View Full Version : Fess up...Who's cryin'?

05-22-2006, 10:19 PM
I am. The water works started during the 4th quarter. I tried to stay focused but I lost it mid-way through overtime.

It's ok, guys. We fought hard. We can cave right now.

I love MY SPURS!

05-22-2006, 10:21 PM
It's more like pure anger

05-22-2006, 10:23 PM
I admit i did shed some tears....

infinite styles
05-22-2006, 10:24 PM
It's more like pure anger

I'm probably more on that level. It really stemmed from seeing Cuban celebrating. :depressed :madrun

05-22-2006, 10:25 PM
I am not crying for millionaires playing a game no matter how important the game is to me whether it's being a fan or playing it myself.

I am just in awe, shock. I had a feeling they'd lose that game, though.

05-22-2006, 10:26 PM
i admit i almost did when ginobili hit that 3 with about 32 seconds left.....i thought it was al over......luckily the hear tof the mavs prevailed.....i was ready for a blowout today but the spurs never gave in.....greatest playoff series ive ever seen....you have earned my respect spurs

05-22-2006, 10:26 PM
I admit it. I started crying.

05-22-2006, 10:27 PM
I'm probably more on that level. It really stemmed from seeing Cuban celebrating. :depressed :madrun

Yep if this lose was to another team i would be pissed but seeing Cubans gay ass celebrating like a 16 year old at her quinsenietta just pisses me off.

05-22-2006, 10:28 PM
Surprisingly, no. It hurts but no tears but I think I have to agree with infinite styles that it had to do more with watching cuban.... besides I love how hard the guys fought back.

05-22-2006, 10:29 PM
It's anger right now same as .4, but I know I'll be crying myself to sleep later.

05-22-2006, 10:31 PM
Let's get all the tears over with now. I cried myself, but now there's nothing we can do except hope they improve.

infinite styles
05-22-2006, 10:33 PM
If I cry its gonna be because there ain't gonna be shit worth watching on TV until football season.

Horry For 3!
05-22-2006, 10:33 PM
I never cry after losses, I just get extremely pissed off

I punched the wall....I have to get the anger out.... I am over it now

05-22-2006, 10:35 PM
I'm just pissed as hell knowing that we were up 3 with not much time left in regulation

Horry For 3!
05-22-2006, 10:35 PM
If I cry its gonna be because there ain't gonna be shit worth watching on TV until football season.
That is what I told my friend earlier, there is nothing to watch now. I am not much of a MLB fan, i'll watch it every now and then. I have to wait for football comes around. In the meantime, I will be playing baseball and basketball.

Knoxville Spur
05-22-2006, 10:38 PM
i admit i almost did when ginobili hit that 3 with about 32 seconds left.....i thought it was al over......luckily the hear tof the mavs prevailed.....i was ready for a blowout today but the spurs never gave in.....greatest playoff series ive ever seen....you have earned my respect spurs

Tomorrow morning you will still be stuck with Cuban, my condolences.

Earned your respect? You did not respect the defending champs?

We did not bring our A game but Detroit will. Your team will not be able to handle it.

05-22-2006, 10:43 PM
no tears but Super Fucken Piss, FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! :bang :bang :bang

05-22-2006, 10:54 PM
I admit it. I started crying.

I admit it... I just started crying again. I cannot believe it. I'm done with the NBA this year.

05-22-2006, 10:54 PM
after that comeback??
are you kidding me??
what a great game!
Im PROUD to be a spurs fan :flag:

05-22-2006, 10:56 PM
I hope Cuban gets gang raped by Gorillas so his ass can't watch the rest of the playoffs.

When that happens, I can support the mavs.

05-22-2006, 10:59 PM

When Gino put us up three......That should have been it....But just like the last time we were in that situation, Dirk gets bailed out and gets the 3 point play....

I'm just kinda pissed too that Pop didn't just have them foul once the clock went under 24 secs....

But cry? Nah... Some things in this world are worth crying over... A ball game isn't one of em....

Keep your chins up... We'll be back next year better than ever...

05-22-2006, 11:00 PM
Emotional stagnation.

05-22-2006, 11:01 PM
after that comeback??
are you kidding me??
what a great game!
Im PROUD to be a spurs fan :flag:

I know...great game and all that. I just wanted more.

I'm bringing my focus back to my number 1 love.....Football.

Avatar soon to follow.

05-22-2006, 11:13 PM
I hope Cuban gets gang raped by Gorillas so his ass can't watch the rest of the playoffs.

When that happens, I can support the mavs.

05-22-2006, 11:17 PM
I would be if I did not have so many other issues in my life right now. Well, at least maybe now I can quit smoking.

05-22-2006, 11:18 PM
I'm not supporting the Mavs no matter WHAT happens.

05-22-2006, 11:21 PM
Just like game 7 in the 1990 western semis. Valient effort came up short. I sheded tears here too

05-22-2006, 11:27 PM
I didn't cry after the game as I was at a Mavs GTG but now I really do feel like crying.....all good things must come to end. We must hold our heads up high. Came back from 3-1 in the series.....were down by 20 points during the game and rallied back....I walk out of this series with some pride left in me

05-22-2006, 11:28 PM
I sure am.

05-22-2006, 11:48 PM
I'm just dumbfounded. We sat in awe and silence when the game ended, until some bitchy usher lady yelled at us to leave because "nothing else is going to happen." Didn't speak on the drive home - have yet to speak since the game ended.

05-22-2006, 11:52 PM
I'm not crying. I thought the Spurs acquitted themselves well. They should have won the damned series, but just a few years ago, we saw a Spurs team absolutely quit in a playoff series and this bunch fought their asses off to give themselves a chance to win when few thought they would.

A rosters that's slightly better developed and the Spurs can win it all next year. For now, though, props to the Mavs and the Spurs for the best series that I've ever seen. And congratulations to the Mavs fans; their team did what it needed to and won the series. That's the size of it.

05-22-2006, 11:53 PM
i'm still in shock.

infinite styles
05-23-2006, 03:35 PM
I had to bump this cause I didn't want to start another thread about the same subject but.... I was fine last night after the game and even today I was cool until I started to read a lot of the articles on places like espn.com and foxsports.com. I've noticed the common theme that people really don't like the Spurs. I mean don't get me wrong I already knew that for a fact Spurs haters existed in large numbers but damn its kinda outta control now.

I guess for the most part that when you win people don't say what they really feel because they don't want to be known as "haters" or what not but when you lose they love to kick you while your down. This was a great series and will go down in history as such but to see the team that I've cheered for since I was 5 be treated like a red headed step child is very disheartening. I guess I'm starting to know how Lakers and Bulls fans felt when they were on top.

05-23-2006, 04:19 PM
I too cried a bit. I couldnt stand to watch after Finley missed that 3 pt attempt in final seconds. I changed the channel. It was so tough cause there were so many "what-ifs" that could have won games. Esp with this epic comeback that fell short. Manu's foul did it in for us. It would have been so perfect of a comeback in the series and in game 7 alone!! that suks so bad, would have rather lost game 6 if we were too lose the series. gotta go, im starting to tear up again....this suks

05-23-2006, 04:21 PM
I was crying too, out of happiness :spin

Oh, Gee!!
05-23-2006, 04:22 PM
I'm crying now that I've had time to think about it. :boo hoo

05-23-2006, 04:26 PM
"There's no crying in basketball!"

Mavs vs. Sun in the WCF. The wussification of the NBA is complete. Detroit has something to say about that!

May Mark Cuban's trophy case remain empty.

What gets lost in all of this, is that the Mavs were less than 30 seconds away from what would have been the biggest choke job in NBA history.

05-23-2006, 04:45 PM
I'm just kinda pissed too that Pop didn't just have them foul once the clock went under 24 secs....
I was wondering that too.....you put them at the line...they make 2...you are still up by one with the ball and no 24 sec shot clock.....dribble out the clock unless they foul.....you shoot free throws and repeat the previous process until time expires you win but 1-2 pts and advance.

Also on the note of dirk getting bailed out....am I the only one who thinks that shot never should have even counted because Dirk got away with hooking Bowen to get around him before Manu was even close to the play?
Isn't this an offensive foul?

05-23-2006, 04:58 PM
Have any males admitted to crying yet? It seems the only tears shed were from those with the bravatars.

05-23-2006, 05:01 PM
Mavs vs. Sun in the WCF. The wussification of the NBA is complete. Detroit has something to say about that!
So what does that say about your team, if you can't even beat a wuss team?

05-23-2006, 05:06 PM
I was wondering that too.....you put them at the line...they make 2...you are still up by one with the ball and no 24 sec shot clock.....dribble out the clock unless they foul.....you shoot free throws and repeat the previous process until time expires you win but 1-2 pts and advance.

Also on the note of dirk getting bailed out....am I the only one who thinks that shot never should have even counted because Dirk got away with hooking Bowen to get around him before Manu was even close to the play?
Isn't this an offensive foul?
Dirk did actually push off a little to get some space from Bowen, but they're never going to call that on the offensive player in that situation. Do you think they'd call that on Duncan in that same situation. Hell no! It isn't like he didn't get away with his little push offs during the game either.

05-23-2006, 05:16 PM
Is there any thread in this forum that a Maverick fan feels he doesn't need to desecrate?


05-23-2006, 05:30 PM
Is there any thread in this forum that a Maverick feels he doesn't need to desecrate?

Last time I checked I wasn't on Cuban's payroll, and I highly doubt any Mavs post on this board.

Also how is this desecrating the thread? I even admitted that Dirk got away with pushing off on Bowen. Sheeeesh!

05-23-2006, 05:35 PM
I won't lie, I started to break down and cry during 1st period today. Embarrasing.

05-23-2006, 05:44 PM
Last time I checked I wasn't on Cuban's payroll, and I highly doubt any Mavs post on this board.

Also how is this desecrating the thread? I even admitted that Dirk got away with pushing off on Bowen. Sheeeesh!

Sorry, I missed the "fan" after "Maverick". Although I didn't realize without it it would be that easy to misinterpret.

but they're never going to call that on the offensive player in that situation. Do you think they'd call that on Duncan in that same situation. Hell no! It isn't like he didn't get away with his little push offs during the game either.

How, exactly, does that fit in to a "Did you cry when your favorite team just got knocked out of the playoffs" thread? Since you're a Dallas fan, that really doesn't apply to you, does it? How about a little courtesy and GTFO of it?

Back on topic:

And no, I didn't cry last night. I only cry at weddings, chickflicks, and when confetti falls from the rafters. :)

The only thing that really sucks is having to catch up on all of the stuff I put off at the beginning of SPAM.


05-23-2006, 05:47 PM
I cried when Gino hit that 3 because we had fought so hard to come back. I didn't cry when we lost though because I was too upset.

Oh, Gee!!
05-23-2006, 05:53 PM
They hit the wrong Twin Towers

05-23-2006, 05:58 PM
Last time I checked I wasn't on Cuban's payroll, and I highly doubt any Mavs post on this board.

Also how is this desecrating the thread? I even admitted that Dirk got away with pushing off on Bowen. Sheeeesh!

Maybe....but the mavs don't blow 20 point leads without some "help"...cough...cough...if you know what I mean.. Jordan couldn't even come back from that defecit. Good game however....Mavs all the way!

05-23-2006, 06:05 PM
Maybe....but the mavs don't blow 20 point leads without some "help"...cough...cough...if you know what I mean.. Jordan couldn't even come back from that defecit. Good game however....Mavs all the way!

You mean other than the seemingly natural course of events that follows when a team shoots a ridiculous percentage in one half? If you didn't see a comeback coming from a mile away last night, I'd argue that you don't know much about NBA basketball. When the Mavs were only up 14 after shooting 70% for the first half without an inordinate number of layups and dunks, I figured the Spurs would catch them. Teams don't shoot like that all night, and when the percentage falls, the comebacks start. As the Mavs percentage dipped toward 50%, the comeback was on.

What got the Spurs in the end was their inability to consistently rebound on the defensive end and one unfortunate decision by the very guy who got them back into the game with a gritty 4th quarter.

05-23-2006, 06:07 PM
You mean other than the seemingly natural course of events that follows when a team shoots a ridiculous percentage in one half? If you didn't see a comeback coming from a mile away last night, I'd argue that you don't know much about NBA basketball. When the Mavs were only up 14 after shooting 70% for the first half without an inordinate number of layups and dunks, I figured the Spurs would catch them. Teams don't shoot like that all night, and when the percentage falls, the comebacks start. As the Mavs percentage dipped toward 50%, the comeback was on.

What got the Spurs in the end was their inability to consistently rebound on the defensive end and one unfortunate decision by the very guy who got them back into the game with a gritty 4th quarter.

Good analysis.......THe 3rd was a little lop-sided, I don't care what anyone says. Even your beloved Steve Kerr said so....thank you, and have a nice fishing trip.........

05-23-2006, 06:13 PM
Good analysis.......THe 3rd was a little lop-sided, I don't care what anyone says. Even your beloved Steve Kerr said so....thank you, and have a nice fishing trip.........

And the 4th went pretty much the Mavericks way. So what?

I'm proud of the way my team fought in this series and, while I'm disappointed that they lost in the end, I'm also confident that we'll all cross this bridge again and that the result can go our way next time.

05-23-2006, 07:28 PM
I must admit I sobbed all the way out of the arena, to the airport, on the plane and had a restless trip back home.

I'm proud of my boys and I'm not going to put up a front; this loss really stinks! But, I’ll be back with the same supportive bliss in 5 months when we kick off the preseason!

Go Spurs Go!

05-23-2006, 07:37 PM
Crying is for pussies.

THere are more important things in life.

05-23-2006, 07:41 PM
I'm proud of them especially Tim Duncan hes one hell of a player my hat goes off to him

05-23-2006, 07:57 PM
"There's no crying in basketball!"

Mavs vs. Sun in the WCF. The wussification of the NBA is complete. Detroit has something to say about that!

May Mark Cuban's trophy case remain empty.

What gets lost in all of this, is that the Mavs were less than 30 seconds away from what would have been the biggest choke job in NBA history.

Yeah, the biggest choking job by the refs.....if you guys would have won that game....us mavs fans would have personally drove down there and burned the alamo down...then stuck a flag in the ashes that read "Go Mavs...the true champions" Then watched as you guys got eliminated in the WCF...no trophy, no alamo...whatever would you do??? You guys would not have deserved that win...end of story. Get over it, it's our turn!!!

05-23-2006, 08:01 PM
Sorry, that was a little over the top, "the wussification of WCF" whatever dude...give credit where the credit is due. Be a man like your boy tim duncan and admit that it was a great series!!!!

05-23-2006, 08:08 PM
I cried myself to sleep...I really think I need to take a break from basketball, it's too stressful, involving, and emotional for me. :lol

05-23-2006, 08:17 PM
I'm probably more on that level. It really stemmed from seeing Cuban celebrating. :depressed :madrun

What was funny was seeing Cuban hugging some dude and the dude was kinda like "get this fat ass off of me"

his players don't want anything to do with his bullshit

05-23-2006, 08:19 PM
Yeah, the biggest choking job by the refs.....if you guys would have won that game....us mavs fans would have personally drove down there and burned the alamo down...then stuck a flag in the ashes that read "Go Mavs...the true champions" Then watched as you guys got eliminated in the WCF...no trophy, no alamo...whatever would you do??? You guys would not have deserved that win...end of story. Get over it, it's our turn!!!


3 games this series Dallas either tied or hit the winning points at the end of regulation on Dirk FREE THROWS, so please, STFU

05-24-2006, 01:49 PM

3 games this series Dallas either tied or hit the winning points at the end of regulation on Dirk FREE THROWS, so please, STFU

05-24-2006, 02:21 PM

The Mavericks still haven't won anything yet.... :rolleyes

05-24-2006, 03:16 PM
I always, always feel bad about a Spurs loss. I didn't after Monday's loss. Seeing them come back from 20 points down made Michael Wilbon's statement " You just new they would come back... are a team with honor and integrity ..." seem very appropriate. I was more proud than I was hurt.

If the ball bounces here or there instead of there or here, everyone would be singing a different tune. It wasn't in the cards. I remember Sean's tippy toe shot and many other times when things went our way and not the other team's.

We had a helluva season. Can't wait for next. The Spurs make my day most days.