View Full Version : As A Dallas Maverick Fan I want to say this.....

10-12-2004, 01:11 AM
I may regret saying this but I have to say The Spurs fan is a unique fan and someone who stands out as a Sports fan,

Yes, I know there are Fire Pop when the Spurs lose and there are Gas Up the River Boats when they win. But that's every where. after all I just saw Brett farve Get booed tonight on Monday night foot ball in front of his home town, I always figured the Greenbay packer fan to be the mold which real fans are molded from, and for them to Boo Brett farve? Made me wonder I may have been to harsh on Spurs fans who want better. you call them BAMA but I call them concerned Spurs fans So what I want to say is I hope anyone I may have offended in the past? That they let mouse start the new season fresh and new, after all I will call STSA and tell them like I will tell you.

Good luck San Antonio I hope to see you in the semi finals. I hope Tim Duncan stay healthy and that The Coyote someday put on the Spurs Coyote mascot costume once again. But I must also tell you that this year is not your year, and The Wolves and Kings want a Ring, So does the Mighty Mighty Dallas Mavericks. So it wont be easy, In fact dam near Impossible, So with that said? If at any time you need mouse's MO-Jo? feel free to ask, I have a special place in my heart for the San Antonio Spurs fans, And I wish you well Good Luck



10-12-2004, 01:14 AM
You can't use Fudge Packer fans as an accurate barometer, Mouse...unlike the rest of us, they actually DO own the team.

10-12-2004, 01:19 AM
This is called Comedy writing at it's best. Fast response. Funny Punch line and Original material. San Antonio don't know how good they have it, having a well known Comic post at there website. ASF is OK alsohttp://www.sahoops.net/smilies/lmao.gif

wassss sup Dawg? how late you be up tonight? I have some questions...


10-12-2004, 01:23 AM
Well that and Green Bay has won championships. :p

10-12-2004, 02:06 AM
Green Bay? Are you drinking with Peter? The Spurs are 4th best in the west as best, It's time to re build. Tim Is Gone after this season.

10-12-2004, 02:45 AM
mouse... what drove u to stop being a spurs fan? was it the team or the fans??

If its the team i understand, but if its the fans, i dont, I mean, fans are fans, spurs fans scream fire pop after a loss, while mavs fans scream fire nellie

10-12-2004, 07:25 AM
A saying from a Dallas Mavericks fan is like the call of a Spotted Owl, close to extinction.

10-12-2004, 07:43 AM
Save the spotted Owl! Re-open the KMarts!

(Rather obscure reference, but somebody here will catch it, I'm sure.. )

10-12-2004, 08:29 AM
Oh Mouse Please 4th best team in the West. Please tell me who the top 3 are. It is certainly not the Mavs or the Kings. The only team you can make a case about are the Wolves but the Spurs are arguably better than the Wolves. With Spree and Cassel getting older you don't know how they will hold up. There are 13 potential teams that can make the playoffs in the West and the only thing that is a lock of making it are the Spurs if they play well. Even the Mavs might not even make it to the playoffs this season and I am not being sarcastic I am telling you the truth. I see the Nuggets being a better team than the Mavs. With so much competition in the West don't be surprised if the Mavs don't make the postseason.

Solid D
10-12-2004, 08:59 AM

Less beer, more workouts. Time to start sculpting that caboose, Mouse, for the season.

10-12-2004, 09:06 AM
it's okay mouse.....we know the pain you're going through.....we'll call on that mojo vs. detroit....be ready.


10-12-2004, 09:07 AM
Thank. you mouse that were? a very nice post good,
luck to you're Mavs also?

10-12-2004, 11:34 AM
OK, I live in DFW, and my girlfriend works for ABC Radio. They broadcast all the Mavs games up here, and of course I get stuck going to all these Mavs related events, mainly because I like free food. Last Saturday, I had to suffer through three hours watching the UT-OU game on a 4" TV while at something called the Mavs Fan Jam at TCU's basketball arena. The guy sitting next to me was wearing a Josh Howard #5 jersey and screamed at the top of his fucking lungs almost the whole time, and especially every time Cuban took the mike. His wife (or girlfriend, or whatever the 200 lb equivalent is) was wearing one of those hideous silver/grey Dirk Nowitski jerseys. I ask the guy if he was excited about Jason Terry coming aboard. His response - "Who's that?"

About twenty minutes later I went to get a Diet Coke and overheard two fans in front of me talking about the departed Steve Nash. Fan #1 - "At least we got Avery Johnson to replace him." Fan #2- "Yeah, him and that kid from Russia." Uhh, I say, excuse me, but AJ was brought in to help coach and be the third point, and Pavel is that really tall Russkie. You know, the other tall skinny white guy that isn't Shawn Bradley. Marquis Daniels is the point guard this year. Fan #2- "Who's that?" By the way, we were AT A FUCKING SCRIMMAGE!

Back to the game. I asked the guy next to me if that was a Juwan Howard jersey or a Josh Howard jersey, since Juwan wore the same number during his time here. He said it was a Josh Howard jersey, and he's had it for at least three years. Uhh, Josh was a rookie last year, I said. Wife - "Why do you care? Look, I got Dan Dickau's autograph!" Oh boy.

Seriously, probably the coolest (and easily most scripted) part of the scrimmage was when they announced a tie, and Bradley and Mike Finley picked women out of the stands to break the tie on free throws. Dirk (who shot the ball at least thirty times for his team) hit a three to tie it up and then they stopped the contest. Bradley picked about the most unathletic princess looking woman he could, and she canned her FT. Finley's pick then made hers. The place went nuts. So Finley and Bradley got two more contestants. The heifer two seats to my left was going crazy, screaming and jumping. This time both of the people missed, and it ended with a tie. Then a bunch of players started throwing their shoes into the crowd, and the before mentioned heifer actually caught one, from Jerry Stackhouse. Husband then asked me, "Who's that?"

I'm not dogging Mavs fans, well, not too much. The people sitting behind me even thanked me for letting them watch the OU game over my shoulder. But it doesn't help the guys up here having such a revolving door every year, trying to bring in some new solution all the freaking time.

10-12-2004, 12:11 PM
Mavs fans are very stubborn and think that every year is their year. When really they might not even make the playoffs this year.

T Park
10-12-2004, 12:24 PM

excellent post.

Mav fans are easily the rudest, and dumbest fans Ive encountered at the SBC Center.

They break out there Irk jerseys and think they are hardcore cause they paint a horse or a star, or GASP a combination.

BTW, the best fans in Sports are St Louis Cardinals fans.

They clap and apreciate the OPPOSING team's plays, they never boo players, their own, or the opposing.


10-12-2004, 03:33 PM
As a whole, you really can't blame Mavs fans for being the way that they are. This franchise was the laughingstock of the NBA for a long time. Remember Jim Jackson, Jason Kidd, and the Toni Braxton debacle? Dennis Rodman sleeping in Mark Cuban's guesthouse? Trading Jamal Mashburn for Kurt Thomas, Sasha Danilovic, Martin Muuresepp, and two pair of used sneakers? Popeye Jones being the first option on offense?

Jesus, I almost feel bad for them. Almost. Now that they're worth a damn, the Cowboys went to the playoffs and the Rangers all of a sudden are worth a shit again. They're a bandwagon team in a bandwagon town.

10-12-2004, 03:40 PM
he Toni Braxton debacle

What happened?

10-12-2004, 04:10 PM
Toni was dating JJ, then JKidd stole her away.

Or vice versa.

Or something like that.

10-12-2004, 04:13 PM
I though Jamal Mashburn dated her first, then JKidd was dating her and then Jim Jackson stole her away.

Something like that.

10-12-2004, 04:20 PM
Uhh, let me see if I remember this correctly.

By the way, all three of them deny this entire situation. Kidd and Jackson were sharing a limo in New York City while Kidd and Toni were dating, or sleeping together, or whatever. Jackson found out that Kidd was supposed to pick her up that evening. Jackson then took the limo, ditched Kidd at wherever they were, and picked Toni up and went to a club. They never sat down and sorted it out, and Kidd stopped passing Jackson the ball. The coach (Jim Cleamons?) told Kidd to pass to Jackson, and he balked. Mavs tanked the rest of the season. He demanded a trade, and got shipped off to Phoenix.

10-12-2004, 04:22 PM
Wow! All this over Toni Braxton? I never thought she was remotely good looking.

10-12-2004, 04:23 PM
OK, I live in DFW, and my girlfriend works for ABC Radio. They broadcast all the Mavs games up here, and of course I get stuck going to all these Mavs related events, mainly because I like free food. Last Saturday, I had to suffer through three hours watching the UT-OU game on a 4" TV while at something called the Mavs Fan Jam at TCU's basketball arena. The guy sitting next to me was wearing a Josh Howard #5 jersey and screamed at the top of his fucking lungs almost the whole time, and especially every time Cuban took the mike. His wife (or girlfriend, or whatever the 200 lb equivalent is) was wearing one of those hideous silver/grey Dirk Nowitski jerseys. I ask the guy if he was excited about Jason Terry coming aboard. His response - "Who's that?"

About twenty minutes later I went to get a Diet Coke and overheard two fans in front of me talking about the departed Steve Nash. Fan #1 - "At least we got Avery Johnson to replace him." Fan #2- "Yeah, him and that kid from Russia." Uhh, I say, excuse me, but AJ was brought in to help coach and be the third point, and Pavel is that really tall Russkie. You know, the other tall skinny white guy that isn't Shawn Bradley. Marquis Daniels is the point guard this year. Fan #2- "Who's that?" By the way, we were AT A FUCKING SCRIMMAGE!

Back to the game. I asked the guy next to me if that was a Juwan Howard jersey or a Josh Howard jersey, since Juwan wore the same number during his time here. He said it was a Josh Howard jersey, and he's had it for at least three years. Uhh, Josh was a rookie last year, I said. Wife - "Why do you care? Look, I got Dan Dickau's autograph!" Oh boy.

Seriously, probably the coolest (and easily most scripted) part of the scrimmage was when they announced a tie, and Bradley and Mike Finley picked women out of the stands to break the tie on free throws. Dirk (who shot the ball at least thirty times for his team) hit a three to tie it up and then they stopped the contest. Bradley picked about the most unathletic princess looking woman he could, and she canned her FT. Finley's pick then made hers. The place went nuts. So Finley and Bradley got two more contestants. The heifer two seats to my left was going crazy, screaming and jumping. This time both of the people missed, and it ended with a tie. Then a bunch of players started throwing their shoes into the crowd, and the before mentioned heifer actually caught one, from Jerry Stackhouse. Husband then asked me, "Who's that?"

I'm not dogging Mavs fans, well, not too much. The people sitting behind me even thanked me for letting them watch the OU game over my shoulder. But it doesn't help the guys up here having such a revolving door every year, trying to bring in some new solution all the freaking time.

By the way, this is classic.


10-12-2004, 04:35 PM
I will remember to post from every one of those stupid events I have to attend from now on, then. They're all equally idiotic. By the way, I guess Phoenix was onto something when they started using their airport abbreviation last year.
