View Full Version : As a Mavericks fan, all I have to say is...

05-22-2006, 10:56 PM
...hats off to your team folks. This was a game 7 and a series, in fact, that could have easily gone either way. The "2 heavyweights" analogy, cliche and overused as it may be, is dead-on in its accuracy.

I hope you Spurs fans are holding your heads up because you have a bad ass, undeniably respectable team here with absolutely nothing to be ashamed of (and 3 titles to boot).

See you next season. I make it down for as many games in SA as I can--love the ATT center experience. Congratulations on a great year and a fantastic team.

05-22-2006, 11:00 PM
Im sure we'll bump to you next year.
Good luck in the next series.

05-22-2006, 11:00 PM
Congrats...the best team won. GL the rest of the playoffs.

05-22-2006, 11:00 PM
great post. :tu

your team worked hard and earnd it. Congrats & see you next year.

sorry, but Go Pistons!:lol

05-22-2006, 11:02 PM
great post and congrats on getting over the hump. we know how that feels. good luck the rest of the way.

05-22-2006, 11:05 PM
Seriously, I have so much respect for the Spurs. Great series.

05-22-2006, 11:05 PM
Yeah I am glad to see that you have respect for the Spurs. Your Mavs did it but I am with Obiwan Go Pistons! Only b/c cuban did not give us the respect we deserve and I wont give his team the respect they deserve. He also insulted our city and I will never forgive him for that. I would never say anything negative about Dallas b/c its a great city! If I ever see him on the street I will SPIT on him.

05-22-2006, 11:09 PM
Honestly, I lost a lot of respect for the Spurs this series with the constant whining to and about the refs from both the team and the fans. In the opposite direction, between Cuban and the punch, I'm not surprised if Spurs fans don't like Dallas.

But the important thing is:
NOW we have a rivalry.

05-22-2006, 11:12 PM
Oh yeah now we have a rivalry!?! PSST whatever dude! Write back when you win a championship and then we'll talk rivalry. You beat us once and thats not a rivalry.

And anyone who thinks Cuban said that shit about our city to make a rivalry is as stupid as they look b/c Cuban changed his story as soon as he knew he was coming back to San Antonio. It probably sounded like this "uh I didn't mean what I said about San Antonio b/c I am a pussy and will only talk shit when I am at home." Fucking pussy cuban and I am sure he is talking shit now that he won't play us again until next year. Cuban can't buy class and his luck will run out.

05-22-2006, 11:13 PM
It was a hell of a series and it's nice to see that Mavs fans
aren't here gloating. Congrats. You won, though I can't say I'm rooting for the Mavs. Nothing personal, I have more personal ties to other teams, though Cuban still sucks.

05-22-2006, 11:13 PM
He also insulted our city and I will never forgive him for that.

Mark Cuban is a jack-ass. The comments pissed me off as much as you. I love San Antonio the city. He doesnt know what he's talking about.

Hook Dem
05-22-2006, 11:14 PM
Very classy post Dub and the Mav players deserve props. I hope you will understand when I say that I can not back them because of the dickhead owner. It's too bad that a team such as yours has come together and then that *$@ owner takes away from it all. Nothing personal towards you because I think you are classy.

05-22-2006, 11:19 PM
Mark Cuban should take a cue from some of his teams fans in the respect department. We have some good ones here.

Good luck the rest of the way. :tu

05-22-2006, 11:20 PM
Mark Cuban is a jack-ass. The comments pissed me off as much as you. I love San Antonio the city. He doesnt know what he's talking about.

Hey Im glad to hear it. I won't root for you guys to win but I will root for you guys to stay healthy.