been a great series, and Dallas is just getting better and better. Don't worry Mav Fans, the Spurs are getting older, and the Mavs are pretty young still, I see a Championship in your future.

The only thing I hate about that is, it's another way for Dallas to lord over SA: Championship Football, Hockey and now Basketball?!? Damn.

05-22-2006, 04:19 PM
A few hot coronas, some Mike's hard lemondate (yuck), a dime bag of home-grown, alphabetized jerk mags (background), and Ron Jeremy....

All of this awaits....

Dirk Nowitzki when he gets back to "big D".

Did I see a David Hasselhoff album.


Too bad Mouse lives in SA town.

p.s. Only fags say yuck and yikes. Quit sippin' on the haterade you flaming fairy. You talk about class yet you diss someone when they're trying to be honorable. You're so smart yet so ignant' sometimes.

05-22-2006, 04:21 PM
I agree with mouse, er, Smackie. ;)

No matter who wins, it has been a great series, and Dallas is just getting better and better. Don't worry Mav Fans, the Spurs are getting older, and the Mavs are pretty young still, I see a Championship in your future.

The only thing I hate about that is, it's another way for Dallas to lord over SA: Championship Football, Hockey and now Basketball?!? Damn.
Premature ejaculation. We'll see tonight though.

05-22-2006, 04:31 PM
I left out the vintage 1978 Zenith and the hot can of Fosters (ooh, yummy).

And, did I see an "Atari" on top of the TV? NICE!

Stay Classy, Dallas.

sorry that pic was PhotoShopped here is the original..


05-22-2006, 04:34 PM
Wait, mouse's last name is Allen? :lmao

WTF kinda Gringo wannabe name is that?

Shouldn't it be like Allenza or Allenguez or Allenjado?

Damn, you just lost all your cred.

No, it's not Allen. :lol :lol

05-22-2006, 04:35 PM
If the Spurs lose, I'm a Pistons fan.

05-22-2006, 04:39 PM
Eewww! Scope out the open tube of K.Y. Jelly. Nice work, mouse.

sorry that pic was PhotoShopped here is the original..


05-22-2006, 04:42 PM
Scope out the open tube of K.Y. .

you also forgot some beer in the fidge you still coming by tonight?

05-22-2006, 04:45 PM
you also forgot some beer in the fidge you still coming by tonight?

There's only room for Mouse and Ron Jeremy in that crib.

Now I know why you post here. Some "asshat" (yes, i said asshat) on MavTalk was wondering why we haven't been playing Steve Kerr. WTF??

05-22-2006, 04:46 PM
Some "asshat" (yes, i said asshat) on MavTalk was wondering why we haven't been playing Steve Kerr. WTF??

Are you serious? That's pretty funny. :lol

05-22-2006, 04:48 PM
A few hot coronas, some Mike's hard lemondate (yuck), a dime bag of home-grown, alphabetized jerk mags (background), and Ron Jeremy....

All of this awaits....

Dirk Nowitzki when he gets back to "big D".

Did I see a David Hasselhoff album.


Ron Jeremy.... That's the first thing I thought too :lol

05-22-2006, 04:49 PM
If the Spurs lose, I'm a Pistons fan.

I like the Pistons, but I'd rather Mavs get one Championship than the Pistons get 4.

One, it will make for a great Spurs/Mavs rivalry.

Two, it will make it that much sweeter when we beat the Mavs next year.

That said, I have no doubt the Spurs will win tonight.

05-22-2006, 04:52 PM
win or lose, fans from both teams will be here to gloat and rub it in, or just dissapear.

05-22-2006, 04:52 PM
I would love to root for the Mavs if they were fortunate to get past the Spurs. However, Cuban makes it impossible to do so. Plus, Terry, Dirk, and Stack trying to act like OGs doesn't help much either.