View Full Version : Rack Rob Thompson Jason Thompson eat shit!

05-22-2006, 11:18 PM
The Thompson brothers were on FOX sports TV and Rob Thompson talked about how the Spurs did all they could do but the Mavs seem to want it more and how getting behind by 10 points was a hard mountain to climb and he said other things that really took place.........his asshat brother Jason Thompson blamed the refs? How does that make San Antonio look for you to be on a national TV and you can't just give the other team credit and say what really took place?

Even the lady who was doing the interview told Jason Tim Duncan went to the line more than the whole Maverick team, and he just stood there with that deer in the head lights look.

here is a man who said Avery Johnson is not a real coach, and he will never win anything ,and he is no match for the Spurs, Wow San Antonio sure has some 1st class Sports people representing your city,

Now I have to hear Jeff Vexler whine about the refs also? Does anyone in San Antonio know how to eat crow and just move on?

Rack Rob Thompson he at least knows his sports.

05-22-2006, 11:48 PM
I saw them on tv also I was kinda embarassed :(

Suns Fan
05-23-2006, 07:14 AM
Even the lady who was doing the interview told Jason Tim Duncan went to the line more than the whole Maverick team, and he just stood there with that deer in the head lights look..

Jason got served :lmao

05-23-2006, 08:05 AM
Which of the 2 is Rob again?

05-23-2006, 08:35 AM
Which of the 2 is Rob again?

Rob is the the larger guy who talks like he knows what he is saying, Jason is the smaller skinny one who tries to sound like a used car salesman or some suavy FM DJ. sorry to get on your boys brah every since they let you on thier show you have been bias and a homer to anything they do, I don't blame you your young and you feel you owe them something.

Really they only used you to better thier show by having the only Spurs fan from Holland on the show, They like they way you talk and they made fun of you after you got off the radio, I remember they tried to cut you off when you was about to plug Koris web site :lmao

As for me I don't give a shit who you are or how much money you have. I will tell folks how I see it, From Jim Rome to Don Harris the ass kissing stops with me. And that tree hugger Jason Thompson said last season AJ is over his head he has no Buissness being the coach, he is not head coach material,

I bet he wouldn't tell him that to his face, In fact I laugh at Jason And Jeff Vexler how they talk about how Mark Cuban in an ass hole and they can't wait to see him to tell him so, And when Mark Cuban is on the show? it's like "How are you Mr. Cuban?" followed by 8 minutes of ass kissing then Mark Cuban is off the radio and it's "that man is an ass hole!" Why not just tell the man he was just on your show?

Jason Thompson forgets how he used 25 minutes of Game Night react to toss AJ's salad on live radio after he hit the winning basket in *99

funny how Spurs win and game time react is an hour to two hour long show,
But Spurs lose ? and it's 45 minutes of Jeff Vexler blaming the refs.

Game night react was set up for Spur fans and other Fans to call in and react to the games.
Jeff Vexler has 3 hours a day 5 days a week on his own show to react but he thinks he has to use up 25 of the 45 minutes of the fans time after they waited on hold for 15 minutes? :lmao

I will never forget last years win Jeff Bolton calls in drunk and uses up 20 minutes of the show to talk about how he loves his Spurs and he wants to have Tim Duncan's baby etc......and he was not even a real Spurs fan. he was only in San Antonio to fill in for Chris Duel who went to KTSA, Where is Jeff Bolton now ?

SpursTalk had 666 posters last night on line yesterday and Kori can't even get a 2 minute spot on the radio? That tells you all you need to know about San Antonio radio right there.

05-25-2006, 01:38 PM
The tcket in Dallas steals your takes :lmao


05-25-2006, 01:43 PM
aj=crybaby like cuban

Oh, Gee!!
05-25-2006, 01:44 PM
I don't listen to the Thompson Bros. Their voices annoy me.

05-25-2006, 01:46 PM
mouse trying to stir the pot :trolls:

05-25-2006, 01:53 PM
mouse trying to stir the pot :trolls:

Is that all you got? How sad , it took Radio talent in Dallas to give me props for at least posting something legit. You would think the asshats in this city would be tossing my salad just to keep me posting and calling the radio.

I will call the Ticket in Dallas by Friday and give them my views on Jason Tree hugger Thompson.

mouse trying to stir the pot

What pot? Your flippin kitchen burnt down already and they can smell cooked ass all they way up in Dallas...................:lmao


05-25-2006, 01:55 PM
ducks do not need kitchens they eat raw fish

05-25-2006, 02:06 PM
and they made fun of you after you got off the radio

I call your bullshit mouse.

They gave me a chance to get in the studio with them and participate in 3 shows during the 2003 playoffs.

They asked me to call in from L.A. during the 2nd round for a road report and when I drove back from the championship celebrations from the Alamodome I called in to their bigger radioshow and there was nothing than respect bothways.

We kept on emailing and they asked me about the Karl Malone situation back than and because they were impressed by my say, they quoted the mail in their show and gave me credit.

I declined to accept their offer to come on the show next time I was in town, because I had my 15 minutes of fame partialy on their show and because I didn't wanna overdue it as respect to the local people who maybe never get a chance to be in a radio studio talking about their Spurs.

I am only responding to let readers of this post not get the wrong idea of Jason and Rob making fun of me as I am sure did not happen.

If you ain't calling into shows as much as you used to than you are holding San Antonio back of their #1 entertainment on the radio.

Can I have my $100 back now?

05-25-2006, 02:23 PM
They explained it on the radio that they where just in a bad mood..

05-25-2006, 02:33 PM
I bet he wouldn't tell him that to his face, In fact I laugh at Jason And Jeff Vexler how they talk about how Mark Cuban in an ass hole and they can't wait to see him to tell him so, And when Mark Cuban is on the show? it's like "How are you Mr. Cuban?" followed by 8 minutes of ass kissing then Mark Cuban is off the radio and it's "that man is an ass hole!" Why not just tell the man he was just on your show?

did you see the episode of Newsradio where Phil Hartman's character spent the whole episode trashing hip hop music? chuck d came on the show at the end and hartman spent the rest of the show kissing his ass... that's just how radio show hosts are. :smokin

05-25-2006, 02:52 PM
Mouse you're so full of shit. If you think you're some hot shot radio talent then get your ass on the air. Last time I checked, anyone can say whatever they feel about a subject. Rob and Jason are where they are because they busted their asses ten years ago on Saturday mornings (Hardcore Sports) and come out of their own pockets for airtime. If they didn't have talent to be on the national stage, then they wouldn't be filling in for JT when he goes on vacation/hiatus. And they sure as hell wouldn't have one the top rated PM DRIVE shows in town.

By the way, it would have made for boring television if Jason agreed with Rob. Just so that your dumb ass knows how journalism works when you are running a show, you want a proponent/opponent spin. You don't want your subjects to agree because then IT MAKES FOR HOMERVISION on television. But what the hell do you know? Never seen you even attempt to try to get into radio except by CALLING IN TO SOMEBODY ELSE'S SHOW TO GET YOUR 15 MINUTES OF FAME!!!

For Pete's sake get the hell off this dayum bandwagon. Hell if you got chops, do like the rest of us and get discovered.

P.S. -- I think Kori can speak for herself. Last time I checked she's in hot demand doing her own thing for WOAI, the Virgin Islands and other stuff. She's got a head cheerleader in her corner; he's called LJ. You know, her husband?

Ed Helicopter Jones
05-25-2006, 02:55 PM
Mouse you're so full of shit. If you think you're some hot shot radio talent then get your ass on the air. Last time I checked, anyone can say whatever they feel about a subject. Rob and Jason are where they are because they busted their asses ten years ago on Saturday afternoons and out of their own pocket. If they didn't have talent to be on the national stage, then they wouldn't be filling in for JT when he goes on vacation/hiatus.

By the way, it would have made for boring television if Jason agreed with Rob. Just so that your dumb ass knows how journalism works when you are running a show, you want a proponent/opponent spin. You don't want your subjects to agree because then IT MAKES FOR HOMERVISION on television.

For Pete's sake get the hell off this dayum bandwagon. Hell if you got chops, do like the rest of us and get discovered.

P.S. -- I think Kori can speak for herself. Last time I checked she's in hot demand doing her own thing for WOAI, the Virgin Islands and other stuff. She's got a head cheerleader in her corner; he's called LJ. You know, her husband?

Ummm. . .I think Mouse was G-MOwned.

05-25-2006, 05:26 PM
I call your bullshit mouse.

You have 500 cash I will play the tape for Kori and she can record it and copy it for you. It was when you called in. maybe you forgot the first time you called the show. Get the 500 and I will refresh your memory.:smokin

Can I have my $100 back now?

Why would you bring in personal smack ? I know your still bitter about the Spurs but to bring up our personal deals is not the Classy Alamo50 I remebered.

Did you forget that night and what you was trying to get for cash? you really want me to talk about what you really do with your cash when you come to San Antonio ? I can go into details brah, or shall I show some class and not say anything?

05-25-2006, 05:56 PM
why am I not surprised that mouse owes people money

05-25-2006, 06:03 PM
I'll give you fifty to say!

05-25-2006, 06:38 PM
Mouse you're so full of shit. If you think you're some hot shot radio talent then get your ass on the air.

Is this the same Greg More who told Fox radio not to let me call in?

Did you not say this just 24 hours ago?

05-23-2006, 05:27 PM #1
G Mo

Well I'm going to don on my Dr. Phil suit and be on the Jack Ricardi show (live from the Silver Stars game!!!) and talk about last night's game.

Tune in about 8:30 or so.

And no Mouse, they ain't accepting calls. Something about you're banned


Bro you need to take your Bi polar pills and pick a side of the fence already.

Either I can call in, Or I can't. stop flip flopping your not Manu.

If you think you're some hot shot radio talent

I don't think the word Hot or Shot was ever posted in any of my topics.

Last time I checked, anyone can say whatever they feel about a subject.

Just don't do it here at Spurs talk or face the Wrath of Greg more :lmao

Rob and Jason are where they are because they busted their asses ten years ago on Saturday mornings (Hardcore Sports) and come out of their own pockets for airtime.

here comes the kiss ass part of your lame post......Dude your into radio you think your stupid enough to say something about your other radio pals?

When was the last time you said anything that was not kiss ass about anyone on the ticket or WOAI? Your just another bias homer trying to score points by jumping in a topic that is not about you, sorry to cut in , go on with your sucking up.

If they didn't have talent to be on the national stage, then they wouldn't be filling in for JT

Dude Stacie the sports chick can fill in for JT,(there went you need to have talent to be on the radio theory) God your on JTs nut sac also?

you want to make sure you cover all your bases :lol
I don't blame you dawg, you wouldn't want anyone fowarding anything bad you say.(job security)

And who said anything about talent? when did anyone say you need talent to talk on the radio? I guess you don't tune in much do you? I think Jeff and Walter proved that years ago.

And stop saying they this is about Jason tree hugger Thompson. I have no beef with Rob. Rob Thompson is a very good sports host , his skills are beyond that of any ...............oh shit now you got me doing it also :lmao

when he goes on vacation/hiatus. And they sure as hell wouldn't have one the top rated PM DRIVE shows in town.

What does this perfect resume your ranting about have to do with what Jason said that night? You can have all the talent in the world until you put your foot in your mouth just ask Fuzzy Zeller , and about a dozen other talk show host, coaches, and Celebes who said something that got them in trouble.

Enough with the horn tooting , already we got the point they are GODS in the radio world , try to stay on topic.

By the way, it would have made for boring television if Jason agreed with Rob.

So your saying it's like the WWF? its rigged? Jason is really A Mavs fan?

It's what he said to the lady, not what he said to Rob listen to the sound bite.

Just so that your dumb ass knows

here we go with the insults, Dam your FOX TV material. next GTG will you sign my bat, i want my kids to know I had a beer with the famous G-mo

how journalism works

here comes the G Mo's do's and don'ts you go Dr Phil preach it Holmes....

when you are running a show, you want a proponent/opponent spin. You don't want your subjects to agree because then IT MAKES FOR HOMERVISION

kinda like you did on the Jack Ricardi show? I don't remember you saying anything that you did not agree with. what happened to your theory that night?

But what the hell do you know?

I know how to answer a question when on live TV that won't embarrass my City or my Family.

Never seen you even attempt to try to get into radio except by CALLING IN TO SOMEBODY ELSE'S SHOW TO GET YOUR 15 MINUTES OF FAME!!!

Not all of us want to be famous like you brah, calling into a radio show is just that, calling in and saying what you think is what's on your mind. Who said it was a ticket to star search? maybe you think I am someone else? when do you see me make topics about when I will be on a radio show? And then beg posters to tune in?

we should know already, your the famous G-Mo hell they might even move American idol to another day so they does lose any raitings.

I really think you have some serious Issues going on and for that I will forgive you.

Unlike you Mr Greg Mohr I can make a point without getting all fired up, and resorting to tooting my horn, since the Spurs got their ass waxed the other night? I will give you a pass this time and hopefully at the next GTG you will have had time to really reflect on your non professional behavior you display in Kori's wonderful forum.

For Pete's sake get the hell off this dayum bandwagon.

Are you saying I don't have the right to speak my mind? Or you trying to lay down the law? Unless your Al Gore I wouldn't go off on folks posting at web sites.

But hang in there I'm sure after Kori reads all this she may offer you a Moderator job. You have to have faith bro, believe in yourself I know I do.

Hell if you got chops, do like the rest of us and get discovered.

Is that before or after you beg Fox radio not to let me call in?
You can't have it both ways brah! You can't tell folks to step up to their plate then lock the ball park when they show up.

Are you saying I have no right to speak my mind? maybe if I was black you would let me have a blog at your non white web site :smokin

P.S. -- I think Kori can speak for herself. Last time I checked she's in hot demand doing her own thing for WOAI, the Virgin Islands and other stuff. She's got a head cheerleader in her corner; he's called LJ. You know, her husband?

I think Jason and Rob can talk for themselves also.they don't need an uncle Tom :lmao

I do want to thank you for your reply, it's not that often I get to chat one on one with a major celebrity as yourself and I feel honored and I really mean it.
good luck on ESPN and may God Bless you.

05-25-2006, 06:55 PM
Wow I met Alamo50 a few years back at the Texas sports bar I have never seen him this upset :wow

05-25-2006, 07:22 PM
Lighten up guys, and don't say what he needs money for.

05-25-2006, 07:57 PM
mr nbascribe without us callers and listeners guys like you would not have jobs so keep that in mind when you talk down to us. :(

05-25-2006, 09:42 PM
Mouse 8========= - --- --- -- - -- -- NBAScribe

05-25-2006, 10:04 PM

You are so full of shit. Why don't you tell everyone how you're too damn scared to use your real name? Huh? How many aliases you have?

Hell Stacie can wax your ass in sports. Hell my ten year old nephew has more sports knowledge than that pee brain you got. Who you fooling man. When was the last time you called anybody's show and had a real sports take? 1999? You forget that I still remember when you called that Miami station I was doing a show as a co-host and tried to embarrass me. Yeah I'm on your ass because that's the kind of bullshit you pull. What you did almost a year ago almost cost me a job audition and I'll never forgive your dumb ass for that stunt.

So bone up pardna because it's on. It's time to grow the fuck up and quit trying to trash those who actually had the balls to live their dreams. Get ur ass off that damn couch and GET A FRIGGING JOB LIKE THE REST OF US. Then maybe we'll respect you a little more than the dweeb who wants to think pulling pranks on the radio is the best thing since subway surfing in Chi-town.

05-25-2006, 10:07 PM
What you did almost a year ago almost cost me a job audition and I'll never forgive your dumb ass for that stunt.
Mind sharing that incident with those who are out of the loop?

05-25-2006, 10:14 PM
Mouse thought it would be funny to call into this Miami radio show that I was co-hosting and start asking some bullshit questions that had nothing to do with the topic we were discussing. We were discussing Florida Marlins baseball and the NBA playoffs and Mouse decided to interject some racial bullshit into the conversation. Orande Gaston still asks me who da hell that idiot was when did that show. He was pissed.

We were being taped live by ESPN Radio and it was just bad radio. To mouse he thought it was funny. for me, it was my career cause I was actually applying for the PM drive host show as an audition.

You'd think your 'friends' would come out and be supportive, not be a jackass on something important. And thus the reason why Mouse is on my shit list for eternity.

T Park
05-25-2006, 10:18 PM
way to go mouse.

Your no job having ass oughtta be banned for this bullshit stunt.

05-25-2006, 10:19 PM
Mouse thought it would be funny to call into this Miami radio show that I was co-hosting and start asking some bullshit questions that had nothing to do with the topic we were discussing. We were discussing Florida Marlins baseball and the NBA playoffs and Mouse decided to interject some racial bullshit into the conversation. Orande Gaston still asks me who da hell that idiot was when did that show. He was pissed.

We were being taped live by ESPN Radio and it was just bad radio. To mouse he thought it was funny. for me, it was my career cause I was actually applying for the PM drive host show as an audition.

You'd think your 'friends' would come out and be supportive, not be a jackass on something important. And thus the reason why Mouse is on my shit list for eternity.I want details.............the way you explained it is rather boring. Details, details, details.....................

And by the way, it sounds like it didn't cost you your career, maybe its time to get over it and :stfu about it.

05-25-2006, 10:25 PM
Spicoli....I was a finalist for that job.

It may not have cost me my career but the friends I have in my inner circle don't do that type of bullshit. I literally had to edit Mouse out of my demo tape because his stuff was unusable.

That's all you need to know on it. That's detailed enough.

05-25-2006, 10:27 PM
Spill it man.
You brought it up, now you GOTTA say what happened.

05-25-2006, 10:33 PM
Spicoli....I was a finalist for that job.

It may not have cost me my career but the friends I have in my inner circle don't do that type of bullshit. I literally had to edit Mouse out of my demo tape because his stuff was unusable.

That's all you need to know on it. That's detailed enough.I hope your radio show is not as dull as your detailed explanations have been here.

05-25-2006, 10:44 PM
dude get the fuck over it.

And get a clue clueless, I DON'T HAVE A RADIO SHOW HERE!!!

I do sit ins/call ins for several across the country.

Get over asking for details. If you can't read go get hooked on phonics. I think it was detailed enough. And since I AM THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP, that's all you getting.

05-25-2006, 11:02 PM
dude get the fuck over it.

And get a clue clueless, I DON'T HAVE A RADIO SHOW HERE!!!

I do sit ins/call ins for several across the country.

Get over asking for details. If you can't read go get hooked on phonics. I think it was detailed enough. And since I AM THE ONE WHO BROUGHT IT UP, that's all you getting.
I only asked for details once.

You suck, you are boring, and I hope Mouse fucks with you more. Have a nice night sir.

P.S.- Was it your life long dream to never host a show but do sit-ins/call-ins instead? :lol

05-25-2006, 11:59 PM
Mouse thought it would be funny to call into this Miami radio show that I was co-hosting and start asking some bullshit questions that had nothing to do with the topic

This post is going to cost you 1,500.00 dollars when I am done.

First off that is not true. I never call a show just to call. You posted another " hey everyone look at me I am on the radio today make sure you tune in" topic. Just like you did the other day, And you didn't say for me not to call in. And stop acting like you own the airwaves.

we were discussing. We were discussing Florida Marlins baseball and the NBA playoffs and Mouse decided to interject some racial bullshit into the conversation.

This is more bullshit. why don't you tell everyone what I said on the radio?

You won't say since your making this up.

Orande Gaston still asks me who da hell that idiot was when did that show. He was pissed.

That is not true if my call was that bad? they would have ran me off the radio. I guess now your going to say they don't have the 10 second delay?

We were being taped live by ESPN

Then it wasn't live if it was taped stop trying to twist the story.

it was just bad radio If your being taped? you can Edit any calls. And what if someone else calls in? Your going to blame them also for you not getting some job? Your bullshit story is coming apart.

To mouse he thought it was funny. What was funny? you still haven't told anyone what I said? they have to go by your words. Why not play us all the tape since you say the show was being taped?

for me, it was my career Now you sound like your looking for an excuse. There is no radio station that goes by what some caller says to determine if they hire someone, Jesus is your Ego that big you can't look in the mirror and say your not what they wanted? You have to blame some caller?

cause I was actually applying for the PM drive host show as an audition. So you can't show them how you handle calls you don't like? isn't that part of being a radio host? Hell you should have showed them your skills. Oh wait what skills? Some midget from San antonio has that kind of power to keep folks from getting radio jobs? Wow let me pick up the phone and see if I can get Jim Rome fired also. :lmao

You'd think your 'friends' would come out and be supportive,

Friends? who else called from this web site or from San Antonio for that matter? I was the only caller If I remember correctly.

not be a jackass on something important. And thus the reason why Mouse is on my shit list for eternity.

If what you say was true? Then why didn't you make a topic on how a caller from Koris web site ruined your career? Kori has my phone number you could have called me yourself?

Now that your done with your bullshit story let me tell folks what really took place.

You came in here tooting your horn about how your going to be on the radio and for Us to call in. You said Noting about how this is a job interview So I called the show and I made sure it was about the topic. Every time your on the radio it's about race and Blacks. If John rocker says ######? they call you on the show. If the NFL doesn't not hire enough blacks? they call Greg More on the show, hell your web site is Blackathlete.com

You would think anyone with your talent and time as a black radio talk show host would know he might get a call from the kkk at least once a month.

Are you saying your not ready to take such a call?

Anyway I call the show and I say my funny bit and I even use my MLK free at last sound bite which they let play and i got off. If my call was so bad ? why did it not get cut off? And after i got off the lady who you just happen to not mention. started laughing and the man said Wow who was that? And you noticed that they where Impressed with my passion and radio skills to get people talking in a panic you jumped in right away to try and say bad things about me.

like i was stealing the show and you was jealous, you told them that was not my real name. I go by the name of mouse. And I am really A Spurs fan,

Why on Gods earth would you Admit you know me if my call ruined your career? Why not just act like I was some jerk you did not know? They couldn't stop laughing and the even gave me a compliment on my sound bite saying it was better than the sound bites they had.

maybe what really took place they wanted to hire me and your just bitter.

Why must you lie and twist the story around? as long as i have been calling talk radio not once have i ever called in to ruin anyones job, if anything I get the show going. and why don't you tell folks about my call into KTSA the other day? you seem to like my call you answered my question. Why didn't you come in here to lecture me? And how come you wait till pagetwo to tell everyone how i ruined your career? Why wouldn't you tell folks at the GTG who your lost a major gig cuz of me? You know why? It's some story your trying to seed these Igmo's like Tpark who Belive anything they read on the www as truth, look at Tpark he did not hear the show and already he is ryding your nut sac since he is the biggest Kiss ass on Spurtalk.

How many times does Kori have to tell someone to stop kissing her ass? I don't care about who on this board you got thinking your bullshit story is true.

but i will say this, if you want to take your story telling ass to the ATM and take out 1,500.00 dollars I will bring the tape to koris house for her to hear and If what you say is true? Then Kori can report to everyone hear i lied and she and you can do to me as you wish. Trust me when Kori hears the tape you will be going home with 1,500.00 dollars less in your pocket.

so the ball is in your court try to bullshit your way out of this one.

And on a side note? If I really wanted you fired from any job? I could just tell the stock holders at clear channel you grabbed my penis at one of Koris' GTg's and i have the marks to prove it. So don't push me to do something stupid after all I am mental remember? Do you really want me to keep calling every show your on? You must since this topic was about Jason Thompson but you felt you had to chime in and try and ruin my career also.

05-26-2006, 12:06 AM

Gracias para informacion. This is what I was looking for.

I did find some fault in your post though.....................................

So you can't show them how you handle calls you don't like? isn't that part of being a radio host?

He is not a "radio host", he is a sit-in.

Get your facts straight. :lol

Kori Ellis
05-26-2006, 12:07 AM
Man, Greg Moore and Mouse O'Connor in a rumble on the internet.

This is a must read for everyone.


(At this point, I think Mouse is in the lead -- Greg better bring his A game.)

05-26-2006, 12:14 AM
Man, Greg Moore and Mouse O'Connor in a rumble on the internet.

This is a must read for everyone.


(At this point, I think Mouse is in the lead -- Greg better bring his A game.)

He better bring the 1,500.00 also I am not going to dig through 100 cassett tapes unless he really wants to hear the call I made.

And you said Kori Greg More spoke with you after the show why didn't you mention how I ruined his Job Interview?

Kori Ellis
05-26-2006, 12:15 AM
I think that Greg mentioned you called in "acting a fool" (which I thought was routine) but I didn't hear anything about a job interviewing being ruined.

05-26-2006, 12:19 AM
Instant classic. :lol
All I gotta say is WOW!
Is there such a thing as "penis mark"??? :wtf

05-26-2006, 12:23 AM
G-Mo pretty much got killed here.

05-26-2006, 12:27 AM
And on a side note? If I really wanted you fired from any job? I could just tell the stock holders at clear channel you grabbed my penis at one of Koris' GTg's and i have the marks to prove it. So don't push me to do something stupid after all I am mental remember? Do you really want me to keep calling every show your on? You must since this topic was about Jason Thompson but you felt you had to chime in and try and ruin my career also.

Even if this is true, this is in very poor taste Mouse.

05-26-2006, 12:29 AM
That call I made was funny as hell and I could hear both talk show hosts laughing. I don't know why Greg Would say what he did, I would never do anything to make anyone lose money or a job. I call Tpark a Fat Funnel cake eating asshat all day long here at the forums, but I would never go to his job at the carnival and make trouble to get him fired. Greg More acts like he is so special that i have nothing beter to do than try and ruin his career Like this counrty needs one more black man out of work. :lmao

And I am tired of him using the get a job card. many folks on this web site don't have a job that doesn't mean they are less of a human. You don't see me telling him to meet me at the Comedy club and try and do stand up do you? but yet I will meet him any day on the radio and let the listeners decide who they like doing talk radio.

If greg more had half my my comedy skills he would be doing the best dam sports show by now. but he is a bitter old man with a stick up his ass and has nothing better to do but get on line and hyjack some topic that is not even about him, and blame some idiot radio caller on him not having Bill Waton's Job?

What's next? pooh blaming tpark cuz he can't get on Oprahs Book club?

what did hurt me today was Alamo50 bringing up some cash I owed him from 1999* after I make some post he doesn't like. I tried to pay his 50.00 dollar entry fee for the fantasy games and was going to let him keep my money if i won and he told me to get with LJ and I PM'd LJ for two weeks and spoke with him on the phone. so he can't say I avoided him I'm sure you could give him my phone number. if he was that upset he could have PM'd me by now.

Do you see me posting for him to pick up his used condoms from my living room floor after we called those two hookers that night? Some things are not meant for others to read so i will not bring it up.

You notice Alamo50 did not bring up the 600.00 dollar tim Duncan rookie card i have been looking for to give him so we can call it even, Funny how that doesn't make it to the forums.

You see how you think you know someone till they have a bad day and then thier true self comes out. You would think if G more hated me so,he would say something to me at the GTGs when me and him are eating watermelon toggether. :fro

05-26-2006, 12:30 AM
Even if this is true, this is in very poor taste Mouse.

What do you know about taste? you voted for Gore!

05-26-2006, 12:45 AM
Well I have to go change into my other screen name to post in the troll forum. So if the angry black man shows up? tell him I will bring the tape of my call that runied his career to your house for 500.00 cash but that is the lowest I go. minus the 100.00 for Alamo50

05-26-2006, 12:46 AM
What do you know about taste? you voted for Gore!

Mouse, that's liable. This thread should be deleted.

05-26-2006, 12:50 AM
Mouse, that's liable. This thread should be deleted.

I was going to foward this to the ticket in Dallas so maybe your right. delete on.
I will return to this site when Greg More apologizes to me for his posts he made.

05-26-2006, 01:22 AM
I'm all for a classic web match-up, and reading this thread I had my share of oooohhhs and ahhhhs, fucken classic, but penis grabbing accusations are over the top unless were talking about Reggie Evans or Avery Johnson.

05-26-2006, 01:30 AM
Mouse, that's liable. This thread should be deleted.

errr, don't you mean "LIBEL?"...this entire thread was very entertaining...mouse is pretty hilarious and i can see why he gets under the skin but still, he's hilarious...so when did he switch teams, from a spurs fan to a mavs fan?

05-26-2006, 01:33 AM
reverse mojo. Mouse and I are old-school Spur fans (I'm more of an NBA fan), when he used to cheer for the old Spurs they always lost, so Mouse started cheering for the Mav's for reverse mojo.

05-26-2006, 01:37 AM
reverse mojo. Mouse and I are old-school Spur fans (I'm more of an NBA fan), when he used to cheer for the old Spurs they always lost, so Mouse started cheering for the Mav's for reverse mojo.

LOL, guess it eventually worked for him. So is he still a Spurs fan rooting for the Mavs or did he just stick with the Mavs...or does he like both? I've heard people say he's really a Spurs fan but he starts some nasty and humorous trolls threads that makes me wonder.

05-26-2006, 01:49 AM
LOL, guess it eventually worked for him. So is he still a Spurs fan rooting for the Mavs or did he just stick with the Mavs...or does he like both? I've heard people say he's really a Spurs fan but he starts some nasty and humorous trolls threads that makes me wonder.

That's just it, you never know with Mouse. You zig, he zags. He's like the Andy Kaufmann of the internet. His shit is often offensive, but fucken funny.

05-26-2006, 09:26 AM
half your comedy skills? Mouse what the fuck u talking? Dude if your ass had half the education I had you wouldn't be radio whoring up and down I-35. I heard that shit you did on the Ticket last night. Yeah it's funny. But where is it getting you? What comedy circuit are u on? Who's got you as a headliner? Has Jay Mohr called you yet?

And let's get something straight. I employ folks for jobs. That's why I'm self employed. That's why I've pretty much taken over the family business. That's why I've expanded business interests to Houston, Dallas and Austin. Dude if I was really wanting a full time career in broadcasting, I would have accepted Ashwood's invite years ago to move out to L.A.

The whole point of this post that I made is that you need to quit thinking your Jeanie Jackle and you're the world's greatest critic on somebody being on TV. And yeah I do take it pretty personal when maybe you rag on one of my friends and you ain't got the whole scoop on how and why they are there or why they did this or that. I got that interview they did on Fox and I was laughing my ass off. Jason is as big a Spurs fan as you try to be for the Mavericks. The problem is though, at least he's honest about what he feels. You're usually full of shit.

And yeah I didn't appreciate the fact that you wanted to try and call in and be funny. I've got the CD Mouse. And you may think that it was laughter you heard but when that segment was over, the co-hosts were not really laughing. Your segment was BAD AS HELL because it didn't flow, didn't equate to anything we were saying and didn't make San Antonio look smart. But then again what else is new? You're the radio court jester of San Antonio.

Mouse let's face it. You'd like a piece of me on the air. Hell I wish I could make that happen for you. I'd love to embarrass the hell out of you, show your ass up and basically let you make a complete fool out of yourself. All those skits you USED TO do were funny back in 1999 were just that; back in the day.

You want a lawsuit? I dare your ass to play back any of that show material in public. You don't have permission for that; even if you did make a call in. I'd think it be pretty damn funny to see your ass explain to somebody's high priced lawyer that you were trying to make a point in a message board while they are cleaning out your crib. Oh wait that's not your place...you ain't employed.

Bring it on little man if you got the balls. I'll back up everything I've said. As many times as you have trashed me up here, you're lucky I haven't ganstahed your ass at Kori's house. But then again I know it's hard to get that tricycle up the hills to a function. That's why u aint' been around.

T Park
05-26-2006, 09:35 AM
Get him G Mo.

Oh, Gee!!
05-26-2006, 09:49 AM
**grabs popcorn**

05-26-2006, 09:50 AM

05-26-2006, 09:54 AM
Somebody make sure you bring Mouse a high chair. I don't want him start complaining tht I'm not looking him straight in his eyes when I'm blasting him.

05-26-2006, 10:11 AM
:wakeup :wow

05-26-2006, 10:16 AM
half your comedy skills? Mouse what the fuck u talking? Dude if your ass had half the education I had you wouldn't be radio whoring up and down I-35. I heard that shit you did on the Ticket last night. Yeah it's funny. But where is it getting you? What comedy circuit are u on? Who's got you as a headliner? Has Jay Mohr called you yet?

And let's get something straight. I employ folks for jobs. That's why I'm self employed. That's why I've pretty much taken over the family business. That's why I've expanded business interests to Houston, Dallas and Austin. Dude if I was really wanting a full time career in broadcasting, I would have accepted Ashwood's invite years ago to move out to L.A.

The whole point of this post that I made is that you need to quit thinking your Jeanie Jackle and you're the world's greatest critic on somebody being on TV. And yeah I do take it pretty personal when maybe you rag on one of my friends and you ain't got the whole scoop on how and why they are there or why they did this or that. I got that interview they did on Fox and I was laughing my ass off. Jason is as big a Spurs fan as you try to be for the Mavericks. The problem is though, at least he's honest about what he feels. You're usually full of shit.

And yeah I didn't appreciate the fact that you wanted to try and call in and be funny. I've got the CD Mouse. And you may think that it was laughter you heard but when that segment was over, the co-hosts were not really laughing. Your segment was BAD AS HELL because it didn't flow, didn't equate to anything we were saying and didn't make San Antonio look smart. But then again what else is new? You're the radio court jester of San Antonio.

Mouse let's face it. You'd like a piece of me on the air. Hell I wish I could make that happen for you. I'd love to embarrass the hell out of you, show your ass up and basically let you make a complete fool out of yourself. All those skits you USED TO do were funny back in 1999 were just that; back in the day.

You want a lawsuit? I dare your ass to play back any of that show material in public. You don't have permission for that; even if you did make a call in. I'd think it be pretty damn funny to see your ass explain to somebody's high priced lawyer that you were trying to make a point in a message board while they are cleaning out your crib. Oh wait that's not your place...you ain't employed.

Bring it on little man if you got the balls. I'll back up everything I've said. As many times as you have trashed me up here, you're lucky I haven't ganstahed your ass at Kori's house. But then again I know it's hard to get that tricycle up the hills to a function. That's why u aint' been around.

So I take it your not going to apologize?

05-26-2006, 10:20 AM
He can send the tape to as many individuals as he wants, he just can't air it for public consumption. So, let's have it Mouse. I wanna hear.

05-26-2006, 10:20 AM
you guys need to hurry up, Im going to be late for work!

Mel, can I get some of that popcorn?

05-26-2006, 10:25 AM
Where is a good Judge Judy Troll when you need her? :lol

05-26-2006, 10:32 AM
mouse is a loser.

05-26-2006, 10:36 AM
Mouse I'll apologize when you stop thinking taking crack shots at a website I co-developed because there was no medium available or that you think I owe your ass airtime or something. I don't owe you shit. You want me to apologize? Give me a good as fucking reason why I should? Maybe I need to do like you and spend some time seeing how many times you actually tried to defame my character up here.

Doesn't feel good does it Mouse? If you don't like it, then get a clue and stop doing it to others. And i'll apologize when you figured out that an apology is deemed on respecting somebody. I respected you once Mouse....until you decided to be a weasel and start trashing things I take a vested interest in. You made this a personal vendetta in another post. Consider this an open pimp slap in your face of, "brang yo bitch ass on".

Oh, Gee!!
05-26-2006, 10:48 AM
I thing G-Mizzo is pwning el ratón right now.

05-26-2006, 11:05 AM
nbascribe, you never answered the question:

If mouse was so offensive, why didn't the producer cut the call? Someone must of thought it was entertaining.

You can't blame mouse for somebody else keeping him on the line...

And I agree with mouse about his comments on SA Radio:

This shit about the Mavs not being better than the Spurs, the refs preferring the Mavs, etc., etc., is lame.

You want to have a take, complaining about "small ball" or stupid mistakes costing us the game? Fine, bring it and discuss.

But bringing up the refs, or calling the Mavs and Spurs "equal" is just sour grapes.

05-26-2006, 11:18 AM
Why would you bring in personal smack ? I know your still bitter about the Spurs but to bring up our personal deals is not the Classy Alamo50 I remebered.


Didn't you get this:

If you ain't calling into shows as much as you used to than you are holding San Antonio back of their #1 entertainment on the radio.

Can I have my $100 back now"?

The $100 bit was supposed to be funny getting it from you in return for the comments I made about you in the first P.S.

I am not taking personal stuff in here with you.
I ain't like that at all.
And besides I never asked you for the money I lend you.
I did appreciate you mentioning it on occasion so I know you didn't forget.

You thinking I am attacking you is very dissapointing to me bro.
I never forget you took time to hang out and gave me a place to crash.

And the story about me needing money for hookers........


I lend YOU the money, remember?
I don't pay for sex.

The way you are reversing shit is like dealing with Dusty all over again.
Damn man, come on!

05-26-2006, 11:21 AM
Okay this is getting interesting :lol
"some people" are getting a bit exposed here..

05-26-2006, 11:53 AM
nbascribe, you never answered the question:

If mouse was so offensive, why didn't the producer cut the call? Someone must of thought it was entertaining.

You can't blame mouse for somebody else keeping him on the line...

Not interested in joining the fray per say, however on the producer front.
Most producers are subhuman scuz who would not stop anything that was producing ratings. Case in point the New York City shock jock who said he was looking for his rival d.j.s wife and 4 year old to mess up. Station was owned and operated by Clear Channel. Sat on their asses and did not do a thing until days later the bad press was too much to take. Wimps. A producer with one iota of balls would have stopped that dialogue on the spot and fired that asshat radio head.

So no points for Mouse for not getting run by the producer.

05-26-2006, 11:57 AM
Mouse you good at attacking folks but you get a little defensive when people start fighting back.

Friends don't do the bullshit you do. You'll trash talk anyone and think they need to just accept you because that's ur way. Not happening dude. Anyone who has hung out with me knows that I'm the easiest person to get along with. Heck even Alamo50 and I get along and we ain't seen each other in a couple of years or so.

Iv'e got my flashlight rodent and I'm gonna expose ya for what you are. Again if you want an apology you better start back tracking and apologizing for all the atrocitties that you've done to me and a few others.

I don't hold grudges but this is one that will burn for a while because you think personal attacks are a way of expression.

Think of it this way, maybe this thread was just the ingredient necessary to start putting your butt in check. Consider me the Orkin man....I've got the right dosage to handle you on any level you want to go.

05-26-2006, 12:03 PM
continues smack talk

OK, I can see you're not serious about having a discussion. I don't know what really happened between you and Mouse, but this is really just silly.

Are you actually defending Jason Thompson's take?!?

Cause if you are, that's all I need to know that you're a moron.

05-26-2006, 12:16 PM
OK, I can see you're not serious about having a discussion. I don't know what really happened between you and Mouse, but this is really just silly.

Are you actually defending Jason Thompson's take?!?

Cause if you are, that's all I need to know that you're a moron.

i'm pretty sure the root of the discussion here goes way beyond what jason thompson said.

05-26-2006, 12:18 PM
i'm pretty sure the root of the discussion here goes way beyond what jason thompson said.
It seemed obvious. :lol

05-26-2006, 12:21 PM
i'm pretty sure the root of the discussion here goes way beyond what jason thompson said.

Sure, but since no one really wants to discuss what really happened, I thought I'd go back to the OP:

Which, is in fact, 100% true. But instead of agreeing with mouse, people with axes to grind come here an attack him. Which is cool, after all, mouse doesn't hold anything back.

I just think it's funny that this whole thread started from an actually decent take from mouse, when there have been other, uh, less "accurate" mouse threads haven't gotten this intense!

05-26-2006, 01:42 PM
Let me try and respond to this long ass way of you saying you have lots of time on your hands since your not doing much in the radio world...

half your comedy skills? Mouse what the fuck u talking?

I kinda knew that might go over your head. I said if your going to say I am not funny? Feel free to meet me at river center comedy club tonight at the open mic. Let the audience decide if your right. I am not funny. At the same time you can show me and others how it really should be done. Put me in my place.
I will give up stand up If your better than me like you say you are.
Lets see you back all the harsh words you have said about me in a 5 minute comedy bit.

I can call now and make sure we get mic time for tonight.

Dude if your ass had half the education I had

I would be smart enough to not waste my time at a spurs forum talking to someone called mouse I did not like

you wouldn't be radio whoring up and down I-35.

I don't agree with you on this point, Education has nothing to do with calling into talk shows. Just ask Mark Cuban.
Don't get me wrong you can hit me with the " I went to school longer than you" smack bat anytime you want. But in this case? Education does not keep anyone from acting a fool, and doing stupid shit, after all, didn't President Bush go to Yale?

I heard that shit you did on the Ticket last night. Yeah it's funny. But where is it getting you? What comedy circuit are u on? Who's got you as a headliner? Has Jay Mohr called you yet?

Funny you mention him, We are good friends and I was just talking about the last Comic Standing 4 show to air this Tuesday, He will not be hosting this season. Shoot him an e mail he will reply back. As for headliner? Are you saying all the comics out their are not worthy if they don't have a show with there name on the ticket stub? I guess If I don't see or hear you on The best dam Sports show then your not worthy to do Sports?

Do you know how long Lenny Bruce went without ever headlining?

Maybe you never got the memo. I do stand up on the side as a hobby kinda like you do sports radio. I have never come in any forum and told anyone I am very good and That it's my way to make money. And I have never made a topic for folks to go see me live. Unlike you? I don't spam websites with my horn tooting, and beg for support, But if your really that hung up on me doing stand up? I guess you have to go after any faults you see in others to make yourself feel better. I will not go down that road.

What you do for fun or support your family is your thing. I only call into radio shows and post at web sites and tell folks when I don't agree with them, So all your insults are really nothing new, I am a loser and I take pride in it, maybe you did not see the GTG photos of BigZax shoving a broom up my ass. Does that look like a person who takes life serious like you do? Have you not seen the photo I post all over the www of me in my boxers smoking a joint in a my living room with no furniture? Do you not understand I love my life the way it is?
I am really sorry If you took me for a person who gives a shit,

maybe that is why you keep lecturing me 24/7 on how I need to get my GED.
If that is the case? I want to thank you for your time. I might just do that one day and I will make sure when I become someone important? I will thank you properly.

I must say I hardly get anyone to react the way you have, maybe there is more to the story? You mentioned Kim my girlfriend in a few posts. Maybe you two used to have something going on? And I am just stuck in the middle.

What ever the case may be? If your willing to insist on calling me out? I will have no problem responding, I may even take out the smack bat on your ass and remind you who your talking to, I must warn you I will not hold back. And I will not be responsible for any so called Jobs I may ruin in the process.

But for now I will just quote your posts so I can figure out where all this hate is coming from...

And let's get something straight. I employ folks for jobs. That's why I'm self employed. Did you go to the TPark school of horn tooting?

I think 3 pages of how smart and well off you are ? Should be enough already.
Let's try and stay on the topic about Jason Thompson and you paying me the cash I asked for since you lied to everyone about me running your so called career.

That's why I've pretty much taken over the family business. That's why I've expanded business interests to Houston, Dallas and Austin.

holy shit this crap just keeps coming,,,, I swear to GOD if you say you helped invent the www I am out of here for good...dude We get the point your the man!

Dude if I was really wanting a full time career in broadcasting, I would have accepted Ashwood's invite years ago to move out to L.A.

Sorry if I think this is funny, But some 300lb pound hairy man they call the Gorilla asking some cute black man like you to move in with him in LA just gives me a picture I don't want to see right now.

So let me get this straight, You turn down a good Job In LA then you complain that a caller ruined a job you wanted on the radio? If i ruined your Job? Then go take the job in LA, and if you really don't want the job in LA? Then why say your career is ruined by caller? Sorry I am just trying to figure out your way of thinking.

The whole point of this post that I made is

To use Kori's forum for you to spew out your impeccable resume ,and your life long achievements, Dude I had no idea your many skills and talents, After this post ? I will e mail Oprah and see if we can get you some sort of man of the year award.

you need to quit thinking your Jeanie Jackle and you're the world's greatest critic on somebody being on TV.

Now your name dropping, I don't think Chris Duel would like the fact that you compared her to me. She can't hold a candle to my criticizing skills, That lady has done nothing for you to darg her in one of your lame long horn tooting post you owe her an apologize also

And yeah I do take it pretty personal when maybe you rag on one of my friends and you ain't got the whole scoop on how and why they are there or why they did this or that.

So this is really about you defending Jason? Why not just give him the link. And we can eliminate the middle man?

I got that interview they did on Fox and I was laughing my ass off.

So he gets to clown around but you don't let anyone else have fun?
Your being to bias bro and it's showing

Jason is as big a Spurs fan as you try to be for the Mavericks.

And this is news?

The problem is though, at least he's honest about what he feels.
Then why doesn't he back what he says? Did he call the Ticket back? Did he ever apologize to Avery for saying he will never be a head coach? Why does he get a pass? How do you know how he really feels. Do you know things we don't? Is there any Brokeback going on here I don't know about?

After reading your long ass rants? You come off like some Gay lover who is defending his piece of ass.If your love for Jason is that deep? Then I can see why your so passionate, and i will try and check with Kori before I make another topic about him in the future.

You're usually full of shit

(insert the master of the Obvious gif) If I am so full of shit? You seem to take what I have to say to the bank..Speaking of which? Did you hit the ATM yet? I need that cash by tonight, unlike you i don't have an army of employees underneath me working in three major cities.

And yeah I didn't appreciate the fact that you wanted to try and call in and be funny. I've got the CD Mouse. And you may think that it was laughter you heard but when that segment was over, the co-hosts were not really laughing.

Then let kori hear the CD, and let's get a 3rd opinion on this matter.

Your segment was BAD AS HELL because it didn't flow,
Now this time I will agree with you, I don't know how to flow. I will leave that up to the black folks, trust me, you won't see me pull a GIG and make a vanilla Mouse CD anytime soon

didn't equate to anything we were saying and didn't make San Antonio look smart. But then again what else is new? You're the radio court jester of San Antonio.

Well if San Antonio had more callers maybe I wouldn't be so famous. Maybe this lame ass town could use more mighty mouse to fill the air waves, why can't you get some of your employees from the three major cities you network at and get some good callers to call in? How about raise there 4.75 an hour to 4.90 an hour if they call more than one time a day? You can offer a bonus if they can ruin someone's radio career.

Mouse let's face it. You'd like a piece of me on the air.

Dude right now after reading your cut and paste? The only piece I need? Is at the pawn shop so I can just blow my brains out if I have to read one more post of your successful life you live,

Hell I wish I could make that happen for you.

So much for all your radio connections, I guess Jason Thompson is not as close and a friend as you thought. Keep that in mind the next time you two saddle up!

I'd love to embarrass the hell out of you, show your ass up and basically let you make a complete fool out of yourself. All those skits you USED TO do were funny back in 1999 were just that; back in the day.

How is it you get such a joy in doing so when you just wasted 3 pages telling me how much you hate me doing the same shit?

You want a lawsuit?

now who is the comic? You think I even have enough bus money to make it to the courthouse so some over price lawyer can use up all your money trying to get me to pay for something I don't have? And what judge will put me in prison for playing some call I made into some sports show? Are the prisons that empty? Maybe I can get probation and not be able to go near an AM radio for two years as I report to some sort of Phone callers rehab where they smack my hand each time i grab the phone. I guees the first step is to admit I have a problem, wait till step 9 when i have to apologies to all the people who's careers I ruined with my phones calls.

I dare your ass to play back any of that show material in public. You don't have permission

Is this a way to say i was right and you was wrong? I don't think FOX sports will get bent out of shape if you at least let kori hear your Demo CD

for that; even if you did make a call in. I'd think it be pretty damn funny to see your ass explain to somebody's high priced lawyer that you were trying to make a point in a message boardwhile they are cleaning out your crib. Oh wait that's not your place...you ain't employed.

If your saying i can get my placed cleaned just by playing that tape? Then hell yes I will play it asap. When can they come over i want it done very soon.Do they do windows?

trying to make a point in a message board

I'm still waiting for you to make yours, BTW who was this topic about in the first place?

Bring it on little man if you got the balls.

are you saying I can call into the shows now? Sorry this is getting confusing, you say i need to lay off and stop ruining peoples lives, and now you want me to bring it?

I'll back up everything I've said.

play the CD then

As many times as you have trashed me up here,

Show me the posts? It looks to me your the one on the bashing trip as you hijack the topic.

you're lucky I haven't ganstahed your ass at Kori's house.

so you are a violent person, And all this time Kori said i was safe at here GTGs How does it feel to beat up on a midget? I can see why FOX is breaking your door down to go work for them, maybe you and Charles Barclay can get some sort of midget tossing competition to air on ESPN

But then again I know it's hard to get that tricycle up the hills to a function. That's why u aint' been around.

Not really I have a 12 speed now. It just needs another tire after some black kid stole it last night. He kinda looked familiar, how late did your kids come home last night? :lmao

05-26-2006, 02:51 PM
Mouse I'm tired. The president is calling about my ideas for keeping the unemployed out of walmart today.

You dayum right I hijacked ur topic. It's called the power of words and how easy it is to switch one of ur lame topics into a diatribe about you and person x.

Now excuse me, the rich girlfriend needs my attention since I'm on my way to watch the Suns beat the mavs once again.

T Park
05-26-2006, 02:55 PM

Kick some ass G Mo.

Ive got your back man.

05-26-2006, 03:38 PM
Damn. Of all days to be busy at work.
Shit. I missed the entire match.

Got to say Mouse got off to a quick start, look like GMo was getting put up against the rope, then GMO goes F-in Rocky for a couple of rounds.

Great stuff. Highly entertaining.
Even the sportschick got run in the thread.

All that is missing from this post is a picture of Amy Reid.
Then perfection would be obtained.

05-26-2006, 03:48 PM
Dayum. You mean this thread done hit the chicken ranch? Holy shit!!!!

Consider this UFC Spurstalk style. The only thing I haven't done yet is go completely old school on him. But then again Mouse is like a mascot around here. He may not be Larry the Chicken; Larry likes to work. :fro

05-26-2006, 04:33 PM
I didn't know the photo of the Ron Jeremy look-alike was Mouse. Sorry dude. I had a lot of fun making fun of that picture.

05-26-2006, 04:37 PM
This is a loosing argument for G Mo. Even if he wins, he looks like an ass.

Mouse has nothing to lose. Mama always told me, don't get in a fight with someone who has nothing to lose....

05-26-2006, 06:51 PM
You made me laugh Mouse. :)

05-26-2006, 07:32 PM
Actually Mad Dog i only lose if I cared.

I'm not worried about my credability up here.

Sometimes I do things to prove a point and the point was that if Mouse had 'control', he would have blown off my attacks. He couldn't. He loves controversy and exploitation. And let's face it, this thread was going pretty much nowhere until I jumped in and started up a lot of shit.

Okay can't play with you guys no more, game tipping off and I need to work!!!


05-26-2006, 07:41 PM
Sorry for the late replies, But I have two PCs I have to get ready by 8pm.
And I have been using this one for the www to download many drivers I need.

I know it does not sound right for me to actually have a job after reading buckwheat's rants , but I also paint many Apartments in my complex for the painters here, They get 150.00 each I charge them 75.00 dollars. I am not sure it's legal but it puts food on the table, unlike Greg More I don't have 100 dollar bills stashed in my freezer.
Anyway I can see Mr G-Mo is not in any mood to just say he was wrong and he apologies for making up some BS story about me ruining his radio career. So I take it he rather just trade insults and have a smack off, Well I would love nothing more to satisfy his perverse ways,

And I may just accommodate him in every way .

So as return later I will have no choice but to ass rape this wannabe Emaule Stewart wannabe and take back my crown as the best smack talker San Antonio has ever seen next to Gino the 2nd place Jim Rome smack off 1999.

So sit back enjoy and try cover your pop corn cuz Bits of Greg More's ass will be spattered all over this forum as I pull out the smack bat on his lame black ass................

05-26-2006, 07:51 PM
G-Mo, you are now officially a


05-26-2006, 08:26 PM
Hey sucka... better not mess with my gold foo... I bust you in your head!

05-26-2006, 10:33 PM
I guess the only way to have this smack off is to find a way to be on line at the same time.

I need to call you I guess and that way we can meet.
PM me your cell phone number cuz someone pissed all over the bathroom walls at the AT&T center I can't read ther last 3 digits of the number you wrote down.

05-26-2006, 11:15 PM
MUMU want smackoff. Loser comes to my place for dinner. Take a bath first.

05-27-2006, 12:55 AM
Lawsuit threats are gay and stating that you are smarter or above someone is weak too.

Automatic loss in a smack off.

Yo Momma is like a bag of chips. Free To Lay. :lol

05-27-2006, 01:11 AM
Lawsuit threats are gay and stating that you are smarter or above someone is weak too.

Automatic loss in a smack off.

Yo Momma is like a bag of chips. Free To Lay. :lol


05-28-2006, 12:16 PM
I lost all respect for Greg More.

Making accusations that someone ruined a job or career for you is not funny.
And I know Greg More was serious, But I after I offered to play the tape he back peddled and pulled out the law suit card.

Then try to turn this whole thing into some sort of smack off.
What I don't get is , not one person from the ticket or anyone from this website who has worked for clear channel has come to his defense.

I'm sure if another poster on this board blamed Greg More for them not getting some job Kori would have already told them they better make sure it's true if not don't post anything that can get you in trouble.

Well what about me? Just cuz I am not some hot shot radio celeb I don't have the same rights to not have false accusations said about me? Someone post a picture they found on the www of a poster from SR and the flippin SWAT team steps in to delete and edit with in seconds.

All I asked was for Greg More to apologie , and yet he is not man enough to do so.
As far as me talking about his web site? Well take it off the www if your going to not want to hear what others have to say, Who gives you the right to try and sensor free speech?

All I said was funny how Black people don't see the double standard, they have BET Black entrainment television but if some one make WET white Entertainment television then all hell breaks lose, And instead of you showing all of us your many years of so called professional journalist skills? You rather just make some threats about kicking someones ass at a GTG.

Well if your that upset that you think you need to beat up on short person then feel free to PM me and I will meet you anywhere you say,

As for my options since you said things about me that are untrue? Maybe I might have a law suit I can pull out that may drag in others also who would rather not be part of it.

So until your over qualified talent ass makes an apology? I will not return to this board due to advise from my attorney.
Mark Allen

05-28-2006, 12:27 PM
Mouse you should contact FOX radio and find out if it is true Greg More lost a job due to your phone call.

Suns Fan
05-28-2006, 12:33 PM
Mouse if it is not true? You can sue Greg More Spurs talk and FOX radio for the false accusations made about you.

If it is true?

I would tell Greg More your sorry and spend every minute of your pathectic life tossing his salad? :lmao

05-28-2006, 01:10 PM
:lmao I love mouse. he's da man.

05-28-2006, 01:17 PM
:lmao I love mouse. he's da man.



05-28-2006, 01:19 PM
:lmao I love mouse. he's da man.

very funny
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

05-28-2006, 02:45 PM
Getting Greg and Mouse back together is going to be my toughest assignment yet.

05-28-2006, 09:18 PM
I love you MOUSE

05-28-2006, 10:52 PM
Am I the only one that cringed while reading this thread? :oops

05-29-2006, 12:27 AM
Mouse, you're full of crap. And if you'd clean out your PM box you might get a response.

then again the only apology you get from me is not speaking up sooner as to how you treat ur so-called friends.

05-29-2006, 12:54 AM
Mouse, you're full of crap. And if you'd clean out your PM box you might get a response.

then again the only apology you get from me is not speaking up sooner as to how you treat ur so-called friends.

why not just hit him up on another name....we all KNOW he has more then one!!!

and do you start every thread with mouse being full of somethin?
just askin

cause i would rather have a funny ass broke and witty bum you like "el rrrrraton" cause i love the cats who like me come from the gutter!!! you may hate us now and talk down to us from your all mightly thrown that you have going for you ....but just member NO ONE STAYS ON TOP FOREVER....and im sure if the mouse if hungry enough he could get what he wanted ....but maybe im just full of shit

05-29-2006, 01:02 AM
Greg why don't you just play the cd you have and prove mouse wrong?

05-29-2006, 01:11 AM

Because the CD is not for PUBLIC PLAYING. It's copyrighted material and technically belongs to ESPN 1400 out of Hollywood, Florida.

I signed a contract that allows me to use it for demo purposes only; not for personal use on a message board.

And proving anything to Mouse is a waste of time. To him he thinks his crass remarks about ethnicity and what people do to help their economic/socio groups is pointless is a double standard. It's funny how he'll pick on my site but he has NEVER SAID anything to me in person and that's probably because he knows I'd either body slam him into Kori's wall or something.

05-29-2006, 01:22 AM
Man, I was told this thread was classic. It was weak.

05-29-2006, 01:24 AM
Lol....sorry MIG. Somebody lied to ya!! lol

05-29-2006, 02:08 AM

Because the CD is not for PUBLIC PLAYING. It's copyrighted material and technically belongs to ESPN 1400 out of Hollywood, Florida.

I signed a contract that allows me to use it for demo purposes only; not for personal use on a message board.

But why not let Kori listen to it so she can tell us or not if mouse ruined your radio job like you said? What I don't get, if your good at what you do, and your well known at fox? why this CD is so importaint?

he knows I'd either body slam him into Kori's wall or something.

You seem to have some serious issues. And I can't see how a phone call to a radio station can make you want to hurt another poster from this forum.

But I will stop asking questions so I don't get hurt either. :wow

05-29-2006, 02:25 AM
If I may add my 2 cents. Let me get this straight nbasribe, your worried about some CD being played at a website FOX radio doesn't know about, and yet your not worried about doing time for assault and making threat's to posters from this board? Just curious, hope you don't get upset with me.

05-29-2006, 02:42 AM
just for the record

Im still the only white dude that reads Moneys site!

05-29-2006, 02:45 AM
Mouse don't let this person keep you from going to any gtgs, If you like I can go with you, I have seen his photo and I would love to knock his ass out. I would hate for my first gtg to be like that but this man needs to be put in check asap.

Star Player
05-29-2006, 02:56 AM
I must say you should report this guy to his boss or something. Don't just sit back and do nothing. What I don't get, is how kori would let him go on with his threats .

05-29-2006, 03:03 AM
This is a special thread. Wow. Mouse is a special character.

Kori Ellis
05-29-2006, 03:44 AM
I'm all for good smack talk, but threats of lawsuits and ass kicking are ridiculous.

So let's all simmer down.

05-29-2006, 04:07 AM
Yes, we save threats of ass kicking for more important things.

05-29-2006, 09:24 AM
All I know, is the next mother fucker that comes up to me at a gtg, they better not act like everything is okay. :pctoss

05-29-2006, 10:44 AM
Hey, no more ass-kicking! :nope

Can't you tell the poor critter has had a bad day?


05-29-2006, 10:47 AM

I'm cool with this. You know I'm not going to do anything to damage the site or your rep. But you also know I'm not going to put up with Mouse's shit either. Very few people up here even know the real issues unless you have been at a gtg or been around when Mouse decides to take his little jokey jokes to far.

I can't stand someone who is two face. Mouse will insult me or my work product up here on a message board but he doesn't have the balls to do it in person. That's cowardice. I'm real no matter what. If I disagree with something; I'll stand by it 1000%.

So if Mouse wants to settle this little spat, he'll have to contact me directly. Like i said, everybody else who knows me knows how to get a hold of me and i'm pretty easy to get a hold of.

So here's the deal: Mouse you want to end the squabbling, find me. I'm not going to go through a zillion aliases on a site to find you. Don't have time for that. Your call. As far as this topic between me and Mouse, I'm through with it.

One more thing. For everyone else who 'thinks' I'm employed by Fox; it's called freelance. I haven't worked for a boss since I was 17. I own my own business in the media world. So if you need to talk to the boss...you're talking to him.

05-29-2006, 10:49 AM
You guys are really serious about this?

I thought you had to be joking.

05-29-2006, 11:30 AM
What the.....?

I hope this is blown out of proportion since I've seen smack being talked amongst other posters and they still show up at the GTG's and get along.

I still go to them.

Victor Newman
05-29-2006, 11:57 AM
What the.....?

I hope this is blown out of proportion since I've seen smack being talked amongst other posters and they still show up at the GTG's and get along.

I still go to them.

Show us a post where someone said they would do something to you when they see you at a gtg and I will take you serious.

05-29-2006, 12:01 PM
Show us a post where someone said they would do something to you when they see you at a gtg and I will take you serious.

You have a very valid point.

05-29-2006, 12:10 PM
This pic is fitting for this moment in time.


05-29-2006, 12:43 PM

I'm cool with this. You know I'm not going to do anything to damage the site or your rep.

That is another lie. In case you haven't noticed? This is page 5 of your bullshit. If you was so worried about Kori and her web site you would have never hijacked this topic in the first place and made your numerous threats.

But you also know I'm not going to put up with Mouse's shit either.

So what your saying your going to keep up your antics? I am not going to change the way I post my thoughts. Why should I change my ways for you? Who do you think you are to try and make people do as you say?

Very few people up here even know the real issues unless you have been at a gtg or been around when Mouse decides to take his little jokey jokes to far.

I think everyone knows more than you give them credit for. What is there to know? Your just a bitter old man who needs to stop using bad phone calls as a reason for you not making it big in radio/Tv

I can't stand someone who is two face.

Well then you must not like half the folks in radio. Why not tell JT the brick he is a two face? He said he would never root for the Spurs and that he is a laker fan to the bone. Are you saying in your whole time at Koris website everyone has done what they said? I am this special person how broke your heart? Stop making excuses for your bitterness and hate you have for others and why not just stay off the PC if your so sensitive?

Mouse will insult me or my work product up here on a message board but he doesn't have the balls to do it in person.

Pot meet kettle!
You act like your some sort of saint.

And what if I do tell you to your face? Your going to do what? Assault another poster from a message board? That must be something to tell your cell mate in prison when he is there for attempted murder for a better reason than something he read at a spurs site. You have already shown everyone your evil dark side my man.

I also told Sequ spur his daddy was a munchskin, I told Tpark his father was fat bastard, I told Keda he was a KKK supporter, I have told Kori, LJ ,Dio, CrazyOne ,all kinds of crap. They don't seem to waiting at Koris with a tire iron in their hands, I even told Johnny Blaze he was a jap. And to have my shirts ready on time . You seem to laugh a few times. When you walked in at Koris GTG I said Hide the watermelon. Who knew out of all the posters on this board you would pull out the drama queen card and act like your feelings where hurt? Maybe your mental state is the real reason no major sports TV/radio will give you a contract.

That's cowardice. I'm real no matter what. If I disagree with something; I'll stand by it 1000%.

Good for you! I always Knew you was special.
Dude so far you haven't proved shit you have said in the last five pages.
How about playing this top secret CD you have tucked under your pillow for Kori for starters? I think the black helicopters are done circling your trailer by now.

So if Mouse wants to settle this little spat,

Spat? This was a topic I though I had the freedom to make about Jason Thompson? Show me where I mentioned your name?

he'll have to contact me directly. Like i said, everybody else who knows me knows how to get a hold of me and I'm pretty easy to get a hold of.

Oh I can't wait! I have nothing better to do than to meet some angry black man who wants to body slam my ass. Dude you need help. Get it asap, and I hope it's not to late,

So here's the deal: Mouse you want to end the squabbling, find me. I'm not going to go through a zillion aliases on a site to find you. Don't have time for that. Your call. As far as this topic between me and Mouse, I'm through with it.

I got news for you brah, I have yet to start smack talking. I have just sat back and let others see you for what you are, you shove this incredible resume down our throats and go on about how I wish i had 2% of your education and talent yet you make all kinds of meaningless threats like some Jr high school drop out. I will not let you or anyone else tell me how to post or what to say, You ether edit my comments or ban me but I refuse to say what I think others want to hear so they will like me. You really think 1/2 those folks ass you kiss on a daily basis don't know what your doing?

Out of all the folks at Fox and here at the ticket and at this website you found just one person you can't stand? Who is bull shitting now?

One more thing. For everyone else who 'thinks' I'm employed by Fox; it's called freelance. I haven't worked for a boss since I was 17.

With your attitude? I can see why you would never last working for anyone with your short fuse and closed mind.

I own my own business in the media world. So if you need to talk to the boss...you're Talking to him.

If that is true? Then you shouldn't need some cheesy CD after all.

Good luck LJ and Kori with your web site you have some real nice people posting here

Old School Chic
05-29-2006, 12:54 PM
I'm all for good smack talk, but threats of lawsuits and ass kicking are ridiculous.

So let's all simmer down.

Listen to the Queen of Spurstalk :princess


All we are saying... is Give Peace a Chance

05-29-2006, 01:11 PM

Why don't you just do what I was asked? I'm giving you a face to face. And let's be real. Who kissing who's ass? How many quotes you want to put in bold up here.

Why in the world would I need a phone call coming from folk I know asking me why I just pummeled an idiot? Get real dude.

But this does show a pattern. You wanted to meet me face to face. What I gotta do, send the paddy wagon to the trailer and have u picked up?

You are the least of my issues in life. Between running a business and starting up a new venture on the Eastside, why would I want to waste my time on you?

Dude I don't need help. I'm perfectly sane. But like I told you, you pick a fight with what I do for a living and try to trash it publicly, you're in for an ass whooping. Lest us not all forget your post that started much of this between you and I:
I know G mo for many years If I thought he was going to run to the Black panthers everytime I dog his website ? I would................. still dog his website :lmao

The point is there is a double standard when it comes to Black people, And I will not hesitate for one minute to not bring it out everytime I see it taking place.

When G Mo was on KTSA pimping his website I called in to respond but he was off the air by that time. Chris Duel was going to set something up for us both to be on the radio at the same time. I am not sure if the Program Director pulled the plug, or Chris Duel is just waiting for sweeps week.

but when that day comes? G mo better bring Buckwheat and all hs NCAA friends cuz I won't hold back next time................

Remember that post mouse? You think anyone wouldn't take a Buckwheat offense lightly when you say there's a double standard? I'm more than happy to show you a true double standard politically in this country.

05-30-2006, 09:00 AM
DAMN IT!!! I go back to Mexico for a few days to buy tequila and Fritos and i miss all the PINCHE fun!! You pendejos have only one way to settle dis chit.


Come On putos... we need entertainments!!

05-30-2006, 09:36 AM
just for the record

Im still the only white dude that reads Moneys site!

for the record...no you're not. :)

05-30-2006, 09:59 AM
Bottom line: Mouse was correct in his original post. No one can deny that... San Antonio probably has the worse radio in the NBA. And it's not a trivial problem, either: we won't be considered a big market as long as we have "Experts" who sound worse than the callers.

G Mo: you cannot defend yourself, because you're the one who came here and started talking shit without any apparent provocation.

You got a problem with mouse? Take it over PM, or accept the fact you look like a loser. A bigger loser than mouse... damn, that's sad.

06-19-2006, 11:16 PM

06-20-2006, 02:42 AM
Is that all you got? How sad , it took Radio talent in Dallas to give me props for at least posting something legit. You would think the asshats in this city would be tossing my salad just to keep me posting and calling the radio.

I will call the Ticket in Dallas by Friday and give them my views on Jason Tree hugger Thompson.

What pot? Your flippin kitchen burnt down already and they can smell cooked ass all they way up in Dallas...................:lmao


heats getting hot and it might be time to exit the kitchen.... i think dirk already did but not before kicking some pans over and wrestling with the fridge.

Kori Ellis
06-20-2006, 02:46 AM
As I said earlier in this thread this started out as some funny smack talk, but got really bad. When Greg Moore started throwing around ass kicking and attorney threats, it was just way out of line.

Now Mouse doesn't post here anymore (hopefully just temporarily) and it sucks.

It's really disappointing.